YIII. A questionnaire. What Sort of Learner Are You? 

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YIII. A questionnaire. What Sort of Learner Are You?

Tick the ways you prefer to learn and work.

1. I like listening and sharing ideas with other students.

2. I like reading and collecting information.

3. I like to begin a new piece of work immediately.

4. I think carefully before doing anything.

5. I like working on my own.

6. I like to test the rules to see if they are really true.

7. I like doing practical things.

8. I like discussions and working in groups.

9. Trying things out to see if they work.

10. I like to make my own mistakes and learn from them.

11. I like looking at lots of information and ideas.

12. I like working on things that I know will be useful.

13. I like to stop and to watch what happens.

14. I like discovering things for myself.

15. I rewrite my work several times to improve it.

16. I like solving problems.

Now check your answers and find out what kind of learners you are



Count how many of each letter you have.


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If you had mostly A’s, you are an Activist who likes to learn by doing things.

If you had mostly R’s, you are a Reflector who likes to learn by thinking

things through with other people.

If you had mostly P’s, you are a Programist who likes to try things out using common sense.

If you had mostly T’s, you are a Theorist who likes to learn by thinking things through on your own.


IX. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you like and dislike in the system of higher education of our country? What would you like to change?

2. Do you think there should be private and state universities? Which would you like to study at?

3. Do you think higher education should be free or fee-paying?

4. The system of education in Ukraine is considered to be one of the most successful in the world. Do you agree with this?

5. Would you like to study abroad? Why?


X. Read and translate the text. Make a short plan of this text.

Text. Education as a Social Institution

How often, when discussing some social problem, have you heard the phrase “Education is the answer”? You have probably heard it said many times, in reference to many different problems. This phrase reveals the extent to which education has become institutionalized in postindustrial societies. In such societies, the importance of education is virtually unquestioned. Through education we gain the capacity to create new products, achieve new accomplishments, and find new




ways to solve our problems. Yet, although this is very much taken for granted today, the institutionalization of education is something that has happened fairly

recently. Through most of human history, truth consisted of that which was handed down from God or a set of gods, as interpreted by some human religious leader. Thus, “truth” could be taught in the home, by religious organizations, or by tribal elders, and no formal schools were required. Some societies deviated from these patterns – for example, the ancient Greek, Roman and Arabic civilizations.



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9. Л.Ж. Норкіна. Методичний посібник з граматики англійської мови для студентів немовних спеціальностей. МЕГІ, 2006

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В.Л. Полупан. Ukrainian. A Cultural Reader. Академія, 2000

Н.В. Тучіна. Сучасні розмовні теми. Харків, 2001

Л.В. Хведченя, О.И. Васючкова. Английский язык. Минск, В. школа, 2002

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Методичні рекомендації, вправи, завдання до теми “Моя сім’я”. К., ДАЖКГ, 2002

Методичні рекомендації до теми “Моє житло”. К., ДАЖКГ, 2002


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