Complete a mind map about yourself using the given words. Give as much information as you can but don’t be detailed about your family. 

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Complete a mind map about yourself using the given words. Give as much information as you can but don’t be detailed about your family.

I am … I have …



· Let me introduce myself. · to be from · to be a student of · to be a first-year student · to study at the University · to study smth. · to speak English · a hard work · to be going to do smth. · to be busy · to have much to do · to be married · to be single · to keep fit · to do sport · I was born on May 5, 1982 (2003) · to be easy to deal with · to learn with great interest · to take an active part in social life · creative · responsible · reliable · energetic · sociable · calm · friendly · to be fond of · to be interested in · to be good at · to prefer

2. Use information from your mind map and words from vocabulary to introduce yourself according to the plan:


1name/surname 2 age 3 nationality 4 single/married 5 place of living 6 job 7 character 8 hobby/interests

3. a) Write questions to the points in Ex.2. (e.g. What’s your name?)

b) Work in pairs and ask your partner about him/her. Make notes.

c) Use the notes you’ve done about your partner and introduce him/her.

Ask your group-mates about their traits of character and hobbies. Find out how much do you have in common. Who could be a friend of yours?

To prove your ideas use the following phrases:

· both of us;

· both X and me;

· like Y, I …




1. Give your associations to the word «Family»:




family relatives close/distant relatives wife husband daughter granddaughter son grandson grandparents great-grandfather/mother great-grandchild uncle aunt cousin niece nephew child (children) kid baby adult a younger sister an elder brother twins half-brother/sister father-in-law mother-in-law son-in-law daughter-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law pet What are you? семья родственники близкие/дальние родственники жена муж дочь внучка сын внук бабушка и дедушка прадедушка/прабабушка правнуки дядя тетя двоюродный брат/сестра племянница племянник ребенок (дети) ребенок, дитя младенец взрослый младшая сестра старший брат близнецы брат/сестра по одному родителю свекр/ тесть свекровь/теща зять невестка/сноха деверь (брат мужа)/ шурин (брат жены) сестра мужа/жены домашнее животное, питомец Кто вы (по профессии)? Чем вы занимаетесь?


2. Answer the questions:

1. Is your family large or small?

2. Do you have grandparents?

3. Do you have a sister or a brother? Is he/she older or younger than you?

4. What relatives do you have? Do they live far from you?

5. Do you have a pet?


3. a) What relatives do you have? Divide them into 2 groups:

men women

b) Now fill these categories:


parents: · ______________ () · ______________ ()   children: · ·


grandparents: · · grandchildren: · ·


4. Match the words and their definitions:

aunt uncle parent cousin single husband niece grandparents · not married · a daughter of your brother or sister · a sister of the father · mother’s or father’s parents · the child of an aunt · the man that a woman is married to · a brother of the mother · a mother or father


5. Find the words connected with family members:

С R G Y R   E I


6. Answer the questions:


1. What are you? 2. Where and when were you born? 3. How old are you? 4. Are you Russian? 5. Do you have a large family? 6. How many members are there in your family? 7. What relations do you have in your family (parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, etc.)? 8. How many children do your parents have? 9. Where do you live? / What’s your permanent address? 10. Are you married or single? 11. Do you work? / What do you do? 12. What is your friend's name? 13. How old is he (she)?
14. What is your friend's hobby? 15. What was your favourite subject? 16. Do you like to read? 17. Who is your favourite writer? 18. What sport do you go in for? 19. What are you going to be?


7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:


а) 1. Это моя семья. Это мои родители. Моя мама учительница английского в школе, а папа бизнесмен. 2. Это мой старший брат, он студент университета, он очень занят. 3. Их дочери 14 лет. Она увлекается музыкой и танцами. 4. Мой двоюродный брат доктор. Он женат, и у него двое детей. 5. У меня есть три племянника, но нет племянницы. 6. – Как зовут твою двоюродную сестру? – Ее зовут Кейт. 7. Наш дед старый, ему 89 лет. 8. Их сыну 19 лет, он сейчас в армии. 9. – У вас есть хобби? – Да, я люблю вязать. 10. – Сколько лет его бабушке? – Шестьдесят четыре, она на пенсии. 11. – Чем занимается их дочь? – Она секретарь в офисе. 12. – У вас есть родственники в Англии? – Нет. Наши родственники в Америке. 13. – Лена, подойди сюда! Сколько тебе лет? – Пять. – У тебя есть домашнее животное? – Да, у меня есть собака. 14. У него много родственников в Москве? 15. Муж моей сестры – юрист, его хобби – спорт. 16. – Вы любите музыку? – Да, очень. Я люблю петь и танцевать. А вы? – А я люблю спорт. 17. – Она изучает французский? – Нет, она изучает английский. 18. – Чем занимается ваш сын? – Он студент. – Да? Сколько ему лет? – Ему 20. 19. Подружка моего брата внешне очень похожа на свою маму. 20. У нас с сыном много общего. Мы оба любим классическую музыку. 21. – Твой папа любит смотреть телевизор? – Нет, он любит играть в футбол, как все мужчины. 22. Моя дочь сейчас замужем. Они с мужем часто навещают нас. 23. – Ваши дедушка и бабушка живут с вами? – Нет, они живут далеко от нас. 24. – Этот молодой человек очень похож на тебя. – Это мой двоюродный брат. Он живет с нами.

б) У моего брата большая семья. Он живет вместе с тестем и тещей. Кроме того, у него трое детей. Его жена Ирина не работает. Она домохозяйка. Она заботится о детях и о своих родителях. Ее родители пенсионеры. Им обоим по 75 лет. Старший сын брата школьник. Он ученик второго класса. Две младшие дочери близнецы. Им по 5 лет. Они ходят в детский сад. Я люблю проводить время с ними, потому что они очень забавные. Девочки помогают маме по дому. Семья моего брата очень дружная.


8. Read and translate the text:


Let me introduce myself. My name is Helen. My second name is Ivanovna. And my surname is Krilova. My friends call me by my first name, Helen. I am Russian by nationality. I live in Volgograd, Gagarina Street, 12. It is a beautiful street. I live with my parents in a block of flats on the second floor. Our family is not large. It consists of four members: my father, mother, sister and me.

My father's name is Ivan Andreevich. He is a doctor by profession. I think that he is talented and creative. My father is specialized in psychology. He deals with a lot of people. He says that he likes his work.

My mother's name is Olga. I adore her. My mother and me are good friends. She is a charming woman and a keen housewife. She can do many things. She sews, knits, cooks. Besides she is fond of books and computers. My mother is interested in theatre. She prefers drama.

As for my sister Sveta, she is only a schoolgirl. She is only twelve. She looks like my mother but she takes after my father in character. I think that she is a naughty girl but my parents love her.

We have many relatives. They live far from us. We visit them sometimes. I miss my grandmother and grandfather.

My best friend's name is Masha. She is 17. She is a reliable partner. Masha is fond of music. She sings very well. We like to spend our free time together. Masha and me are classmates. So we have many things in common. We are interested in arts. We both prefer drama. Sometimes we go to the cinema or to the theatre together. We are fond of reading books. Masha prefers to read science fiction. Her favourite writer is Lemm. As for me, I prefer...


by first name by nationality a block of flats to consist of by profession creative to be specialized in to deal with to adore to get on well with (people) housewife charming keen to sew to knit to look like smb. to take after smb. in character form naughty relatives far from to miss to spend free time together many things in common both science fiction favourite to visit classmate the only child по имени по национальности многоэтажный дом состоять из по профессии творческий специализироваться в иметь дело с обожать ладить домохозяйка очаровательный умелый шить вязать быть похожим на кого-то походить на кого-то по характеру класс (ступень обучения) непослушный родственники далеко от скучать по проводить свободное время вместе много общего оба, обе научная фантастика любимый посещать одноклассник (ца) единственный ребенок



9. Answer the questions on the text:


What is her name/surname?

What is her nationality?

Where does she live?

Is her family big or small?

How many members does it consist of?

What is her mother's/ father's name?

Does she adore her mother?


10. Agree or disagree with the statements about Helen’s family. Start, using the phrases «it is right/it is wrong»:


1. Helen is 17.

2. Helen is not Russian.

3. Helen lives in a small town.

4. Helen's family is big.

5. Helen's father is a psychologist.

6. Helen's family has their own house.

7. Helen and her mother are good friends.

8. Helen's mother doesn’t like to do work about the house.

9. Helen's mother prefers reading.

10. Helen's mother doesn’t work.

11. Helen's sister is a student.

12. Helen's sister is a charming girl.

13. Helen's best friend is Sveta.

14. Helen has many things in common with her friend.


11. Work in pairs and make a dialogue:

One of you is Helen, another person is Helen’s new classmate who wants to become her friend and to learn more about her and her family.


12. Put in the right words:


1) Let me... myself.

2) My... is....

3) I am Russian ….

4) My mother can....

5) I... my grandparents.

6) My sister looks... my mother but she... my father ….

7) My friends and I like … together.

8) We have many ….

9) I … in music.

10) Our family … of sports.

11) My father is a doctor ….

12) As for me, I... to read.


13. Give the synonyms:


1) I like dancing.

2) Our family has four members.

3) On Sundays I go to see my grandparents.

4) I love my mother.

5) My father works with a lot of people.

6) Our relatives don't live with us.

7) I like to have a rest with my friends.

8) She has the same character as her father.


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