Policemen and pedestrians duties 

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Policemen and pedestrians duties

I. Forms and methods of traffic supervision.

Vocabulary to be remembered.

Traffic Patrol Service ДПС
Helicopter вертолет
Concealed supervision скрытое наблюдение
Chief of STSI начальник ГИБДД
Badge значок
Civvy штатская одежда
Verge обочина
Simultaneously одновременно
Mutual actions совместные действия
Violations of traffic rules нарушения правил дорожного движения
Escorting platoons сопровождение колонны автомобилей

Read and translate the text paying attention to the vocabulary.

The main forms of road guard realization are:

1. Car, motorbike or helicopter patrolling.

2. Pedestrian patrolling.

3. Realization of road guard at posts (including stationary).

4. Escort of transport means.

Traffic supervision using transport means can be open (general), concealed and mixed. Open supervision is realized by traffic policemen on cars and motorbikes with special colouring. Concealed supervision is realized on cars with usual colouring without inscriptions and identification signs. It is realized as usual in day time, and in night time it is realized only on the parts of road with enough light, width and good surface.

An officer of combat subdivision or a chief of STSI (State traffic safety inspectorate) makes a decision to realize concealed supervision with making notes about it in guard report. In case if traffic policeman wears civvies he must have a badge. Mixed supervision is realized simultaneously on both cars: one with special colouring and identification signs, the other with usual colouring. Requirement ratio of cars with usual colouring must not exceed 0.25 to the total quantity of guard transport.

Cooperation among the parties at mixed supervision and coordination of their mutual actions is realized by radio communication.

The following main methods are used at realization of traffic patrol duty using cars and motorbikes with special colouring:

- Moving in the current of transport means (for control of drivers' behaviour in order to prevent and identify violations of traffic rules).

- Moving ahead of transport current with speed not exceeding the fixed one (to prevent overspeeding).

- Stop at dangerous places from emergency point of view (to eliminate danger and set a limit of traffic rules violations by drivers and pedestrians).

- Stop of patrol car or motorbikes in places of their best visibility for all the participants of traffic and simultaneous traffic policeman's transfer to the most critical areas of traffic.

The usage of methods, their interchange and choice of speed are determined by a set task given at instruction and the situation appeared during supervision.

Helicopter supervision is realized predominantly on roads of Federal and Republican importance with high intensity of traffic. Duties of patrol helicopters are formed from inspectors of front subdivisions. With the help of helicopters the following measures can be taken: first aid to the injured in accident and their transportation to hospital, supervision of traffic, escorting of platoons, organization of large scale events with a large number of transport means and people, search of drivers who disappeared from the place of road traffic accident or from the stolen cars.

Subdivision officer (group leader) informs about the order and time of helicopter work, place and time of patrol for every 24 hours to the standby unit. Immediately before the flight he conducts instruction for the workers of Traffic Patrol Service taking part in helicopter patrolling.

The duty of patrolling helicopter includes: chief inspector (the chief of duty), medical assistant, and the duty of patrolling car includes not less than 2 workers of Traffic Patrol Service.

Pedestrian patrolling is used for controlling the movement at short distances, and dangerous parts of road with high intensity of traffic.

During pedestrian patrolling traffic control is realized in open form by moving along the verge. The place of patrolling is chosen in such a way that traffic policeman can be seen by most part of traffic participants and has an opportunity to prevent violations.

During patrolling special attention is paid to searching of transport means the drivers of which have disappeared from the place of road traffic accident, revealing of stolen transport means, transport means with defects, threatening to traffic safety and also transport means used on criminal purposes.

The workers of other police subdivisions can be engaged in patrolling especially at night time by the decision of city or district bodies of internal affairs authorities.

The leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Interior Management or Interior Management of Russian Federation subjects can make a decision aboutbuilding stationary posts of Traffic Patrol Service at roads for the reasonable suggestions by STSI.

The question of building stationary posts of Traffic Patrol Service on the roads of Federal importance is coordinated with the chief administration of STSI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Stationary posts at which the work is organized 24 hours are provided with special technical means, medical equipment and medicines, logs:

a) of joining and leaving post,

b) of incoming directions,

c) of register transport means being in search, of reception and distribution of transport means, papers for making notes. For comfortable inspections of passing transport and provision of traffic safety the territory near the posts must be well lighted.

Try to guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations.

Pedestrian patrolling, STSI, at realization of traffic patrol duty, concealed supervision, interchange of methods, roads of federal and Republic importance, subdivisions, verge, threat to the traffic safety.

Try to guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations.

Журнал приема и сдачи поста, исчезнуть с места ДТП, угрожать безопасности дорожного движения, криминальные средства, используемые в криминальных целях, подразделения, нанимать для несения службы в ночное время, ОВД, МВД, быть согласованным с Главным управлением ГИБДД и МВД России, журнал учета поступающих указаний, журнал учета транспортных средств, находящихся в резерве.

Translate the following Participles into English.

Осуществляя открытое наблюдение, делая заметки, следуя основным методам, двигаясь в потоке транспортных средств, принимая участие в патрулировании, не превышая фиксированную скорость, останавливаясь в опасных местах, предотвращая нарушения, используя опознавательные знаки, не обращая внимания на надписи, имея возможности, исчезнув с мета аварии, украденные транспортные средства, путь, выбранный мной, двигаясь вдоль обочины, участники, замеченные полицейскими, используемый в криминальных целях, имея благоприятные условия, смешанное наблюдение, поведение водителя, значок, скрытое наблюдение, нося штатскую одежду.


Make up sentences paying attention to the right word order.

1. Well, posts, must, the, lighted, be.

2. We, logs, can’t, of, joining and leaving post, find, the.

3. Chief, is, the question, coordinated, of, stationary posts, building, administration, with.

4. About, time, reports, and, subdivision, helicopter, order, work, of, officer.

5. Attention, stolen, means, transport, to reveal, paid, special, of.

6. Traffic, must, policeman, violations, prevent.

7. Pedestrian, dangerous, patrolling, parts, is, of, used, with, for controlling high intensity of traffic, roads.

8. Who, my, car, stolen, has?

9. The workers, patrolling, of, helicopter, Traffic Patrol Service, in, part, take.

10. Needs, the injured, help.


Translate into English.

1. Кто обнаружил украденное транспортное средство?

2. Сколько транспортных средств с неисправностями было обнаружено при техосмотре?

3. Что угрожает безопасности дорожного движения?

4. Его транспортное средство не было использовано в криминальных целях.

5. Кто принимает решение о строительстве стационарных постов ДПС?

6. Почему они не смогли найти журналы приема и сдачи поста?

7. Кем была сделана последняя запись?

8. Если бы работа была организована должным образом, мы бы не искали сейчас журнал учета транспортных средств.

9. Если бы его машина не находилась в розыске, он не исчез бы с места ДТП.

10. Что угрожает безопасности дорожного движения?


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