D. Match the two parts of these descriptions of VALS types. 

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D. Match the two parts of these descriptions of VALS types.

  Experiencers are young, enthusiastic people who spend a lot on clothes, a to familiar brands
  Strugglers are poorer, elderly people who are loyal b cultivated, expensive tastes
  Actualizes are successful, active people with c for example, without planning for a long time what they are going to buy.
  Believers are conservative traditionalists who prefer familiar d functional products such as tools.
  Makers are practical family-oriented people who buy practical, e products to imitate those with more money.
  Strivers are insecure people without much money but who buy stylish f products and established brands.

E. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1) How can a manufacturer target his products successfully on his chosen market segments?

2) Our aim is to reach the market segment between conventional motor inns and budget motels.

3) Social class is a useful variable for segmenting consumer markets.

4) Product segmentation focuses on how consumers perceive and differentiate between available products.

5) Far Eastern markets are more highly segmented.

6) It’s difficult for computer makers to differentiate between the technical features of their product and someone else’s.

7) The only viable strategy was to differentiate Citibank credit cards from all the low-cost alternatives.

8) To maintain product differentiation, the new models have all been styled distinctively.

9) Who is the target audience for this book?

10) These advertisements are aimed mainly at our target customers.

11) Consumers filled out a detailed questionnaire about their habits.

12) The stock was favorably profiled in Friday’s edition of “Investor’s Daily”.


F. Answer the questions.

1) What is market segmentation?

2) What does the segmentation allow marketers?

3) How do UK marketers classify customers demographically?

4) Will you describe marketers’ classifying customers demographically in the UK?

5) What is a system ACORN?

6) Which factors are important in lifestyle segmentation?

7) Would you explain the notion “psychographics”?


Listening: An interview with a marketing manager

(Market leader, CB, Intermediate Business English by D. Cotton, Unit 4)


Over to you


v Which demographic segment in B opposite do you belong to?

v Think of a product you have bought recently and analyze your purchase in terms of behavioural segmentation.

v Do the VALS questionnaire and get your own VALS profile at the SRI Consulting Business Intelligence site: www.sric-bi.com

Module 3 Advertising


Starting up

Discuss in pairs.

v Did you buy something on the basis of the advert?

v Do you think that advertising using children or animals are acceptable?

v Do you agree with the AIDA model for advertising?

Catch the audience’s Attention Make them Interested Create Desire State the Actionthe audience should take


v Analyze any ads you have seen lately using four stages in promoting a product.


Reading 1: Advertising & Promotion

A. Study the topical vocabulary.


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