Lesson 5.3.3. Theatre and cinema 

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Lesson 5.3.3. Theatre and cinema


Ex 1. Match the films titles to the types of films. What’s your favourite type of film? Why? Think of other types of films.

1. Home Alone a science fiction film
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark b cartoon
3. Love Story c adventure film
4. The Young Scherlock Holmes d detective film
5. Star Trek e romance
6. Friday the 13th f horror film
7. The Lion King g comedy

(copyright Enterprise 3 Course book, Unit 21, p. 93, ex. 7)


Ex 2. Listen to the tape and tick the expressions of the woman uses to talk about the programmes she likes and doesn’t like. Then use the expressions in the table to tell about the types of TV programmes you like and dislike, giving reasons.

Soap operas I like them. I don’t like them.
Quiz shows I love them. I can’t stand them.
The News I think it’s brilliant. I don’t think much of it.
Horror Films absolutely fascinating absolutely disgusting
Documentaries I’m really interested in them. I’m not really interested in them.
Dating shows They’re great. They’re terrible.
Sport programmes my idea of fun not my idea of fun

(copyright Enterprise 3 Course book, Unit 21, p. 93, ex. 8)

Word study

Ex 3. Fill in the correct form of the word in bold.

1. It was such a ______ film that I fell asleep. (bore)

2. I was _____ by the clown’s performance. (amuse)

3. The new ride at the theme park is _____ (terrify)

4. Mary was _____ when she heard the news. (excite)

5. We were ______ by the magician’s tricks. (amaze)

6. It was the most ______ film I have ever seen. (thrill)

7. It was an ______ play. (interest)

8. He was ________ when he fell down the stairs in front of all his friends. (embarrass)

(copyright Enterprise 3 Course book, Unit 21, p. 94, ex. 13)

Ex 4. Fill in the words in brackets.

1. A film’s _________ tells the actors how to play their parts while the ________ deals with the financial side of the film. (producer/director)

2. When a book is made into a film, the original work by the __________ is transformed into a script by the ­­_________. (author/screenwriter)

3. She was the first person who appeared in the opening _________ so she felt quite nervous as she stepped onto the ________. (scene/stage)

4. In the variety show, a comedian told a few ________ followed by a magician who performed some great magic ________. (tricks/jokes)

5. Hundreds of _________ watched the circus parade through the streets in the morning, and as the result there was a huge _________ at the show in the evening. (audience/ spectators)

6, At the circus we laughed at the _________ with their silly clothes and make-up, and gasped in amazement as the _________ performed on the flying trapeze. (acrobats/clowns)

7. The museum’s __________ is the person who is in charge of the place whereas the ___________ looks after the building. (curator/caretaker)

8. At the concert the _________ led the couple to their seats. Moments later the _________ appeared on his podium and the choir began to sing (usher/conductor)

9. Yesterday morning we went to the zoo where we saw the animals in their _________ and the fish in the ___________. (aquarium/cages)

10. The ___________ played some soft music while the ___________ were backstage getting ready for the play. (orchestra/cast)

(copyright Enterprise 4 Course book, Unit 11, p. 135, ex. 2)

Ex 5. Make up a dialogue with your partner trying to decide how to spend an evening out, what new movie/play to watch. Use following expressions: Let’s …, Why don’t we …?, How about …?, That sounds fine …, That’s a good idea …, I don’t think that’s a good idea …, I’m not in the mood for …, etc.


Раздел 6.Здоровьесберегающие технологии. Health keeping technologies

Тема 6.1. Вредные привычки. Harmful habits

Занятие 6.1.1.?

Занятие 6.1.2.Пристрастия. Addicts

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: расширять лингвистический кругозор через страноведческую информацию

развивающая: развивать речевые способности вступать в иноязычное общение

воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения

практическая: развитие умений диалогической речи


1. Освоить лексику по теме «Вредные привычки. Пристрастия»: addict, substitute, treatment, physical consequences, to desire, to reaise, to fall down

2. Научиться употреблять Present perfect.

3. Прочитать текст «Are you hooked» и ответить на вопросы по тексту

4. Выделить из текста различные пристрастия.

5. Выполнить задания ex.3,4..

6. Научиться выражать своё мнение по проблеме.

7. Научиться реагировать на реплики и вопросы одногруппников по теме занятия.

Самостоятельная работа

Ответить на вопрос:Would you say you were addicted to anything?

Занятие 6.1.3.Здоровый образ жизни. Healthy lifestyle

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: расширять лингвистический кругозор через страноведческую информацию

развивающая: развивать речевые способности вступать в иноязычное общение

воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения

практическая: развитие умений диалогической речи


1. Освоить лексику по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»: fit, unfit, wasp, sting, bleed, swallow, faint

2.Научиться употреблять Present perfect.

3.Прочитать текст «How fit are you?» и ответить на вопросы по тексту.

4.Выделить из текста различные ключевые слова по теме занятия.

5. Выполнить тест.

6. Научиться выражать своё мнение по проблеме.

7. Научиться реагировать на реплики и вопросы одногруппников по теме занятия.

Самостоятельная работа

Make a list of things you must do in order to improve your level of fitness.

Дидактический материал к

Занятиям 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3

Lesson 6.1.1. Bad habits.Alcohol


Ex1. What can you damage,when you drink alcohol?

BRAIN … can damage your brain.

You think more slowly.

You get depressed.

TEETH … can rot your teeth.

HAIR … is bad for your hair.

It looks thin and dull!

BREATH … makes your breath smell

– who wants to kiss a drunk?

LUNGS … can damage your lungs.

You get more colds and flu.

SKIN … can give you spots!

HEART … is bad for your heart.

LIVER … can destroy your liver.

STOMACH … can damage the wall of your stomach.

WEIGHT … can make you fat.

Half a litre of beer has 750kJ.

Ex 2. Answer the questions below.


BEFORE YOU READ: in the UK you can’t drink alcohol in a pub before you’re 18.

· At what age can you drink alcohol in your country?

· Have you ever tasted alcohol? Yes No

Teens and alcohol are big news in the UK. More of today’s teens are drinking. And they start drinking when they’re younger. A 10-year-old was in the news because he drank a lot of alcohol. CROWN investigates…


In the UK …

· 90% of children have tried alcohol before they’re 15.

· 25% of childrenhave tried alcohol before they’re 10.

· About 1,000 children go to hospital each year with alcohol poisoning.

· 50% of 12-14-year-olds have already had a bad experience with alcohol.

TRUE STORY: “I drank a bottle of vodka a day”

Victoria started drinking when she was at boarding school. She was 13.

“One weekend, some friends and I drank a small bottle of vodka. It made me feel happy.”

“By the time I was 16, I drank a bottle of vodka a day. I started to need alcohol when I woke up in the morning. I missed classes or arrived late. I had a bad problem, but nobody knew. By 17, I didn’t have any friends.”

“Four month before my exams, the school sent me home. My parents helped me to stop drinking and I took my exams. But I soon started again.”

When she was 18, Victoria went to a special hospital to stop her drinking. “I was there for 14 weeks.”

Victoria hasn’t had a drink of alcohol for eight years. Now she works as a personal trainer. “My life is good now,” she says.


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