Naval Engineering (Кораблебудування) 

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Naval Engineering (Кораблебудування)

Naval architects are engineers who design and supervise construction of ships. Ships must be designed and built so that they are safe, stable, strong, and fast enough to perform the type of work intended for them. A naval architect must be familiar with the variety of techniques of modern shipbuilding.

Marine engineering is a specialized branch of mechanical engineering devoted to the design and operation of systems, both mechanical and electrical, needed to propel a ship. Engineers in this field develop diesel engines and steam turbines that provide enough power to move the ship at the required speed.

Chemical Engineering (Хімічне машинобудування)

This branch of engineering is concerned with the design, construction, and management of factories in which the essential processes consist of chemical reactions. The task of the chemical engineer is to select and specify the design that will best meet the particular requirements of production and the most appropriate equipment for the new applications-

Nuclear Engineering (Ядерна техніка)

This branch of engineering is concerned with the design and construction of nuclear reactors. In addition to designing nuclear reactors that yield specified amounts of power, nuclear engineers develop the special materials necessary to withstand the high temperatures and radioactivity. Nuclear engineers also develop methods to shield people from the harmful radiation produced by nuclear reactors.

Safety Engineering (Техніка безпеки)

This field of engineering has as its object the prevention of accidents. Safety engineers develop methods and procedures to safeguard workers of hazardous occupations. They also assist in designing machinery, factories, ships, and roads, suggesting alterations and improvements to reduce accidents.

5. Learn the essential vocabulary:

chemical engineer - інженер- хімік

chief engineer -головний інженер

civil engineer - інженер-будівельник

electrical engineer –інженер-електротехнік

highway engineer - дорожний інженер

marine engineer- інженер судна

mechanical engineer - інженер-механік

metallurgical engineer - інженер-металург

mining engineer - горничий інженер

operating engineer- інженер-експлуатаційник

sanitary engineer - інженер по санітарній техніці

systems engineer инженер — системний програміст

transportation engineer - інженер транспорту

integrated circuit - інтегральна мікросхема

structural design -проектування конструкцій

solid-state electronics - електроніка на напівпровідниках

to shield - захищати

safe - безпечний

naval architect - кораблебудівельник-проектувальник

stable - стійкий

appropriate -відповідний

interference - перешкоди

hazardous - небезпечний

fibre optics - волоконна оптика

to provide -забезпечувати

yield – вихід продукції

steam turbine - парова турбіна

copper wire (cable)- мідний провід

to prevent - перешкоджати

alteration - переробка

naval architect - кораблебудівельник

carrying capacity - пропускна здатність

to safeguard -захищати


6. Answer the questions:

1. Is engineering a science?

2. How can we translate the word «engineering»? What are the Russian equivalents for this term?

3. What do civil engineers deal with?

4. What are the main subdivisions in the field of civil engineering?

5. What do mechanical engineers deal with?

6. What knowledge is necessary for a mechanical engineer?

7. What are the four main branches of electrical engi-neering?

8. What are the major developments in the field of com-munication systems?

9. What are the major developments in the field of com-puter engineering?

10. What is aerospace engineering concerned with?

11. What do naval architects design?

12. What is marine engineering devoted to?

13. What is the task of chemical engineers?

14. What is nuclear engineering concerned with?




1. Learn the new words and put them into your vocabularies:

automation — автоматизація

previously — раніше

sequence — послідовність

assembly plant — збірний завод

non-manufacturing — невиробничий

devic e — пристрій

resemble — походити

efficiency — еффективність

flyball governor — центробіжний регулятор

steam engine — паровоз

household thermostat — побутовий термостат

facilitate — сприяти

punched — перфорований

aid — допомога

dimension — розміри



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