С. Listen to the members of the family in the picture talking. 

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С. Listen to the members of the family in the picture talking.

• Say which programme the family have decided to watch tonight.

• Which of the programmes from the TV guide would you choose to watch?


3. А. Look at the pictures and discuss:

• What kind of programme do you think it is?

• What kind of people might like it? Or hate it?

B. Read the text and answer the questions.

• What was the author's purpose in writing?

• What is the author's attitude to the programme?

Richard Peplinski

Chicago, IL. USA


accuse – обвинять sentence – приговорить

counter – с/контр…


A. Translate the words below, then look back at Ex. 3B.

• Try to translate the same words according to their meaning in the text. Is there any difference?

1. lead character

2. episode

3. action show

4. season

It was dark...

1. Look and say. What were the children doing? Use words from the box.

Example: Alan was making a fire.


Listen to the beginning of a spooky story and say what happened

3a Read the text and answer the questions.

It was a warm summer evening. It was getting dark. There were no clouds in the sky. The moon was big and orange above the trees. The scouts were having a rest near the forest. Alan was making a fire. Tom was playing the guitar under a tree. Pat was making dinner. Jane and Pete were playing ball. Tony was reading a book.

Suddenly the children heard a strange scream (крик) from the forest "Toowit-toowoo...".

(To be continued – продолжение следует)

B. Cover the picture and the story. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.


Pupil A: What was Alan doing when he heard the strange scream?

Pupil B: Alan was making a fire.

1. What was Tom doing when he heard the strange scream?

2. What was Pat doing when she heard the strange scream?

3. What were Jane and Pete doing when they heard the strange scream?

4. What was Tony doing when he heard the strange scream?

4. Play What Were You Doing When The Teacher Came In?

• Mime different actions and stop when your teacher comes in.

• Check your teacher's memory. Correct your teacher if he / she can't remember.


You: What was Katya doing when you came in?

Teacher: Katya was jumping (when I came in).

You: Katya wasn't jumping. She was running.


A. Translate into English and finish the last sentence.

Был холодный зимний вечер. Темнело. Маша и Петя шли домой после школьного новогоднего вечера. Петя рассказывал Маше про своего нового питомца, черного кота, как вдруг они услышали...


B. Write the beginning of a spooky story.

• Think of two or three characters and write what they were doing when....

• Use the questions in Ex. 3a as a plan.

It was....

(They) were....

(He / She) was... when (he / she / it)....


Around your home town

1. Look and say.

Example: There is a museum in Dima's town.

1b. Complete the sentences. There Is one extraword.

a) between

b) on the corner

c) behind

d) opposite

e) in front of

f) under

g) next to


1. Dima's house is... of the street.

2. The post office is... his house.

3. The bookshop is... the school.

4. The school is... the park and the bookshop.

5. The sportsground is... the school.

6. The bus stop is... the bank.

1c.Look, read and correct the sentences.

Example: No, the park is near the school.

1.The park is next to Dima's house.

2. The school is between the post office and the bank.

3. The bank is opposite the bus stop.

4. The museum is on the corner of the street.

5. Dima's house is behind the bookshop.

2.Look at Anya's plan, p. 88. Listen and find.

a) busstop –

b) theatre –

c) library –

d) hospital – 1

e) bookshop –

f) museum –

Look at your plan and tell your friend about your home town.

4.In pairs talk about Dima's town.

Pupil A: Ask about Dima's town a hundred years ago.

Pupil B: Turn to p. 134. Look and answer.

5.Write about your home town.

I live in a... in... street. There is... near (next to / opposite / behind) my house. I like my town, because it is....

Can you tell me the way?

1. Listen and say.

Follow the directions. Play the game in class.

A. Listen to the conversation. Read and act out.

A: Excuse me?

B: Yes?

A: Can you tell me the way to the market, please?

B: Yes. It's in Milford Street. Go straight on.

Turn left. It's next to the post office. A: Thank you.

3b. Make up a conversation. Change the underlined words.

Work in pairs. You are a stranger in the town. Ask about the way to the places you want to go to.


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