I. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words. Revise of the situation in which the word was used. 

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I. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words. Revise of the situation in which the word was used.

Штаб-квартира, приспособление (техническая новинка), цифровой рекламный щит, место для гуляния, рекламный кадр, продвигать, играть главную роль, выполнять заказ, обратная связь.


II. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

1. The inventors call the program T-Show TV.

2. The screen is placed on a model’s abdomen.

3. Advertisers can bring their ads directly to customers with the help of T-shirt screens.

4. An advertisement for men’s deodorant should be shown in the movie theatres where the consumer is.

5. T-shirt TV is equipped with a screen, four speakers and a microphone.

6. Adam Hollander is the inventor of the T-shirt TV.

7. Advertisers can put their ads not only on T-shirt screen but also on its front, back and sleeves.

8. T-shirt TV attracts crowds of people and TV news crews.

9. Jeffrey Godsick is a financial director of 20th Century Fox.

10. T-shirt TV isn’t ready for the masses.


III. Answer the following questions.

1. What company invented a new advertising medium?

2. What is the advantage of a new advertising vehicle of all others?

3. Where do models wear T-shirt screens with video ads on them? Why?

4. What is the purpose of the T-shirt TV program?

5. What kinds of products are suited for T-shirt TV?

6. What ads won’t be accepted for T-shirt TV?

7. How can T-shirt TV be used for an anti-smoking campaign?

8. What other applications except video ads can be found for T-shirt TV?

9. Who made use of the T-shirt TV first? What was advertised?

10. How much time is needed to fulfill the order? What are the factors that affect it?

11. Why are T-shirts especially effective with young people?

12. Is it difficult to put on and wear T-shirt TV?


IV. Discussion section.

1. Imagine that you are an advertiser who wants to give an ad for the following products on T-shirt screens:

· soap or washing powder;

· sport equipment;

· new medical drug;

· toy, play game or rattle box;

· Swiss watch;

· new model of a mobile phone;

· new scent of perfume for men/ women;

· new movie;

· food product (tea, chewing gum, etc.);

· make-up.

Where would you likely find your targeted audience for these products? Explain your reasons, i.e. define the potential customers for this or that product and places where these customers gather.

2. What ads would you forbid to show on T-shirt TV? Why?



a Pre-Reading Discussion

Have you ever seen advertising web banners?

Where have you seen these banners?

How do they look like?

What do web banners usually advertise?



Pic. 3.1. To click… or not to click… That is the question


A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking them to the web site of the advertiser. The advertisement is constructed from an image (GIF, JPEG), JavaScript program or multimedia object, often employing animation or sound to maximize presence (pic. 3.1). Banners can be either wide and short, or tall and narrow. These images are usually placed on web pages that have interesting content, such as a newspaper article or an opinion poll.

The web banner is displayed when a web page that references the banner is loaded into a web browser. This event is known as an “impression”. When the viewer clicks on the banner, the viewer is directed to the website advertised in the banner. This event is known as a “click through”. In many cases, banners are delivered by a central ad server. A central ad server is a computer server that stores advertisements and delivers them to web site visitors. These servers centrally store the ads so that advertisers can track the distribution of their online advertisements across the web. The central ad server was first developed and introduced by FocaLink Media Services in 1995 for controlling online advertising or banner ads.

Pic. 3.2. Microsoft Agent Theatre



Many banner ads work on a click-through payback system. When the advertiser scans their logfiles and detects that a web user has visited the advertiser's site from the content site by clicking on the banner ad, the advertiser sends the content provider some small amount of money (usually around five to ten US cents). This payback system is often how the content provider is able to pay for the internet access to supply the content in the first place (pic. 3.2).

Web banners function the same way as traditional advertisements are intended to function: notifying consumers of the product or service and presenting reasons why the consumer should choose the product in question, although web banners differ in that the results for advertisement campaigns may be monitored real-time and may be targeted to the viewer's interests.

Many web surfers regard these advertisements as highly annoying because they distract from a web page's actual content or waste bandwidth (pic. 3.3). Newer web browsers often include options to disable pop-ups or block images from selected websites. Another way of avoiding banners is to use a proxy server that blocks them.

Pic. 3.3. Typical web banner



a Post-Reading Tasks


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