Text 3. The world’s five biggest cyberthreats 

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Text 3. The world’s five biggest cyberthreats

Speech of Eugene Kaspersky at the conference "Counter Terror Expo",

London, April 25, 2012




Activity 1. What kind of computer threats for Internet users do you know? Mind map your answers and present them to the class.

At the conference "Counter Terror Expo" in London Eugene Kaspersky, founder and chief executive of Russian computer security firm Kaspersky Lab, described the five most dangerous computer threats faced by Internet users.

Complete darkness

The first threat is cyber warfare – exactly what Stuxnet was about, which in 2010 attacked Iran's nuclear infrastructure. I am seriously worried about the future of our world. This could one day happen on a much bigger scale. For example, entire nations could be plunged into darkness if cyber-criminals decided to target power plants. And there is nothing anyone could do about it. It is possible that a computer worm doesn't find its exact victim – and since many power plants are designed in a similar way and often use the same systems, all of them could be attacked, around the world. If it happens, we would be taken 200 years back, to the pre-electricity era.

Mass conscience

The second cyber threat is the use of social networks to manipulate the masses. During the Second World War airplanes were used to drop propaganda leaflets over enemy territory – and the same is already happening with social networks. For example, recently a similar incident occurred in China, where local blogs spread information about the tanks and shooting in Beijing, which was in fact false. But if such information is posted by someone of high authority and somewhere where millions can read it, it may create panic.

Web kids

The third threat is the internet generation’s reluctance to engage in politics. Today's children are growing up in a digital world, but at some point they will become adults – and will have to vote. And if there's no online voting system, these kids won't physically go anywhere to vote, they'll refuse. The whole democratic system could collapse then – the gap between parents and children will get much wider, it will become political, with solely the parents being involved in politics.

Hacking attacks

Cyber crime has been a real concern of any computer user for years. Recently the threat has spread to smartphones and other mobile devices. Hacking mobile phones has become a real business in Russia, Asia, and other places where pre-paid phone calls are common. We estimate that criminals who target mobile phones earn from $1,000 to $5,000 per day per person. They infect mobile phones with an SMS-Trojan virus that sends short texts to a telephone number until the victim's account is emptied. An average person won't have too much money on a phone account, but when hundreds of thousands of phones get infected, it is a lot of money.

No privacy

The last major threat is infringement on privacy due to the development of social networks and other similar services. Take for instance, the Google Street View, the robots that move in the air and make photos, or numerous online companies that require and divulge unnecessary personal information.


Activity 2. Find a word or phrase in the text which means:

1) Internet-based war (part 1)

2) to put someone or something in a particular state or situation (part 1)

3) to manage or influence people skillfully (part 2)

4) difference between the views (part 4)

5) violation or breaking of sth e.g. law, an agreement, etc. (part 5)

6) to disclose secret information (part 5)


Activity 3. Match the words in list A with their synonyms in list B:

LIST A: 1) scope; 2) aim; 3) anxiety; 4) unwillingness; 5) involve; 6) occur 7 reject

LIST B: a) refuse; b) concern; c) target; d) reluctance; e) scale; f) happen g) engage


Activity 4. Complete the sentences using Conditional 1:

1) If there's no online voting system _____.

2) If cyber-criminals attack country’s computers to damage its infrastructure _____.

3) If a rumour about some dangerous situation in the country is spread among people _____.

4) If a lot of mobile phones are infected with virus _____.

5) If your personal information is disclosed to hackers _____.

6) If the younger generation refuses to vote _____.

7) Ifthe gap between parents and children gets much wider _____.

Activity 5. Complete the sentences using if-clause:

1) Government will be able to prevent computer attacks if ______.

2) The internet generation will engage with politics if ______.

3) Criminals who target mobile phones will earn a lot of money if _____.

4) Cyber warfare will soon be the biggest cyber threat facing the world if ______.

5) People will lose their privacy if _____.

6) The whole democratic system will collapse if ______.

7) Financial system of the country can be paralyzed if _____.


Activity 6. Match the paragraph titles and their equivalents:

  Complete darkness A Generation gap
  Mass conscience B Public exposure
  Web kids C Brainwashing
  Hacking attacks D Destruction of power systems
  No privacy E Growth of crime rate

Activity 7. Which of the paragraphs features each of the following threats:

1) lack of information

2) influencing people’s minds

3) stealth of information

4) sabotage

Activity 8. Write a caption under each picture illustrating cyber threats:


1. _________ 2. _________ 3. __________

4. _______ 5. ________

Activity 9. Identify the computer threats:

1) Lack of well-established online voting systems is a real threat to democratic nations of the world.

2) Every day cyber criminals are infecting thousands of machines around the world.

3) Cyber weapons are the most dangerous problem for the Internet, governments are investing in them and no one is talking about protection.

4) By identifying key people (who can influence people’s minds) messages can be strategically sent to them via social media who will then spread messages to the wider public.

5) People leave a lot of personal information about themselves online.


Activity 10. Which of the cyber threats above have you ever faced? Share your experience with the group.


Activity 11. Complete the following list of measures against cyber threats with your own examples:

1) taking the prevention measures;

2) raising the users’ awareness;

3) strengthening law enforcement;

4) facilitating the exchange of information and best practices.


Activity 12. Look at the statements and say if you agree or disagree with them. Give reasons for you answer.

1) Loss of privacy on the Internet is unavoidable.

2) Complete elimination of cybercrime is possible.

3) An online voting system will increase the turnout rate.

4) Cybercrime will soon be too big to be ignored.

5) The world is getting more and more close to the Matrix scenario.


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