Task 5. Look at the information below and role play the situations. 

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Task 5. Look at the information below and role play the situations.


1. You want to change US$150 into euros.

2. You want to settle your hotel bill and pay by Euro-cheques.

3. You want the bill and a receipt. You only have a?50 note.

4. You've just booked a holiday. You have two credit cards, Visa and Amex.

5. You've just seen the car of your dreams. You have only?2.000

Person serving

1. The exchange rate for US$ is 0.87. The commission is 3% for amounts up to?200.

2. The bill is?490.00. You only take cash or credit cards.

3. The bill is?19.00.

4. The total price is?2,500. You need a 20% deposit. You take Visa and Mastercard, but not Amex.

5. The firm wants?15.000.

Buying souvenirs.

Task 1. Correct the false statements.

- I am afraid it is wrong - I believe, it is not so - I don’t agree - May I make an objection - I don’t think it is right - I would like to object - It is all wrong


1. People never pay money when they buy things.

2. When you want to buy a thing you never ask the price of it.

3. People don't like to buy anything at reduced prices.

4. When things rise in price they become cheaper.

5. When prices a lowered things become more expensive.

6. When someone makes a profitable purchase you say "You got a bad bargain there!"

7. When someone pays too much for a thing which isn't worth it you say "You got a good discount there!"

Task 2. Look at the examples, add your variants and tell about the souvenirs that can be bought in your town.

Some souvenirs “From Russia with love”
Russian dolls Balalaika Samovar Bast shoes Different things with Lenin’s image (badges, T-shirts etc.) Babushka (a head scarf tied under the chin, worn by Russian peasant women) ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................

Task 3. Help a foreign businessman to do his shopping in St. Petersburg.

- Mr/ Miss I am leaving tomorrow. Time has gone very quickly. I need to think of gifts to my relatives and friends. Could you advise me something?

- (Поинтересуйтесь, на какую сумму он рассчитывает).

- Well, I’d like to by something at reduced price. I’m sure 500? for souvenirs will be enough.

- (Предупредите, что он хочет платить наличными, то ему придется их обменять)

- Where can we exchange them?

- (Предложите гостю отправиться в банк, где обменный курс выше).

- O.K. Where shall we go after that?

- (Скажите, что выгодную покупку можно совершить только в большом торговом центре).

- I saw a very good shopping center not far from here. Should we go there?

- (Покажите, что находите его предложение приемлемым и одновременно узнайте, что хочет приобрести ваш гость)

- I have heard so much about Russia. And I'd like to buy a large metal container which is used to boil water for making tea. And of course I should not forget about my relatives and friends.

- (Расскажите гостю, как называется то, что он хотел купить для себя и предложите различные сувениры для его жены и друзей. Объясните иностранцу, для чего нужны все эти вещи).

Task 3. Split in two groups and debate on the following proverbs.

- Money makes the world go round.

- Money is the root of all evil.



complaint – жалоба

to complain – жаловаться

faulty – испорченный

to apologize – извиняться

to ask a favour – делать одолжение

refund – возмещать расходы (возмещение)

persistent – настойчивый

to spoil – испортить

to damage – повредить

to charge for – назначать цену



1. What do people usually complain about?

2. Have you ever complained about faulty goods or bad service? Tell about your experience.


Task 1. Read and translate.

Complaining about faulty goods or bad service is never easy. Most people don't like it. However, when you go shopping, it is important to know your rights.

There are four golden rules:

a) Examine the goods you buy at once. If they are faulty, tell the seller quickly.

b) Keep any receipts you are given. If you have to return something, the receipt will help to prove where and when you bought it. In this case you may ask to refund the cost of the faulty goods or bad services.


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