Besides an insurance certificate, the three must-have documents you 

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Besides an insurance certificate, the three must-have documents you

Need to keep you car legal are a Registration Document, and MoT certificate and a tax disc

is the person who keeps the vehicle on a public road, and is not always necessarily the legal owner of the vehicle. The document gives the keeper's name and address and the registration number of the vehicle. It also gives other information about the vehicle, such as the date it was first registered, the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), engine number, colour, engine size, body type, etc. The number of previous keepers is usually shown too. The form also includes sections that must be filled in when a vehicle is sold, both by the buyer and by the seller, who must notify the DVLA of the change of ownership (see Chapter 1 for more details).



What data about the car is listed in Vehicle Registration Document?


Task 5. Please insert the correct letter. 13 mal (ck oder k oder g)


Tax disc

All cars re___istered 1) in the U___ 2) must display a tax disc (the official term is a Vehicle Excise Licence) on the left-hand side of the windscreen, which shows that the owner has paid the vehicle’s ’excise duty’.

You can buy a disc to last for six or twelve months. To obtain one, you’ll need to present your insurance certificate and the car’s MoT certificate, and if you haven’t been sent a renewal notice in the post you may also need to show the car’s Re___istration 3) Document.

For cars re___istered 4) before 1 March 2001, the rate of tax depends on the en___ine 5) size – cars with an en___ine 6) up to 1,549cc are eli___ible 7) for a cheaper rate. For cars re___istered 8) after 1 March 2001, the rate depends on the level of carbon dioxide (C02) emissions – the less C02 the en___ine 9) produces, the lower the tax rate.

It’s worth notin___ 10) that cars built (not necessarily re___istered 11)) before 1 st January 1973 are considered to be ’classics’ and there’s no char___e 12) for a tax disc, althou___h 13) a tax disc must still be displayed.


Task 6. Read the text


MoT certificate

All cars need an MoT certificate when they're three years old, and you'll need to present the MoT certificate when you buy a tax disc. An MoT certificate expires after 12 months, so once a car is three years old it must have an MoT test every year.

The MoT certificate is issued after the car has passed an MoT test, which consists of a number of checks to make sure that a car is roadworthy and that its exhaust emissions are within the legal limits. MoT tests can only be carried out at an official MoT Testing Station – not all garages can carry out MoT tests, but the ones that do usually advertise the service and often display an official sign outside showing that they are authorised to carry out the test.

You can have your car tested up to one month before the current certificate runs out – the expiry date of the new certificate will be 12 months after the date of expiry of the old one.

The MoT certificate shows details of the car, including the registration number, VIN number, and the mileage recorded when the test was carried out, and the date of issue and expiry of the certificate.

It's worth making a note in your diary of the date when your car's MoT is due, as a reminder to book it in for a test. It's illegal to drive a car on the road if the MoT certificate has expired.

It's a good idea to keep all the old MoT certificates, as when you come to sell the car the certificates will help to prove that the car's mileage is genuine.


Task 7. There are at least 28 hidden words. Find them.


  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T
  H N G J E W K O I R C O N S I S T S A I
  O C C E X H A U S T S E X B Q B H W Q H
  R X T D R E Q Q N Y T B E F O R E N C U
  R E H K R N J O T V R T A R D I Y B E A
  O R R S I F I F O L E G A L O R Q I R K
  A L E Q N O Q F T R G B D C G E H G T B
  D H E O C I B I R M I E V S V C Q A I R
  W Y O J L U V C A R S O E X V O W D F C
  O V A D U R A I D W T G R I R R L N I K
  R P U L D X M A I M R X T U I D I S C P
  T J T F I K C L N R A C I U O E E R A L
  H J H O N M M U W S T N S I H D P Z T S
  Y G O M G B S E R V I C E M R H J M E A
  W W R X F R C H Q O O I V S E L L U X E
  F H I I O S H O W I N G P N M D A W V X
  M U S T K O R J P N D S O L I R P I C P
  K Q E R E M I S S I O N S I N F Y T X I
  O M D V T W O E A T N O B C D U L H P R
  E W X Y I S V N N H C O X G E N U I N E
  C E R T I F I C A T E S D D R J P N D D


Task 8. Retell the text in pairs.


Service records

When a car is new, it comes with a service record book which shows details of all the scheduled servicing recommended by the manufacturer. Spaces are provided so that the garage carrying out servicing can stamp the book and write in the mileage and date. Although there's no requirement to keep this book, or even to have it stamped, it does provide a record to prove that the car has been serviced in line with the manufacturer's recommended schedule. This can be very useful when you're buying or selling a car, because as long as the service record book contains the official stamps of the garages that carried out the servicing it shows that the car has been properly serviced. Cars with a 'full service history' tend to sell for a better price than those without.

Some owners keep all the invoices and receipts for servicing, and these can be useful when you sell the car as they provide more evidence that it has been looked after.

An up-to-date service record will prove a big plus when it comes to selling your car



It's a legal requirement to insure your car before you drive on the road, and insuring a car for the first time can be an expensive business.

Task 1. Words to remember:


1. gatepost [ge͟ɪtpoʊst] (n.) – воротный столб;

2. voluntary ['vɔlənt(ə)rɪ] (adj.) – добровольный;

3. witness ['wɪtnəs] (n.) – свидетель, очевидец.


Task 2. Read the texts and make questions to the text.


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