Would you like to study abroad? What country? 

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Would you like to study abroad? What country?


2. Read and translate the text:


British pupils, who want to go to the University, have a hard-working final year at school. They study for the A-level examination. It is the most important and serious exam. They give documents to 3 or 4 Universities and have interviews there. Universities select students on the basis of the A-level examination and personal interviews. Teachers also take note of the interests and hobbies of each candidate.

Very often, future students decide «to take a year out» before study at University. So, what do they do? They work and earn money to visit other countries. They visit the other countries with the purpose to learn about a different culture and way of life of other people. Students stay at home very rarely. They think that they are responsible for their own life and it is always better to experiment away from home.

British students prefer to go to Universities away from home. How do they solve the problem of living? They have 2 ways to solve this problem.

1. They live in a hostel. Rooms at the hostel normally for one person, but they are very small.

2. The students of the senior courses rent a room in a family house or group together with 4 or 5 other students to rent a whole house.

The problem of money is very important for English students. Students receive a grant from the State, but it is not enough to live on. So, students have to borrow money or to earn it.

Usually they borrow money from banks and leave University seriously in debt. Do parents help them? Sometimes they help. But more often they think that their children must be responsible for their finance.



to give documents to enter the university to pass entering (final) exams to graduate from university graduate to select on the basis of culture away from home to decide to be responsible for to receive grant to borrow money from purpose rarely debt подавать документы поступать в университет сдавать вступительные (выпускные) экзамены заканчивать университет выпускник университета выбирать на основании чего-либо культура вдали от дома решать что-либо сделать быть ответственным за получать стипендию занимать деньги у намерение, цель редко долг




3. Answer the questions:

a) 1. What do the English pupils do during the final year at school?

2. How do English students enter the University?

3. How do the Universities select students?

4. What do they do during the «year out»? Why?

5. Where do the students live when they study?

6. What problems do they have?

7. Do their parents help them and why?


b) Do you want to take a year-out after school?


4. Compare Russian and English student's life. Use the following phrases:

like in the same way to be similar in contrast to in different ways  
points to compare English Russian
• entering the University • the year after school • problems • the place of living • free time    

5. Retell the text using the key-words:

A-level examination

to give documents

to select

a «year out»

the problem of living

the problem of money


6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:


1) Я подаю документы в Технический Университет.

2) Английские студенты обычно подают документы в 2-3 ВУЗа.

3) Учителя отбирают студентов на основе экзаменов.

4) Учителя отбирают студентов на основе специальных знаний.

5) Я отбираю литературу на основе моих интересов.

6) Мы интересуемся русской культурой.

7) Каждая страна имеет собственную культуру.

8) Я решаю поступать в университет.

9) Он решает найти хорошую работу.

10) Она решает заработать много денег.

11) Я ответственен за мою учебу.

12) Родители ответственны за своих детей.

13) Мы получаем стипендию.

14) Я получаю письма из Англии.

15) Английские студенты берут деньги в банке.

16) Я не люблю занимать деньги.

7. Make up a dialogue on one of the situations:


· You are a Russian student and an English student. Ask different questions and tell each other about your student's life.

· You are a professor and a student. The professor advertises the University. The student asks questions about studies and life at that University. He wants to enter the University but he has many questions.

· You are students of the Siberian Federal University and the Moscow State University. Talk about your student's life.

· You are the members of the students' union. Discuss the students' problems (hostel, grant, traffic, library, etc.) and make a list of requirements (требования) for the city government to present at the strike (предъявить на забастовке).

· You are a professor and a reporter. The professor has an idea of a new model of the University. It's very nice and interesting. Reporter asks questions about this University and the student's life there, the professor answers.

· You are the first-year student and the fifth-year student. The first-year student has many questions about student's life and the fifth-year student tells about it.

· You are a parent and a child, who is a student. One day you sit and talk about your student's life. Tell each other about it.






1. Answer the questions:

1. Do you like to travel?

2. How often do you travel?

3. Who do you like to travel with?

4. How do you usually travel?

5. Why do you travel?

6. What countries do you want to visit?

2. Read and translate the text:


Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.

Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them – the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds. Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.

People travel by train, by plane, by boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes.


travelling to travel traveller to travel by car by plane by boat by sea by air on foot means of travel holidays modern cities country country (countryside) the ruins of ancient towns to enjoy picturesque places a change of scene to change the scene to discover to try to meet way of life exotic restaurants city-dweller to do nothing to walk to bathe to laze in the sun holiday-maker to take pictures of camera sight view church castle to remind of waterfall plain valley advantage disadvantage to choose destination to get to know according to to learn about customs and traditions tastes differ путешествие путешествовать путешественник путешествовать на машине на самолете на лодке морем по воздуху пешком средства путешествия отпуск, каникулы современные города страна сельская местность руины древних городов наслаждаться живописные места смена обстановки менять обстановку открывать пробовать встречать образ жизни экзотические рестораны горожанин ничего не делать гулять купаться валяться на солнце отдыхающий, отпускник фотографировать фотоаппарат вид (достопримечательность) вид (пейзаж) церковь замок напоминать о водопад равнина долина преимущество недостаток выбирать цель, место назначения узнавать в соответствии с узнавать об обычаях и традициях о вкусах не спорят


3. Collocate the words and use these phrases in your sentences:


to enjoy different people

the ruins of scene

a change of pictures of

to try new countries

to discover ancient towns

to meet picturesque places

to listen to in the sun

to laze musical rhythms

to take different food

to remind of the happy time

4. Make up the possible combinations with the following words:

to travel; to visit; to discover; to choose; to see; to take


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