X. Find the sentences incorporating Participle II, define the functions of these Participles, render the sentences into Russian. 

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X. Find the sentences incorporating Participle II, define the functions of these Participles, render the sentences into Russian.

XI. Substitute English words for Russian ones:

The small intestine делится into the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. It is here that most of the процессы of пищеварения and absorption of food имеют место (происходят). The поверхность area of the inside of the small intestine увеличивается by the presence of пальце-подобных projections называемых villi. glands in the mucous слой of the intestine secrete digestive ферменты and mucus.


XII. While listening to the text fill in the gaps with the proper words:


Oxygenated blood is _________ in the hepatic _______. The blood leaves the liver _____ a central _______ in each lobule, which _________ into the hepatic vein. The liver has a number of _________ functions. It synthesizes _______, which drains into the gall bladder before being ________ into the duodenum. The liver is an important site of _________ of carbohydrates, proteins and ______. It regulates the amount of blood sugar, _________ excess glucose to __________. It ________ excess amino acids by ________ them down into ammonia and finally ______. The liver _______ and metabolizes fats. The liver also synthesizes fibrinogen and ___________ and heparin, an ____________. It forms red blood ________ in the fetus and is the site of production of plasma _______. Detoxification of poisonous substances also _______ ______ in the liver.


XIII. Render from Russian into English:

Слизистая оболочка кишечника – наиболее важная функциональная часть тонкой кишки. Она покрыта пальцевидными выпячиваниями – ворсинками, которые обеспечивают всасывание продуктов пищеварения. В стенке тонкой кишки имеется большое количество желез, выделяющих кишечный сок. Ворсинки помогают всасывать переваренную пищу. Толстая кишка имеет в длину в среднем 150 см. Ее стенка состоит из 3 слоев. Кишечник выполняет 2 основные функции: пищеварение и движение. По современным данным двенадцатиперстная кишка является гормональным центром пищеварения. Ученые считают, что воздействие на ее слизистую оболочку соляной кислоты, желчи и других пищевых веществ помогает выработке ряда гормонов. Тонкая кишка выполняет пищеварительную функцию, а толстая – двигательную.



Human Musculoskeletal System.


Part I

I. Essential words to know:

1. ability[ә′bility]- (n.)способность

2. support[sә′pɔ:t]- (n.)поддержка, опора

(v.)поддерживать, помогать, подпирать

3. to compose[kәm′pәus]- (v.)составлять

N.B. in Passive Voice (to be composed of) - состоять из;

composition[ˌkәmpә′zi∫әn]- состав(химический)

4.to serve as- служить в качестве

5.to allow[ә′lau]- 1)позволять, разрешать 2)делать возможным

6. main[mein]- (a.)главный, основной

mainly- главным образом, в основном

7.primary[′praimәri]- (a.) первоначально, первичный, основной, главный

8.motion[′mɔu∫әn]- (n.) 1) движение 2)действие(кишечника)

9.to attach[ә′tæt∫]- (v.) прикрепить, присоединять

10.joint[dʒɔint]- (n.)анат. сустав (a.)объединённый, совместный

11.rub[rΛb]- (v.)тереть, втирать


II. Form adverbs, using suffix –ly; render these adverbs into Russian:


primary; joint; breathless; residual; complete; motionless


III. Read and translate one-rooted words:

· to join; joined; joint; jointly

· support; to support; supported; supportive

· to attach; attached; attachment

· motion; motional; motionless; motionlessly

· to compose; composing; composed; composition; to be composed of

IV. Match the words close in meaning:

· motion; to allow; to attach; main; to compose; to serve

· chief; to do work for; to permit; the process of moving; to create;

to connect

V. Read and translate word-combinations incorporating new words:

· in support of smth.(smb.); to be supported by a large majority;

to require extra support; financial(moral)support; to provide support

· in motion; a film is shown in slow motion; to allow motion;

with a motion of one’s hand; to put(set)smth. in motion

· to put a bone into joint again; joint committee(conference); to take

joint actions; joint authors; to be connected by joints

· a matter of primary importance; primary needs; primary school;

primary tuberculosis; primary colors; primary functions; at the primary

level; primary medical care

· a man of great musical ability; to show(to demonstrate)ability; little

abilities; to have great abilities for physics; to give humans the ability

to move

· to attach a cheque to the order form; the bone attached at the joint;

with a special attachment for smth;

· main chance; in the main; to serve as the main storage system;

drug-store situated in the main street

· to rub itchy(зудящий) skin; to rub hands(together) to warm them;

to rub against smth; to rub the ointment(мазь)in well;

to rub salt into someone’s wound(рана);

to prevent from rubbing


VI. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:


rub; primary; allowed; joint; composed; supposed; to serve; composition; motion    



1. I always get … sickness when I sit in the back of a car.

2. Smoking is not … in medical institutions.

3. Water is … of hydrogen and oxygen.

4. Red, yellow and blue are … colors.

5. We are not allowed … alcohol in student’s canteen.

6. The results of investigation … his original theory.

7. New scientific instruments for analyzing the chemical … of

substances were supplied for our laboratory.

8. Spray this medicine onto the sore place and … it well in with

a hand.

9. … is a connection between two bones.


!Запомните правило:

В английском языке суффикс -(i)ty является суффиксом существительного. В большинстве случаев английские существительные с этим суффиксом переводятся на русский язык существительными с суффиксом - ость

e.g. activity[æk΄tiviti]-активность



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