You have an example of a receipt on the left. What right will you have if you keep it? 

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You have an example of a receipt on the left. What right will you have if you keep it?

c) Don't be afraid to complain. You are not asking a favour to have faulty goods put right. The law is on your side.

d) Be persistent (but not aggressive). If your complaint is justified, it is somebody's responsibility to put things right.



Task 2. Look at the four steps (a-d) for dealing with a complaint. Put them in the most logical order.

a) Apologize for the situation.

b) Find out exactly what is wrong.

c) Promise action as soon as possible.

d) Show that you understand the problem.


1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______


Task 3. Read the dialogues. Which one is a complaint about:

a) a room that hasn't been cleaned?

b) mistakes on a bill?

c) other guests in a hotel?



A.: So, what is the problem, exactly?

B.: Well, they're just very rude, and very noisy. And they stay up very late, drinking and playing music.

A.: I quite understand. And you can't get to sleep.

B.: That's right. It's spoiling our holiday.

A.: I'm very sorry about this.

B.: So are we.

A.: OK, I'll speak to them today and ask them to be quieter.

B.: Thank you.



A.: And how can I help?

B.: I'm not happy about my room.

A.: What seems to be the problem?

B.: Well, the room's a complete mess. No one has cleaned it.

A.: Right, I see. I must apologize for the inconvenience.

B.: OK, but what are you going to do about it? I'll send someone to clean it right away.

B.: Good. Thank you.



A.: Good morning, sir. Is there a problem?

B.: Yes, there are some mistakes on my bill. A Can you tell me what's wrong, exactly?

B.: Yes, you've charged me for drinks from the minibar which I didn't have. And I only made one telephone call to Sweden, not three.

A.: Can I have a look?... Yes, I see the problem. It's our mistake.

B.: Yes, I think so.

A.: I'm very sorry about this. I'll get you a new bill right away.

B.: Thank you.


Task 4. In each dialogue, underline the phrases that A uses to:

a) find out what's wrong

b) show he/she understands the problem

c) apologize

d) promise action


Task 5. Make your dialogues with complaints using the situations and phrases below.


1. Computer, £200 Very reliable

It doesn't work Have you dropped it?

Very careful Very good made


2. Car, £18,000 Beautiful model

Terrible noise Don't understand

in 4th gear


3. Dress (Jacket), £45 Receipt?

Hole under arm Don't understand, carefully checked

Refund? No refund, but will repair

Only prepared to accept

a refund or replacement

but not a repair


4. Holiday in Turkey,?550 Should have phoned from Turkey

Hotel was awful Should have complained to representative

Had to share a room!

Return flight was

23 hours late £50 off next year's holiday?

Want? 50 now!

UNIT 7. Contract.

Basic information about contracts.


to conclude (make, perform)

a contract – заключать контракт

to draw up a contract – оформлять к.

to negotiate a contract – вести переговоры по к.

to complete (execute) a contract – исполнять к.

to break (violate) a contract – нарушать договор

to supply against a contract – поставлять по к.

freight – фрахт (судна и т.п.) – плата владельцу транспортных средств за перевозку товара

warranty – гарантия

invoice – счет-фактура


Task 1. Read and translate.

Contract is a formal written agreement, having the force of law, between two or more people or groups. There are different types of contracts in different spheres of business activities: banking contract, loan contract, employment contract, freight contract, insurance contract, purchase-sale contract, rent contract and etc.

Usually any contract is concluded between two organizations, called “the Parties”. If the parties draw up the purchase-sale contract, they become “the Buyer” and “the Seller”. If they deal with the loan contract, the same organizations turn into “the Borrower” and “the Lender”.

After negotiations the parties make a draft contract (see Appendix 6), which has several basic parts:

1. the subject of the contract

2. Price and payment (Price and total amount of the contract / Terms of payment)

3. Terms of delivery

4. Warranties

5. Force Majeure

6. Arbitration (Governing law)

7. Other conditions

8. Addresses of the parties

Task 2. Study the contract in Appendix 6 and answer the questions:

1. What is the type of the contract?

2. What is the subject of the contract?

3. What are the warranties of the deal?

4. What do we call Force Majeure?

5. Where does the Seller undertake to ship the Goods?

6. Will the parties pay any money if the Contract is terminated?


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