Vocabulary Notes on the Text 

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Vocabulary Notes on the Text

in view of inevitably delayed delivery dates – принимая во внимание неизбежную отсрочку в датах поставок

sales forces – торговый персонал

to approach customers – вести переговоры с заказчиками

to handle the case – уладить дело

to waste time making excuses – тратить время на извинения

to come straight to the point – сразу перейти к делу

stocks – запас, резерв на складе

to re-schedule deliveries – пересмотреть график поставок

stock levels – количество товарного резерва

at short notice – за короткий срок

to halt production – останавливать производство

to make tour of somebody – наносить визиты, посетить

a consignment – партия товара

to meet an order – удовлетворить (выполнить) заказ

to do one’s best – сделать все, что в чьих-либо силах


Task 2. Find in the text words and expressions close in meaning to the following

A client, enough, on the spot, unavoidable, to start for, to make an order, to arrange, to settle an affair, to visit clients


Task 3. Give English equivalents of the following words and phrases

a) дата поставок, пересмотреть график поставок, сезонные отклонения от графика поставок, запас товаров на складе, проверить количество товарного запаса, остановить производство, сорвать производственный процесс, зарубежные/отечественные заказчики, вести переговоры с заказчиками, выполнить заказ, заказ на партию чего-либо, предыдущий заказ

b) уладить дело, сразу перейти к делу, отправиться куда-либо, сделать вывод, поставить кого-либо в трудное положение, сделать все возможное, слишком зависеть от кого-либо


To get more information about global management try to do the following tasks:


Task 1. The characteristics of management often vary according to national culture, which can determine how managers are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobs.

Below you will find five brief portraits of managers in five different countries. Using your knowledge of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Sweden, decide which country each of these portraits correspond to.

1. Managers from this country:

- go through an elitist educational system;

- have a strong sense of hierarchy and power;

- often have impersonal relationships at work;

- analyze problems in great detail before taking decisions;

- consider speaking skills to be particularly important;

- move easily between state and private sectors.

2. Managers from this country:

- receive a general education;

- delegate authority;

- take a practical approach to management;

- have a relatively formal relationships at work;

- encourage their employees to work individually;

- believe it is important to continue education and training at work.

3. Managers from this country:

- consider professional and technical skills to be very important;

- have a strong sense of authority;

- respect the different positions in the hierarchy of their companies;

- clearly define how jobs should be done;

- are very loyal to their companies and expect their subordinates to obey them;

- are often older than in other countries.

1. Managers from this country:

- consider social qualities to be as important as education;

- encourage their employees to take an interest in their work;

- pay close attention to the quality of working life;

- do not use as much authority as in other countries;

- appreciate low-level decision-making;

- are often women.

5. Managers from this country:

- generally attend business schools;

- communicate easily and informally at work;

- admire the qualities of a leader;

- expect everyone to work hard. Individual performance is measured and initiative is rewarded;

- have competitive and sometimes aggressive attitudes towards work;

- often accept innovation and change.



What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to management and which one you would find the most attractive? Do any of these profiles correspond to management practices in your country?




Task 2. Study the following information about management and say a) what the word “management” means; b) what the four functions of management are.

Management is the art or practice of managing a business, money, products, and all the people employed by a company. In other words, management is a set of activities directed at an organization’s human, financial, physical and information resources with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner. In this case, “efficient” means “using resources wisely and without unnecessary waste” while “effective” means “doing the right things”. The chart below shows the four main functions of management.

Planning and decision making

Determining the organization’s goals and deciding how best to achieve them, delegating responsibilities to subordinates.


Determining how best to group activities and resources. Making all employees work together.


Motivating members of the organization to work in the best interests of the organization.


Monitoring and correcting ongoing activities, receiving reports from subordinates, helping subordinates handle exceptions.

The golden rule of successful management can be summed up in the following words: “The system works well as long as we don’t have any exceptions”. Successful management is getting things done through “others”, that is through the manager’s immediate subordinates.

The word “management” is also used to denote the people who are in charge of a company or an organization. Although large organizations typically have a number of levels of management, the most common view considers three basic levels: top, middle and first line managers.



More about Management

Task 3. Read and translate this text to get additional information.


Some people learn everything without the help of a teacher; others learn nothing even when carefully taught. Most of us, however, fall in the category where we can learn if we are taught. The better we are taught, the better we learn. A skill can definitely be taught. A skill is something that can be observed, analyzed, explained, practiced, criticized and practiced again. Management is the kind of skill that can be taught, learned and must be practiced. Management is not an academic subject to be absorbed passively. Even when managers have received degrees in their field, most of their learning gets done on the job. In this way learning to manager is a bit like learning to ride a bicycle. Management is a kind of house-keeping. But it is also home-making in that it involves dealing with people. Management means getting things done and no one not even the single entrepreneur can do it alone. The successful manager knows how to get the right people to do the right jobs. He/she knows how to delegate authority: how to make people feel good about the responsibility they are taking and the creativity they engage in. All of us need a sense of self-fulfillment and the successful manager will know how to give such a sense to the people who work with him/her.

All management involves three elements: planning, execution and control. Every enterprise must be carefully planned before the first step is taken. That, of course, does not mean that plans cannot be changed mid-stream. The successful manager should be flexible enough to let his/her original design go and switch gears when he/she feels it necessary to do so. Execution means that plans are realistic enough to be carried out and to see them to their fruition. Control is the sense of keeping one’s hands on the reins of things – seeing that the project doesn’t get too far out of touch with the possible, keeping people on track, keeping lines of communication open.

Managers never work alone. They listen to others and they pay attention. The best way, of course, to know who the best manager is, is to look at the final result of the project – the proof of the pudding is in the eating – bon appetit!


Finance and Credit

Part I.



account – счет, расчет

bank – банк

bank lending – банковские ссудные операции

banker – банкир

banking – банковская деятельность

central bank – центральный банк

central bank – центральный банк

investment bank – инвестиционный банк

merchant (commercial) bank – коммерческий банк

mutual savings bank – взаимно-сберегательный банк

savings bank – сберегательный банк

retail bank – банк, занимающийся обслуживанием мелкой клиентуры

borrower – заемщик

budgeting – составление бюджета

building society – жилищно-строительное общество

carry out – осуществлять

checking account –чековый счет

clearing houses – расчетные палаты

collect cheques – инкассировать чеки

comprise – включать, заключать в себе

creditworthiness (solvency) – кредитоспособность

currency exchange – валютная биржа

curren t (running) account – текущий счет

deal in securities – торговать ценными бумагами

dealing – сделка

demand deposit – бессрочный вклад

deposit – депозит, вклад в банке

deposit account – депозитный счет

depositor – вкладчик

developed country – промышленно-развитая страна

discount bills – учитывать векселя

electronic cash till (cash dispenser/machine, automatic teller machine, cashomat) – банкомат

embrace – охватывать, включать

eurobond – еврооблигация

financial assets – финансовые активы

financial institution – финансовый институт

financial system – финансовая система

financing – финансирование

flow (flew, flown) – течь, перетекать

foreign exchange market – валютный рынок

fund – фонд; капитал; денежные средства;

funds – средства

insurance – страхование

interest – процент

interest rate – процентная ставка

interest-free loan – беспроцентная ссуда

i ntermediary – посредник

issue banknotes – выпускать денежные знаки

license – лицензировать, выдавать лицензии

link – связывать

loan – заем, ссуда

locate – размещать, располагать в определенном месте

long-term loan – долгосрочная ссуда

maintain – удерживать, поддерживать

ministry of finance – министерство финансов

mortgage – закладная, ипотека

network – сеть

on-line banking – онлайновые банковские операции

percentage return – доход в виде процента

perform a function – осуществлять функцию

private account – счет частного лица (фирмы)

saver – вкладчик

securities – ценные бумаги

share – акция

stock exchange – фондовая биржа

stockbroker – биржевой брокер

supervise – контролировать, осуществлять надзор

take charge of clients’ valuables – брать на хранение ценности клиентов

time deposit – срочный вклад

to deposit – класть в банк, делать взнос

to draw (to receive) interest – получать проценты

to loan (to lend) – давать взаймы, одалживать

to make a loan – взять ссуду

to make a transaction – заключать сделку

to pay off (to repay) a loan – вернуть

to transfer – осуществлять перевод средств

transaction (deal) – сделка, операция

transfer – передача, перевод

transfer money – переводить денежные средства

transfer of funds – перевод средств

vault – хранилище

Vocabulary Exercises

Exc. 1. Make up at least 10 word-combinations using the following words:


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