Task 3. Complete the dialogues. 

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Task 3. Complete the dialogues.

1. A.: Excuse me, but I'm trying to find the Town Hall.


A.: Should I take a bus?


A.: Thank you very much indeed.



2. A.:_________________________________________________________________________________________

B.: First right, second left. You can't miss it.


B.: No, it's only a couple of hundred yards.


B.: It's a pleasure.


3. A.: Excuse me, am I going the right way to the Post Office?


A.: OK. Thanks a lot,


4. A.:_________________________________________________________________________________________

B.: Yes, walk down this road, take the first turning on the left. You can't miss it.


B.: About fifteen minutes if you walk quickly.


B.: Yes, there's a bus stop on the opposite side of the road.


B.: Not at all.

1. Hotel “Oktyabrskaya” 2. Hotel “Radisson SAS” 3. Hotel “Rus” 4. Anichkov Palace 5. Russian Museum 6. The Hermitage 7. Hotel Astoria 8. The Alexander Column 9. Peter and Paul Fortress 10. Hotel “Pushka Inn”
Task 4. Help foreign tourists to get to different places from Moscow station in St.Petersburg. The destinations are marked with numbers from 1 to 10. Make your dialogues.


UNIT 4. Meals out.



to serve meals (dishes) – готовить / подавать еду (блюда)

to serve visitors – обслуживать посетителей

meal – прием пищи, еда

beverage / drink - напиток

salmon – лосось, семга

trout - форель

starter – закуска

for the first course – в качестве первого блюда

for the main course – в качестве основного блюда

for dessert – на десерт


Task 1. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Arthur and his chief engineer, Don Anderson, went to a small town near Manchester last week. They went on business and they had to stay the night in a small hotel. They had to eat in the hotel, too.

Don: Can't we eat somewhere else, Arthur? Very few hotels like this serve good food.

Arthur: I know, but there isn't anywhere else in this town. Besides, the waiter's coming over for our order now.

Waiter: Good evening. Would you like to order now? I can recommend the roast beef. It's very good.

Arthur: No, I'm afraid I don't like roast beef. Let me see... What else have you got on your menu? You order first, Don.

Don: All right. Roast beef for me, please. But I don't want any potatoes. I'm trying to lose some weight.

Arthur: I think I'd like some fish. Yes, some salmon, please.

Waiter: Er... I'm afraid we haven't got any salmon this evening, sir. The roast beef's really very good indeed, sir.

Arthur: No. If I can't have any salmon, I'd like some trout.

Waiter: I'm terribly sorry, sir, but I'm afraid we... er...

Arthur: You mean you haven't got any trout, either!

Waiter: No, sir. I'm afraid not, sir. But our roast beef is much better!

Arthur: I'm sure it is, but I don't like roast beef. I'd still like...

Waiter: Try the roast beef, sir.

Arthur: Why? I don't like roast beef! I never eat roast beef! In fact, I hate roast beef!

Waiter: Well... I'm afraid we haven't got anything else, sir.



1. Why did Arthur and his chief engineer go to a small town near Manchester last week?

2. Where did they stay the night?

3. Where did they have to eat?

4. Were there many places in that town where good food was served?

5. What did the waiter recommend them?

6. Arthur asked roast beef, didn't he?

7. What was Don Anderson going to take?

8. Was there anything on the menu besides the roast beef?



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