Exercise 5. Choose the sentences with predicates in the Passive Voice and translate them into Ukrainian. 

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Exercise 5. Choose the sentences with predicates in the Passive Voice and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. Energy is the ability to do work 2. Energy associated with motion is called mechanical energy. 3. Energy appears in many forms. 4. Heat energy often causes changes in temperature. 5. Electric energy may be transformed into any other necessary form. 6. Solar energy has been transformed into electric energy. 7. The sun is an unlimited source of energy.


III. Reading.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the text:

Text A.


In the language of science energy is the ability to do work. There are various forms of energy, such as heat, mechanical, electrical, chemical, atomic and so on. One might also mention the two kinds of mechanical energy—potential and kinetic, potential energy is the energy of position while kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

It is well known that one form of energy can be changed into another. A waterfall may serve as an example. When water fall from its raised position, energy changes from potential to kinetic energy. The energy of falling water is generally used to turn the turbines of hydroelectric stations. The turbines in their turn drive the electric generators, the latter producing electric energy. Thus, the mechanical
energy of falling water is turned into electric energy. The electric energy, in its turn, may be transformed into any other necessary form.

When an object loses its potential energy, that energy is turned into kinetic energy. Thus, in the above-mentioned example when water is falling from its raised position, it certainly loses its potential energy, that energy change into kinetic energy.

We have already seen that energy of some kind must be employed to generate the electric current. Generally speaking, the sources of energy usually employed to produce current are either chemical, as in the battery, or mechanical, as in the electromagnetic generator.

The rising standards of modern civilization and growing industrial application of the electric current result in an increasing need of energy. Every year we need more and more energy. We need it to do a lot of useful things that are done by electricity. However, the energy sources of the world are decreasing while the energy needs of the world are increasing. These needs will continue to grow as more motors and melted metals are used in industry and more electric current is employed in everyday life. As a result, it is necessary to find new sources of energy.

The sun is an unlimited source of energy. However, at present, only a little part of solar energy is being used directly. How can we employ solar energy directly to produce useful energy? This is a question which has interested scientists and inventors for a long time. Lavoisier and other great scientists of the past melted metals with the help of solar furnaces. Today, solar furnaces illustrate just onem of the numerous ways to harness the sun. Using semiconductors, scientists, for example, have transformed solar energy into electric energy.


IV. Language.

Exercise 1. Find the correspondence:

1. to transform 1. служити

2. device 2. грати роль

3. application 3. пристрій, прилад

4. chemical 4. напівпровідник

5. potential 5. використовувати

6. source 6. джерело

7. station 7. що стосується

8. to produce 8. потенційний

9. to drive 9. застосування

10. to serve 10. перетворювати

11. to do without 11. станція

12. to make use of 12. виробляти

13. as for 13. хімічний

14. to play a part 14. обходитись без чого–небудь

15. semiconductor 15. приводити в дію


Exercise 2. Find the correct term out of the three given below:

1. The motor changes electrical energy into …

a) heat energy; b) chemical energy; c) mechanical energy.

2. The generator changes mechanical energy into …

a) chemical energy; b) electrical energy; c) light energy

3. The battery changes chemical energy into …

a) solar energy; b) heat energy; c) electric energy

4. The electric furnace changes electric energy into …

a) heat energy; b) mechanical energy; c) solar energy.

5. The vacuum cleaner changes electrical energy into …

a) light energy; b) mechanical energy; c) solar energy


V. Comprehension.

Exercise 1. Find the wrong statements and correct them:

1. One for of energy can not be transformed into another

2. Potential energy is the energy of motion.

3. Kinetic energy is the energy of position.

4. Changes in the forms of energy are called energy conversions.

5. When an object loses its potential energy that energy is turned into kinetic energy.

6. The sun is a limited source of energy.


Exercise 2. Give short answers to the following questions:

1. Can one form of energy be changed into another form?

2. Does a generator produce mechanical energy?

3. Is the sun an unlimited source of energy?

4. Can we employ solar energy directly?

5. Have scientists transformed solar energy into electric energy?

6. Is potential energy the energy of motion?

7. Do we need more and more electric energy every year?

8. Are there various forms of energy?

9. Do you use electric energy every day?

10. Can the energy of falling water be used to drive turbines?

11. Is kinetic energy the energy of position?


VI. Practice.

Exercise 1.

1. Speak of different forms of energy.

2. Give example when potential energy is turned into kinetic energy.


VII. Reading and Practice.

Exercise 1. Read the text B for 3 minutes and find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words combinations:

1) Електрика, вироблена такою установкою коштує дешевше, ніж...;

2)... були сконструйовані для перетворення сонячної енергії в електричну;

3) кількість сонячної енергії на один квадратний метр тут рівна енергії, виробленої....

Text B.


The experiments on solar cells gave the possibility to collect enough data to predict the possible performance of solar stations. These experiments have led to the building of a solar furnace developing temperatures of 3.000 C in a sunray focal point. Electricity generated by such an installation costs less than that generated by a steam power station.

The solar stations in the Kara-Kum desert will become producers of cheap electricity in the near future. The amount of solar energy per square meter here is equal to the energy generated by burning 200 kg of high quality coal. Power cells of the size of a matchbox have been developed to convert solar energy into electricity. Such cells can accumulate sufficient energy in one bright day to power a large transistor radio for ten days.

Exercise 2. Point out which of the sentences contains the information from the text B.

1) It is quite possible that some day coal and the other fuel may be replaced by atomic energy.

2) Solar station will produce cheap electric energy in the near future.

3) The experiments on atmospheric electricity were made by many outstanding scientists.


Exercise 3. Read text C and point out the main idea of each paragraph.

Text C.

Conservation of Energy

You have just read of many conversions of energy: kinetic and potential in the ball, heat and chemical in fuels, heat and mechanical in engines. Perhaps you have wondered if any energy is lost during such conversions. The answer is that in spite of all the changes of form, the total amount of energy remains the same.

The law of conservation (kahn-ser-VAY-shuhn) of energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed by ordinary means. Energy can only be converted from one form to another. So energy conversions occur without loss or gain in energy.

The law of conservation of energy is one of the foundations of scientific thought. If energy seems to disappear, then scientists look for it. Important discoveries have been made because scientists believed so strongly in the conservation of energy.

One such discovery was made by Albert Einstein in 1905. Part of his famous theory of relativity dealt with the concept that mass and energy were interchangeable. Einstein expressed this concept in the form of a mathematical equation: E=mc2

«E» - is energy, «m» - is mass, and «c» - is the speed of light. According to this equation, the energy of any mass is equal to the product of that mass and the square of the speed of light.

With this mass—energy relationship, Einstein was saving that matter is another form of energy, or that mass and energy are two forms of the same tiling and can be converted into each other. With this mass—energy relationship, Einstein modified the law of conservation of energy. He showed that if some of either matter or energy is created or destroyed, the other must make up for the change. The total amount of mass and energy is conserved.

During nuclear reactions—such as those that take place in the sun—energy and mass do not seem to be conserved. But Einstein used his famous equation to show that a loss in mass results in a gain in energy. Mass is continuously changed to energy in our sun through a process called nuclear fusion. During this process, a small loss in mass produces a huge amount of energy.

Exercise 1. Answer and explain on the following:

1. What is the law of conservation of energy?

2. Explain the meaning of Einstein’s equation E= mc^2.

3. Why does even a small loss in mass result in a tremendous gain in energy?


Exercise 2. Comment on the following:

During certain nuclear reactions, a high – speed electron is ejected. The energy lost by the nucleus, however, does not equal the energy of the escaping electron. From this observation, scientists concluded that another undiscovered particle must also be ejected. They searched for more than 20 years before they found it. Why did the scientists believe another particle must exist?


Unit 2

I. Language.

Exercise 1. Remember the following words and word combinations:

alternating current - змінний струм;

direct current - постійний струм;

to decrease - зменшувати;

to increase - збільшувати;

to consider - розглядати;

to determine - визначати;

to require - вимагати;

to meet requirements - відповідати / задовольняти вимогам;

to cause - спричиняти, викликати;

to carry - нести;

complete - складний, завершений, тут: замкнутий;

fuse - запобіжник;

circuit - електричне коло;

short circuit - коротке замикання;

fault - пошкодження, аварія.


Exercise 2. Learn to recognize the following international words:

electrolyte, cycle, terminal, static, collision, typical, expansion, conductor, transmission, compression, term, voltage conduction.


Exercise 3. Read the following words and their derivatives paying attention to the suffixes and the prefixes:

to be certain - certain - certainly;

to consider - considerable - consideration - considerably;

to determine - determination - determinate;

direction - to direct - direct - indirect - misdirection - directly;

subject - to subject - subjective;

wire - to wire - wireless;

fault - faulty - faultless;

to supply - supply - supplement - supplementary;


Exercise 4. Match the words with the opposite meaning:


1. to increase

2. to switch on

3. compression

4. static

5. direct current

6. cause

7. similar

8. to place

9. open circuit

10. faulty




1. switch off

2. to take

3. different

4. to decrease

5. kinetic

6. alternating current

7. closed circuit

8. causeless

9. faultless

10. expansion

Exercise 5. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms:

to employ, to make, to travel, motion, similar, various, different, like, to receive, liquid, movement, to help, fluid, to assist, to do, to get, to use, to move.

Exercise 6. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms:

at rest, positive, solid, right, fast, the last, useful, charge, hot, dark, negative, the first, increase, wrong, valuable, decrease, liquid, in motion, invaluable, slow, useless, discharge, cold, light.


II. Grammar.

The Subjective Indefinite Construction.

The Objective Indefinite Construction.



It is known that electronic equipment is in great demand.→

Electronic equipment is known to be in great demand.


Відомо, що електронне обладнання користується великим попитом.


is reported

The new product is sure to be in great demand.



Безперечно, що новий продукт … користується великим попитом.


Приклади перекладу суб’єктного інфінітивного звороту:

1. Coal is considered to be a valuable fuel.

Вважають, що вугілля цінне паливо.

2. The electrolytes appear to change greatly when the current passes through them.

Як видно, електроліти сильно змінюються, коли струм проходить через них.

Дієслова, після яких іде суб’єктний інфінітивний зворот
після певних дієслів у пасивному стані після деяких дієслів у дійсному стані після словосполучень
is/was believed – думають, гадають,вважають; думали, гадали, вважали is/was expected – очікують, очікували is/was known – відомо, було відомо     is/was said – говорять, говорили; визнають, визнавали is/was reported – повідомляють, як повідомляли   is/was supposed – гадають, припускають; гадали, припускали   is/was considered – вважають, вважали is/was thought – вважають, думають; вважали, думали is/was understood – вважають, вважали,; згідно існуючих відомостей seems/seemed – здається, здавалось; очевидно appears/appeared – очевидно proves/proved – виявляється, виявлялось is unlikely – малоймовірно is sure/certain – обов’язково, точно, без сумніву is likely – схоже на те, імовірно, певно


  ОБ’ЄКТНИЙ ІНФІНІТИВНИЙ ЗВОРОТ We believe that his experiment is of great importance.→ We believe his experiment to be of great importance.   Ми вважаємо, що його експеримент дуже важливий. Приклади перекладу об`єктного інфінітивного звороту: 1. We suppose many articles to have already been written on that subject. Ми вважали, що багато статей вже було написано по цьому предмету. 2. We know the electrons to flow from the negative terminal to the positive one. Ми знаємо, що електрони йдуть від негативного полюса до позитивного.   Групи дієслів, після яких іде об’єктний інфінітивний зворот
Дієслова, що позначають сприйняття Дієслова, що позначають бажання Дієслова, що позначають припущення чи впевненість   Дієслова, що позначають наказ, прохання чи дозвіл
to see – бачити to hear – чути to watch- спостерігати   to notice – замічати   to observe – спостерігати to feel – відчувати та ін. to want – хотіти to wish – бажати to expect – чекати to consider – вважати to think – думати, гадати to suppose – припускати to know – знати to believe – вважати, гадати та ін. to order - наказувати   to make – змушувати, примушувати to let – дозволяти to allow – дозволяти та ін.



1) Об’єктний інфінітивний зворот можливий лише після певних дієслів.

2) Після дієслів, що позначають сприйняття, а також після дієслів to make та to let інфінітив вживається без частки to.



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