Изучите информацию об использовании соединительных союзов и некоторых вводных слов. 

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Изучите информацию об использовании соединительных союзов и некоторых вводных слов.

Иногда возникает необходимость перечислить несколько свойств (или отрицательных, или положительных). В таком случае можно воспользоваться соединительными союзами and «и», and also «а также», and… as well «и к тому же». Например: She is friendly and (also) polite. She is friendly and polite as well. Когда мы соединяем в одном высказывании противоположные качества (положительные и отрицательные), можно воспользоваться союзом but «но» или вводными выражениями on the other hand «с другой стороны», however «однако». Например: He is helpful but he can be bossy at times. He is helpful. On the other hand/However, he can be bossy at times.

Дайте характеристики следующим людям, используя and (also), and … as well, but, however, on the other hand.

Образец: Mike is intelligent. Mike is forgetful. – Mike is intelligent but he can be forgetful.

  1. Roger is friendly. Roger is caring.
  2. John is intelligent. John is self-centred.
  3. Andrew is stubborn. Andrew is disorganized.
  4. Paul is cooperative. Paul is forgetful.
  5. Michael is energetic. Michael is bossy.
  6. Helen is attractive. Helen is shapely.
  7. Daniel is mean. Daniel is selfish.
  8. Kate is decisive. Kate is self-centered.
  9. Caroline is energetic. Caroline is rude.
  10. Nelly is sensitive. Nelly is reserved.
  11. Fred is generous. Fred is caring.
  12. Lily is determined. Lily is disorganized.


3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя лексику текста Read my lips.

1) Are you a responsible person? Can your friends rely on you?

2) Can you make decisions quickly?

3) Are you energetic?

4) Do you want to be successful in life? What is your ambition?

5) Are you sometimes self-centred? Can you forget about other people’s feelings?

6) Are men more reserved than women? Do they like to show their feelings?

7) Are you usually careful about what you do?

8) Do you like mean people?

9) Are you a generous person? Do you often give things to other people and help them?

10) Can you say that you are sensitive? Do you get upset easily?


4. Прочитайте описания людей.

1) Mary is short. She has got an oval face, long black curly hair and a small nose. Her eyes are brown.

2) Paul’s tall. He is 35. He’s got a long face and long black hair. His nose is quite large and he’s got a small mouth.

3) Mrs. Sally Diver is short and plump. She’s nearly 70. She’s got a square face, shoulder length wavy grey hair and a wide mouth. Her eyes are green.

4) Mike’s tall, well-built and middle-aged. His mouth is wide, and his nose is rather big. He has large dark brown eyes and short grey hair.

5) Susan Goldman is 57. She is around average height, has got an oval face, dark brown hair, low forehead and big grey eyes. Her nose is turned-up. She has got a beautifully-cut wide mouth and full lips.

6) Billy Beam is 13. He is short and slim. His hair is fair and wavy. He has got a long face and deep-set grey eyes. His mouth is large and his nose is straight.

7) Nina Banks is 39. Her hair is red and short. She has got a round freckled face with a snub nose. Her mouth is wide with thin lips.

8) Peter Black is the same age as Susan Goldman. He is broad-shouldered. His hair is grey. He has got a wrinkled face and a Roman nose. He wears a beard.

Заполните таблицу словами и выражениями из описаний.


Какие еще слова и выражения вы могли бы добавить в таблицу?

Прочитайте диалоги. Используйте их как образцы для ваших диалогов о внешности друга / знакомого / родственника.

a) - Tom, who is that good-looking, chestnut-haired young lady?

- Oh, it's my sister.

- And who is that pretty girl with rosy plump cheeks and a turned - up nose?

- It's her elder daughter, my niece.

- Well, you have such pleasant-looking relatives.

- Thank you.

b) - Which of those three boys is Peter Welkins?

- The tall one.

- But they all three are tall.

- The tall one with long curly hair.

- And a moustache?

- That's right.

- Thank you.


Прочитайте диалог и объясните разницу между вопросами, выделенными жирным шрифтом.

At the Airport

Helen: What does Michael look like?

Tim: Well, he's tall and well-built. He's got brown eyes and a shaved head.

Helen: Is he handsome?

Tim: Of course he is! He's my cousin.

Helen: And what's he like? Is he like you too?

Tim: No, he's quite shy really.

Helen: Oh look! Is that him?

Tim: Yeah! Michael! Michael! …Oh, he doesn’t see us.

Выберите предложения, которые являются ответом на вопрос “What does he look like?”

1. He is a handsome man.

2. He is a good friend. You can always rely on him.

3. Roger is a very sensitive person.

4. He is tall and thin, with shoulder-length curly hair.

5. Michael is rather heavy, with short legs.

6. He is bossy. On the other hand, he is very responsible.

7. He has a round face, with dimples on both cheeks.

8. Tom is shy, that’s why he has got very few friends.


7. Прочитайте фрагмент интервью и ответьте на вопросы, выделенные жирным шрифтом.

-- Well, how would you describe yourself?

-- How would I describe myself, yeah? Okay. Average height, short hair, shoulder length, blue eyes. What else? Slim. Let's say athletic built. Yeah, well, I guess that's it.

-- What do you think about your personality?

-- What about my personality? The way I see it, or the way, I think, others see me?

-- Both.

-- Both... I think I am introverted. But I think others see me as extraverted. I am a very independent person. But generally, I think, I am nice. Or I'd like to think that others see me as a nice person.


Подготовьте небольшой рассказа о том, как выглядит человек, который вам приятен (или неприятен).

9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1) Who do you look after in your family? Describe that person.

2) What physical characteristics do you find attractive?

3) How can you describe the physical appearance of your ideal man / woman?

4) Do you think the way we look is only important when we

a. want to find a partner?

b. want to make friends?

c. are at work?



Модуль 1. Учебная единица 1.

Unit 4. Likes and Dislikes.

Grammar Focus: Герундий в функции дополнения (конструкции типа like doing, be interested in doing и т.п.) Модальный глагол can.
Vocabulary focus: Лексика для описания интересов и увлечений человека.
Communication: Запрос и получение информации об увлечениях, интересах, пристрастиях человека.
  1. Данная таблица содержит грамматическую информацию о конструкциях, позволяющих охарактеризовать пристрастия и интересы человека, сказать, что он любит или не любит делать. Изучите материал и выполните упражнения.
Есть группа слов и выражений, при помощи которых вы можете сказать о том, что вы любите (или не любите делать). Например: like (любить, нравиться), dislike (не любить), enjoy(наслаждаться, получать удовольствие), love (обожать), can’t stand (не выносить), hate (ненавидеть), be interested in (интересоваться), be good at (хорошо уметь что-то делать), be fond of (любить что-то делать). Все они требуют после себя существительное или –ing форму глагола. После like также можно употребить инфинитив с частицей to.  
    I like love enjoy dislike can’t stand hate am interested in am good at am fond of rock music. doing sports. driving. cleaning my room. studying long poems. doing my homework. medicine. Chemistry. buying new clothes.
I like to take part in a lot of activities.
  1. Ответьте на вопросы, используя предлагаемые выражения.

Which of these things do you like/dislike (doing)?

What does your friend/ mother/ sister… like or dislike (doing)? (Choose any person you know!)

Образец: a) I enjoy listening to loud music in my car.

b) My brother dislikes cleaning his room.

1) Listening to loud/ quiet music,

2) speaking to intelligent people,

3) cleaning your room,

4) studying Anatomy/ Biology/ Chemistry/ Latin/ English,

5) walking in rainy/ sunny weather,

6) winter,

7) dogs/ cats,

8) going to the dentist,

9) shopping for food/ clothes,

10) waiting for the bus,

11) telling other people what to do,

12) playing computer games,

13) weekends,

14) Mondays/ Saturdays,

15) watching news programs,

16) staying home alone,

17) taking part in a lot of activities,

18) early mornings,

19) sharing things,

20) spending money,

21) downloading new applications (apps) / music/ photos on your cell phone.


  1. Дополните предложения своими собственными идеями.

I really enjoy __________________________

I’m interested in _______________________

I’m fond of ____________________________

I’m good at _____________________________

I don’t much like ________________________

I don’t like _______________________ at all.

I think ______________________is boring.

I hate _________________________________


  1. Используя данную информацию, дополните предложения о том, что люди умеют или не умеют делать, их физической способности или неспособности что-то сделать

Образец: Tom is interested in music (play the piano…). -- He can play the piano well.

Ben is not good at Chemistry (solve tasks…). – He can’t solve tasks in Chemistry.


1. Lily is fond of going shopping for clothes (spend much money…).

2. Nina enjoys driving (go somewhere by car…).

3. Ann doesn’t much like tidying her flat (clean the bedroom …).

4. Paul hates studying English (find an English-speaking key pal…).

5. Sue loves learning long poems by heart (memorize … easily)

6. Ted can’t stand watching news programmes (tell you about…).

7. Mary likes to take part in different extracurricular (внеаудиторный) activities (play tennis and paint…).

8. Jane is good at computing (download …).

9. Nelly is interested in Latin (help her friends…).

10. Jerry hates Mondays (wake up…).

11. Victoria wants to know more about wild nature (watch Animal Planet …).

12. Adam loves cooking (make breakfast…).

13. Helen is fond of doing sports (play volleyball…).

14. Kate really enjoys winter (ski and skate…).


  1. Прочитайте статью о том, насколько мы любим музыку, какие жанры и инструменты предпочитаем. Выполните упражнения.

How musical are we?

What do you do to relax? Do you like watching TV? Do you like reading books? Or do you enjoy listening to music? How many of us actually play a musical instrument? How important is music in our lives? What kind of music do we like?

The survey shows the musical habits of a few of our readers. Interestingly, fourteen people out of the twenty actually play a musical instrument, while only six don't. Out of these, ten people practise their musical instrument between 0-3 hours a week and the other four between three and six hours a week.

The best instrument to play is the guitar; eight people say it is their favourite instrument to play. Another four people enjoy playing the piano and two like playing the violin. Two people, however, don't play the violin or the piano as they think they are too difficult.

Pop concerts are always popular but, in this survey, only eight people say they are fond of going to concerts -- six to pop concerts and two to jazz concerts.

A higher number, eighteen, say they enjoy listening to music as they find it relaxing. Only two people don’t like listening to music at all. These results suggest that we are more actively musical than we think…


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