Ex. 1. To show that you understand given words, choose the best word or word- 

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Ex. 1. To show that you understand given words, choose the best word or word-

Combination to complete the sentences given below.


To advertise - to make something (such as article for sale, a vacancy, etc.) publicly known

to possible buyers, applicants, etc

Advertising - communication intended both to inform or persuade.

Advertisement ( the same as ad or advert) - an announcement in mass media about a product,

event, job vacancy, etc.

Advertiser - a person or a company that pays for a product or service to be advertised.

Adman (or an advertising agent) - a person whose profession is advertising.

Advertising campaign - a planned series of advertisement intended to advertise a product or


Advertising agency - plans, creates and prepares advertising campaigns and materials for the



1. We were thinking of doing the______________________on TV.

2. They have been doing a successful trade since they decided___________ on local television.

3. She works for an_______________ _________________.

4. The business is composed of two main groups:_________________and __________________agencies.

5. A government should discourage smoking by prohibiting or raising the tax on_______________________ cigarettes.

6. These computer games______________________________ heavily on TV and all the Sunday papers lately.

7. The________________________ campaign has a constant effect on their sales.

8. There is no point in wasting money on radio __________________________.

9. To find a job she looked through some job _______________________ in the newspaper.

10. To become a professional _________________ he has finished special training courses.


Ex. 2. Study the following synonyms to the word advertise. Pay attention to their Russian



To promote - to make sure that people know about a new product or service by arranging

special events - продвигать, раскручивать рекламу

To hype up - an informal word meaning to try to make people think that something is much

better than it really is - разрекламировать

To plug (give a plug) - an informal word meaning to try to make people interested in your

product or service, for example by mentioning it in a TV or radio conversations

when you are supposed to be listening to something else - “врубать” рекламу,

Поднять шумиху, “впаривать”.

To push - an informal word meaning to advertise a new product very heavily, with a lot of

advertisements - раскручивать, проталкивать товар, из кожи вон лезть.


Translate the following sentences sentences. Pay attention to the words in italics.


1. You must have seen those computer games – they have been pushed on TV and all the Sunday


2. The author used the opportunity of appearing on TV to give his latest book a plug.

3. They hyped their new goods too much.

4. To promote their new brand of shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month.

5. They ’ve been plugging this hit until they were blue in the face.

6. Like most Hollywood movies it was so hyped up that when I saw it I felt rather disappointed.

7. The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model.

9. BMW is aggressively promoting its 20XX models.

10. The salesman was pushing one brand so hard that I finally bought it.


Text 1




to intend – предназначать charity – благотворительность

to persuade – убеждать, уговаривать to benefit – приносить пользу

human beings - индивиды to mislead – вводить в заблуждение

hierarchy – иерархия to tempt –соблазнять

safety – безопасность

to emerge – возникать, появляться

a gimmick – рекламный прием, трюк

dead duck (жаргон) – обреченный на неуспех человек,

“дохлый номер”

in effect – в сущности

objective – цель

target market – целевой рынок

consumer advertising – потребительская реклама



What is advertising? It is one of the methods of promotion. Advertising can be defined as commercial message to the public intended both to inform and persuade. In other words the art of advertising is to persuade to buy your product or service. This requires understanding of psychology, the needs of human beings and how those needs can be satisfied. An American psychologist Abraham Maslov, has suggested that those needs can be arranged in the form of hierarchy. At the lowest level people need food, warmth and shelter. When these needs are satisfied, people begin to think about the safety of themselves and their personal possessions. Even when a human being does not feel under threat, a new need emerges according to Maslov. There is now a need to be approved by other people, a need for love and respect. The advertising industry finds this a very useful for its gimmicks.

If you want people to look at you admiringly, or enviously, the advertiser might try to persuade you to buy a new car – no-one else’s will do! This is the latest and the best car in the market. If you haven’t got one, or don’t get one pretty soon, the rest of the world is going to see you as a dead duck! That is the message, in effect.

The objectives of advertising are as follows:

· To inform both existing and potential customers in the target market about the availability of products and services, their price and special features and places where they can be purchased.

· To persuade customers to purchase the advertised item.

· To remind customers about a product or service by regular advertising. This encourages customers to have confidence in the product.

· To increase sales and profits.

Most advertising is carried out by manufacturers and big retailers. Manufacturers advertise their products to inform the public of their existence and encourage them to buy their products when next shopping. Big stores continually advertise in order to persuade customers to shop in their stores rather than elsewhere. The combination of these two forms of advertising is called consumer advertising. Non-profit businesses also advertise e.g. charities.

Advertising will only be successful if the campaign is carefully planned. Unless the advertiser is clear about the target market, the message will be exposed to the wrong people. Effective advertising will reach the target market on a regular basis and have the desired result of increasing sales and profits. The availability and size of the advertising budget plays an important role in successful advertising.

Advertising benefits consumers and the economy in a number of ways:

  • It provides us with information about prices, recent improvements in certain goods and services, and the availability of new ones.
  • Advertising often results in lower prices. Large scale production can reduce costs. By creating mass markets, advertising enables producers to reduce the costs of their products.
  • Advertising stimulates competition, and competition benefits us all.
  • Advertising pays most of the cost of magazines and newspapers, and all of the cost of commercial radio and TV.

Not everyone agrees that advertising benefits the economy. Critics list the following points of its disadvantages:

  • The information contained in advertisements often misleads the consumer.
  • Because it costs money to advertise, this cost is added to the price consumers pay.
  • Consumers are tempted to spend money for products they do not really need.
  • Radio and TV are not really free because the cost of advertising on them is also passed on to the consumer.




Ex. 3. Match the words listed in the box with their Russian definitions.


to promote, gimmick, charity, to tempt, hierarchy, consumer advertising, dead duck



1. Реклама потребительских товаров ________________________________________.

2. Содействовать продвижению какого-либо товара или услуги _________________.

3. Обреченное на неуспех начинание в результате ошибки или неправильного понимания


4. Любая система, в которой индивиды, животные или неодушевленные объекты

ранжированы по статусу, степени важности и т. д. __________________________.

5. Проявление милости по отношению к кому-либо ___________________________.

6. Новое ухищрение, новый способ обвести вокруг пальца покупателя, используемые в

рекламном бизнесе __________________________.

7. Пытаться уговорить кого-либо совершить неблагоразумный поступок ____________.



Ex. 4. Generate other forms from these verbs.


Verb Noun Adjective
to advertise advertisement advertising
to promote    
to persuade    
to compete    
to expose    
to benefit    
to tempt    
to stimulate    




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