Use the right tense form of the verb. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Use the right tense form of the verb.

1) How much money……..(you/spend) on food every week?

2) Where is Ann? She …..(sunbathe) in the garden.

3) ………..(you/watch) the TV? - No. You can switch it off if you like.

4) I’m afraid I………(not/speak) Spanish very well.

5) John …………..(look for) a bigger flat.

6) She ………..(usually/finish) work before 6 o’clock.

7) ……….(you/know) how to use this computer programme? Not yet. But I……….(learn).

8) Where …..(Joe/go) with that gun in his hand? Oh, he……….(always /carry) it with him when he goes walking in the woods.

9) Be quiet! I……….(think) Dad ……….(sleep) upstairs.

10) I ….(not/like) cooking, but I …..(love) eating.

11) Why ………(you/cry)? Have you hurt yourself (ушиблась)?

12) Something ………(smell) good. What ……….(you/cook)?

13) In autumn the leaves ……….(fall) from the trees.

14) Gary……….(not/be) to work since Monday.

15) You………(work) very hard recently. I’m surprised the boss did not give you a pay rise when you asked him.

16) Sally is very clever. She ………..(speak) five languages.

I don’t understand those people. What language ………..(they/speak)?


Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

(Закончите предложения, поставив инфинитивы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Progressive).

Amy is sitting at her computer. She isn't working; she (a)......................................... (think)

about her boyfriends. She (b)......................................... (hate) her job almost as much as

she (c)......................................... (dislike) Josh. He is so silly. He always (walk)in the

park, (smell) the flowers and (think) about nature. Amy (e)......................................... (prefer) Ramon. Ramon is Spanish and he is very rich. He (f)......................................... (have) an apartment in Barcelona but he is living in a flat near Amy at the moment. He (g)......................................... (belong to) all the best clubs and he (h)........................................ (know) lots of famous people. Amy (i)...................................... (believe) Ramon will marry her one day, but she (j)......................................... (not know) that Ramon is returning to Barcelona next month.

Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb be.

(Закончите предложения диалога, используя правильную форму глагола to be в Present Simple)

The Rodriguez family are in England

Mrs Evans: Come in, come in, everyone. It (1)................ lovely to see you all! You

(2)................ a bit late but never mind. The fish and chips (3)................ still hot.

Pablo: Great! I (4)................ really hungry!

Mrs Evans: (5)................ you hungry or thirsty, Mr and Mrs Rodriguez?

Mrs Rodriguez: No, thank you, we (6)............... fine, Mrs Evans. We’ll go to our

hotel now, I think.

Mrs Evans: Oh, alright, then. So, what do you think of the horrible weather? It (7)

................ very warm for the time of year, is it? But the beds (8)................ nice

and cosy with their duvets on and I (9)................ sure the young people will be



5. Напишите вопросы с How long к данным ситуациям, используя Present Perfect или Present Perfect Progressive

Model: Jim is learning Chinese. How long has he been learning Chinese?

I know Bob. How long have you known Bob?


1. My sister is married.

2. Boris is on holiday.

3. I live in Glasgow.

4. It is snowing.

5. Jack smokes.

6. I know about her problem.

7. Jack and Jill are looking for a flat.

8. Diana teaches English in Germany.

9. Dennis is in love with Margaret.

10. Colin has a car.


6. Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.

1. What do you do? 2. What are you doing? 3. Where do you work? 4. Where are you working? 5. Does your son play the violin? 6. Is your son playing the violin? 7. What language does she speak? 8. What language is she speaking? 9. Who's drinking champagne? 10. Who drinks champagne? a. Actually, that's the radio. b. French - she's from Belgium. c. I want to get this car started. d. I'm an architect. e. I'm in Cardiff this week. f. In a big insurance company. g. It sounds like Russian. h. Me - can I have some more? i. Me. When I can afford it. j. No. The piano.



Past tenses

  1. Present Perfect

p. 276 упр.203

278 206

279 208

280 211

2. Past Simple

287 222

228 224

289 225

3. Past Progressive

290 227

4. Past Perfect

294 232

296 234

5. Past Perfect Progressive

299 239


II. Дополнительные упражнения

Put the right form.

1. I was exhausted at the end of the exam. I …(write) for over two hours.

2. When thieves stole my favourite leather jacket, I was really upset. I …(have) it for over ten years.

3. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realise you …(drive) at over 90mph?

4. We didn't really want to go and see the musical again. We …(already see) it twice - so we said "no" and we went to a restaurant instead!

5. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they …(work) for over two hours on the new project and I felt really guilty.

6. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan was in the kitchen and she …(cook) a huge meal for everyone at the party.

7. It was a bit embarrassing to arrive at their house and find Mary looking so sad. I think she …(cry) before we got there.

8. No-one even noticed when I got home. They …(all watch) the big game on TV.

Choose proper variants

1. Hardly..... the place of our destination when it became quite dark.

had we reached

we reached

we were reaching

we had been reaching

2. When I first..... to England in 1938, I thought I knew English fairly well.


had come

was coming

had been coming

3. She was not interested in the book because she..... it.

hadn’t understood

didn’t understand

wasn’t understanding

hadn’t been understanding

4. A man once built a house and..... his friends to visit him.

had invited

was inviting


had been inviting

5. The Browns..... in a large house when their children were at home, but they moved to a small three-room apartment after the children grew up and left home.


had lived

used to live

were living


6. Before I went to bed I decided to check the front door. I was sure my sister..... it. And I was right!

didn’t lock

hadn’t locked


had locked

7. Suddenly they heard a strange noise and..... at each other in horror.


were looking

had looked

had been looking

8. Sam says he didn’t enjoy the program because the TV set..... properly.

didn’t work

hadn’t worked

wasn’t working

hadn’t been working

9. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red. She......


was crying

had been crying

had cried

10. Yesterday I came up to a stranger who looked like Jane Faster and started talking to her. But she wasn’t Jane. It was clear I..... a mistake.


was making

had made

had been making

11. A strong wind..... and I decided to put on a warm coat.


had blown

was blowing

had been blowing

12. The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other a cut lip. They......

had been fighting

had fought


were fighting

13. I had a cup of tea for breakfast because I..... of coffee.

had run out

ran out

was running out

had been running out

14. Our neighbours called the police when they found out that somebody..... into their house.


was breaking

had broken

had been breaking

15. I got lost in the forest because I took the road I..... before.

didn’t never take

never took

had never taken

didn’t take


Please choose the most suitable verb form for the sentence

1) I was walking down the street yesterday. I passed the supermarket and suddenly remembered I (to forget) my keys.

2) While I (to watch) the film, there was a power-cut (отключение электроэнергии).

3) By the time we ran back to the flat to close the window, the bird (to disappear).

4) Who (to drive) the bus at the time of the accident?

5) She was so angry that she missed the party, the only reason she didn't go because no-one (to tell) about it.

6) My girlfriend (to be)to the restaurant before, so she knew exactly what to order.

7) I forgot to tell you, yesterday while I (to walk), I saw that American man you like.

8) What you (to do) when I walked into your room yesterday?

4. Please choose whether the underlined verb form is s uitable (s) or u nsuitable (u)

9) While we had dinner, the plumber (водопроводчик) knocked on the door.

10) We didn't go to this restaurant before.

11) Apart from the delays at the airport, they were enjoying their holiday last year.

12) I didn't know you had bought a new house.

13) What _ did you wear _ to the wedding last week?

14) When I woke up in the morning I remembered exactly what _ happened _.

15) 'What a disaster of a week!' the woman thought. Everything _ had gone_ wrong!

16) We all wanted to believe her but we suspected she was lying.

17) Were you walking _ to work everyday when you lived in Spain?

18) We tried to cook yorkshire puddings, but we didn't really know what we were doing.

Put the Infinitives into the Past Perfect

1. Before we arrived at school the classes (start).

2. I felt exhausted because I (run) ten miles.

3. He (study) that book before he arrived in Pakistan.

4. He (sell) all the copies of the thesaurus before we got there.

5. We went to his place for dinner but to our great surprise he (have) his dinner.

6. When I got up, rather late, the sun (rise).

7. Before we got there they (begin) the show.

8. He (finish) his work before I began mine.

9. It (begin) to rain when I stepped out of the house.

10. Soon after they (complete) their homework they ran out to play with the dog.


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