Определите, правильно ли данные утверждения отражают суть текста. (Are they true or false?) 

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Определите, правильно ли данные утверждения отражают суть текста. (Are they true or false?)

q Six people play a musical instrument.

q Eighteen people think that listening to music is exciting.

q Ten people think that playing the violin is difficult.

q Six people don't play a musical instrument.

q Ten people practise their musical instrument 0-3 hours a week.

q Four people are fond of playing the violin.

q Two people like going to pop concerts and six people like going to jazz concerts.

q Two people dislike listening to music.


  1. Изучите результаты анкетирования «How sporty are we?»
Sport Questionnaire Results 1. Do you like playing sport? Yes (15) No (5) 2. If yes, why? Good fun (5) Good exercise (10) 3. Do you like watching sport? Yes (17) No (3) 4. If yes, why? Exciting (12) Interesting (5) 5. Which sport do you like playing? Tennis (3) Squash (6) Football (6) 6. Which sport don't you like and why? Climbing (11) – dangerous Riding (9) – difficult  


Заполните статью недостающей информацией из таблицы.

The survey above shows the response of twenty people to a questionnaire about sport. Interestingly, five people of the twenty ____________________ but _____________ do. Five people think that playing sport is _______________. Seventeen people __________________ sport but ____________________ don't. Out of these, twelve people think that sport is __________________ and ____________ people think that is interesting.

Three people say that they ____________________________ tennis, six __________________________ and six ______________________.

Eleven people say they __________________________ because it is ________________ and nine say they _______________________ because it is ______________________.

These results suggest that as a nation we are quite sporty.

  1. Проведите анкетирование студентов своей группы. Оно может быть о музыке (видах спорта, компьютерах, повседневных делах, способах проведения каникул и т.д.). Представьте результаты исследования на занятии (например, в виде компьютерной презентации).

Make a survey about likes and dislikes of your classmates. You may ask about music, computers, sports, everyday activities, ways of holiday-making, etc. Present the results of your survey to the class.

Итоговое задание (Units 1-4).

Составьте рассказ (устно или письменно) о вашем друге, или родственнике, или человеке, который вам нравится (не нравится) по предложенному плану.

Make a story about your best friend or relative or a person you like / dislike. Speak about:

1. His/her age and appearance.

2. His/her personal qualities (both positive and negative).

3. What he/she likes or dislikes doing.

4. Why you are friends / why you are not friends.



Модуль 1. Учебная единица 2.

Unit 5. Places to live. City / Town, Neighbourhood.

Grammar Focus: Конструкция there + be. Неопределенные местоимения some/any. Предлоги места. Способы выражения модальности: глаголы can, may, should.
Vocabulary focus: Лексика по темам «Район, город», «Общественный транспорт»
Communication: Построение диалога-расспроса по теме «Как добраться до …?», «Где расположен…?»


1. а) Прочитайте текст о районе, в котором живет Эмми Смит, и выполните задания. Обратите внимание на использование конструкции “there + is / are” и предлогов места.

Amy Smith’s neighbourhood

Amy’s block of flats is in the centre of town. Amy is very happy there because the building is in a very convenient place.

Across from it, there’s a bank, a post office, and a restaurant. Next to the building, there’s a pharmacy and a fitness club. Around the corner from the building, there are 2 supermarkets.

There’s a lot of noise near Amy’s block of flats. There are a lot of cars and people in the street all day and all night.

However, Amy isn’t very upset about the noise in her neighbourhood. Her block of flats is in the centre of town. It’s a very busy place, but it’s a convenient place to live. Besides, her windows face the yard!

б) Определите, правильно ли данные утверждения отражают суть текста. (Are the statements true or false?)

a) Amy’s block of flats is in a good place.

b) There’s a pharmacy around the corner from the building.

c) There are three supermarkets in her neighbourhood.

d) There are a lot of cars in the street.

e) The centre of town is very noisy.

в) Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста. Answer the questions.

a) Where’s Amy’s block of flats? Is it in a suburb?

b) What’s across from the building?

c) Is there a fitness club behind the building?

d) Why is there so much noise near Amy’s block of flats?

e) Why is Amy happy there?

2. а) Перед вами схема пересечения двух улиц – Summer Avenue и Winter Street.

б) В таблице приведены данные о расположении различных зданий. Используя эту информацию, определите, где какое здание находится.

The movie theater is next to the hospital. The bowling alley is across the street from the hospital. The hardware store is between the bowling alley and the drugstore.
The gas station is on the northeast corner of Summer Ave. and Winter St. The Laundromat is around the corner from the hardware store. The school is next to the laundromat.
The grocery store is west of the Thai restaurant. The post office is across the street from the school. The Mexican restaurant is on the southwest corner of the Summer Ave. and Winter St.
The bank is between the post office and the Mexican restaurant. The police station is around the corner from the bank. The beauty salon is between the police station and the video sore.
The Thai restaurant is across from the police station. The Thai restaurant is between the library and the grocery store. The video store is across the grocery store and down the street from the Mexican restaurant.
The fire station is around the corner from the Thai restaurant. The dentist’s office is across from the fire station. The doctor’s office is next to the fire station.

в) Используя заполненную схему, ответьте на вопросы:

1) Is the drugstore on the southwest or southeast corner of Summer Ave. and Winter St.?

2) Where is the library?

3) What is between the beauty salon and the Mexican restaurant?

4) Where is the laundromat?

5) What’s next to the doctor’s office?

6) Where is the grocery store?

7) What’s next to the post office?

8) What’s around the corner from the movie theater?

9) Is the library north or south of the fire station?

10) What’s across the street from the laundromat?

11) What’s down the street from the library?

12) Where is the hospital?

13) What’s next to the Thai restaurant?

14) Where is the school?

15) What’s next to the bowling alley?

3. Нарисуйте приблизительную схему района, где вы живете. Расспросите однокурсника о районе, в котором он живет, используя его схему. Ответьте на его вопросы о вашем районе с помощью вашей схемы.

Образец: -- Is there a restaurant in your neighbourhood? – No, there isn’t.

-- Is there a cafeteria in your neighbourhood? – Yes, there is.

-- Where is it? – It’s in Central Street, across from the bank.


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