Tell of thy magic where his feet 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Tell of thy magic where his feet

are wandering! What foes him meet?

Mother, tell me, lives he still

treading the desert and the hill? - шагая



Nay, Luthien my child, I fear

he lives indeed in bondage drear.

The Lord of Wolves hath prisons dark,

chains and enchantments cruel and stark,

there trapped and bound and languishing -тоскующий

now Beren dreams that thou dost sing.'


Luthien: Then I alone must go to him

and dare the dread in dungeons dim;

Or none there be that will him aid

In all the world, save elven-maid

Whose only skill were joy and song,

And both have failed and left her long.

(Мелиан молчит и уходит, Лутиэнь убегает в слезах; на пустой сцене появляется Даэрон в короне из листьев папоротника; садится на землю, покрытую опавшими листьями бука)


Bard: Dairon she found with ferny crown

silently sitting on beech-leaves brown.


Вбегает Лутиэнь и садится рядом.


Luthien: 0 Dairon, for our old days' sake!

Make me a music for heart's ache,

For heart's despair, and for heart's dread,

for light gone dark and laughter dead!



'But for music dead there is no note,'

(схватился рукой за горло; [затем взял флейту, заиграла грустная мелодия]

Luthien: (вскакивая)

'My friend, I have a need of friends,

as he who a long dark journey wends,

and fears the road, yet dare not turn

and look back where the candles burn

Your aid I seek to guide me forth

and find the pathways to the North

would you for love of Luthien

go by her side, o dear friend?


Dairon: (встаёт) Wherefore,' on earth, 'should Dairon go

Into direst peril earth doth know

For the sake of mortal who did steal

His laughter and joy? No love I feel

For Beren son of Barahir,

Nor weep for him. But thee, I swear,

I will defend from perils fell

And deadly wandering into hell.

Лутиэнь грустно благодарит его и уходит.

Author Dairon finds Thingol and reveals him Luthien’s plan to escape Doriath & help Beren. The king invents an ingenious way to keep Luthien from taking this risk. Not far from Menegroth stood the greatest of all the trees in the forest of Neldoreth, the mighty beech called Hirilorn.


Появляется Хирилорн, поет, встает посередине сцены

Hirilorn – поёт: When Summer lies upon the world, and in a noon of gold

Beneath the roof of sleeping leaves the dreams of trees unfold;

When woodland halls are green and cool, and wind is in the West,

I'll linger here beneath the Sun, because my land is best!

Bard Now Thingol made men in the beech

In the great tree, as far as reach

Their longest ladders, there to build

An airy house; and as he willed

A little dwellingof fair wood

was made, and veiled in leaves it stood. (приносит стремянку, ставит сзади Хирилорн

There Luthien was bidden dwell,

Until she was wiser and the spell

Of madness left her.

Лутиэнь медленно взбирается по лестнице на самый верх за спиной Хирилорн; на экране появляется картинка домика на дереве.

Bard One night on her there came, maybe,

from Melian's magic dream, that she

heard Beren's voice o'er hill and fell

Tinuviel! 'Tinuviel.' (голос Берена)

And her heart answered:


Luthien: Let me be gone

to seek him no others think upon! '

Лутиэнь призывает эльфа-слугу, он подходит, она приказывает:


Esgalduin’s water at middle night,'

in a bowl of'silver white

must be drawn and brought to me

with no word spoken, silently.'


Эльф-слуга приносит ей воду в серебряной чаше.



Now wine in a jar, pray, bring to me

At high noon, singing merrily.

Эльф-слуга приносит в золотой чаше вино, пританцовывая и напевая веселую мелодию


And Luthien now was left alone.

A magic song to Men unknown

she sang. All names of things

tallest and longest on earth she sings:


Luthien: (звучит песня)

The locks of the Longbeard dwarves; the tail

of Draugluin the werewolf pale;

the body of Glomund the great snake;

The vast upsoaring peaks that quake

above the fires in Angband's gloom;

The chain Angainor wrought ere Doom.

I’ll ‘sing of ‘Glend the ‘sword of ‘Nan;

of ‘Gilim the ‘giant of ‘Eruman;

And last and longest I shall name

The endless hair of Uinen,

The Lady of the Sea, that lies

Through all the waters under skies.

Затем звучит музыка дрёмы и сна.

Лутиэнь засыпает, Хирилорн укрывает её своими ветвями


Of slender threads of her cloudy hair

she wove a web like misty air

of moonless night, and thereof made

a robe as fluttering-dark as shade

beneath great trees, a magic dress

that all was drenched with drowsiness.


Хирилорн раскрывает свои ветви, Лутиэнь расправляет своё волшебное покрывало сна, закутывается в него и спускается с дерева.

Затем, танцуя, Лутиэнь убегает.


Bard As light as squirrel she fled away,

Away, she danced, and who could say

What paths she took, whose elvish feet

No impress made-a-dancing fleet?


Scene 3

Эпизод 1 Берен и Фелагунд закованы в цепи, сидят в темнице, рядом с ними – груда белых костей)

Bard Now left alone two comrades were.

The others lived no more, but bare

their broken bones would lie and tell

how ten had served their master well.

Beren (обращаясь к Фелагунду) Twere little loss if I were dead,

And I am minded all to tell,

And thus, perchance, from this dark hell

Thy life to loose. I set thee free

from thine old oath, for more for me (снимает кольцо,

hast thou endured than e'er was earned. отдает Фелагунду)

Felagund: 'A! Beren, Beren hast not learned

that promises of Morgoth's folk

are frail as breath. From this dark yoke

o f pain shall neither ever go,

whether he learn our names or no,

with Thu's consent. Nay more, I think

yet deeper of torment we should drink,

knew he that son of Barahir

and Felagund were captive here,

and even worse if he should know

the dreadful errand we did go.'

Thu - внезапно появляется в проходе, с дьявольским смехом:

True, true the word from you I heard

Twere little loss if he were dead,

the outlaw mortal. (презрительно тыкает свом мечом Берена) But the king,

The Elf undying, many a thing

No man could suffer may endure.

Perchance, when what these walls immure - замурованы

Of dreadful anguish thy folk learn,

Their king to ransom they will yearn?

The wolf is hungry, the hour is nigh;

no more need Beren wait to die.' (уходит)

Bard The slow time passed. Then in the gloom

Two eyes there glowed. He saw his doom.

Lo! sudden there was rending sound - разрывание

of chains that parted and unwound.

Фелагунд встает, разрывая цепи и устремляется за дверь, где в смертельной схватке душит волка. Слышны яростные вопли волка, затем всё стихает, выходит, шатаясь, Фелагунд, окровавленный, в разорванной одежде, падает перед Береном.

Felagund 'Farewell!

On earth I need no longer dwell,

friend and comrade, Beren bold.

My heart is burst, my limbs are cold.

Here all my power I have spent

to break my bonds, and dreadful rent

of poisoned teeth is in my breast.

I now must go to my long rest

neath Timbrenting in timeless halls. (умирает)

Bard Thus died the king,

As elvish singers yet do sing.

Эпизод 2, где Лутиэнь появляется перед Тху, побеждает его песней и спешит к Берену.

Звучит музыка эльфийской силы.

Luthien повелительно, Тху: 0 demon dark, 0 phantom vile

of foulness wrought, of lies and guile, - из грязи сотворенный

here shalt thou die, thy spirit roam - скитаться

quaking back to thy master's home

his scorn and fury to endure; - терпеть его гнев и поношение

thee he will in the bowels immure - заточит в недра

of groaning earth, and in a hole

everlastingly thy naked soul

shall wail and gibber - this shall be, - выть и причитать

unless the keys thou render me

of thy black fortress, and the spell

that bindeth stone to stone thou tell,

and speak the words of opening.'

Тху отдает Лутиэнь ключи от своей черной крепости и невнятно шепчет слова заклятия, скрепляющего камни и открывающего тайные темницы

Bard With gasping breath and shuddering

he spake, and yielded as he must,

and vanquished betrayed his master's trust. – покоренный

Тху уползает, Лутиэнь убегает, зовя Берена.

Эпизод 3


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