Fill in the missing prepositions. If necessary, consult the text. 

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Fill in the missing prepositions. If necessary, consult the text.


1. Turnkey construction is the type ___ assistance ___ building different facilities.

2. In this case the employer engages the contractor ___ design, manufacture, test, deliver, install, complete and commission a certain project and the contractor undertakes full responsibility ___ the project construction and commissioning.

3. As a rule, the contractor’s highly qualified specialists are made responsible ___ doing part ___ full construction works, carrying out installation, start up and adjustment operations.

4. ___ the construction is completed the precommissioning starts, that is testing, checking and meeting other requirements, which are specified ___ the technical handbooks.

5. The contractor begins the commissioning immediately ___ the engineer does the issue ___ the Completion Certificate.

6. The contractor carries out the guarantee test ___ the commissioning to make sure that the project will rich the designed performance.

7. Operational acceptance ___ the project takes place when the guarantee test has been successfully completed and the guarantees met.

8. Turnkey contracts are always long-term undertakings involving several parties, ___ them foreign and local subcontractors.


21. Read and memorize the information below:


1. Turnkey Construction Contract. A construction contract in which the price is fixed at the time the contract is signed. As a result, the construction company is held responsible for exceeding the budget. Turnkey construction contracts reduce the risk to the buyer of the construction services and provide an incentive for the company to stay within budget.


from: The free Dictionary of Farlex



2. The full turnkey construction contract also referred to as "EPC" (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) offers full guarantee of efficiency in the implementation of the project with minimal intervention on the investor’s side. Responsibility is centralized in De Smet Engineers & Contractors' hands and do not expose investors to risk inherent to contracts with equipment suppliers and site services providers.

The EPC contract guarantees compensation for delays in project completion and also assumes full responsibility for overall project cost and performances as defined in the Contract. The single point of control over for the total plant design and project management provided by the EPC contract greatly favours the homogeneity of the plant concept as well as of equipment and materials in general.





22. Give written translation of the information below:


Классификация строительных материалов по функциональному назначению:

§ Конструкционные материалы - воспринимают и передают нагрузки в строительных конструкциях.

§ теплоизоляционные материалы - защищают здания и его конструкции от нежелательного теплового обмена с окружающей средой и уменьшают тепловые потери.

§ звукоизоляционные материалы - основная задача их заключается в снижении уровней внешних шумов до допустимого при относительном режиме тишины и создании звукового комфорта в помещениях зданий.

§ гидроизоляционные материалы - предназначены для защиты строительных конструкций зданий и сооружений от вредного воздействия воды и химически агрессивных жидкостей (кислот, щелочей и пр.).

§ герметизирующие материалы - предназначены для герметизации и уплотнения стыковочных швов строительных конструкций как снаружи, так и внутри помещений.

§ отделочные материалы - это материалы и изделия, повышающие эксплуатационные и декоративные качества зданий и сооружений, а также для защиты строительных конструкций от атмосферных и других воздействий.

§ кровельные материалы - это материалы, предназначенные для устройства верхнего ограждения (кровли) зданий и сооружений, непосредственно подвергающегося атмосферным воздействиям.

§ материалы общего назначения - это материалы, которые используются и как строительный материал, и как сырье для изготовления других строительных материалов и изделий. К ним можно отнести бетон, цемент, строительные растворы, лесоматериалы, всевозможные заполнители и другие.


from: Строительные материалы // http://


23. Read and summarize the information below:


Plastics are man-made materials that can be shaped into any form. They are one of the most useful materials ever created. Engineers have developed plastics that are as rigid as steel or as soft as cotton. They can make plastics that are any color of the rainbow - or as clear and colorless as crystal.

Plastics can be rubbery or rigid, and they can be shaped into an endless variety of objects. Plastic products often have a useful life of many years. But why are the chemists so enthusiastic about plastics? Plastics are rapidly becoming important synthetic materials because of their great variety, strength, durability and lightness.

A synthetic product must necessarily be both better and cheaper in order to justify its manufacture. This is essentially true of the various plastics when compared to the material they are to replace. Since plastics combine all the fine characteristics of a building material together with good insulating properties, and are fireproof as well, it is no wonder that the architects and engineers have turned to them to add color and attractiveness to modern homes and offices.

Engineers have created hundreds of different plastics, 6 each with its own properties. They have developed plastics that can replace metals, natural fibers, paper, wood and stone, and glass and ceramics. For example, plastic siding does not dent as easily as that made of aluminum. Plastic pipes are lightweight and easy to cut and join. Moreover, they do not corrode like metal pipes. Plastic wall tiles, bathtubs, and sinks are less fragile, cheaper and easier to install than ceramic ones. Plastics are also used to make insulating foam that blocks the flow of heat and sound.

Foamed plastics have very low compressive and tensile strength. They can be used between two layers of a hard surface material, such as a metal or plywood, to create a laminated sandwich panel with high stiffness. Laminated panels are used as floors, partitions and exterior walls in building. Nowadays, builders are using plastics in almost any part of a building from the foundation to the final coat of paint.


24. Read the Text 6 from the SUPPLEMENTARY READING to learn about Five Turnkey Construction Basics.



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