List as many car systems as possible. Compare your list with the 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


List as many car systems as possible. Compare your list with the

Rest of the group. Who's got the longest list?

What is the fuel system used for?


Philip, a student of Automotive Engineering, has met his friend Alex in

The laboratory testing. Listen to their dialogue and learn the basic principle of the carburettor operation.

Philip: Hello, Alexl What are you doing?

Alex: Well, I'm studying the fuel system of this car. Now I can tell you a lot about the basic principles of its operation.

Philip: Really? O.K. Let me see. Do you know the name of that little device near the engine?

Alex: Sure, it's called a carburettor.

Philip: And what is it used for?

Alex: Well, it measures out a precise amount of fuel that is mixed with the correct amount of air.

Philip: And do you know the principle of the carburettor operation?

Alex: Oh, that's easy. First, air is drawn down the air intake (it is located directly above the carburettor) into a venturi where its pressure is lowered. That's why, the fuel will flow into the venturi.

Philip: Will it flow because of the low pressure of the air?

Alex: Right you are. Then the air is mixed with the fuel before this mixture is taken into the cylinder combustion chamber.

Philip: Is it really? And what happens with this fuel mixture in the cylinder combustion chamber?

Alex: It is ignited there and is drawn into the engine afterwards.

Philip: I see.


Complete the dialogues.

1. A: What are you doing now?


A: Can you tell me anything about it?


2. A:...

B: Oh, it's called a carburettor.

A: And what is it used for?



B: That's easy. First air is drawn down the air intake into a


A: Where is the air intake located?


A: And what happens next?


A: I see.




Basic Engineering Process.

1. Read and learn the new words, write them down into your vocabulary:

to subject – піддавати

condition - стан

initial - початковий

to determine - встановлювати

reduction - скорочення

to achieve - досягати

beyond - вище

to retain - зберігати

to join - поєднувати

source - джерело

available - доступний

advantage - перевага

considerably - значно

to harden = зміцнювати(ся)

application - застосування


2. Match the following prefixes with their cor-responding definitions:

1 inter— 2 post— 3 bi— 4 pre— 5 multi— 6 ex-

a) more than one; many

b) later than; after

c) before; in preparation

d) former and still living

e) between; among a group

f) two; twice; double


Make up new words with these prefixes: 1 inter— 2 post— 3 bi— 4 pre- 5 multi— 6 ex-












4. Find the translation:

1. advantage А. досягати

2. application В. джерело

3. beyond С. початковий

4. condition D. визначати

5. initial Е. піддавати

6. reduction F. перевага

7. source G. застосування

8. to achieve Н. вище

9. to determine I. поєднувати

10. to harden J. скорочення

11. to join Кстан

12. to retain L. утримувати

13. to subject М. зміцнювати


5.Read and translate the text:


Metals are important in industry because they can be easily deformed into useful shapes. A lot of metalworking processes have been developed for certain applications. They can be divided into five broad groups:





sheet-metal forming.

During the first four processes metal is subjected to large amounts of strain (deformation). But if deformation goes at a high temperature, the metal will recrystallize — that is, new strain-free grains will grow instead of deformed grains. For this reason metals are usually rolled, extruded, drawn, or forged above their recrystallization temperature. This is called hot working. Under these conditions there is no limit to the compressive plastic strain to which the metal can be subjected.

Other processes are performed below the recrystalli- zation temperature. These are called cold working. Cold working hardens metal and makes the part stronger. However, there is a limit to the strain before a cold part cracks.


Rolling is the most common metalworking process. More than 90 percent of the aluminum, steel and copper produced are rolled at least once in the course of production. The most common rolled product is sheet. Rolling can be done either hot or cold. If the rolling is finished cold, the surface will be smoother and the product stronger.


Extrusion is pushing the billet to flow through the orifice of a die. Products may have either a simple or a complex cross section. Aluminium window frames are the examples of complex extrusions.

Tubes or other hollow parts can also be extruded. The initial piece is a thick-walled tube, and the extruded part is shaped between a die on the outside of the tube and a mandrel held on the inside.

In back-extrusion (штамповка выдавливанием) the workpiece is placed in the bottom of a hole and a loosely fitting ram is pushed against it. The ram forces the metal to flow back around it, with the gap between the ram and the die determining the wall thickness. The example of this process is the manufacturing of aluminium beer cans.

Essential vocabulary:

Metalworking- металообробка

shape - форма,

rolling - прокатка

extrusion - видавлювання

drawing - волочіння

forging - ковка

sheet - лист

at least- принаймні

common - загальний

billet - заготовка

orifice - отвір

cross section - поперечний перетин

die - штамп, матриця, волочильна дошка

window frame – рама окна

tube – труба

initial piece -заготовка

hollow – порожнистий

thick-walled - товстостінний

mandrel - оправка,

loosely - вільно

fitting - посадка

ram - пуансон, плунжер


6. Answer the questions:

1. Why are metals so important in industry?

2. What are the main metalworking processes?

3. Why are metals worked mostly hot?

4. What properties does cold working give to metals?

5. What is rolling? Where is it used?

6. What is extrusion? What shapes can be obtained after extrusion?

7. What are the types of extrusion?


7.Find the following in the text:

1 можуть легко деформуватися

2. потрібні форми

3.піддавати великим деформаціям

4.зерен вільні від деформації

5 температура перекристалізації

6.пластична деформація стискування

7.найзвичайніший процес обробки металу

8.найзвичайніший виріб прокату

9.отвір фільєри


11.складний перетин

12.порожнисті деталі

13.вільно вхідний плунжер

14.зазор між плунжером (пуансоном) і штампом

15.товщина стінки


8.Translate into English:

1. Здатність металу перекрісталізовиваться при високій температурі використовується при гарячій обробці.

2. Перекристалізація — це зростання нових, вільних від деформації зерен.

3. Під час гарячої обробки метал може піддаватися дуже великій пластичній деформації стискування

4. Холодна обробка робить метал твердіше і міцніше, але деякі метали мають межу деформації.

5. Листовий прокат може вироблятися гарячим або холодним.

6. Поверхня холоднокатаного аркуша гладша і він міцніший.

7. Поперечний перетин фільєри для екструзії може бути простим або складним.

8. Алюмінієві і мідні сплави є найкращими для екструзії із-за їх пластичності при де-формації..

9. Алюмінієві банки, тюбики для зубної пасти є прикладами використання штампування витискуванням.

10. Товщина стінки алюмінієвої банки визначається зазором між пунсоном і штампом.

9.Answer the questions:

1. Have the basic elements that control vehicle motion changed a lot over the past few decades?

2. What are vehicles driven by?

3. Who carries out all these actions?

4. What is under development now?

5. Do you think it's a good idea to develop automatic vehicle control?



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