Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian. 

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Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mrs. Hunt Did you enjoy the play, Clare?

Mrs. Blake Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

I adore musicals.

Mrs. Hunt So do I.

Mrs. Blake You didn't like the first act, did you?

Mr. Hunt No, I didn't.

The women danced badly and the men who danced seemed nervous

Mrs. Blake Yes, you're right.

The woman who played the nurse wasn't Jill Sheen, was she?

Mrs. Hunt No, she wasn't.

Her name was Shirley Chilver.

Mrs. Blake She talked too fast and she didn't dance very well, either.

Mr. Hunt Did you really enjoy the play?

Mrs. Hunt Yes, of course we did.

Mr. Hunt What did you like?

Mrs. Hunt Oh, everything.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



Costumes and scenery

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mr. Hunt You don't really like musicals, do you?

Mr. Blake No, not really.

I prefer straight plays. Last week we went to see Waiting for Godot

Mr. Hunt The production wasn't very good, was it?

Mr. Blake No, but the play was interesting.

Mr. Hunt You were lucky. Tonight's play was dull.

Mr. Blake The actors and actresses weren't very good.

Mr. Hunt No, but the costumes and scenery were marvellous.

Mr. Blake I didn't like the men's costumes but the women's dresses were lovely.

Mr. Hunt Who was the actor who played the doctor?

Mr. Blake That was Frederick Veal.

He was in a film I saw last week.

He's the actor who was the doctor in another musical last year.

I didn't like that play, either.

Mrs. Hunt Why did you buy ticket for this play?

Mr. Hunt To please you.

Mrs. Hunt Oh … thanks … Why don't we dance?


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


Going to SUSSEX. At the railway station

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Jane Hello, Mr. Blake.

We're not late, are we?

Mr. Blake Hello, Jane.

No, you're not late. I was a little early.

Jane When does the train leave?

Mr. Blake It leaves at four twenty seven (4.27).

If we hurry, we'll be able to catch it.

Jane Is it an express?

Mr. Blake No, It's a stopping train.

Jane Shall I buy the ticket, Mr. Blake?

Mr. Blake Oh, yes. I forgot about them.

There's the booking office.

Jane Do you know how much the fare is?

Mr. Blake Seventy-five pence (75 p) for a single ticket or one pound fifty (£1.50) for a return. But ask for a weekend return. That might be cheaper. And ask for a timetable, too.

You'll need it on Sunday.

Jane All right, I'll meet you at the entrance to the platform.

Which platform is ours?

Mr. Blake Platform sixteen.

I'll take you suitcase.

Which one's yours?

Jane That one's mine.

Mr. Blake Hurry. The train leaves at four twenty-seven (4.27).

Jane From platform sixteen?

Mr. Blake Yes.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


Hearing about the weekend. Jane's train ride

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mrs. Hunt Tell us about your weekend.

Did you have a good time?

Jane Yes, we had a marvellous time.

Mrs. Hunt Did you have any trouble on Friday?

Jane No, after you and Dad had gone, we packed our things.

Mrs. Hunt And did you meet Mr. Blake on time?

Jane Yes, he'd phoned us before he left his office.

Mrs. Hunt What did he do that for?

Jane To remind us, I suppose.

Mrs. Hunt Was the train journey all right?

Jane I suppose so.

I'd taken a book, so I read that.

Mrs. Hunt Don't your eyes hart when you read on a train?

Jane No, mine don't.

Do yours?

Mrs. Hunt Yes. They're probably weaker than yours.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


The doctor. A cold

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Doctor I'm sorry you had to wait so long.

Simon That's all right. Was the boy hart badly?

Doctor No. After I'd cleaned his head, he felt much better.

So did his mother.

The blood had frightened her.

Simon She probably thought it was much worse than it really was.

Doctor Yes, mothers are always worrying about their children. Now what's the matter with you?

Simon I've got a sore throat and a headache.

Doctor Do you feel tied?

Simon Yes, my whole body feels weak.

I really feel terrible.

Doctor I'm sorry to hear that. I'll have to examine you.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


An injection

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Doctor Open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat.

Yes, it's very red. It looks sore.

I'll have to give your an injection.

Simon Can't you give me pills?

Doctor An injection is better than pills.

If I gave you pills, you'd probably be ill for a few days but if I give you an injection, you'll feel better tomorrow.

Simon Are you sure?

I hate injections.

Doctor Yes, I'm sure.

I advise you to have an injection.

You won't get better quickly unless I give you one.

Simon Will I be able to go out tomorrow?

Doctor Probably, if you rest today.

Simon Good. I'll sleep today so that I'll be able go out tomorrow.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.




Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

George If I had a lot of money, I'd buy an island.

Graham But you haven't got a lot of money.

George I know. But if I had a lot of money, I'd buy an island.

Graham If you bought an island, what would you do?

George If I bought an island I'd live on it.

Graham If you lived on an island, you might be ill.

George Of course, I wouldn't live there unless I had three wives.

Graham If you had three wives, what would they do?

George One would clean, one would cook and the other would take care of me.

Graham I'm sorry you haven't got a lot of money.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


A bargain

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mr. Hunt Do you think I'll be able to find a suit here?

Peter Yes, I think so.

They have any size and any style you want.

What color do you like?

Mr. Hunt Any color except blue.

Peter What about this brown one?

Don't you think it's smart?

Mr. Hunt Yes, and it looks as if it's my size.

Peter How tall are you?

Mr. Hunt Five feet eleven inches (5 ft. 11 in.).

Peter What's your chest measurement?

Mr. Hunt About forty inches (40 in).

Peter That's a shame. This one's too large.

I suggest you try this one.

It's only twenty-five pounds.

I'm sure it's worth much more.

Mr. Hunt You're right.

Don't you think the material's good?

Peter Yes, the quality's excellent.

Mr. Hunt I'll try it on and if it fits, I'll buy it.

It's a bargain.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.


Mr. Hunt The weather forecast hasn't been given yet, has it?

Mrs. Hunt I don't think so.

I haven't heard it yet.

Mr. Hunt Turn the radio up, please.

There'll probably be a report in a few minutes.

It's almost one o; clock (1.00).

Mrs. Hunt My hands are full. I can't turn it up.

Mr. Hunt All right. I'll do it myself.

This sounds like the end of a programme.

Announcer You've been listening to "Music for everyone."And now

Here is the special message from our motoring unit. On the A5 in Buckinghamshire, where strong winds have blown several trees onto the road, driving is very dangerous. According to our reports, there have been several accidents: a man died when a tree fell and crushed his car. The accident happened at the junction of the A5 and the A43, about six miles north of Buckingham. Drivers are advised to avoid this area, since the traffic is very heavy and delay of up to thirty minutes are expected. And now here is the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours until midday tomorrow. Rain will continue in all areas until late tonight but will die away gradually. Tomorrow will be sunny in the east; in the west there will be showers and bright periods.

Temperatures will be between seventeen (17°C) and eighteen degrees Centigrade (18°C). That is sixty-three (63°F) and sixty-seven degrees Fahrenheit (67°F).


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.




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