Муз. Колдовство №11(Помощники накидывают плащ, дают яблоко, затемнение, встаёт, поднимает руки вверх.) 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Муз. Колдовство №11(Помощники накидывают плащ, дают яблоко, затемнение, встаёт, поднимает руки вверх.)


Муз. ведущих №1

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen. One day the Queen gave birth to a baby daughter whose skin was as white as snow, and whose cheeks were bright red. She called her little girl Snow White.

Unfortunately, soon after that, the Queen died. A year later the King married again.

The new Queen was very beautiful but too proud of her own beauty. The Queen had a magic looking-glass and she used to ask it this question:

Муз. Выход королевы №2 (Торжественно выходит королева, ведущие ей кланяются, на фоне муз. выносят зеркало)

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: You, oh Queen, are the fairest of all.

(Королева любуется собой)

Муз. ведущих №3

Narrator: Meanwhile, Snow White was growing from a baby into a lovely little girl. She was even more beautiful than the Queen.

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: Among the grown-up ladies tall,

You, oh Queen, are the fairest of all.

But I must tell you the truth,

That the child Snow White is more lovely than you.

Queen:What? What? What?! (Топает ногой и зовёт охотника: Huntsman!)

(Охотник опускается на одно колено)

Queen: Take this child away, deep into the forest.


Муз. мелодичная №4

(Охотник берёт Белоснежку за руку и они гуляют по лесу. На фоне муз. он заносит нож, но передумывает и дарит цветок. Затем решается и хватает за шею, замахиваясь ножом)

Snow White: Please do not kill me. If you spare me, I’ll go further into the forest and I promise never to try to return home again.

Huntsman: Run away then, my poor child.

Муз. Танец деревьев №5

(Появляются деревья, танцуют, она мечется, танцует, деревья хватают её, не пускают, она падает. Деревья отступают)



Муз. Мелодичная №4

(Белоснежка очнулась, видит дверь, помощники тем временем ставят стол с приборами и банкетку, она входит, ест из тарелок, пьёт из стакана и ложится на банкетку)

Narrator: The cottage belonged to seven dwarfs who, when it became dark, returned home. They had spent all day in the mountains, digging for gold.

Муз. возвращение гномов №7

1 st dwarf: Who has been sitting on my chair?

2 nd dwarf: Who has been eating from my plate?

3 rd dwarf: Who has been eating my bread?

4 th dwarf: Who has been eating my vegetables?

5 th dwarf: Who has been using my knife?

6 th dwarf: Who has been using my fork?

7 th dwarf: Who has been drinking out of my glass?

(Next the dwarfs come up to their beds)

The Dwarfs: Who has been lying in my bed?

7 th dwarf (reaches his bed and finds Snow White fast asleep): Look who’s in my bed!

Together: What a beautiful child!

1 st dwarf: What is your name?

Snow White: My name is Snow White.

2 nd dwarf: But how did you find our cottage?

Snow White: The Queen, my stepmother, ordered the huntsman to kill me in the forest, but he spared me. Then I ran and ran all day through the forest, until I came to this little cottage.

Dwarfs (вместе): Poor little girl!

3 rd dwarf: If you look after us, keep our house clean and tidy…

4 th dwarf: …cook and wash…

5 th dwarf: …and mend for us, you can live here with us.

7 th dwarf: We’ll take good care of you.

Snow White: Oh, you are kind! I’ll be glad to do that!

5 th dwarf: We are out all day, working and you will be alone in the house.

4 th dwarf: If your stepmother learns that you are here, she may come and try to do you harm. So don’t let anyone enter the house while we are away.

Snow White: All right. I’ll be carefull.

Муз. танец гномов и Белоснежки №8

Муз. танец с метлой №6


Муз. ведущих №9

Narrator: She was very happy living with the dwarfs. Every evening when they returned home, she had supper and the house was always clean.

Meanwhile the Queen, believing Snow White to be dead, was quite happy to be the most beaut lady in the world.

Муз. выход королевы №10 (Выносят зеркало)

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: You, oh Queen, are exceedingly fair

But the truth I must tell you and this I do swear,

Snow White is not dead but living still,

In a little house far over the hill;

And though you, oh Queen, are certainly fair,

This child’s great beauty does make her more fair.

(Королева злится, кричит на зеркало)

Queen: Snow White will die, I swear, even if it costs me my life!

(Королева встаёт спиной к залу)

Snow White: Please

Queen: Thank you, for your kindness I would like to give you this tasty apple, try it, try!


Narrator: When the dwarfs returned home, they found Snow White lying on the floor, no longer breathing. The dwarfs were heart-broken. For three days and nights they stood round her, mourning. Then they carried Snow White in the glass coffin to the top of the mountain. Snow White lay in the glass coffin for many years. One day, a king’s son found the coffin on the top of the mountain. He couldn’t take his eyes from the beautiful girl and fell in love with her.

(Выходит принц, подходит к ней, кладёт цветок, садится грустный на ступеньки)

Муз. Вальс № 16


Муз. Ведущего №17


Narrator: A magnificent wedding feast was arranged for Snow White and the Prince. Snow White’s stepmother was also invited to the feast. When she was ready for the wedding, she asked the mirror again:

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: You, oh Queen, are exceedingly fair

But the truth I must tell you and so I do vow,

That the young bride-to-be Snow White is lovelier than you!

Муз. На поклон №18



Муз. ведущих №1

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen. One day the Queen gave birth to a baby daughter whose skin was as white as snow, and whose cheeks were bright red. She called her little girl Snow White.

Unfortunately, soon after that, the Queen died. A year later the King married again.

The new Queen was very beautiful but too proud of her own beauty. The Queen had a magic looking-glass and she used to ask it this question:

Муз. Выход королевы №2 (Торжественно выходит королева, ведущие ей кланяются, на фоне муз. выносят зеркало)

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: You, oh Queen, are the fairest of all.

(Королева любуется собой)

Муз. ведущих №3

Narrator: Meanwhile, Snow White was growing from a baby into a lovely little girl. She was even more beautiful than the Queen.

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: Among the grown-up ladies tall,

You, oh Queen, are the fairest of all.

But I must tell you the truth,

That the child Snow White is more lovely than you.

Queen:What? What? What?! (Топает ногой и зовёт охотника: Huntsman!)

(Охотник опускается на одно колено)

Queen: Take this child away, deep into the forest.


Муз. мелодичная №4

(Охотник берёт Белоснежку за руку и они гуляют по лесу. На фоне муз. он заносит нож, но передумывает и дарит цветок. Затем решается и хватает за шею, замахиваясь ножом)

Snow White: Please do not kill me. If you spare me, I’ll go further into the forest and I promise never to try to return home again.

Huntsman: Run away then, my poor child.

Муз. Танец деревьев №5

(Появляются деревья, танцуют, она мечется, танцует, деревья хватают её, не пускают, она падает. Деревья отступают)



Муз. Мелодичная №4

(Белоснежка очнулась, видит дверь, помощники тем временем ставят стол с приборами и банкетку, она входит, ест из тарелок, пьёт из стакана и ложится на банкетку)

Narrator: The cottage belonged to seven dwarfs who, when it became dark, returned home. They had spent all day in the mountains, digging for gold.

Муз. возвращение гномов №7

1 st dwarf: Who has been sitting on my chair?

2 nd dwarf: Who has been eating from my plate?

3 rd dwarf: Who has been eating my bread?

4 th dwarf: Who has been eating my vegetables?

5 th dwarf: Who has been using my knife?

6 th dwarf: Who has been using my fork?

7 th dwarf: Who has been drinking out of my glass?

(Next the dwarfs come up to their beds)

The Dwarfs: Who has been lying in my bed?

7 th dwarf (reaches his bed and finds Snow White fast asleep): Look who’s in my bed!

Together: What a beautiful child!

1 st dwarf: What is your name?

Snow White: My name is Snow White.

2 nd dwarf: But how did you find our cottage?

Snow White: The Queen, my stepmother, ordered the huntsman to kill me in the forest, but he spared me. Then I ran and ran all day through the forest, until I came to this little cottage.

Dwarfs (вместе): Poor little girl!

3 rd dwarf: If you look after us, keep our house clean and tidy…

4 th dwarf: …cook and wash…

5 th dwarf: …and mend for us, you can live here with us.

7 th dwarf: We’ll take good care of you.

Snow White: Oh, you are kind! I’ll be glad to do that!

5 th dwarf: We are out all day, working and you will be alone in the house.

4 th dwarf: If your stepmother learns that you are here, she may come and try to do you harm. So don’t let anyone enter the house while we are away.

Snow White: All right. I’ll be carefull.

Муз. танец гномов и Белоснежки №8

Муз. танец с метлой №6


Муз. ведущих №9

Narrator: She was very happy living with the dwarfs. Every evening when they returned home, she had supper and the house was always clean.

Meanwhile the Queen, believing Snow White to be dead, was quite happy to be the most beaut lady in the world.

Муз. выход королевы №10 (Выносят зеркало)

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: You, oh Queen, are exceedingly fair

But the truth I must tell you and this I do swear,

Snow White is not dead but living still,

In a little house far over the hill;

And though you, oh Queen, are certainly fair,

This child’s great beauty does make her more fair.

(Королева злится, кричит на зеркало)

Queen: Snow White will die, I swear, even if it costs me my life!

(Королева встаёт спиной к залу)

Муз. Колдовство №11(Помощники накидывают плащ, дают яблоко, затемнение, встаёт, поднимает руки вверх.)


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