Формы сказуемого в системе «Совершенных времен» 

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Формы сказуемого в системе «Совершенных времен»

Действительного залога (Perfect Active)

Сказуемое Perfect Active образуется сочетанием вспомогательного глагола to have (have, has, had, will have) с любым смысловым глаголом в форме причастия II (V ed или V 3 ):

(I) have explained - (я) объяснил

(he) has written - (он) написал

(they) had answered - (они) ответили

(you) will have done - (вы) сделаете

Времена группы Perfect часто употребляются:

1) с наречиями неопределенного времени: ever (когда-либо), never (никогда), often (часто), already (уже), yet (еще), just (только что), lately (недавно, за последние дни), recently (недавно), up to now (до сих пор), seldom (редко), once (однажды), many times (много раз);

2) с обстоятельствами времени с предлогами, например: for a long time (давно), for ages (целую вечность), since morning (с утра), by 5 o’clock (к пяти часам), by that time (к тому времени);

3) в сложных предложениях с союзами: before (до, прежде), after (после), when (когда), since (с, с тех пор как) и т.д.

Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения со сказуемыми группы Perfect строятся по общему правилу для сказуемых любой временной системы.

Утв.: He has already appeared in court.

(Он уже явился в суд.)

Отр.: He has not appeared in court yet.

Вопр.: Has he appeared in court yet?

Утв.: The thief had removed the moneyfromthe wallet before he threw it on the ground.

(Вор вытащил деньги из бумажника, прежде чем он бросил его на землю.)

Отр.: The thief had not removed the moneyfromthe wallet before he threw it on the ground.

Вопр.: Had t he thief removed the moneyfromthe wallet before he threw it on the ground?

Утв.: The police will have set a watch over all the ports by that time.

(К тому времени полиция установит наблюдение за всеми портами.)

Отр.: The police will not have set a watch over all the ports by that time.

Вопр.: Will the police have set a watch over all the ports by that time?


Формы сказуемого в системе «Совершенных времен»

Страдательного залога (Perfect Passive)

Сказуемое Perfect Passive образуется сочетанием вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect (have been, has been), Past Perfect (had been) или Future Perfect (will have been) с любым другим смысловым глаголом в форме причастия II (V ed или V 3 ):

(I) have been invited - (меня) пригласили

(it) has been broken - (он)был нарушен

(you) had been stopped - (вас) остановили

(they) will have been paid - (им) заплатят

Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения со сказуемыми группы Progressive строятся по общему правилу для сказуемых любой временной системы.

A person who has been tried and acquitted once for a certain crime cannot be tried again for the same crime.

(Человек, которого однажды судили и оправдали за какое-то преступление, не может быть снова судим за это же преступление.)


The defendant hadn’t been interrogated until he was booked.

(Обвиняемого не допросили, пока он не был зарегистрирован.)

Will he have been released by the end of this year?

(Он будет освобожден к концу этого года?)


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, найдите сказуемые и назовите их видовременные формы.

1. In most countries the death penalty has been abolished.

2. The accused never expressed regret for what he had done.

3. The document will have been signed by the president of the board.

4. The need in laws has been recognized by every society.

5. Roman law has influenced many modern European legal systems.

6. The police have conducted identification of persons killed in a road accident.

7. Prior to 1993, only two women had ever been elected to the position of sheriff in the United States.

8. Once a person has been arrested and charged by the police, then his or her case is reviewed either by a prosecuting attorney or a magistrate.


Упражнение 2. Назовите временную форму и залог следующих сказуемых и переведите сказуемые на русский язык.

1. has committed; will have been committed; committed; is committed; are committing; had committed.

2. will have paid; were paying; will pay; has paid; are paid; had been paid; will be paid.

3. am interrogating; had interrogated; will interrogate; will have been interrogated; will be interrogated; have interrogated.


Упражнение 3. Выберите правильную форму глагола-сказуемого; переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. In the past four years the government (has placed, has been placed) greater emphasis on crime prevention.

2. The case (has remitted, has been remitted) to the Crown court.

3. Different kinds of offences (will have reflected, will have been reflected) in Crime Statistics by the end of the month.

4. The role of women (has expanded, has been expanded) greatly in recent years in whatever areas of police work they choose.

5. Most traditional police agencies (had adopted, had been adopted) some change by the end of the last century.

6. Laws in England do not become effective until the Queen (has signed, has been signed) them.

7. The man suspected of the crime (has identified, has been identified) quickly.

8. The defendant was given an opportunity to explain what (had happened, had been happened).


Упражнение 4. Переведите следующий текст на русский язык с помощью англо-русского юридического словаря. Дайте определение видовременных форм сказуемых и объясните, почему именно эти формы были использованы в тексте.

If the injury suffered results in the death of a person, then that person’s estate may assert a wrongful death claim. A wrongful death claim occurs when then injured party, rather than having simply suffered personal injury, has actually died as a result of the misconduct of the defendant. Wrongful death claims are a fairly recent phenomenon. Common law did not recognize wrongful death claims, on the theory that once a person had died, there was no amount of money that could compensate for the loss. As such, a person’s claim dies with him or her. However, over the years, the state legislatures have come to recognize that even though death may bring an end to the suffering and damages incurred by the decedent, there may be persons left behind who have been damaged and may continue to be damaged in the future as a result of the passing of the decedent.


Упражнение 5. Отредактируйте компьютерный перевод предложений с английского на русский язык, обращая внимание на грамматические и стилистические особенности русского языка.

1. The plaintiff has been injured as a result of an instrumentality (some tool or object) that is in the exclusive control of the defendant.

Истец получили ранения в результате институции (некоторые инструмента или объекта), что в исключительным контролем ответчика.

2. Generally, civil law is intended to compensate someone for an injury suffered or to undo a wrong that has been committed.

Как правило гражданского права предназначен для кого-то компенсировать причиненный вред или отменить неправильно, что было совершено.

3. Prosecutors over the last several years have become more daring in brining conspiracy charges against persons involved in criminal behavior.

Прокуроры за последние несколько лет стали более смелыми в приведение заговора обвинения против лиц, участвующих в преступное поведение.

4. Today, virtually all the rights set forth in the Bill of Rights apply not only to federal criminal prosecutions, but also to state criminal prosecutions. As such, a defendant’s right to remain silent, the right to competent counsel, the right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment, and most of the other rights set forth in the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments have been made applicable to defendants charged with crimes in the state court system.

Сегодня практически все права, изложенные в Билле о правах применяются не только для федеральных уголовных дел, но и для государства уголовное преследование. Таким образом право обвиняемого хранить молчание, право на услуги компетентного адвоката, право на свободу от жестокого и необычного наказания и большинство других прав, изложенных в четвертой, пятой, шестой и восьмой поправки были сделаны применимо для подсудимых, обвиняемых в преступлениях в рамках государственной судебной системы.

5. If a search warrant has been issued, then the warrant may actually indicate when the search is to be conducted.

Если был выдан ордер на обыск, ордер на самом деле может указывать, когда будет проводиться поиск.

6. Once a jury has been selected, the prosecution has the right to make an opening statement, followed by the defendant’s opening statement.

После того, как был выбран жюри, обвинение имеет право сделать вступительное заявление, следуют вступительное заявление ответчика.

7. Some criminal cases attract a good deal of press coverage. If the press coverage has been so intensive that the local pool of potential jurors has been influenced, it is conceivable that the case could be moved from that jurisdiction to another locale where the press coverage has not been as intense.

Некоторые уголовные дела привлекают много освещение в прессе. Если освещение в прессе был настолько интенсивный, что местные пул потенциальных присяжных повлияли, это мыслимо, что дело могут перемещаться от юрисдикции в другой регион, где освещение в прессе не было столь интенсивным.

8. Ever since the first police force was founded, the police have come under criticism – for denying civil liberties, for failing to catch criminals, or for catching the wrong people. They have also been roughly criticized for discriminating against members of ethnic minorities.

С тех пор как был основан первый полицейские силы, полицейские попали под критику – для отказа гражданских свобод, за то, чтобы поймать преступников или для ловли не тех людей. Также они примерно критиковались за дискриминацию в отношении представителей этнических меньшинств.


Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык дважды: самостоятельно и с помощью любой компьютерной системы перевода (например, Prompt или Translate). Сравните полученные переводы.

1. If an employee removes money from the cash drawer and converts that money to his or her own personal use, then that person has committed embezzlement.

2. Different crimes may require different levels of intent. There are a variety of different ways that the courts have addressed these levels of intent.

3. Police officers received a report that a bank had just been robbed and heard a description of the perpetrators broadcast over the police radio.

4. Once a person has been arrested, the arresting officer is allowed to search that person and to search the area within arm’s reach of that person.

5. The Miranda case involved the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and related specifically to the rights of a criminal suspect after he had been detained by the police.

6. The scope of Miranda has been altered by different courts and generally is now held to apply not only to persons who have been arrested, but also to persons who have become the focus of a police investigation.

7. When police who are investigating a crime have reason to believe that a young person under the age of 17 has been involved, there are special rules relating to interviewing of suspects.

§ 2. Усилительная конструкция


Для выделения какого-либо члена предложения в английском предложении употребляется особая конструкция: it is (was)... that (who)..., которая на русский язык обычно переводится простым предложением с добавлением таких слов, как "именно, как раз, только" и др., причем союз that (who) при переводе опускается.

It is in Norman Britain that juries began to exist.

Именно в период завоевания Англии норманнами появились суды присяжных.

It was a state arbitrator who settled the questions between those enterprises.

Как раз государственный арбитр и занимался решением спорных вопросов тех предприятий.



Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию “it is (was) … that (who) …”:

1. It is knowledge of human nature that is important in crime investigation.

2. It is the abuse of drugs that has become a widespread social problem in many countries.

3. It is a search commander who directs crime scene investigation.

4. It was not until the trial that the new facts were brought to light.

5. It is unwritten law that is predominant in England.

6. It is the police that establish guilt and are responsible for the whole investigation.

7. It is from the ranks of the Bar that judges are chosen.

8. It is an accident prevention program which determines the driver’s and pedestrian’s responsibility for road accidents.

9. It is the magistrate’s courts that try the majority of all criminal cases and sometimes civil cases.

10. It is the study of history that is essential to the understanding of current events.


Упражнение 2. Переведите следующий отрывок из текста на русский язык дважды: самостоятельно и с помощью любой компьютерной системы перевода (например, Prompt или Translate). Сравните полученные переводы.

It is common misconception that a district police officer is the lowest link in the police hierarchy. In fact, district police officer is the key element in the whole of our network. This is a 50,000-strong force that solves every fourth incident. It is them that bear the brunt of crime prevention. And, most frequently, it is district police officers that represent the police as a state institution for the citizens who live around him, so it is them who create public attention towards the police.



Текст 1 “What are crimes?” Текст 2 “What are business related crimes?” Текст 3 “What Is the Punishment for Crimes?” Текст 4 “Does Punishment Achieve Anything?”




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