Профессиональный иностранный язык 

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Профессиональный иностранный язык




Методические указания к изучению дисциплины

И выполнению контрольной работы

для студентов заочной формы обучения



Специальность 080502(8) - Экономика и управление на предприятии

туризма и гостиничного хозяйства

Специализация «Организация предпринимательской деятельности туристской фирмы»




редакционно-издательским советом СПбГИЭУ

в качестве методического издания



канд. пед. наук, доц. А.Л. Зелезинский




канд. пед. наук, доц. Ю.И. Рудинова


Подготовлено на кафедре

профессионального иностранного языка

и межкультурной коммуникации в туризме


Одобрено научно-методическим советом

факультета туризма и гостиничного хозяйства


Отпечатано в авторской редакции с оригинал-макета,

представленного составителем


Ó СПбГИЭУ, 2009



1. Общие положения................................................................................ 4

2. Методические указания по изучению дисциплины........................ 4

3. Методические указания к выполнению контрольной работы...... 5

4. Контрольные задания.......................................................................... 7

5. Требования к оформлению контрольной работы........................ 27

6. Список литературы............................................................................ 28

Приложение 1. Содержание дисциплины (Извлечение из

рабочей программы дисциплины)..................... 29

Приложение 2. Пример оформления титульного листа

контрольной работы............................................. 31

Приложение 3. Перечень контрольных вопросов для

проверки знаний по дисциплине........................ 32




Цель дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык в деятельности турфирмы» – способствовать активному овладению лексикой по темам туристского бизнеса, формированию и совершенствованию речевых навыков в профессиональной среде через интерактивные упражнения, оригинальные неадаптированные тексты туристской тематики, творческие задания, материалы зарубежной прессы и видеосюжеты.

Основными задачами данной дисциплины являются:

- приобретение знания, совершенствование и закрепление терминологии в сфере деятельности турфирмы на международном уровне;

- формирование умений использовать эти знания в области деловых взаимоотношений на английском языке;

- приобретение практических навыков ведения профессиональной деятельности на английском языке.

Дисциплина «Профессиональный иностранный язык в деятельности турфирмы» является составной частью дисциплин специализации «Организация предпринимательской деятельности туристской фирмы».

Содержание занятий по дисциплине является логическим продолжением ряда таких дисциплин, как «Иностранный язык», «Информационно-экскурсионная деятельность предприятий туризма на иностранном языке», «Управление туристской фирмой», что позволяет не сводить изучение дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык в деятельности турфирмы» только к проблемам специальной лексики, а изучать профессиональную деятельность в сфере туризма комплексно и системно.

Форма контроля знаний студентов по дисциплине – экзамен.




Успешная аттестация по дисциплине, а также выполнение контрольной работы, предполагает самостоятельную проработку учебной литературы, список которой приведен в данных методических указаниях. Студентам рекомендуется прослушивание всевозможного аудиоматериала по пройденным темам, так как данный вид работы позволяет развить навыки восприятия аутентичной речи со слуха, что особенно необходимо при самостоятельной работе.

При выполнении контрольной работы потребуется углубленное знание вопросов, обозначенных в Приложении 1. В Приложении 3 содержатся контрольные вопросы, отвечая на которые студент может проверить свои знания дисциплины.

Студентам заочной формы, выбравшим специализацию «Организация предпринимательской деятельности туристской фирмы» в качестве основного предлагается учебное пособие «Going International». Автор – Keith Harding.

Данное учебное пособие содержит специализированные тексты и упражнения, при чтении и выполнении которых студенты овладевают определенными грамматическими структурами и лексическим материалом по изучаемым темам.

Пособие состоит из двенадцати тематических блоков. Каждый блок содержит различные разделы, направленные на дальнейшее овладение и развитие различного рода видов языковой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо) в рамках предложенных тем.

Каждый блок начинается с актуализации опорных знаний по изученному ранее материалу, что включает такие упражнения как аудирование, говорение на основе изучаемой лексики, семантизация лексических единиц, которые рассматриваются как ключевые понятия в изучаемой теме, набор тематических текстов, различного рода упражнения к ним, включающие грамматический и лексический материал.

После проработки всего учебного пособия студент может приступать к выполнению контрольной работы.




Контрольная работа выполняется в соответствии с рабочим учебным планом.

Целью выполнения контрольной работы по дисциплине «Профессиональный иностранный язык в деятельности турфирмы» является проверка уровня знаний лексики, грамматики и навыков коммуникации.

В рамках контрольной работы студент должен выполнить три теста. Тесты состоят из заданий, в которых основное внимание сконцентрировано на одном из аспектов, указанном перед заданием.

Данные задания для выполнения контрольной работы отвечают содержанию обучения профессиональному иностранному языку и соответствуют требованиям учебного процесса. Задания для выполнения контрольной работы отражают материал, который должен быть освоен студентами, изучающими английский язык по предлагаемому учебному пособию. В основе заданий лежат как принципы речевой и коммуникативной направленности, так и выполнение грамматических заданий.

Каждое задание содержит дополнительные объяснения, позволяющие конкретизировать требования к его выполнению.

Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена в строго установленные сроки. Студент должен заранее ознакомиться с требованиями к оформлению контрольной работы.

Работа выполняется по вариантам. Выбор варианта осуществляется в соответствии с последней цифрой номера зачетной книжки (см. таблицу 1).

Таблица 1

Таблица для выбора варианта контрольной работы


Последняя цифра номера зачетной книжки Номер варианта Номера выполняемых тестов
    1, 3, 8
    1, 2, 4
    1, 3, 5
    1, 4, 6
    1, 5, 7
    1, 6, 8
    1, 7, 9
    1, 8, 10
    1, 10, 3
    1, 2, 9

Например: номер зачетной книжки 5038 4 /05. В этом случае студент выполняет вариант № 4 (тесты № 1, 5, 7).


Test 1


Задание 1.

Which verbs do not go with the nouns?

1. EVENTS    
arrange organize make
handle deal with book
maximize boost produce
4. TOURS    
possess book organize
5. STAFF    
supervise design join


Задание 2.

Put the most suitable word into the sentences

1. Conference Consultants is _____ events management organization.
a dynamic the dynamic very dynamic
2. This is a chance _____ part of a well-established international five-star hotel.
to became to become to have become
3. We _____ for a Night Auditor for a busy hotel front office at the moment.
to look for is looking for are looking for
4. Good telephone, IT and numeracy skills are _____.
a need a should a must
5. This position has unlimited potential and will suit someone _____ career in the long term.
looking after looking through looking at


Задание 3.

Underline the correct verb form in the sentences below

1. The brochures often feature / are often featuring hotels in Long Beach.

2. LA experiences / is experiencing a boom in hotel building.

3. The accommodation tax varies / is varying from 10 – 17 percent.

4. In summer the temperature stays / is staying in the mid 80s.

5. A meal for two costs / is costing about $150.

6. San Diego becomes / is becoming very popular with British visitors.

7. British Airways flies / is flying direct to San Diego daily.

8. We look / are looking for a suitable hotel in Anaheim.

9. Florida suffers / is suffering from a severe lack of rainfall at the moment.

10. Theme parks attract / are attracting families with young children.


Задание 4.

Match these words with their definitions. There are some extra definitions.

  a. small, clever machine
  b. professional driver
1. chauffeur c. front of a building
2. stationary d. part of a telephone that you hold
3. florist e. paper, envelops etc.
4. gadget f. person who sells flowers
5. handset g. telephone you can carry with you
6. mobile h. very light
7. opulent i. extremely attractive
8. impeccable j. highly decorated
9. stunning k. very impressive and exciting
10. luxurious l. perfect
  m. attractive and nice
  n. extremely comfortable


Задание 5.

Underline the correct verb form in the sentences below

1. Thomas Cook organized / has organized the first tour in 1841.

2. Pathfinders wasn’t / hasn’t been the first to offer tailor-made holidays

3. He worked / has worked in the travel industry since 1996.

4. When did you start / have you started working for Kuoni?

5. Customers became / have become more demanding in the last few years.

6. The number of bookings fell / has fallen since the accident.

7. So far we had / have had a very successful season.

8. Visitors from the USA increased / have increased by 8 percent since last year.

9. We started / have started offering tours to Mexico two years ago.

10. Many operators put / have put their prices up lately.


Задание 6.

Match the complaints with the responses below

1. It’s disgusting, the sheet’s stained. a. Don’t worry I’ll bring you another one.
2. The shower curtain is torn in the bathroom. b. Really? Don’t be so angry, we’ll do it best.
3. I’m afraid the room is terribly dusty. c. I’m terribly sorry about that. I’ll have a clean one brought to your room.
4. The fluorescent light is making a funny noise. d. I do apologize. I’ll have it emptied.
5. The window’s stuck. e. I’ll get it cleaned for you straightaway.
6. The faucets are dripping, I can’t turn them off. f. If you tell me which one you read I’ll have it delivered.
7. I did ask for a newspaper in my room. g. Oh, dear. I’ll get someone to open it.
8. The waste paper basket is full. h. I’ll have it changed by the electrician.
9. Sorry, but my coffee is too hot. i. OK, I’ll have them looked at by a plumber.
10. There is a mess in my room. j. Is it? I’m sorry I’ll get a new one fitted.


Задание 7.

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable time expressions

Have a good time / at any one time / the right time to do sth. / take your time / dead on time / estimated time of departure / a time zone / estimated time of arrival / run out of time / in good time / in time

1. The trains run _____, just like clockwork.

2. It was a rush but we arrived just _____ for the flight.

3. My watch was very fast so we arrived _____ for the departure.

4. The flight leaves at 10.45 and the _____ is 13.25.

5. It’s the _____ of year to go there.

6. We had to wait in line for 30 minutes because only a few visitors were allowed in _____.

7. When you go from New York to London you cross 5 different _____.

8. There is no need to rush, you can _____.

9. We had to hurry up as we were _____.

10. When we were going on a cruise we were wished to _____.


Задание 8.

Complete the letter to a consumer advice service with the verbs from the below

Booked / added / asked / told / could / promised / said / told / was / would


Dear Gill,

We recently _____1 a ski holiday at a four-star hotel in Zermatt, specifically requesting a twin-bedded room with shower for our two teenage children.

On arrival late at night, we found their room had a double bed. The next day we _____2 the rep to sort it out. She _____3 us she _____4 not and _____5 that it _____6 the hotel’s fault. The hotel _____7 us that it was the tour operator’s fault and _____8 that a room with twin beds _____9 cost an extra 30 Swiss franks a night. We paid up and, on our return, wrote to the operator asking for the money back.

They have _____10 to give us a $70 voucher as a gesture of goodwill. Should we accept this offer or do we have other choices? Does this kind of things happen often?


Задание 9.

Match the places with the definitions

1. canyon a. heat a liquid until it turns into gas
2. palace b. combine sth. together
3. cathedral c. special time for celebration and ceremonies
4. festival d. deep valley with very steep sides of rock
5. valley e. large mountain with a hole in the top
6. monastery f. place where monks live
7. stately home g. large house built for a royal family
8. volcano h. lowland between lines of hills or mountains
9. boil i. very large church
10. mix j. large house in the countryside


Задание 10.

Match the two halves of the sentences

1. You needn’t stop at a YIELD sign a. on most of the city’s side streets.
2. I may take the subway because, b. there is a good subway system.
3. It isn’t easy to drive so slowly but c. the noise must be terrible.
4. I must hurry otherwise d. but you should slow down.
5. If you live so near the airport, e. she should be there by now.
6. $650 a day for car hire f. I might miss the train.
7. Many taxi drivers are immigrants so g. language can be a problem.
8. Monica left well over an hour ago so h. the traffic’s so bad today.
9. Alternate-side parking applies i. can’t be right.
10. You don’t have to rent a car in New York as j. e should obey the speed limit.


Test 2

Задание 1.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Luxurious and very centrally ___, the Ahwahnee is the park’s premiere hostely.

a: locating

b: locate

c: located

d: will locate


Задание 2.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

You ___ be roughing at the Wawona, near the southern end of Yosemite.

a: shall

b: will not

c: will have

d: won’t

Задание 3.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

This is the ___ hotel in continuous service in the national park system, dating from 1879.

a: most old

b: older

c: oldest

d: most oldest


Задание 4.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

From June 1 to September 15 camping permits ___ to 7 days in the rest of the park.

a: are limited

b: is limited

c: are being limited

d: limited


Задание 5.

Match the words from the left with their definitions from the right.

accessible next to each other
adjoining holiday town
amenities places to go and things to do
resort that can be reached
sparsely furnished with little furniture

Задание 6.

Put in the order from ‘like most’ to ‘dislike most’:

1. I enjoy staying in hotels

2. I love going on vacations

3. I can’t stand lying on a beach all day

4. I am too keen on Italian cooking

5. I hate flying


Задание 7.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Some have ____________ note, however.

a: already been taken

b: taken already

c: already taken

d: already took

Test 3

Задание 1.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

The hotel owners ___ how much each alteration will probably cost.

a: will be calculated

b: are calculating

c: calculate

d: have calculated



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

The average height of the population ___ steadily yet.

a: has increasing

b: has been increasing

c: have been increasing

d: have increased



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

The Tall Persons Club Great Britain, which ________ six months ago to campaign for the needs of the tall.

a: was formed

b: has been formed

c: formed

d: form



Match the words from the left with their definitions from the right.

Annexe extra building added to a larger one
convert into offering a wide and beautiful view
en suite system of controlling smth. From a distance
Panoramic change into
remote control something attached
  device to move disabled people up stairs



The sequence of the dialogue is:

1. I am the General Manager, actually.

2. Hello, Peter!

3. No, not since I left the Palace. It must be four years. You are still there, are you?

4. John! How nice to see you! I haven’t seen you for ages.

5. Well, well. Congratulations!



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

In Germany, most directors were allowed to stay at luxury four-___ hotels.

a: star

b: stars

c: starring

d: starred



Fill in the gap with the appropriate preposition.

The manager or a senior member of staff should be ___ duty when a party of Japanese visitors is checking.

a: in

b: at

c: on

d: of


Test 4

Задание 1.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

The Copthorne Tara hotel has a particular ___ of the needs of the busy executive.

a: understanding

b: understandings

c: understood

d: undestoods



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

I _________ money since I graduated from service collage.

a: have saved

b: have been saving

c: saved

d: save



Match the words from the left with their definitions from the right.

double-checked identified twice
the vast majority activity which helps peoples to understand each other better
unaccompanied a lone, without a companion
VHS video recording system
cross-cultural training Most



The sequence of the words in the sentence is:

1. group viewing

2. A VHS player

3. are

4. teletext television

5. conveniently situated

6. and

7. for



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

This means it has been easy to plan ahead, but naturally there ___ some resistance to change.

a: have been

b: has been

c: are

d: were



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Of course, the smaller hotel suffers from a slower _____ of stock.

a: turnover

b: turn over

c: turn up

d: turnup



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Many people start in these jobs by ___ direct.

a: applying

b: apply

c: having applied

d: applied


Test 5

Задание 1.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Just imagine how many things need _____ around the house.

a: doing

b: done

c: been doing

d: to do



Match the words in the left column with their definitions in the right.

Clientele a group of customers or guests
Courteous People who have been chosen to attend a conference
Delegates small amount of money given for good service
work record things known about the work someone has done in the past
Tip polite
  rate at which goods are used



The sequence of the interview notes is:

1. name

2. age

3. education

4. languages

5. present job

6. skills

7. previous work

8. personality




Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

At registration, the receptionist can auto-assign a room number or display the room rack to select a room number that ___ the guest’s requirements.

a: can meet

b: meet

c: meets

d: have met




Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

The LANmark Reservation System provides total flexibility in tailoring the system to meet each individual ___ needs.

a: client’s

b: client

c: clients’

d: clients



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

The Lodgistix LANmark Front Office System ___ designed to improve guest services and maximize profits.

a: has been

b: have been

c: been

d: having been



Fill in the gap with the appropriate preposition.

The Reservation System allows ___ the creation of word processing merge files for all selected Guest History masters, and is an important marketing tool.

a: for

b: to

c: in

d: on

Test 6


Match the words from the left with their definitions from the right.

up-to-the-minute including the most recent information
Reducing possibility of being developed or used
market segments particular parts of the market
Statistics be what is needed
Potential making smaller
  collection of information shown in numbers


The sequence of the parts of the dialogue is:

1. OK, sir. Because you’re not a British citizen, I’ll require your passport in order to complete the registration.

2. Can I help you, sir?

3. And sign here.

4. Hello, I’d like a room for the night.

5. Would you like an Executive at $125 or a Standard at $95?



Fill in the gap with the appropriate preposition.

An electric iron and ironing-board are available ___ loan by contacting Reception.

a: in

b: at

c: on

d: for



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

Medallions of pork in spicy orange ___ served with pilaf rice.

a: jam

b: juice

c: cream

d: sauce



Fill in the gap with the appropriate preposition.

His wife left her handbag in the lift ___ the underground station.

a: at

b: in

c: on

d: to



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

A light salmon mousse in chive sauce served with ___ of vegetables and wild rice.

a: garnish

b: selection

c: choice

d: sauce



Match the words from the left with their definitions from the right.

Garlic having a strong and pleasant flavor
Laundry clothes, sheets, etc., that need to be washed
Liqueur strong (usually sweet) alcoholic spirit
Starter mixture of flour, fat, and water, baked in an oven and used to cover pies.
Pastry first course of a meal
  small plant like an onion with a strong taste and smell


Test 7

Задание 1.

The sequence of the parts of the dialogue is:

1. This is Mr. Higgins in room 308. I’m afraid I’m not feeling very well.

2. O’K, but phone us if you have any problems.

3. I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like the nurse to visit you?

4. Reception, can I help you?

5. No, I think I’ll be O’K. Just the aspirin.



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Free Sale Agents ___ availability charts every two weeks.

a: sent

b: were send

c: are send

d: are sent



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

We have a basic rate for all room ___.

a: types

b: rates

c: kinds

d: type



Fill in the gap with the appropriate preposition.

A guest will probably buy a number of hotel services ___ his stay.

a: during

b: at

c: in

d: on



Match the words from the left with their definitions from the right.

Voucher small plastic card to pay
Imprint mark made by pressing an object on a surface
Allocation find an answer by using numbers
Calculate amount given for a particular purpose
Cash money in the form of coins and notes
  a piece of paper exchanged for goods or services



A confirmation letter structure can be:

1. thanking enquirer for their letter

2. closing remark

3. explaining the basic room rate

4. asking for confirmation

5. explaining details of any discount you are able to offer



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

I recently ___ the bad luck to stay at the hotel.

a: had

b: did have

c: have

d: had had


Test 8

Задание 1.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

During the meal they ___ by the waiter.

a: was ignored

b: were ignored

c: ignored

d: ignore



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

At the end of a session, trainees are told how many attempts it has ___ to reach the correct response.

a: given

b: made

c: taken

d: done



Fill in the gap with the appropriate preposition.

An extremely rude and angry guest can complain ___ his bill when checking out.

a: about

b: on

c: at

d: in



Match the words from the left with their definitions from the right.

Sympathies understand and share somebody’s feelings
Repair put something old or damaged into a good condition
Lobby entrance-hall
Lapels the two parts of the front of the jacket that are folded back
Filthy very dirty
  pay no attention to something



The structure of an apologetic letter should be:

1. thanking writer for letter

2. making general apology

3. making specific apology and give explanations for each complaint

4. offering some compensation (if you want)

5. repeating the general apology



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

When you ___ your Hertz car, availability is guaranteed, provided that you indicate your requirement at the time of booking your holiday.

a: pre-book

b: pre-booked

c: pre-booking

d: will pre-book



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Explore America’s most historic city with the world’s ___ sight-seeing company.

a: most experience

b: most experienced

c: the most experienced

d: experienced


Test 9



Match the words in the left with their definitions in the right.

Admission the money changed for entering a place open to the public
child-proof place where people can get off a coach
Commentary spoken description of something as it happens
drop-off distance traveled
Exhibition collection of things shown publicly
  which can’t be operated by children



The sequence of the guide speech is:

1. Thank you for you attention

2. I’d like to introduce you to our driver, Tom.

3. Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.

4. My name is James and I welcome you on this tour of historic Charleston.

5. Our tour today will take about three hours but we’ll be stopping to visit some places.



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

The Abela Hotel, its architectural lines as ___ as the view overlooking the Princess Grace rose garden, lies right on the sea front.

a: agredable

b: agreeable

c: agreed

d: agree



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

Restaurants are places where people usually get ___ to celebrate the occasion.

a: together

b: on

c: at

d: into



Match the words in the left with their definitions in the right.

second to none available
Seminar short business meeting some methods are taught at
Spectacular very grand and attractive
Capacity the best
on hand the greatest amount that a space can hold



The sequence of the sentence is:

1. Leave Monaco

2. into the Italian villages

3. and head up

4. before tackling some forestry tracks.

5. just over the border



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

Your seaside hotel has decided it would ___ to attract more Austrian tourists.

a: like

b: dislike

c: likely

d: likes


Test 10

Задание 1.

Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Car hire companies may ___ to negotiate commission rates on sales.

a: also approached

b: be also approached

c: also approach

d: also be approached



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

_____ with this letter you will find a map of London.

a: enclosed

b: enclose

c: being enclose

d: having been enclosed



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

A lot of hoteliers ___ from a lot of stress recently.

a: suffered

b: have suffered

c: suffer

d: have been suffering


Задание 4.

Match the countable expressions with the uncountable nouns

1. a bar of a. jam
2. a jar of b. chocolate
3. a pot of c. snails
4. a carafe of d. tea
5. a rack of e. lamb
6. a bottle of f. rice
7. a bunch of g. wine
8. a plate of h. fish
9. a fillet of i. mineral water
10. a bowl of j. grapes



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

Luxurious and very centrally ___, the Ahwahnee is the park’s premiere hostely.

a: locating

b: locate

c: located

d: will locate



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

You ___ be roughing at the Wawona, near the southern end of Yosemite.

a: shall

b: will not

c: will have

d: won’t



Fill in the gap with the appropriate word/words combination.

This is the ___ hotel in continuous service in the national park system, dating from 1879.

a: most old

b: older

c: oldest

d: most oldest




1. Работа должна быть представлена в печатном виде. Пример оформления титульного листа представлен в Приложении 2.

Шрифт - Times New Roman;

Размер шрифта – 16 кегль;

Параметры страниц:

верхнее поле – 25 мм,

нижнее поле – 25 мм,

левое поле – 25 мм,

правое поле - 25 мм;

Межстрочный интервал – 1;

Абзацный отступ (красная строка) – 1,25;

Формат страницы - А4 (210 х 297 мм).


2. В работе обязательно должна быть проставлена нумерация страниц (внизу по центру страницы). На титульном листе необходимо указать дату выполнения работы и проставить личную подпись студента.

3. Срок сдачи контрольной работы - не позднее, чем за 30 дней до начала сессии.




1. Воробьёва С.А. Деловой английский для сферы туризма. Your way to tourism. Учебное пособие. Для лиц профессионально занимающихся туризмом. М.: «Филоматис». 2003, 352 с.

2. Захаров В.Б. Tourism as Business. Учебное пособие для студентов вузов. М.: «Юнити-Дана». 2004, 207 с.

3. Мошняга Е.В. Английский язык: Туризм, гостеприимство, платежные средства. Учебное пособие. «Советский спорт». 2004, 280 с.

4. Keith Harding. Going International, English for tourism: Course book. – Oxford University Press, 2009, 200 с.

5. Hurding K., Henderson P., High Season. English for the hotel and Tourist Industry. Oxford University Press. 1999, 220 с.

6. Miriam Jacobs and Peter Strutt. English for International Tourism. Course Book. Longman. 2003, 127 с.



7. Агентские отношения в туризме. Журнал «Туристские фирмы». Выпуск 16. СПб.: «Невский фонд». 1998, 208 с.

8. Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley. Enterprise Grammar 4. Students’ Book. Express Publishing. 2003, 159 с.

9. Jones L. Welcome. English for travel and tourism industry. Cambridge University Press. 1999, 220 с.

10. Sweeney S. English for Business Communication. Intermediate to upper Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. 2003, 197 с.



Содержание дисциплины

(Извлечение из рабочей программы дисциплины)


Тема 2. Careers in tourism

Общий обзор профессий в туризме. Профессиональные качества, умения, навыки специалистов в сфере туризма. Резюме. Собеседование.


Тема 3. Tour operator

Типы туров. Функции туроператора.


Тема 4. Travel agent

Функции турагента. Контакты с клиентом. Виды страхования. Навыки, необходимые для успешной деятельности турагента.


Тема 6. Business travel

Услуги, предлагаемые клиентам бизнес класса. Ключевые моменты в организации деловых поездок, конференций, семинаров.


Тема 7. Conferences

Организация конференций. Оборудование, необходимое для конференц-зала. Типы конференций.





Выполнил: ______________________________________________________

(Фамилия И.О.)

студент ______ курса ____________ спец. ____________________________

(срок обучения)

группа____________________ № зачет. книжки _______________________


Подпись: ________________________________________________________

Преподаватель: _____________________________________________________________________

(Фамилия И.О.)

Должность: ______________________________________________________

уч. степень, уч. звание

Оценка: __________________________Дата: __________________________


Подпись: ________________________________________________________









Методические указания к изучению дисциплины


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