International university of information technologies 

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International university of information technologies

English Language Department

B.Jolamanova, S.Karzhaubayeva,

A.Sholakhova, Zh.Manapbayeva


For IT students


Almaty 2013






PhD S.Garton, Aston University, Great Britain

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент КазНУ Т.Т.Джарасова

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент МУИТ В.А.Ермакова



Б.Д.Джоламанова, С.Э.Каржаубаева, А.А.Шолахова, Ж.Ж.Манапбаева English for IT students – Алматы, МУИТ, 2013. -228 с.



Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов ИТ специальностей, изучающих курс профессионального английского языка в вузах технического профиля с целью развития навыков использования английского языка как средства профессионального общения.









©МУИТ, 2013



The manual “English for IT students” is meant to complement the ESP textbooks for the students of Low Intermediate - Upper Intermediate levels majoring in IT, taking a course in Professional English. It consists of 2 parts, each containing several modules.


Each module in its turn comprises a target vocabulary list, a target vocabulary test and 3 texts with a set of communicative vocabulary, grammar, pre-reading, while-reading, post reading and video activities. The video materials are presented on a special disc attached to the manual.


The manual is supplemented with attachments (debate guidelines, a list of semantic markers and colloquial phrases). It is meant for 90 academic hours.




Part I. Higher Education

Module 1. Higher Education

Target vocabulary

Target vocabulary test

Text 1. Traditional education VS credit-based technology

Text 2. Higher education in Kazakhstan: challenges and priorities

Text 3. You’ve got to find what you love


Module 2. Soft Skills

Target vocabulary

Target vocabulary test

Text 1. Soft skills VS hard skills

Text 2. Emotional Intelligence

Text 3. Stages of team work growth


Module 3. Best Practices

Target vocabulary

Target vocabulary test

Text 1. Everything you thought you knew about learning

Text 2. Consequences of academic cheating

Text 3. Learning English is like …



Part II. Social Issues of IT

Module 1. Personal Focus

Target vocabulary

Target vocabulary test

Text 1. Computer as a friend

Text 2. Computer as a foe

Text 3. Minimizing the negative impacts


Module 2. Global Focus

Target vocabulary

Target vocabulary test

Text 1. The digital age

Text 2. Three eras of globalization

Text 3. Digital divide


Module 3. Legal Focus

Target vocabulary

Target vocabulary test

Text 1. Computer crime

Text 2. Information security

Text 3. The world’s five biggest cyber threats

Module 4. Technological Focus

Target vocabulary

Target vocabulary test

Text 1. Current trends in IT

Text 2. Quantum computers

Text 3. Artificial intelligence will kill our grandchildren




Term Definition Collocations, derivatives, etc.
Academic degree a degree students are awarded upon the completion of a credit course hold/have/earn/offer an ~; confer an ~ on sb; award an ~ to sb; a ~ -holder; honorary ~; syn. title
Academic calendar a full schedule of all the academic hours, University events and activities to be attended by the students on the ~
Academic integrity academic honesty ensure ~; ant. plagiarism
Academic term a 15-week semester fall/spring ~; throughout the ~
Academic transcript written record of a student’s academic performance; official and unofficial transcripts may be obtained by contacting the Registrar  
Academic hour a 50 minute class  
Add/drop period a period, usually the first week of a term, for students to choose subjects for study from the faculty curriculum  
Academic program a set of courses to be taken for earning an academic degree complete/enter/take an ~; on the ~
Advisor (n) a teacher/professor who advises students in educational matters act as an ~; perform the duties of an ~
Alumnus (n) former student of a university an ~ of;the alumnus of the year award; pl. alumni; alumni relations/ office/ foundation
Baccalaureate (n) a program of study for the first academic degree enter/take a ~ program
Bachelor (n) a person whom the Bachelor degree is awarded to BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc (Bachelor of Sciences)
Commencement (n) an academic procedure in which diplomas are conferred ~ speech/date/procedure
Credit (n) a) official certification of successfully completing a course of study; b) a unit of study so certified earn a ~; ~ hours; receive full ~ for his studies; carry (three) ~s (about a course)
Credit system of education an educational system based on self-study, creative thinking methods, academic freedom and credit accumulation as the requisite for a degree institute/introduce the ~  
Core subjects subjects obligatory for study  
Cum laude with honors; with academic distinction a ~ graduate
Curriculum (n) a document with a full list of obligatory and elective disciplines to be completed and the number of credits to be earned by students to be awarded an academic degree in this or that science field ~ design/demands/ development; be on the ~; undergraduate/university ~; pl. curricula; curricular (adj)): a cross-~ approach/ project/link
Dean (n) the head of a division, faculty, college or school of a university the ~’s office
Drop in (v) visit sb informally and spontaneously ~ at some place
Drop out (v) leave school or some other academic program before completing it a dropout (n); syn. withdraw
Enroll (v) become or make sb a student on a course ~ sb in/on sth; ~ in a program/classes; enrollment (n); syn. intake
Elective (n) courses that students may choose to study to complement their major an ~ course; do/choose/offer an ~
GPA (Grade Point Average) the numerical designation of a grade multiplied by the number of credits the course is assigned calculate the ~
Graduate (v) complete one’s course of university studies ~ from a university; (under) ~ program; graduate (n)
Handout (n) hard copies for study purposes that contain supplementary materials for class and self-study work develop/distribute ~s
Incomplete (n) grade received when a student is unable to complete coursework due to extenuating circumstances get an ~
Initiation (n) ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society fraternity ~ procedure
Major (n) the subject area leading to a degree or certificate in which a student chooses to concentrate his/her academic work choose a ~; major in (v); ant. minor
Make up exam an exam postponed for a later period take/pass/fail in ~
Mid-term Exam a test of students’ progress in the middle of a term
Retake (n) a repeated course in case a student failed an exam ~ an exam/a test
Prerequisite/ post-requisite a requirement by which students have to complete a study of a specific subject before or after another specified course starts a ~ for/to/of; a necessary ~
Proctor (n) a teacher who observes an exam act as a ~; proctor (v); syn. invigilator
Registrar (n) the chief administrative officer in a university office of ~; submit sth to the ~
Scholarship (n) a non-repayable award to an eligible student based upon academic achievement and determined financial need or, in some cases, based upon academic achievement alone win/gain/get/lose/be awarded a ~ to the university; syn. grant
Student (n) any undergraduate student enrolled in the university who is carrying a course load of 12 or more hours per semester full-time/correspondence ~
Syllabus (n) the program which briefly describes the subject course ~ for; be on the ~; follow the ~;~ requirements; pl. syllabi
Tutor (n) a teacher who guards, protects, watches over, or has the care of students act as a ~; tutor in sth (v); tutorial (n)
Tuition (n) teaching, instruction ~ fee; the language of ~





Choose the right answer:

1. A document with a full list of obligatory and elective disciplines to be completed and the number of credits to be earned by students is called a _____.

a) syllabus b) transcript c) curriculum d) curricula

2. Written record of a student’s academic performance obtained from the Registrar is called a _____. a) syllabus b) transcript c) curriculum d) syllabi

3. The program which lists the subject title, its brief description is called a _____.

a) syllabus b) transcript c) curriculum d) curricula

4. The subject obligatory for study is called a/n_____.

a) major b) minor c) elective d) core

5. A teacher who guards, protects, watches over, or has the care of students is called a/n _____. a) tutor b) teacher c) advisor d) proctor

6. A teacher who observes an exam is called a _____.

a) tutor b) teacher c) dean d) proctor

7. Head of a division, faculty, college or school of a university is called a _____.

a) tutor b) teacher c) dean d) proctor

8. A secondary field of academic concentration or specialization is called a _____.

a) major b) minor c) elective d) core

9. The subject area leading to a degree or certificate in which a student chooses to concentrate his/her academic work is called a _____.

a) major b) minor c) elective d) core

10. A course that students may choose to study to complement their major, to build valuable skills, and to add variety to their schedule is called a _____.

a) major b) minor c) elective d) core

11. Visiting a class informally and spontaneously is called dropping _____.

a) off b) in c) out d) at

12. Leaving school or some other academic program before completing it is called dropping _____. a) off b) in c) out d) at

13. When do you expect to graduate _____ the university?

a) – b) from c) by d) in

14. “Drop out” is synonymous to the verb:

a) fall b) withdraw c) attend d) fail

15. An exam postponed for a later period is referred to as a _____.

a) retake b) make up c) sit over d) stand-apart

16. You can expect all of these from an excellent student EXCEPT for:

a) graduating with honors b) graduating with academic distinction

c) incomplete graduation d) cum laude graduation

17. Credit accumulation is a qualitative indicator of a student’s academic achievements and a _____ for a degree.

a) requisite b) prerequisite c) post-requisite d) prorequisite

18. A requirement by which students have to complete a study of a specific subject before another specified course starts may be termed as a _____.

a) requisite b) prerequisite c) post-requisite d) prorequisite

19. A requirement by which students have to take a specified course after completing the current one may be termed as a _____.

a) requisite b) prerequisite c) post-requisite d) prorequisite

20. Payment made for studying in a university is referred to as _____ fee.

a) tuition b) study c) scholarship d) grant



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