How are you doing? What is the news? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


How are you doing? What is the news?

(Students share the most significant events that happened to them with one another)

T- -Wonderful! Firstly, in order to be a success today we badly need to find out if we are in the right frame of mind for today’s discussion. You see cards with pairs of phrases in front of you. Read them and choose the one that corresponds to your today’s mood. If neither of them does, try to express it in your own way.


1. The sky is the limit. 1. Easier said than done.

2. I’m ready to give a helping hand. 2. Who will help me?

3. I prefer to stand out in a crowd. 3. I’m like others.

4. It’s my turn! 4. Why me?

5. I can do it! 5. I’d rather not do it.

6. I dare to take a risk! 6. It’s too risky!

7. I’m a leader! 7. Don’t ask me!

8. The more difficult, the more interesting. 8. It’s too difficult for me!

9. I can make a difference! 9. It’s not in my line.

10. It’s up to me! 10. I don’t take responsibility for it!

11. Everything is possible! 11. I doubt a bit.

12. I won’t let you down! 12. I’m a failure!

T- -Have you made up your mind yet? Will you be so kind as to share your choices with us? (Students’ answers) Well, I see most of you are quite self-confident, and those who doubt a bit, don’t worry, be happy, I’m sure our today’s talk will blow over all your doubts. Ok? So, keep the phrases with you, we’ll need them soon.


II Famous and Successful

–Now, colleagues, look at the screen! There’re some portraits on it. Do you know who all these people are?

P --I’m not sure who is next to Marilyn Monroe.

T —Does anyone know?

P - It’s Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to set foot on top of Mount Everest.

P --Does anyone happen to know the name of the woman next to Napoleon?

P --I know. It’s Gabrielle Chanel, the French fashion designer. She created the little black dress, the perfect red lipstick and the world’s best- selling fragrance Chanel#5.

P --If I’m not mistaken it’s our famous countryman Tadeush Kostushko next to Thomas Edison.

T - Right you are.

- Which of these people in your view could have said the following: At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since?

P —It might be someone wealthy and ambitious. Is it Bill Gates?

T —I’m afraid, it is not.

P —Albert Einstein?

T ---No, these are not his words.

P —I guess the words could have belonged to an eccentric person. I’d say, Salvador Dali.

T --Absolutely. You’ve guessed! And do you have any idea what the man talking to a little girl does?

P-- He might be a doctor.

P-- A president.

P-- A writer.

P-- Could he be a teacher?

T –Yes, right. It’s a wonderful teacher Shalva Amonashvili who is adored by his little students.

T -- Now look again at the phrases you’ve chosen before and try to apply them to some facts you know about these people.

P —My phrase can be directly applied to Mother Theresa, who dedicated all her life to those who needed her help and support.

P —I believe to do something for the first time one needs not to be afraid to set difficult tasks in life. I speak about Yuri Gagarin or people who are inventors like Thomas Edison.

P —I think about Michael Jordan. It’s not just his basketball skills that have made him popular; it’s his courage and determination to say I CAN DO IT! in spite of all failures he’s experienced in his life.

P —Definitely, Napoleon could have said: I’m a leader and achieved practically everything he had dreamed of.

P —It goes without saying such women as Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana stood out in a crowd. Their talents and personalities were unique.

P —I like Michael Jackson’s songs. They really made a difference in this world.

T (addresses the phrase to the students who weren’t sure in their success in the lesson)

—Could your phrase be applied to any of these people?

P —I guess it’s natural to doubt before you start something unusual. What really matters is to get over it.

T —I absolutely agree with all of you. It appears that you and they are similar-minded people. Amazing!

III T—Do you think all these people have something in common? OK, I’ll reveal my secret: if you guess it right, it’ll be the topic of our today’s discussion.

P —Well, all of them are famous.

P —They all made a big breakthrough in various fields.

P —They deserve admiration for their achievements.

P —They realized their talent, fulfilled their potential.

P —I think they are all out of the ordinary people.

P —They are rich.

P —I can’t agree. It seems to be not so important about them.

T —Do you have your own version?

P —They all made something outstanding what people greatly appreciate.

P -Probably, they were successful in their lives.

T —It’s absolutely true. These people probably knew or know the secrets of success. Let’s formulate the topic of our discussion.

P- -Success.

P --Successful people.

P —Secrets of success.

T ---Good. Any other ideas?

P -- How to be successful.

T—Right you are. How to be successful. Would you like to be successful? Is the topic relevant? Or probably you’re too young or too old for it?

P —I think success is something we are all keen to have in our lives.

P- --Each beautiful thing we see: a vase, a book, a painting or impressive music is somebody’s success.

P ---People achieve success by various means. So it could be a good chance to figure out the shortest way to it.


IV Setting the objectives of the discussion

T— Good. As usual in the beginning we define our objectives. Ladies and gentleman, which aspects of the topic are essential for you? Curl yourselves up in circles of three and come up with your ideas. I need an assistant to put them into a chart:

P —What is success?

P --What part does luck play in success?

P --How should we measure success?

P --Is there any universal recipe for success?

P --Can money buy success?

P --What to do with success when you’re already on the top?

P --Are men and women equally successful in life?

P --Does a family, friends, education make for success?

P --Are there any disadvantages of being successful?

P --Are there any age limitations to success?

P --What should we do if we fail?

A Sketch (while the teacher is busy checking what is written on the board)

P— Looking at Ksenia? Wanna go out with her?

P —I have no chance.

P —Cheer up! Do something strange and unusual and she will notice you. For example, stir your ears like me.

P (looks amazed but then hopelessly waves his hand) ---Waste of time! I can do nothing of the kind.

T --- Guys, what are you talking about?

P ---We discuss how to be successful with girls.

T —It’s easy to find out. Let’s ask them. Ksenia, we were wondering what kind of boy you would go out with.

Ks —I don’t like those who show off too much, a boy should be interesting to talk to, kind and generous, I think.

T —I’m sure, boys, you stand a good chance of success here.

T —Now have a look at our chart. It seems to be a good ground for discussion, doesn’t it?


V The definition of success

T --I guess the best way to define success is probably to imagine that success is something alive.

-How does it smell? (Sample answers: sweet, like flowers, like honey)

-What is its taste like? (a hamburger, a juicy watermelon, an orange, a big cake, sugary)

-What sounds does it make? (applause, fanfare, jazz, Mozart, an anthem, hurray!, Eureka!)

-What does it look like? (the sky, smiles, awards, a gold medal, horizon, stars, salute, sun, light, the top of a mountain)

-How does it feel? (smooth, warm, pleasant, soft, fluffy)

- Now how would you describe a successful person? (he has some charisma, lots of money, high social status, he is able to provide for his family, respectful, prosperous and good-looking)

T —Well, I’ll agree, but don’t forget the words of William Shakespeare: “All that glitters is not gold.”


T —Success can be achieved in various spheres of life. One person can be successful in many fields. But it’s you who make a choice. So which picture would you like to appear in and why?

P— I think every girl dreams of a happy, healthy family. If your home is filled with warmth, laughter, children’s voices, if you feel support, love and care and if you’re ready to give it in return, you’ve succeeded in life.

T —Alex, and where do you see Paul?

P -- Football, of course

P —Yes, I see my success in sports as I’d like to become a football player in the future, it’s great to win, score goals, get a gold medal, and what is more why not earn a lot of money for myself and my family?

P— I ‘d appear in the picture with a girl in a gown. Without good education one can hardly be successful. Profound knowledge and practical skills are the first step to success.

P —I agree with Dana but like my Dad I’ll get my way in business. I’ve already learned some secrets.

P -- I can’t climb a mountain. Nevertheless I have a feeling that I’m able to achieve something that nobody expects of me. So I’m with those who are on the top of the mountain.

P —I’d rather find a group of like-minded people and we’ll pull ourselves to the top together.

P — In my free time I enjoy knitting. I can imagine my success in my hobby. I dream of my own collection of knitted things which I could give my friends as presents.

P —Nobody has said about love yet. I’d put it in the first place in my life. I think deep inside everyone dreams of successful love.

T --Is it possible to be in all pictures at the same time?

P —It’s hard to say what’s in store for me in life but it’s not bad to try everything. Am I right?

VII T —Sure, you’re right. Now your preferences are clear.

Do you think it’s a good idea to create our own symbol of success?

And these colourful blocks could be the material we need. What does the symbol of success look like in your mind’s eye?

P ---A ladder

P ---A house

P ---A pyramid

T —Which idea do you like most?

PP —a pyramid

T— So, let’s build our pyramid of success. Each block suggests that we do a certain task written on it. You decide in which order to put our pyramid up. What shall we start with?(Students come up with their ideas. One student builds a pyramid on a smart board using the function drag & drop)

I T—You were brave enough to pick out the task called A Brain Teaser. It’s not an easy one.

Lots of people have been making an attempt to define success. The following three quotations are among the most interesting. But there’re some gaps in them. Workings in pairs try to guess the missing words.

1. Theodore Roosevelt said: “The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to ____________.”

(get along with people)

Come up with your ideas, please.

Pair 1:

-We think it’s how to earn money, because it can allow you to live in conditions which can promote success, you’ll be able to pay for good education, have enough food to be healthy, to provide for your children. Let’s be realistic--money is a symbol of ability and achievement.

Pair 2:

-We disagree. Money can’t buy happiness or love. Our version is how to cope with failure. All people have their ups and downs, the point is not to quit, not to give up.

T —Thank you, who wants to add?

Pair 3:

-You can’t achieve success without coming in contact with people. Our answer is how to deal with people.

T —You’ve guessed it. The correct variant is how to get along with people.

2. Read the next quotation and try to find the two missing words.

“Success doesn’t consist of never making _______ but in never making the ________ one a second time.”

---George Bernard Shaw (mistakes, same)

Pair 2:

- Definitely the first missing word is mistakes as it goes with the verb to make.

T —OK, and what is the second one?

Pair 4:

- Maybe it’s the same. People should learn from their own mistakes to succeed.

T—Do other pairs have the same version? Right you are. Mistakes and the same are the missing words.

3. And together with Thomas Alva Edison try to define what a real genius is like: “Genius is 1 per cent _________________ and 99 per cent __________.”

(inspiration, perspiration)

Pair 6:

-We offer 1 per cent luck and 99 per cent hard work.

Pair 5:

-Our variant is 1 per cent talent and 99 per cent ambitions. A successful person should be ambitious, we think.

Pair 1:

-We still support the idea of 99 per cent hard work. It’s not enough just to be ambitious.

T: -And 1 per cent?

Pair 3:

-Maybe 1 per cent creativity?

T —You were very close to the truth. Edison’s exact words are: 1 per cent inspiration which is close to creativity and 99 per cent perspiration or sweat. I think he meant hard work here.

T — Which of these ideas do you support most?

Pair 2:-The third one appeals to us most. Success comes to those who deserve it for the effort they’ve put into it.

Pair 6: -We support the idea of the importance of social skills in success.

Pair 4: -We shouldn’t be afraid of mistakes in the way to success, they are our helpers, in fact.

2 Thank you. Now, ladies and gentlemen----An Interview

T — Who do you think we’re going to take an interview with today? Only Veronika knows my secret as she’s going to be a journalist today. Ksenia Golovataya, one of my best students, I take pride in the fact she was in my class two years ago, now she’s a successful student of Minsk State Linguistic University. Meet her.

Veronika: —Hi, Ksenia, we know you’re too busy with your studies now but still you’ve agreed to give us this interview online. Thanks a lot.

Ksenia: —Hi, Veronika, Natalia Nikolaevna, all guys and guests in the studio. It’s a pleasure to be with you.

Veronika: —Ksenia, we all think you’re a successful person. How would you define success?

Ksenia: — I would say success is not a final destination; it’s a long road consisting of many steps.

Veronika: -I wonder what impressions you have about our school, if years you spent here helped you succeed in life?

Ksenia: -- Years spent in school are of great importance to me. We were having lots of fun and at the same time we managed to improve our records, participated in the Olympiads and different extra-curriculum activities like Debate club. I’m still its active member. I think you should make the most of your school years. Our school provided everything possible for us to get on in life. Do you sometimes look at its emblem? Si Sapis, Sis Apis. It can become your personal motto in life.

Veronika: —Our audience would like to ask you some questions, if you don’t mind.

Ksenia: —I’ll answer them with pleasure.

P1 —Ksenia, how important do you consider the knowledge of foreign languages for a successful person is?

K-- I believe most of the audience would agree that nowadays the knowledge of at least one foreign language is the must. And the more you know the better.

P2 —Are there any disadvantages of success?

Ksenia: — Those who have achieved success make mistake when they just rest on their laurels. You should never stop at what has been accomplished. Laziness is the worst enemy of success.

P3 —Does personal background matter in success?

Ksenia: — Definitely. Family and friends provide us with help and support. They encourage us to move on. And teachers take us on a path of discoveries, which leads to success. Personal skills and abilities are of great importance, too.

P4 —How to put your abilities and talent to the advantage?

Ksenia: --Try to make the most of your abilities and constantly develop them. Only practice makes perfect. It is reasonable to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and to use this knowledge.

Veronika:— And the last but not the least:

P5 —If somebody is shy and not so successful, what would you advise this person to do?

Ksenia: --My advice is never to give up. Ever tried? Ever failed? Try again! Fail better!

Veronika: —Thank you, Ksenia for such an interesting interview. We wish you great success in your life! Come to visit us!

Ksenia: K—It’s my pleasure. See you soon at our gymnasia!

Veronika: —See you!

A Sketch: (a student leaves his seat and sits down aside)

T -- Paul, what’s the matter with you?

Paul:-- You speak about success. And I’m a complete failure! Easier said than done. I don’t believe it’s for me.

P —Don’t worry, it’s hard when you’re alone. But we’re a team. We are all friends.

P —Do you know that the most successful people experienced failure many times, take Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison for instance.

P —Ksenia has just advised us not to give up.

P —The wise say in order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what to do next time.

T -- You’re right, guys. All troubles are easy to overcome if your friends support you.

You know, everyone has some obstacles in the way to success. So let’s take our next block called An Opinion Poll.

Each of you has a problem that is on the card you’ll choose.

Put your heads together and while mingling around ask for a piece of advice in your situation and at the same time help your partners cope with theirs. The phrases on the screen will be a hint. Do it while the music’s playing.

Giving advice

You’d better(+infinitive) is very strong advice. Its meaning is close to ‘you definitely have to’

You ought to…

If I were you, I’d…

You should…

It’s worth + -ing

It’s a good idea to…

You might find it useful to…

Why don’t you (+infinitive)…?

Remember to…

Your best bet is to…

The best thing to do is…

1. You want to make a good impression on a first date.(each prepares advice)

2. You always forget appointments and birthdays.

3. You want to earn some extra money to be able to go on holiday.

4. You need to find out some information on Einstein for a class presentation.

5. You have problems keeping up with English lessons.

6. You want to make a good impression for an interview.

7. You have just had a serious argument with your boyfriend/girlfriend/sister.

8. You feel bored in the evenings.

9. You are addicted to computer games.

10. You can’t wake up in the mornings and therefore you’re always late.

11. You are too lazy to take up sports though you don’t mind keeping fit.

12. You dream of being a leader. But you’re not sure if you’ll succeed.

T— Have you got the advice you were looking for? Share with us, please.

P1 … I’ll take the advice to…

P2 …I think doing sth will help me…

P3 … It’s no good to…. I’ll follow the advice to…

P4..... You know, I’ve found a great solution….. Thanks a lot!

P5…. I agree with all of you. I’ll…. Nobody is right in an argument.

P6… Really why not …?


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