Exercise 21. Tell about early history of electricity using the following scheme. 

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Exercise 21. Tell about early history of electricity using the following scheme.


VIII. Reading.

Exercise 22. Skim the text C.

Text C.

Static Electricity

When you read that the loss or gain of electrons produces an electric charge and electricity, you may have noticed that the words electron and electricity are similar. This similarity is no accident. Electricity depends upon electrons. In fact, electricity can now be defined as the energy associated with electrons that have moved from one place to another.

You are probably most familiar with electricity that flows through electric wires. But the movement of electrons is not always a continuous flow through a wire. Sometimes electrons can move from one object to another and then remain at rest. This type of electricity is called static electricity. The word static means “not moving”, or “stationary”.

Static electricity is the build-up of electric charges on an object. The electric chargesbuild up because electrons have moved from one object to another. However, once built-up, the charges do not flow. They remain at rest.



to note – помічати;

similar – схожий;

to define – визначати;

continuous – тривалий;

to move – рухатися;

to remain – залишатися;

build-up – побудова.


IX. Comprehension.

Exercise 23. Agree or disagree:

1. Electricity is the energy associated with electrons that have moved from one place to another.

2. The movement of electrons is always a continuous flow through a wire.

3. Electrons can move from one object to another and then remain at rest.

4. Static electricity is the build-up of electric charges on an object.

5. Once built-up, the charges then begin to flow and remain in motion.


X. Language.

Exercise 24. Give definitions of: a) electricity; b) static electricity.


XI. Oral Practice.

Exercise 25. Tell about static electricity. Use these questions as the plan.

1. How can electricity be defined?

2. Is the movement of electrons always a continuous flow?

3. How can electrons sometimes move?

4. How is this type of electricity called?

5. What does the word static mean?

6. What is static electricity?

7. Do the charges move once built-up?



Unit 6

I. Language.

Exercise 1. Remember the following worlds and world-combinations:

behavior – поведінка, режим (роботи);

at rest – в стані спокою;

charge – заряд;

condition – умова, стан;

copper – мідь;

to flow – текти;

in motion – в русі;

previously – раніше;

to remember – пам’ятати, згадувати;

the rest of – решта;

to travel – подорожувати;

to try – намагатися, випробовувати;

unlike – різнойменний;

as well as – також.


Exercise 2. Learn to recognize the following international words:

Static, voltage, control, contact, salt, disc, zinc, biography, negative, positive, opposite, civilization, vacuum, practical, crane, pyrometer.


Exercise 3. Read and translate the following words and their derivatives paying attention to the suffixes and the prefixes.

Charge – to charge – chargeable – to discharge – to recharge – rechargeable; to control – control – controllable; condition – conditional – to condition; negative – negation – negatively; opposite – to oppose – opposition; positive – positively; to travel – travel – traveler.

Exercise 4. Match the words with the opposite meaning (antonyms):

1. to charge 2. similar 3. at rest 4. to leave 5. familiar 6. north 7. positive 8. like 9. easy 10. ability 11. increase 1. to return 2. difficult 3. south 4. to discharge 5. negative 6. in motion 7. unfamiliar 8. dissimilar 9. unlike 10. decrease 11. disability

Exercise 5. Match the words with the similar meaning (synonyms):

1. mankind 2. to connect 3. to carry on 4. to produce 5. to return 6. to differ 7. to observe 8. current 9. to solve 10. to obtain 1. flow 2. to watch 3. to come back 4. to perform 5. humanity 6. to join 7. to get 8. to vary 9. to watch 10. to decide


II. Grammar.

The Infinitive

  Active Passive
Indefinite to write to be written
Continuous to be writing -
Perfect to have written to have been written
Perfect Continuous to have been writing -


Exercise 6. Choose the sentences with the infinitive expressing:

a) simultaneousness of action; b) priority of action. Translate them into Russian.

1. We want to translate this article. 2. To translate this article is not an easy thing to do. 3. I remember to have seen this man last year. 4. To study much is to learn much. 5. To master a language one must work hard. 6. The professor to deliver a lecture at our Institute is an outstanding scientist. 7. The experiment to be carried on is described in this article. 8. Scientists all over the world are working over the problem of how the mankind’s growing need for energy is to be satisfied. 9. We are witnessing the birth of a new source of power which will revolutionize technology and help to transform the whole planet. 10. He was glad to have been traveling in Europe.


Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Infinitive.

1. This is the device to be used in our experiment. 2. The thermometer is a device to measure the temperature. 3. Where are the articles to be translated by the students? 4. The letter to be answered was given to me. 5. The generator is a device to change mechanical energy into electric energy.

6. V.V. Petrov was the first scientist to study the electrification of metals by rubbing them. 7. I was the last to answer the teacher’s questions.


III. Reading.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the text A.

Text A.


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