Исправление работы на основе рецензий 

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Исправление работы на основе рецензий

По возвращении проверенной рецензентом контрольной работы необходимо внимательно ознакомиться с замечаниями рецензента и проанализировать обнаруженные ошибки. Далее следует проработать еще раз учебный материал, исправить ошибки и переписать на чистой странице все исправленные предложения в конце данной контрольной работы. Если в тетради не осталось свободного места, то работу над ошибками следует выполнять в новой тетради, не забыв приложить старую работу при повторной сдаче. Исправленную работу повторно следует регистрировать в методическом отделе заочного отделения и на кафедре иностранных языков.

Проверенные контрольные работы с оценкой “допустить к зачету” и повторно исправленные контрольные работы являются учебными документами и остаются на кафедре иностранных языков. Вместо них в методическом отделе заочного отделения выдается карточка рецензента, которую необходимо сохранять и предъявлять в качестве документа, свидетельствующего о допуске студента к зачету и экзамену.


Помимо выполнения контрольных заданий в программу курса английского языка входит раздел «Справочные материалы и дополнительные упражнения». Это предполагает, что кроме знания грамматического материала и знания текста своего варианта контрольного задания, следует также уметь переводить тексты остальных вариантов данного контрольного задания и отвечать на вопросы преподавателей по данным текстам. Проверка знаний этих текстов и материалов текстов, осуществляется на занятиях зачетной / экзаменационной сессий.



При подготовке к зачетам и экзаменам рекомендуется: а) повторно проработать наиболее сложный грамматический материал; б) просмотреть материал выполненных контрольных работ; в) просмотреть задания других вариантов тех же контрольных работ.




Текст для перевода

Упражнение 1. Соедините понятия и их определения.

1. board of directors a) if two or more companies, organizations do this, they join together
2. to merge b) an individual trading in his / her name or under a suitable trading name.
3. recession c) an amount of money owed by business to a supplier or other creditor
4. sole trader d) the group of people who have been elected by shareholders to manage a company
5. liability e) a period of time when an economy or industry is doing badly and business activity and employment decrease
1. board of directors d) the group of people who have been elected by shareholders to manage a company
2. to merge a) if two or more companies, organizations do this, they join together
3. recession e) a period of time when an economy or industry is doing badly and business activity and employment decrease
4. sole trader b) an individual trading in his / her name or under a suitable trading name.
5. liability c) an amount of money owed by business to a supplier or other creditor


Упражнение 2. Расставьте части письма в правильном порядке. Вместо пропусков в основной части письма вставьте правильное слово из рамочки.

Будьте внимательны: вам понадобятся не все предложенные слова.

Disposal apply for work as qualifications experience enclosed discuss negotiate advertisement



Mark Diamond.


Ukraine Airline

27 South Avenue

New York, AS 45687


2 April, 1992


I have read your _____ in Kiev-Post and I am writing to _____ a position of intern.

I am a first year student in the MBA programme at the Wharton School of Business. My professional _____ has given me an in-depth knowledge of the air transportation industry. I have, in particular, worked for American Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration. I wish to place this experience at the _____ of your airline.


I have _____ my CV. If my background and _____ are of interest to you, please telephone me. I would be interested in meeting with you to _____ further the possibility of such summer position.


Mark Diamond

4701 Pine Road

Philadelphia, PA1919


Dear Mr Marinichenko,


I look forward to hearing from you in the nearest future.





Mark Diamond

4701 Pine Road

Philadelphia, PA1919

Ukraine Airline

27 South Avenue

New York, AS 45687

2 April, 1992


Dear Mr Marinichenko,

I have read your advertisement in Kiev-Post and I am writing to apply for a position of intern.


I am a first year student in the MBA programme at the Wharton School of Business. My professional experience has given me an in-depth knowledge of the air transportation industry. I have, in particular, worked for American Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration. I wish to place this experience at the disposal of your airline.


I have enclosed my CV. If my background and qualifications are of interest to you, please telephone me. I would be interested in meeting with you to discuss further the possibility of such summer position.


I look forward to hearing from you in the nearest future.




Mark Diamond.


Упражнение 3. Ещё раз ознакомьтесь с содержанием письма в упражнение 2 и выберите, к какому типу письма из приведенного ниже списка оно относится.

Letter of Reminder

Letter of Acknowledgement

Letter of Offer

Letter of Application

Letter of Inquiry

Letter of Complaint


Упражнение 4. Ознакомьтесь с приведенным ниже диалогом. Вставьте пропущенные слова из рамочки.

Single anything else reserved sign check

At the Hotel

Receptionist: Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

Guest: Good evening. I have a room _____ at your hotel.

R.: What’s your name, please?

G.: John Smith

R.: Just a moment and I’ll _____. Yeah. A _____ room for three nights. Is that right, sir?

G.: Yes, that’s right.

R.: Just _____ the register… Thank you. Here’s your key. Room three-o-seven. It’s on the third floor. The lift is over there. I’ll have your things sent up.

G.: Thank you. What is the time for breakfast?

R.: Any time between 7 and 9.30. Where are you going to have your breakfast, sir? In your room or in the restaurant?

G.: I’d rather have it in my room.

R.: What time, sir?

G.: At 8 o’clock.

R.: OK. _____, sir?

G.: I’d like to eat here this evening. When is the restaurant closing?

R.: At 9.30, so you’ve got two hours to have your dinner, sir.

G.: Fine. Thank you.



Контрольные задания


Вариант 1

Перепишите текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык.

Travelling by air

Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air. This is why here is a list of recommendations which may be helpful. Passengers should arrive at the airport at least two hours before the departure. They must register their tickets, weigh in and register their luggage. Passengers should be aware that there is free luggage allowance of 20 kg. Excess luggage should be paid for. Finalizing this procedure is the boarding pass which is given to every passenger. It contains an indication of the departure gate and time.

When the boarding pass is given the passengers should proceed to the passport control where his or her identity is checked and the so called green light is given for the departure. When on board the passengers should be careful and watch the electric light signs. When the “Fasten the seat belts” sign goes on, do it promptly, and obey the “No smoking” signal. And do not forget your personal belongings in the plane when leaving it.

After the landing the officials will check the passports and visas of the passengers. These formalities are more or less similar in all countries. In some countries these officials may also check the passengers’ certificates of vaccination. When these formalities have been completed the passengers will go to the Customs for an examination of their luggage. If a passenger has nothing to declare he or she may just go through the ‘green section’ of the Customs. But sometimes the Customs inspector may ask you to open your bag or suitcase for inspection. This is done to prevent smuggling. After you are through with all customs formalities you are free to cross the border and enter the country of your destination.


Упражнение 1. Соедините понятия и их определения.

1. to endorse a) when someone is removed from their job by their employer
2. dismissal b) a group of individuals working together in business with a view to making profit
3. headquarters c) if a famous person does it he or she says in an advertisement that goods or services are good
4. to innovate d) the head office or main building of an organization
5. partnership e) to design and develop new and better products
6. Profit f) cost expressed in money
7. Expense g) the total number of people who are employed in a company or factory
8. Labour force h) all those who can work in a country, company
9. Wage i) money gained by trade or business
10. Workforce j) payment made to workers for the use of their labour as a factor of production

Упражнение 2. Расставьте части письма в правильном порядке. Вместо пропусков в основной части письма вставьте правильное слово из рамочки.

Будьте внимательны: вам понадобятся не все предложенные слова.

Specified writing invoice in case of look forward by return according to original enclosing price list


Yours sincerely,

Pierre Lacoste, Credit Controller.


July 23, 2000


_____ our records payment of our invoice No. 35823, sent to you in April, has not yet been made.

As _____ on all our estimates and invoices our terms of business are 30 days net. Your _____ has now been outstanding for 90 days. _____ unsettled debt of this duration it is our company policy to take legal action.

We would naturally prefer not to have to go so far. Would you please send us a check _____. In case you have lost or mislaid the _____ I am _____ a copy of our invoice.

We _____ to receiving your payment by return.


Dear Mr Carsons,


Carsons Inc.

Bay avenue

San Francisco


Упражнение 3. Ещё раз ознакомьтесь с содержанием письма в упражнение 2 и выберите, к какому типу письма из приведенного ниже списка оно относится.

Letter of Reminder

Letter of Acknowledgement

Letter of Offer

Letter of Application

Letter of Inquiry

Letter of Complaint


Упражнение 4. Ознакомьтесь с приведенным ниже диалогом. Вставьте пропущенные слова из рамочки.


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