Task 2. Who usually says these things? Write W (Waiter (waitress)) or C (Customer). 

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Task 2. Who usually says these things? Write W (Waiter (waitress)) or C (Customer).

- Good evening, I have a reservation under the name...

- Hello, can I take your order?

- Do you have any vegetarian dishes?

- Can you bring me the menu, please?

- Enjoy your meal!

- I think there is a mistake with the bill.

- At what time do you open / close?

- Help yourself!

- I’ll have the same

- Can I see the menu please?

- What would you recommend?

- Would you like to order?

- Can I see the wine list please?

- What would you like for dessert?

- Did you enjoy the meal?

- I would like to speak to the manager please.

- I wish to complain (I would like to complain).

- Yes, of course. If you would like to follow me,

I will show you to your table.

- a dry wine for me, please.

Task 3. Make your dialogues using the phrases from task 2 and the menus from Appendix 3.

N.B. Finishing your meals it is necessary to praise the dishes you have tasted. Try to remember, that some dishes and beverages can be:

tasty – вкусный tasteless - безвкусный

well – cooked – хорошо приготовленный delicious – очень вкусный

superb – превосходный excellent – превосходный

fabulous – превосходный sweet – сладкий

refreshing – освежающий bitter – горький

Eating habits.


habit – обычай, привычка

goat – козел

towel – полотенце

chopsticks – палочки для еды

grain – зерно

bowl – чаша

to gulp – глотать

to sip – пить маленькими глотками


Task 1. Read and translate the text about eating habits in different countries.

“If during a meal you are offered the local delicacy,

it’s important to accept, even if it makes you sick just to look

at the goat’s eye on your plate”.

(Mark McCrum “Global guide to etiquette”)

England. The first thing to remember in an English restaurant is not to call the waiter “sir” to get his attention. You can say “Excuse me”, but never “Excuse me, sir”. One habit you may find strange is the cheese. In England they eat cheese after the dessert, usually with little biscuits. In other countries, they have cheese directly after the main course, and before the dessert, normally with bread.

If you go to an English pub, don’t sit down at a table and wait for the waiter or waitress. If you do that, you will wait all evening. In England you always go to the bar, order the drinks, and pay before you sit down. And if you are with other people, it is usual to pay for everybody’s drink, not just yours. Just say, “It’s my round.”

Japan and China. In Japan, before you eat, you will be offered a hot towel known as oshibori. You should use this to clean your hands, not your face or neck. And never blow your nose on it.

When you eat in a restaurant in Japan (China, Taiwan), you will probably be offered waribashi, or wooden chopsticks. You should eat everything with them, down to the last grain of rice in your bowl. For soup, take out the pieces of food one by one, then drink the remaining liquid from the bowl. The one exception is sushi, which may be eaten with your hands.

You can be surprised that the Chinese will make you to drink a lot. If you don’t want to follow “Ganbei!” with the single gulp, say “Suiyi!” (“As you like!”), which allows you to sip.

In Japan you should never fill your own glass; wait for your neighbour to offer, and when his is half empty, fill it in return.

(Adopted from www.oup.com/pdf/elt/products/bb-teachertools_listening_scripts.pdf


Task 2. Find some information about eating habits in other countries and present it to your group. Use the plan:

1. Present your report.

2. Act a dialogue to demonstrate the national eating habits.

3. Ask some comprehension questions.

4. Be ready to answer the students’ questions.

Restaurant business.


social intercourse – общение

to fulfill – выполнять

setting – обстановка

specialty – особенность (специальный ассортимент)

to maintain – поддерживать



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