Module 4. Technological focus 

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Module 4. Technological focus


Term Definition Usage
Advent (n) arrival or coming, esp. of sth which is awaited with the ~ of technology
Android (n) (in science fiction) a robot resembling a human being; bionic man or woman, cyborg, humanoid, mechanical man, robot; a mobile operating system developed by Google ~ personal assistant
Annihilate (v) destroy completely; extinguish annihilation (n), syn. abolish, destroy, eradicate, erase, exterminate, liquidate
Artificial intelligence (AI) study of the modelling of human mental functions by computer programs programming language of ~, ~ applications
Biometrics (n) study of biological data by means of statistical analysis biometric (adj): biometric security
Bionics (n) study of certain biological functions, esp. those relating to the brain, that are applicable to the development of electronic equipment bionic (adj): bionic methods
Botnet (n) a network of computers using distributed computing software; it can also refer to a collection of software agents, or robots, that run autonomously and automatically. ~ structure; to utilize the ~
Embed (v) fix or become fixed firmly and deeply in a surrounding solid mass embedded (adj): ~ system, ~ within smth, ~ deeply
Expert system a program containing everything that an 'expert' knows about a subject develop/apply/implement an ~
Exponential (adj) (of a function, curve, series, or equation) of, containing, or involving one or more numbers or quantities raised to an exponent; very rapid ~ growth/decay/increase; exponentially (adv)
Finite (adj) bounded in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent; limited or restricted in nature ~ number/resources; ant. infinite
Flops (n) floating-point operations per second: used as a measure of computer processing power (in combination with a prefix) giga~, tera~, peta~, exa~, luma~; measure in ~
Forefront (n) the extreme front; the position of most prominence, responsibility, or action on/at the ~ of
Futuristic (adj) likely to be current or fashionable at some future time; ultramodern ~ technology/design/ scenario; futurology (n), futurologist (n)
Handle (v) have power or control over; manage successfully; deal with sth or treat sth in a specified way ~ ambiguity/situation; syn. control, direct, operate, steer, use, administer, conduct, cope with, deal with, manage, supervise
Hologram (n) a photographic record produced by illuminating the object with coherent light (as from a laser) and, without using lenses holographic (adj): ~ image/ memory/display
Instant (adj) a very brief time; a particular moment or point in time instantaneous (adj): ~ rate/ growth/reaction; instance (n)
Mainstream (n) sth accepted, central, conventional, core, current, established, general, orthodox, prevailing, received in the ~; ~ media/culture; outside of the ~
Nano- denoting 10-9, indicating extreme smallness ~-technology/computers/ meters/medicine/bots/ materials/tubes
Neural (adj) of or relating to a nerve or the nervous system ~ networks/level
Onset (n) beginning, inception, kick-off early/late/sudden ~; syn. assault, attack, charge, onrush, onslaught
Pattern (n)   a plan or diagram used as a guide in making something; a standard way of moving, acting, etc. iris and retina/living ~; ~ of sth; reveal/follow/recognize a ~
Pervade (v) spread through or throughout, esp. subtly or gradually pervasive (adj): ~ computing; syn. permeate
Precedent (n) an example or instance used to justify later similar occurrences set a ~; historical/legal/ dangerous ~; unprecedented (adj)
Quantum (n) the smallest quantity of some physical property, such as energy, that a system can possess according to the quantum theory ~ theory/computers/bits (qubits); quanta (pl)
Replicate (v) make or be a copy of; reproduce ~ findings/success/model; replicator (n)
Robot (n) any automated machine programmed to perform specific mechanical functions in the manner of a man create/use a ~; robotics (n); robotic (adj): ~ pets
Scenario (n) a predicted sequence of events doomsday/positive/negative ~
Singularity (n) the hypothesized creation of smarter-than-human entities who rapidly accelerate technological progress beyond the capability of human beings to participate. ~ of sth
Sync (n) an informal word for synchronization (esp. in the phrases in or out of sync) in/out of ~
Smart (adj) (of systems) operating as if by human intelligence by using automatic computer control ~ devices/home/phone; ~ness (n)
Ubiquitous (adj) having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once; omnipresent ~ computing; syn. omnipresent, pervasive
Unleash (v) free from restraint or control ~ the power of sth; syn. free, let go, let loose, release, untie



Choose the right answer:

1. With the _____ of future computers the world will become a more democratic place. a) advent b) onset c) start d) sync

2. _____ computing is a new approach in which computer functions are integrated into everyday life. a) Quantum b) Ubiquitous c) Exponential d) Neural

3. Intelligence is fundamental to our existence and its _____ could be very fast.

a) advent b) onset c) start d) sync

4. The power of magnetic forces at a subatomic scale will _____ the exponential power of future computers. a) pervade b) replicate c) handle d) unleash

5. Neural networks are a new concept in computer programming, designed to replicate the human ability to _____ ambiguity by learning from trial and error.
a) pervade b) annihilate c) handle d) unleash

6. In the ideal smart home, appliances and electronic devices work in _____ to keep the house secure. a) sync b) singularity c) precedent d) mainstream

7. A camera mounted on the bank machine looks you in the eye, recognizes the _____ of your iris and allows you to withdraw cash from your account.

a) scenario b) precedent c) hologram d) pattern

8. This may be scary for some people to know that the military is working on the next generation of future computers which could cause a doomsday _____ among the Super Powers. a) scenario b) precedent c) hologram d) pattern

9. This process is _____, just like a nuclear chain reaction.

a) quantum b) ubiquitous c) exponential d) neural

10. _____ is the study of the modelling of human mental functions by computer programs.

a) Singularity b) Artificial Intelligence c) Nanotechnology d) Expert System

11. _____ is the hypothesized creation of smarter-than-human entities who rapidly accelerate technological progress beyond the capability of human beings to participate.

a) Singularity b) Artificial Intelligence c) Nanotechnology d) Expert System

12._____ is a program containing everything that an 'expert' knows about a subject.

a) Singularity b) Artificial Intelligence c) Nanotechnology d) Expert System

13. _____ is a branch of technology dealing with the manufacture of objects with dimensions of less than 100 nanometres and the manipulation of individual molecules and atoms.

a) Singularity b) Artificial Intelligence c) Nanotechnology d) Expert System

14. Which is the biggest unit of computer processing power measurement:

a) teraflop b) exaflop c) lumaflop d) petaflop

15. Which is the smallest unit of computer processing power measurement:

a) teraflop b) exaflop c) lumaflop d) petaflop

16. All of these are synonymous to the word “annihilate”, EXCEPT FOR:

a) destroy b) exterminate c) pervade d) liquidate

17. All of these are synonymous to the word “handle”, EXCEPT FOR:

a) manipulate b) unleash c) cope with d) deal with

18. All of these go with the prefix “nano-“, EXCEPT FOR:

a) material b) tube c) bot d) flop

19. All of these are synonymous to the word “unleash”, EXCEPT FOR:

a) attack b) free c) let go d) release

20. Find the odd word: a) robot b) android c) cyborg d) neural network


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