IV. Vowel diphthongs. Гласные дифтонги. 

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IV. Vowel diphthongs. Гласные дифтонги.

Звук Правила
[ ei ] Гласные дифтонги обычно возникают в следующих случаях:
  1. a в открытом слоге: game [ geim], pale [ peil ]
  2. ai в закрытом слоге: pain [ pein ], rail [ reil ]
  3. ay (обычно в конце): pray [ prei ], hay [ hei ]
  4. ey (редко, но метко) обычно в конце: grey [ grei ], survey [ ´sε:vei ]
Примечание: 4. это же буквосочетание иногда даёт звук [ i: ]: key [ ki: ]
[ ai ] обычно возникает в следующих случаях:
  1. буква i в открытом слоге: fine [ fain ], price [ prais ]
  2. ie на конце слова: pie [ pai ], die [ dai ]
  3. буква y в открытом слоге: rhyme [ raim ], syce [ sais ] и на конце слова: my [ mai ], cry [ krai ]
  4. ye на конце слова: dye [ dai ], rye [ rai ]
[ oi ] обычно возникает в следующих случаях:
  1. oi (обычно в середине слова) - poison [ ´poizən ], noise [ noiz ]
  2. oy (обычно в конце) - boy [ boi ], alloy [ ´æloi ]
[ au ] возникает в следующих буквосочетаниях:
  1. o + w: how [ hau ], down [ daun ] - (см. примечание)
  2. o + u: round [ raund ], pout [ paut ]
Примечание: 1. это же буквосочетание часто даёт звук [ əu ] (см. ниже)
[ əu ]
  1. обычно даёт буква o в открытом слоге: stone [ stəun ], lonely [ ´l əunli ]
  2. буквосочетания o + w (обычно в конце слова): blow [ bləu ], crow [ krəu ] - (см. примечание)
  3. ou перед l: soul [ səul ], foul [ fəul ]
  4. oa+ гласная: coach [ kəut∫ ], toad [ təud ]
  5. old (как в открытом слоге): cold [ kəuld ], gold [ gəuld ].
Примечание: 1. слово-исключение: both [ bəuθ ]; 2. это же буквосочетание часто даёт звук [ au ] (см. выше)
[ iə ] дают следующие буквосочетания:
  1. ea + r: hear [ hiə ], near [ niə ] - (см. примечание)
  2. e + r + e: here [ hiə ], sere [ siə ]
  3. ee + r: deer [ diə ], peer [ piə ]
Примечание: 1. если за этим буквосочетанием идёт согласная, то возникает звук [ ε: ] - dearth [ dε:θ ]. Исключение - beard [ biəd ]
[ eə] дают следующие буквосочетания:
  1. a + r + e: dare [ deə ], flare [ fleə ]
  2. ai + r: hair [ heə ], fair [ feə ]
[ aiə] дают следующие буквосочетания:
  1. i + r + e: fire [ faiə ], hire [ haiə ]
  2. y + r + e: tyre [ taiə ], pyre [ paiə ]

ü Чтобы упростить понимание данного материала, Вам предлагается таблица правил чтения гласных в 3 и 4 типе слога:

  The 3-rd type of syllable Гласная (vowel) + r The 4-th type of syllable Гласная (vowel) + r + e
A [ a: ] car [ka:] [ eə ] dare [deə]
E [ε: ] her [hε: ] [ iə ] mere [miə]
I, Y [ε: ] skirt [skε: t] [ aiə] fire [faiə], tyre [ taiə ]
O [o: ] pork [po:k] [ o: ] more [mo:]
U [ε: ] fur [fε: ] [ju: ə ] cure [kju:ə]


1. Say with a teacher:

2. sss θθθ sss θθθ … This is. Is this?
3. sθsθsθsθ … That is. Is that?
4. zzzðððzzzððð… It`s this.
5. zðzðzð… It`s that.
6. sssðððsssððð… It`s the other.
7. sðsðsð… If this.
8. zzzθθθzzz θθθ… If that.
9. zθzθzθ… If the other.


2. Read:

advantage, suggest, engine, engineer, regular, general, dangerous, ganger, gear.

3. Spread into groups the following words in accordance with reading of letters с, cc, g: [s], [k], [ks]. [dʒ]. [g]. Read the words:

can, leg, process, grand, cite, gem, cell, cent, gun, city, game, engine, practice, close, copper, gentle, globe, scope, accumulate, access, scale, get, accept, century, produce, product, decide.

4. Read and explain the rules:

a) race, recent, necessary, gerund, brick, palace, scraper, piece, concrete, ago, Egypt, large.

b) especially, ancient, partial, article, artificial.

5. Read and define the type of syllable:

Cat, flat, meet, plate, name, Rome, top, dog, man, same, my, five, wet, mice, main, game, day, ice, pen, set, lead, pill, sit, hat, play, am, Pete, bed, met, bait, bean, bin, meet, read, fine, pain, it, fit, kill, tea.


6. Spread the words shown on the right in 2 columns:

Open type of syllable Closed type of syllable  
______________________ ______________________ big, hot, get, late, so, bike, toe,
______________________ _______________________ true, long, lone, fin, site, kite,
______________________ _______________________ spite, spit, rid, cope, dike, delete
______________________ _______________________ inside,cod, code, mate,mat, map
______________________ _______________________ spice, date. rise, rule, broke, old
_______________________ _______________________ Stone, fork, light, cat, late, ping


7. Read and write the transcription of the following words:

Chin Shook
Ship God
Cat Think
Cent Both
that This
Jin she
Get sing
Cut Go
pong Choice
Chest whose
sheep cheap
teach knight
cook hang
knock who
wrong when
mute came
whom chat
game write
light right
cock might

8. Read the words, using open and closed syllable type:

Ride   Game Nope Map
Pile Hunt Gym Lake
Take Size System Fly
Sun Mute Kill See
Chest Sky Site Tan
Pat Like Pete Chips
Did Code Must Fine
Shop fry Like Ann

9. Read the words, using the rules: -ee,- ea, -oo and make transcription:

Lead, been, cook, peel, feel, steel, meat, hook, shook, clean, read, meet, fool, too, peat, feet, meal, boot, soon, mean, eat, deed, boot, tooth, seed, keen, pea, spoon, loop, cool, sea, see, seal, look.

10. Write the transcription of vowels:

- be, feel, we, me, see, meet, deed, feet, need
-it, is, in, ill, sit, fill, live, win, till, mill
- bed, pen, ten, tell, set, let, met
- tie, lie, my, pie, die, life, time, five, nine, smile
- man, bad, hat, lamp, glad, fat, cat, black, sack
- day, late, tale, main, pain, rain, male, fail
- park, mark, arm, are, car, farm, large
- air, chair, care, fair, rare, parent
- there, where
- here, near, mere, clear, fear, bear
- hire, fire, tire, buyer, flyer
- our, flour, power, flower, down, town
- her, term, bird, firm, burn, turn, fur, learn
- sorry, story, warm, word, door, all, taught, talk

*11. Write the transcription of consonants combinations:

- think, thing, thin, death, threat.
- sing, song, bang, long, something, going, hung, wrong.
- this, that, those, the, these, there, other, another.
- ship, shop, she, clash, sharp, shine, shame, shape.
- chess, chop, chamber, charm, charity, future.
- phone, photo, phenomenon, phantom, pharos, philharmonic, phase.
- knife, know, knock, knit, knight, knee, knack.
- what, where, when, wheel, whiff, whip, whim.

*12. Read and make transcription:

arm bar star far dare
term her nerve service deer
fir firm bird shirt tyre
Storm short orbit fur fire
burn born turbine surface pork
more spire pure occur cure
mere dear bear beer mark
Lear sport core shore core
form port dark spark fork

*13. Transcribe the following words:

1. Rain, out, draw, pain, day, may, mouse, louse

2. Now, without, know, show, grow, flow

3. Clown, crown, flower, tower, bow, lawn

4. Say, main, lane, pray, plain, plate, gray

*14. Put the words in the correct column:

Her, take, red, rank, work, turn, tree, try, Ann, like, take, map, he, ill, risk, hot, but, home, mute, men, life, more, game, met, phone, chop, charm, long, sharp, fire, whip, fork, it, land, cat, ten, park, far, care, name, pork, dare, deer, maple, me, let, air, mark, trust, cut, tone, for sum, hope, smoke, sport,

hear, peer, side, hike, mere, beer, rat, lobe, us, lute, must, dot, lake, hurt, pork, skirt, frame, fur, wing.

The1-st type of syllable The 2-nd type of syllable The 3-rd type of syllable The 4-th type of syllable
e.g. make map mark more


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