Oral Presentation Evaluation 

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Oral Presentation Evaluation

Please rate each of the following criteria on a scale of 1 to 5:

(needs improvement) 12345 (good)

1. The presenter spoke clearly.          
2. The presenter spoke at a good volume.          
3. The presenter spoke at a good pace.          
4. The presenter faced the audience.          
5. The presenter appeared relaxed.          
6. The presenter stood up straight.          
7. The presenter used effective hand gestures.          
8. The presenter made eye contact with me.          
9. The introduction caught my attention.          
10. The presenter provided some good examples.          
11. The conclusion wrapped up the speech.          

III Over to You

1. Consultancy Presentation

4-5 students are legal consultants for a company. Consultants have to prepare a ‘cutting-edge’ presentation to present the firm’s findings to the client. The rest of the class are the ‘clients’ and may interject and ask questions during the presentation.

Consultancy presentation topic

Lloyds Ltd. is a multinational company that is keen to invest in Ukraine. It has appointed your legal firm to prepare information on the topic “Ukraine’s tax policy for foreign investors”. Prepare the report and devise a ‘consultancy presentation’ to your clients.

2. Panel Discussion/ Forum/ Talk show


Choose one of the topics:

· Should gay marriage be legal?

· Should performance enhancing drugs (such as steroids) be accepted in sports?

· Do violent video games contribute to youth violence?


The group is to divide themselves as different personalities to participate in a panel discussion or talk-show. Students are to discuss points to be presented by each and conduct a lively discussion directed by a moderator.

Useful vocabulary


Structuring your OP First of all we’ll look at… Then I’ll move on to… Now I’d like to present… Now I’d like to explain… To round up I’ll Structuring your OP I’m going to speak about… First, I’ll (do whatever) and then I’ll move on to (whatever other topic) and I’ll finish with…  
Playing for time Now that’s a very interesting question… I’m glad you brought that point up… I’m glad you asked me that… Playing for time I see. That’s an interesting question. Let me think… What I can say is… Could anybody answer that? Thanks!
Reporting on your discussion There was some disagreement as regards… We were pretty much in agreement as far as… was concerned We found it difficult to imagine… We reckoned that… One thing we felt sure about was… On reflection we agreed that… Checking the communication process is going OK Is this clear? Do you follow me? Can you understand me? Would you like me to speak more slowly? Do you have any questions?/ Have you got any questions or comments?




I Background

Notes: conference proceedings матеріали конференції, збірки наукових праць

keynote speaker доповідач

panel discussions обговорення групою спеціалістів


Throughout your career life, you're likely to attend lots of meetings with your supervisors, colleages and subordinates. Although there are many different kinds and styles of meetings, they all serve the same objective - to foster teamwork and help the business do a better job.

Meetings come in all shapes and sizes, from chats in the corridor, to weekly meetings and annual conferences.

The term “meeting” covers a lecture (one presentation), seminar (typically several presentations, small audience, one day), conference (mid-size, one or more days), congress (large, several days), exhibition or trade show, workshop (smaller, with active participants), training course and team-building session.

Symposium is often as a synonym for (academic) conference. However, a symposium is usually characterized by a more open discursive or discussion, rather than a one-way lecture or presentation. Congress is a formal meeting of the representatives of different nations, constituent states, independent organizations (such as trade unions), or groups. Convention (meeting) is a large formal meeting for people who belong to the same profession or organization or who have the same interests. Summit isan important meeting or set of meetings between the leaders of several governments.



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