The Burial-Mounds in Gnezdovo 

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The Burial-Mounds in Gnezdovo

The biggest in Europe pre-Christian burial-mounds of Slavic tribes are located in Smolensk district Gnezdovo. It’s planned to take those burial-mounds under control of UNESCO as important historical objects. This place is famous for archeological excavations that give us information about the life of Slavic tribes many centuries ago.

The Historical-Architectural complex «Teremok»

«Teremok» is one of the most interesting sites of Smolensk Region. There one can get in touch with unique Russian culture. «Teremok» is a famous art centre, created in the 19th century by the outstanding patron of arts, collector and artist – M.K. Tenesheva. Various well-known artists worked here in different epochs: Repin, Vrubel, Rerich; their original works you can see in «Teremok». The atmosphere of «Teremok» is the atmosphere of old Russia and fairy tale.

The Museums «Hmelita» and «Novospasskoe»

«Hmelita» and «Novospasskoe» are two famous museums located in Smolensk Region. They are connected with the names of two world-famous Russians: writer Griboedov spent his young years in Hmelita and composer Glinka was born in Novospasskoe. Those places are real art centers, popular with Russian people and foreigners. The museums of «Hmelita» and «Novospasskoe» can give you a lot of information not only about Griboedov and Glinka but also about the life of Russian nobility in 18-19 centuries. And besides, those places are a paradise for nature-lovers.

The Historical museum

Long-running exhibitions can acquaint you with the most interesting events of the Russian history. The third floor of the museum is occupied by exposition of natural resources. Various exhibitions on different topics regularly take place in the Historical museum.

The Museum «Smolensk Region during the Great patriotic War of 1941-1945»

The museum displays original documents, awards and weaponry of that time period. There is also an open-air exposition of military equipment on the territory of the museum.

Nakhimov Centre-Museum

The exposition is devoted to seamen, shipbuilders, admirals and ordinary sailors, submariners and pilots of naval aviation who were born and lived in Smolensk. An important part of the exposition is dedicated to the life and heroic deed of Smolensk admiral Nakhimov. In the museum there are about 100 models of various ships from sailing boats to modern Russian surface and submarine ships.

The Museum of Konenkov’s sculpture

The museum was opened with the help of the national artist of the USSR – S.T. Konenkov (1874 – 1971). There are more than 80 original works of the great artist in the museum.

The Exhibition Hall

It is the main exhibition hall of the city, where you can enjoy various exhibitions on different topics. The Hall exhibits works of Smolensk artists. Besides, various expositions from the leading museums of Russia and Belarus take place in the Hall. Expositions of design, photo and modern art are particularly popular.



TEXT 14. Read and translate the text. Render its contents into Russian.

Churches of Smolensk

The Cathedral of Assumption

The Cathedral of Assumption stands on the top of one of the highest Smolensk hills and can be seen from many parts of the city. It was built in several stages from 1676 to 1740. For ten years a team of wood-carvers worked at the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral and created an outstanding work of art of the 18th century. If you see it once in your life, you’ll never forget its majestic beauty.

The Temples of the 12th century

In the 12-13th centuries there were more than 30 temples in Smolensk. Three churches of the 12th century have remained in Smolensk up to now. The Church of St. Peter and Paul is the most ancient of them. It is situated on the right bank of the Dnieper River. Two other churches – the Church of St. John the Theologian and the Church of the Archangel Michael surprise visitors with the exquisiteness of the forms and richness of the inner decoration.

The Church of Holy Spirit

The Church was built in 1900-1905 in settlement Talashkino – in the estate of famous patron M. K. Tenisheva. World-famous artist N. K. Rerich was invited to paint the church. He decorated it from 1908 till 1914. The Church of Holy Spirit is a model of unique ecclesiastical painting.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Church

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Church is a stone baroque church, built in 1766 by a priest F. Shupinski and a college assessor S. Korsakov.

Varvara’s Church

Varvara’s Church, buit in the 18th century, is located to the west of St. Peter and Paul’s Church. It is a two-storey rectangular building with a bell tower. Varvara’s Church is a place where the Christian youth of the city have meetings.

The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is one of the most interesting architectural monuments in Smolensk. It diversifies view of the city and mystifies local people. And a polish cemetery around it adds to the enigma.

TEXT 15. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions below. Speak on the topic.


Smolensk is one of the oldest cities in the Russian Federation. It was first mentioned in history in 863. Smolensk is situated on the Dnieper river. The city is located not far from Moscow and like Moscow it stands on seven hills. Smolensk is divided into three districts: Leninsky, Zadneprovsky and Promyshlenny. The population of the city is more than 320 thousand people.

Lots of events of Russian history are associated with the city. Some historians call Smolensk a key-town and it is and has always been of great strategic importance for the country. During the Second World War the city was almost completely ruined. Only seven per cent of its buildings were not destroyed. After the war it was restored. The symbol of Smolensk is Phoenix which is pictured on the coat-of-arms of the city. Smolensk is a Hero-city, the city of Russian bravery and military glory.

Nowadays Smolensk is the economic, financial, industrial and cultural centre of the Smolensk Region. Besides, it is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.

Smolensk can boast numerous masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. It is famous for the Fortress Wall, «the necklace of the Russian State», designed by Fyodor Kon. There are a lot of sights and monuments in Smolensk. The most impressive and best-known of them are the Assumption Cathedral, the Church of Peter and Paul, the monument with eagles, the monument in commemoration of 1812 battle, the monument to the great Russian field-marshal Kutuzov and to the great composer Glinka, etc.

A lot of outstanding people are connected with the Smolensk Region. Among them are Glinka, Isakovsky, Tvardovsky, Rylenkov, Konenkov, Gagarin and others. The people of Smolensk are proud of their countrymen.

Smolensk has some large enterprises such as Kristall, plants, producing measuring devices, electric bulbs, alcoholic drinks, etc.

Smolensk is a cultural and sporting centre of the Region. There is a Drama Theatre, many museums, art galleries and cinemas here. There are some stadiums, swimming pools, skating-rings and the Ice Palace in Smolensk. The city is full of shops, cafes, restaurants and clubs.

Smolensk is a city of students. There are many universities, institutes, gymnasiums and colleges here.



1. What events of Russian history are associated with Smolensk?

2. What is the symbol of the city?

3. What sights is Smolensk famous for?

4. What countrymen are the people of Smolensk proud of?

5. What enterprises are there in the city?


1. Шевцова Г.В., Москалец Л.Е. Английский язык для технических вузов: учеб. пособие. – 2-е изд. – М: Флинта: Наука, 2010. – 392 с.

2. Любимцева С.Н. Английский язык для студентов финансово-экономических вузов. Начальный курс: учебник. – М: Высш. шк., 2004. – 296 с.

3. Макерова Н.В. Лексический материал по страноведению для студентов всех специальностей: методическая разработка по курсу «Английский язык». – Смоленск: РИО филиала ГОУВПО «МЭИ (ТУ)» в г. Смоленске, 2011. – 48 с.

4. Тобольская С.И. English-speaking countries: страноведческий справочник. – Саратов: Лицей, 2004. – 176 с.

5. Speak Out: Журнал для изучающих английский язык – М: «Глосса-Пресс».




Учебно-практическое издание


Волкова Ирина Владимировна

Макерова Наталья Владимировна

Петрова Тамара Ивановна

Суровнева Галина Альбертовна



Учебно-наглядное пособие по курсу

«Силовые преобразователи электроэнергии»




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