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Offshore areas as a means of saving and augmenting capital

The word "offshore" is interpreted literally.

In international practice, the definition "offshore" is used to characterise financial centres which carry out financial and credit operations jointly with foreign entrepreneurs on terms that are preferential for the entrepreneurs. In a broader sense, " offshore areas " means countries or their territories where the government grants considerable taxation privileges to certain companies owned by foreigners. In such areas, which are called offshore, accounting and audit requirements are decreased or absent and trade and customs limits are entirely or partially removed.

What are the advantages of offshore areas?

For countries where offshore areas are located, they are an excellent means of attracting foreign capital and developing their own industrial and social infrastructure.

For foreign entrepreneurs using offshore areas it is a method:

1) to save capital since funds are on account at reliable banks where payment for banking services is not high;

2) to effectively accrue capital. This is facilitated by the alleviation of taxes, as well as by the extent of a free capital flow. For example, in many offshore areas, currency restrictions or currency controls are practically absent. Also, an additional advantage (in the entrepreneurs' opinion) is the presence of anonymity for businesses using offshore areas and confidentiality of information about those businesses (hereafter - offshore companies). In other words, the real owners of an offshore company may remain unknown by registering the company through trust companies using documents where they indicate the last names of nominal shareholders and people responsible for performing corporate duties and instructions.

A. Випишіть виділені жирним шрифтом слова, вкажіть їх українські еквіваленти та запам’ятайте.

Напишіть анотацію до тексту.

IY. Індивідуальне читання (обсяг – 15 тис. друкованих знаків газетного тексту).

    1. Прочитайте та перекладіть статтю(статті).

Випишіть та запам’ятайте 20 ключових слів.

3. Підготуйте усний переказ прочитаного.


Варіант 8




1) Доповніть речення питальними займенниками.

1. ___ is that girl sitting at the first desk?

2. ___ will the weather be like tomorrow?

3. ___ are you? I’m 35.

4. ___ wants to be a teacher?

5. ___ windows are there in the room? There are three windows there.

6. ___ do your grandparents live?

7. ___ did you come to your office yesterday?

8. ___ of you studies at the University?

9. ___ needs this book? I do.

10. ___ has ever been to London?


2) Пропишіть словами подані числівники.

7; 13; 27; 0,5; 2 ¼; 2117; 21-ий; 1998 рік; 2007 рік; 3 100 021.


3) Спишіть, вибираючи правильну форму.

1. He (believes / is believing) me.

2. I (am thinking / think) this problem is easy solved.

3. Lisa can’t answer the phone, she (is having / has) a shower.

4. Stop talking you (make / are making) much noise.

5. Can you give me your pen? I (need / am needing) it very much.

6. (Do you recognize / are you recognizing) that man over there.

7. I (don’t see / am not seeing) quite well.

8. My shoes are dirty. I (will clean / am going to clean) them.

9. What is he (going to be / will be).

10. You are very lazy. I (shall not / am not going) to help you.


4) Перекладіть англійською мовою.

1.Покладіть сірники в коробку.

2. Іди сюди і сідай біля мене.

3.Навіщо він пішов туди?

4.Вона поїхала в Крим поплавати в морі.

5.Його подруга поряд з ним.

6.Вона подарувала мені свою фотокартку, а я їй свою.

7.Він поклав свою сумку на стілець, а її тримав в руках.

8.Її пісні були чудові, а його ще краще.

9. Як твої справи? Так собі.Дякую. А твої?

10.Чий це стіл? Мій.





Look at paragraphs 1 – 6 in the boxes, and answer the questions that follow them.


This contract is binding, and we expect all the parts involved (both clients and suppliers) to abide by the terms and conditions stated in sections 3a – 37g on pages 1 – 17.


1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. True or false: a contract which is binding is flexible and can be changed at any time.

3. Two of these words / expressions could replace abide by. Which ones?

(A) choose (B) agree with (C) obey (D) change (E) honour


On terminator of this contract, the company will be obliged to return any unused materials to the supplier within 28 days, unless provision has been made for a temporary extension. If any of the rules of the contract are broken, all materials must be returned immediately.

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. True or false: provision has a similar meaning to arrangement.

3. Rearrange these letters to make two words which have a similar meaning to obliged:

Degabtlio edequrir


The contract was originally verbal, but we've finally managed to get the company to give us something on paper. They say that this contract is un-negotiable, but maybe we can persuade them to amend some of the details before we sign on the dotted line.

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above paragraph is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. True or false: the speaker thinks that it might be possible for small changes to be made to the

contract before she signs it.

3. Rearrange the letters in bold to make words which have the same or a similar meaning to verbal in

this situation

Rola kosnep


Swillpot Airline Catering Ltd were sued by Pan-Globe Airways when they were found to be in beach of their contract, specifically that they had failed to comply with clause 27B, which stated that their food should be "fit for human consumption".

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. Find a word or expression in paragraphs 1 – 3 above which has a similar meaning to comply with

in paragraph 4.

3. True or false: Pan-Globe Airways are unhappy with Swillpot Airline Catering because they have

breached all of their contractual terms.

4. Both Swillpot Airline Catering Ltd and Pan-Globe Airways signed the contract. In legal terms,

would we describe the arrangement between the two companies as an offer, an acceptance or a



Withers Interiors Ltd have entered into an agreement with Sophos Construction to act as sole providers of quality interior fittings commencing 15 August this year. This is to run for 18 months, with a 3 month period of notification in the event of cancellation by either side.


1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. Which word in the paragraph is the closest in meaning to the noun contract?

3. Is this an example of part of an open-ended contract?

4. True or false: if either Withers Interiors Ltd or Sophos Construction want to end the contract, they

must tell the other company 3 months before they do it.


This contract recognises the anointment of Mr Alan Wiley as non-executive Director to the board of AKL Publishing following the company's amalgamation with Berryhill Books. While Mr Wiley may continue to buy shares in the company, he may not acquire a controlling interest, and he may have no professional dealings with any third parties during this period

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.

2. True or false: AKL Publishing recently separated from Berryhill Books.

3. True or false: Mr Wiley can buy as many shares as he likes in the company.

4. In addition to sitting on the board of AKL Publishing, how many other companies can Mr Wiley

work for?




1) Прочитайте та перекладіть письмово поданий нижче текст.


The main parties in the UK are the Conservative party (right wing), the Labour party (left wing) and the Liberal Democrats (centre).The Conservative party goes back to the Tories, or Royalists, who originated in King Charles1 reign (1660-1685). The Tories were the party that supported Church and King; the other main party at the time were Whigs, who were a group eager for political reform. The Tory party gave way to its successor, the Conservative party, in around 1830.

The Conservative party believes in free enterprise and the importance of a capitalist economy, with private ownership preferred to state control.

In 1899 the Trade Union Congress summoned a Special conference of trade unions and social bodies to make plans to present labour in Parliament. The proposal for such a meeting had come from Thomas Steels, a member of the Independent Labour Party which had been formed in 1893. The conference met in February 1900 in London and has always been looked on as the foundation of the Labour Party. The Labour party believes that private ownership and enterprise should be allowed to flourish, but not at the expense of their traditional support of public services.

There has been a Liberal party in Great Britain since 1868 when the name was adopted by the Whig party. The Whig party was created after the revolution of 1688 and aimed to subordinate the power of the Crown to that of Parliament and the upper classes. In 1981 a second centre party was created by 24 Labour MPs. It was called the Social Democratic party, and soon formed an alliance with the Liberal party. They formed a single party which became the Liberal Democrats after the 1987 election.

The Liberal Democrats believe that the state should have some control over the economy, but that there should be individual ownership.

There are other political parties within the UK. The Green party offers economic and industrial policies that relate directly to the environment. The Scottish Nationalist Party wants independence for Scotland within the European Community. Plaid Cymru - the Welsh Nationalist Party is determined to preserve the Welsh language and culture as the foundation of a distinctive Welsh identity within the UK. Its radical wing has resorted to arson attempts as a mean of protest.


2) Випишіть виділені жирним шрифтом слова, вкажіть їх укр. еквіваленти та запам’ятайте.

3) Напишіть анотацію до тексту.


ІV. ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНЕ ЧИТАННЯ (обсяг 15 тис. друкованих знаків газетного тексту).


1.Прочитайте та перекладіть статті.

2.Випишіть та запам’ятайте 20 ключових слів.

3. Підготуйте усний переказ прочитаного.





Варіант 9




1) Доповніть речення питальними займенниками.

1. ___ are you? I’m a teacher.

2. ___ is standing at the blackboard now?

3. ___ did it cost?

4. ___ you been to France?

5. ___ boys are there in your group?

6. ___ did you enter the University?

7. ___ are you crying?

8. ___ did you go in summer?

9. ___ teacher is this?

10. ___ is he? He is Klimenko?


2) Пропишіть словами подані числівники.

10; 19; 38; 61-ий; 1,010; 1873рік; 3,020.467; ½; 0,5; 3 ¼.


3) Спишіть, вибираючи правильну форму.

1. The cake (is tasting / tastes) delicious.

2. Have you already decided what you (will be / are going to be)?

3. Who (is waiting / waits) for you in the hall?

4. I (need / am needing) much more time to do this work.

5. He (believes / is believing) me gratefully

6. Don’t disturb them. They (are preparing / prepare) to examinations.

7. It (rains / is raining) heavily.

8. It (snows / is snowing) in winter.

9. We (have / are having) English now.

10. I have (have / am having) many relatives.


4) Перекладіть англійською мовою.

1. Ми були дома в той час.

2. Я клала гаманець в сумку, а зараз його немає там.

3. Хлопці люблять ходити на рибалку.

4. Не стійте біля дверей. Заходьте.

5. Вийдіть з класу.

6. Подивіться на дошку.

7. Це моя книжка, а де твоя?

8. Як твої справи. Дякую. А ваші?

9. Це не його речі. Вони мої.

10. Це сусідня квартира, а це наша.




Corporate responsibility 1: The environment

Corporate responsibility can broadly be defined as the responsibility a company or other organisation and its directors have to the people they employ, to their customers, to the people who live in and around their areas of operation and to the local, national and international environment. While many aspects of corporate responsibility are not laws in themselves, they may be part of, or become involved in, a legal process.

Complete this text about corporate responsibility and the environment with words from

the box.

abused affected alternative assets benefit climate codes communities compensation conflict consultation degradation ecological ecosystems effect exploit extracts fossil genetically human rights impact implementing indigenous indirectly minimise non-renewable non-sustainable pollution precautions protocols reduce regulations regulatory renewable resources solar sustainable sustaining transparent voluntarily

A company should ensure that its actions do not damage local and global__________. It needs to __________ its use of natural __________ such as oil, gas and other __________ fuels, and regulate its

__________ on aspects such as __________ change, and air, sea and noise __________. It needs to be aware of the dangers it might pose in terms of __________ __________, and must follow local, national and international __________, rules, __________ and __________ designed to __________ damage.

Where possible, it should __________ the availability of __________ power sources such as __________ and tidal power. If the company is involved in the agricultural sector, it should support and encourage __________ agriculture and forest use. If a company wishes to develop __________ modified products, it should do so only if it is safe, and only after public __________, and it should take all necessary __________. It should also have the approval of local people who might be __________. If accidents occur or __________ breaches are made, the company must be honest and __________ in its dealings with those who are affected, and assist them in __________ procedures to reduce its __________.

A company that __________ and exploits natural __________ resources such as coal, oil or gas, or __________ resources such as hydro-electric power, should ensure that it avoids __________ with local people, and that the __________ of those people are not __________ through its actions, either directly or __________. It needs to be aware of its role in __________ the environment, and helping to preserve the survival of local and national __________ (including __________ people who might be less able to represent or defend themselves). A company should avoid working in or around vulnerable and __________ communities unless its actions directly __________ those communities Where people are asked to move in order for a company to exploit local resources, they should do so __________, and should be offered adequate __________ for their land and __________ (the resource being exploited should be considered as one of these).


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