Рецензент к. филол. н., доцент Покровская Яна Александровна 

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Рецензент к. филол. н., доцент Покровская Яна Александровна

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета

Волгоградского государственного технического университета

© Волгоградский



университет, 1999


Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.


Mr. Laker Hello!

Student Hello, Mr. Laker.

Mr. Laker How are you?

Student I'm very well. How are you?

Mr. Laker I'm very well, thank you. Are you a student?

Student Yes, I am.

Mr. Laker Are you English?

Student No, I'm not.

Mr. Laker Are you learning English?

Student Yes, I am.

Mr. Laker Have you got a book?

Student Yes, I've got a book.

Mr. Laker Is it the French book?

Student No, it isn't. It's the English book.

Mr. Laker Good. Where is it?

Student Here it is.

Mr. Laker Where?

Student It's on the table.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


At the airport Customs

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Customs officer Have you got anything to declare?

Mr. Hunt Yes, I've got a bottle of perfume and a bottle of whisky.

Customs officer One bottle of perfume?

Mr. Hunt Yes, one bottle of perfume.

Customs officer And what's this?

Mr. Hunt It's a bottle of whisky.

Customs officer All right. Thank you. Have you got anything to declare, madam?

Mrs. Hunt No.

Customs officer Anything to declare, miss?

Jane Yes.

Customs officer What?

Jane I've got a box of chocolates.

Customs officer Are they liqueur chocolates?

Jane No, they're peppermint chocolates.

Customs officer All right.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



Reservation. The Beardsley Hotel

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Receptionist Good afternoon, sir.

Mr. Hunt Good afternoon.

Is this the Beardsley Hotel?

Receptionist Yes, this is the Beardsley.

Mr. Hunt Good.

I'm Mr. Hunt.

We've got a reservation.

Receptionist Just a minute, please …

Yes, you've got a reservation.

It's for five people.

It's for three weeks.

Three single rooms and one double.

Am I right?

Mr. Hunt No.

You're not right.

We'd like two double rooms and one single room.

Receptionist I'm sorry.

Two double rooms, number six and seven.

One single room, number nine.

Mr. Hunt Where are the rooms?

Receptionist On the second floor.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



This is your room

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.


Jim This is your room

Mrs. Hunt Oh, it's big!

Mr. Hunt Open the windows, please.

I'm hot.

Mrs. Hunt I'm not hot, I'm cold.

Close the windows, please.


Jim And this is your bathroom.

Mr. Hunt Is there a socket for my razor?

Jim Yes, there is. It's near the basin.


Mr. Hunt The light isn't working.

Please bring a new bulb.


Mrs. Hunt Come in.

Hello, girls.

Sheila Our room's wonderful.

There are three big windows.

What's that, Mrs. Hunt?

Mrs. Hunt That's the wardrobe.

Sheila Oh, it's a big wardrobe!

And you've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight hangers.

Where is the telephone?

Mrs. Hunt It's here.

Sheila Where?

Mrs. Hunt On the table.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.




Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Simon I'd like fifty pence (50 p), Dad.

Mr. Hunt Why?

Simon Because we want some things from the shops.

I want some postcards.

Sheila wants a film for her camera.

She'd like a magazine, too.

Mr. Hunt Has she got her English money?

Simon Yes, she has.

Mr. Hunt It's five o'clock (5.00) now.

Dinner's at six o'clock (6.00).

Are the shops near here?

Simon Yes, they are.

They're two streets from here.

Mr. Hunt All right. Here's fifty pence (50 p).


Simon Yes, Dad.

Thanks for the money.


Mr. Hunt Oh, Simon …

I'd like a newspaper.

Simon All right, Dad.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Waiter Here are your drinks.

What would you like for dinner?

Mr. Hunt We'd like two steaks.

Waiter Would you like any vegetables?

Mr. Hunt Yes, some peas and some roast potatoes.

Mrs. Hunt I'd like some chips, please.

Waiter Would you like anything to start with?

Mr. Hunt Yes, melon for us.

Mrs. Hunt I don't want melon.

I prefer a prawn cocktail.

Waiter And you, miss?

Sheila I'd like grapefruit first and then roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.

Have you got any cauliflower?

Waiter I'm sorry, we haven't got any cauliflower.

Sheila Oh, I want some carrots.

I don't want any potatoes.

Waiter And you, miss.

Jane The same, please.

Waiter What would you like?

Simon A lobster and some new potatoes, a salad and some French beans.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


Sightseeing. Buildings

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Simon Is this Piccadilly Circus?

Peter No, This is Trafalgar Square.

Simon What a high building!

Is that the Post Office Tower?

Peter No, it isn't. We can't see it from here. It's between Tottenham Court Road and Regent Street.

Simon What's that?

Peter That's my favourite building. It's The National Gallery.

Simon When do you go there?

Peter During my lunch hour.

Simon Is your office near here?

Peter Yes, it's in the Strand.

Simon Where's that?

Peter It's between Charing Cross and the Aldwych.

Simon Oh, you're lucky!

Peter Yes, I am.

Look! We can see the Post Office Tower.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.



The bank

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mrs. Hunt Here's the bank. When does it close?

Mr. Hunt It closes at half past three (3.30).Some banks don't close until six o'clock (6.00) on Thursdays but not this bank. Now look for the foreign exchange counter.

Mrs. Hunt These are the paying-in counters. Is that the foreign exchange counter?

Mr. Hunt No, it isn't. That's enquiries. This is the foreign exchange counter.

Change your Swiss money first.

Mrs. Hunt I can't change my money.

Mr. Hunt Yes, you can.

Mrs. Hunt No, I can't.

Mr. Hunt Why not?

Mrs. Hunt Because I haven't got it. It's in my blue handbag. there's nothing it this handbag

Mr. Hunt Oh Sarah! We can't go back to the hotel again. It's late… but don't worry.

Mrs. Hunt Can I change it tomorrow?

Mrs. Hunt Yes, you can.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.

A big department store

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Sheila This isn't Oxford Street.

Jane Yes it is.

Mrs. Hunt No, it isn't. Sheila's right. This is Knightsbridge. First we're going to a big department store to shop.

Jane What are we looking for?

Mrs. Hunt Oh, I don't know … clothes or food or jewellery. We can buy anything there.

Jane I haven't got much money. Is it an expensive shop?

Mrs. Hunt Yes, it is.

Jane Do they sell books?

Mrs. Hunt Yes. Which book are you looking for?

Jane I want a book about jazz to give to Simon. His birthday's soon.

Mrs. Hunt But he's got a lot of books.

Jane I know, but he hasn't got many books about jazz.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


Carol's sons

Exercise 1. Read aloud the following dialogue imitating the sounds and intonation on the audiocassette. Translate it into Russian.

Mrs. Hunt How are your sons?

Mrs. Fenton Tim's still living with us.

Mrs. Hunt Has he finished university yet?

Mrs. Fenton Yes, he has. He's worked here in London for eighteen months.

Mrs. Hunt What does he do?

Mrs. Fenton He works in an export company. He's worked there since January.

Mrs. Hunt And what does Chris do?

Mrs. Fenton He works in Dad's company in Bristol. We still haven't met Chris's fiancée. They're coming to visit us this year.

Mrs. Hunt When?

Mrs. Fenton Either this month or next month.

Mrs. Hunt How long is Chris's holiday?

Mrs. Fenton No one's told him yet. He wants four weeks. Maggie's got four weeks' holiday.

Mrs. Hunt Is Maggie Chris fiancée?

Mrs. Fenton That's right. Her name's Margaret but we call her Maggie.


Exercise 2. Memorize the dialogue and act it out.


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