Countable and Uncountable Nouns 

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Countable and Uncountable Nouns


Существительные могут быть исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми.

· Неисчисляемые существительные имеют только одну форму (единственное число) и не требуют неопределённый артикль (a/an).

· Неисчисляемые существительные включают:

- субстанции, материалы: gas, gold, plastic, water, air, sand …

- абстрактные идеи: profitability, progress, travel, weather, luck

- отглагольные существительные: brainstorming, engineering, timing, advertising

(+ см. Laboratory work No.3)


Разница между исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными


  countable example uncountable example
use of a, an, the plural noun some + noun any + noun enough + noun many + noun few/a few + noun less + noun little/a little + noun much + noun that/this + noun those/these + noun a book, the book books, the books some books any book, any books enough books many books (a) few books (not possible) (not possible) (not possible) that/this book those/these books cheese, the cheese (no plural form) some cheese any cheese enough cheese (not possible) (not possible) less cheese (a) little cheese much cheese that/this cheese (not possible)


· Неисчисляемые существительные всегда требуют после себя глагол в единственном числе.

The money is insufficient.


· Многие существительные могут быть как неисчисляемыми, так и исчисляемыми:

There is a fine cheese. (= a fine variety or type)

These cheeses are produced only in Italy. (= these types of cheese)

- fish – fishes (all the fishes in the sea = the different varieties of fish)

He studies the fishes in the Atlantic. (= types of fish)

- fruit – fruits (Fruit is sweet.)


noun countable example uncountable example
chicken   coffee   experience   fruit   hair   juice   noise He sat there and ate a whole chicken. I’d love a coffee now. (= cup of coffee) Failing an exam was a new experience for me. A kumquat is an exotic fruit.   The cat has left white hairs all over the sofa. I’d like an orange juice, please. (= a glass of) I heard a noise outside the window. I’ll have some chickenand chips, please. Is there any coffee left?   Have you had any previous experience? You should eat fruit every day. Get your hair cut – it’s getting too long. I’ll just squeeze some juice from these oranges. Stop making so much noise.


· Некоторые исчисляемые и неисчисляемые формы имеют абсолютно разные значения:

iron (железо) - an iron (утюг)

paper (бумага) - a paper (газета)

wood (дерево) - a wood (лес)

work (работа) - a work (произведение)




I. In the following pairs of words, one is countable and the other is uncountable. Write some or a before each word.

1. __ a __ book/ some _ literature

2. _____ report/ _____ news

3. _____ desk/ _____ furniture

4. _____ accommodation/ _____ hotel

5. _____ chance/ _____ luck

6. _____ water/ _____ litre

7. _____ equipment/ _____ machine

8. _____ dollar/ _____ money

9. _____ cheque/ _____ cash

10. _____ letter/ _____ correspondence

II. Fill in the gaps in the text with a few/a little/much/many. Retell the text.

Two Bags of Groceries


Michael is at the supermarket and he's really upset. He just bought some groceries, and he can't believe he just spent forty dollars!

He only bought … oranges, … apples, … milk, … ice cream, and … eggs.

He also bought just … coffee, … onion, … bananas, … rice, … cheese, and … lemons.

He didn’t buy very … fish. He didn’t buy very … grapes. And he didn’t buy very … meat.

Michael just spent forty dollars, and he’s walking out of the Supermarket with only two bags of groceries. No wonder he’s upset!

III. Translate the sentences.

1. Разрешите дать Вам совет.

2. Фильм имел большой успех.

3. Деньги – вещь очень важная

4. Какая нудная работа!

5. Только работа тебе поможет забыть всё.

6. Что нового? – Нет новостей - уже хорошая новость.

7. У тебя много работы сегодня? – Нет, я свободен.


There is/are


1. Complete the text with an appropriate forms of the verb to be (is, isn’t, are, aren’t).

So, the most of our students live in the so-called students’ flats. They are great! There … a gym and a swimming pool. And there … a superb bar with great music. We go there every night! The flats are really nice. There … four bedrooms in a flat and there … a kitchen and a bathroom too. Unfortunately there … a living room, but the bedrooms are big and comfortable. There … any shops, but there … a supermarket not far away.

2. Underline the correct form of there is/there are. Make up 10 questions on the text. Describe your (or smb’s neighbourhood).

Martha’s Apartment Building


Martha’s apartment building is in the center of the town. Martha and other tenants are happy because the building is in a very convenient place.

Across from the building, there is/there are a Laundromat, a bank, and a post office. Next to the building, there is/there are a drugstore and a restaurant. Around the corner from the building, there is/there are two gas stations and a bus stop.

There is/there are a lot of noise near Martha’s apartment building. There are/there is a lot of cars on the street, and there is/there are a lot of people in the neighborhood all day and all night.

The apartment building is convenient. There is/there are an elevator there. There is/there are a TV antenna on the roof. There is/there are a fire escape too. In Martha’s kitchen there is/there are a refrigerator and a stove. It’s convenient!


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