По профессиональному английскому языку в группе 21 Т 

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По профессиональному английскому языку в группе 21 Т

ГБУ СПО Колледж индустрии гостеприимства и менеджмента №23




По профессиональному английскому языку в группе 21 Т




Богодухова Н.А.


Рассмотрено на зеседании ПЦК

От ___ _____________2012г.

Председатель ПЦК__________

Соколова Е.Х.



Москва 2012

БИЛЕТ № 1.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text:TRAVELLING I.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical


Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.


Translate sentences into English.

1.C вами приятно иметь дело.

2.Главняя обязанность дежурного менеджера –присматривать за людьми.

3.Мы решим ваши проблемы.


Practise: make up the dialog: Dealing with enquiries

Receptionist: Good evening, Mr. Grey. How can I help you?

Guest: My colleague, Mr. Black, us coming here next week. I think he's arriving on Tuesday.

Receptionist: I'll just check the computer...No, it's Wednesday for three nights.

Guest: I see. Well, could you make sure he gets a really nice room? 306 is my favourite.

Receptionist: I'll just check if it's free...No, I'm afraid it isn't. But 406 is just the same, a bit higher up and it has the same view.

Guest: Oh good, could you reserve that one for him then, please?

Receptionist: Certainly.

Guest: Thank you very much.

Receptionist: You're very welcome, Mr. Grey. Have an enjoyable day!

Guest: Thank you!



БИЛЕТ № 2.

1 .Read and translate into Russian the text: TRAVELLING II.

Most travellers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them — the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, alleys, plains, waterfalls, forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds.

Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had.

People travel by train, by plane, by boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations.

If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.



Translate sentences into English.

1.Современная жизнь не возможна без путешествий.

2. Здравствуйте, это турагенство «Вояж», говорит (имя), чем могу помочь?

3.Всегда интересно встретить новых людей.


Practise: make up the dialog: May I take your order?

Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?

Customer: Yes. I'd like a steak, please.

Waiter: Certainly. How would you like your steak cooked?

Customer: Medium rare, please. And can I have it with rice instead or French fries?

Waiter: Yes, of course. Would you like a salad or vegetables with that?

Customer: Yes, a mixed salad would be nice.

Waiter: Fine, sir, and would you like an appetizer or soup to start?

Customer: Oh, yes. Let's see … What's the soup of the day?

Waiter: Today we have cream of asparagus- it's made with fresh asparagus.

Customer: Good. OK, I'll have that.

Waiter: And would you like some wine?

Customer: No, I'll have a beer I think. Do you have local draught beer?

Waiter: No, I'm afraid not. Would bottled beer be all right?

Customer: Yes, OK, never mind. That'll be fine.

Waiter: So, that's a medium rare steak with rice and a mixed salad. And cream of asparagus soup to start with. Is that right?

Customer: Yes, that's right. And can I have some bread, please?

Waiter: Yes, certainly. I'll bring you some right away.

Customer: Thanks very mach.


БИЛЕТ № 3.

1. Read and translate into Russian the text:THE WEАTHER FORECAST.

The weather is a thing that I can never understand. I remember one summer day. We read the weather fore­cast in the newspaper: "Heavy showers with thunder­storms."

We decided to stay at home. We looked at the people who passed our house and say, "They will come home quite wet."

At twelve o'clock it became very hot. One of us said, "I'd like to know when do those heavy showers and thun­derstorms begin? "

"Ah, they will come in the afternoon, you'll see," we said to each other. But there was no rain on that day.

The next morning we read, "The weather is warm and fine, no rain."

We went to the country. We wanted to have a good rest. But it began to rain hard, and it was raining the whole day. We came home quite wet, with colds and rheumatism all over us.

(After Jerome K. Jerome)

Translate sentences into English.

1. Присаживайтeсь, я позвоню насчет такси.

2. Извините, не могли ли бы Вы сказать это снова, пожалуйста?

3. В этот сезон там идёт дождь как из ведра.


Practise: make up the dialog: Вooking airplane tickets.

Travel agent: Good morning, sir. How may I help you?

Client: Good morning. Can I make an airline reservation, please?

Travel agent: Certainly. Where would you like to fly to and from?

Client: From Athens to Istanbul.

Travel agent: OK. And when would you like to travel?

Client: I`d like to leave Athens on the 2nd of next month, returning on the 13th.

Travel agent: Fine, all right. And what time of day would you like to fly?

Client: I`d like to arrive in Istanbul by lunch time, and be back in Athens by


Travel agent: All right. And how many people will be travelling?

Client: There`ll be three of us – two adults and one child.

Travel agent: I see. Could you tell me how old the child is?

Client: She is eight years old.

Travel agent: All right. And is this economy class or business class?

Client: Economy class – the cheapest fares you can get, if possible?

Travel agent: All right. Do you have a preferred airline?

Client: No, I don`t mind which airline it is.

Travel agent: All right, I`ll just check the computer to find out about availability...



БИЛЕТ № 4.

1. Read and translate into Russian the text: WEATHER AND CLIMATE.


Where can you go for a holiday? You have a lot of oppor­tunities. Of course, most people would like to go to the south or to the seaside, but you must consider the weather and the season.

You may want to go to Siberia, for example. The nature is wonderful there. You will never see such a lot of sparkling white snow. You will enjoy frosty fresh air if you go skiing or bear-hunting, but you should remember that it's very cold there in winter. The temperature may be about 50 degrees below zero.

Some people prefer to spend their holidays in warmer places. There is no warmer place than Africa. It's warm there all the year round. The sun shines every day, but in summer it's too hot and sometimes it's humid there. And you won't be able to go lion-hunting until the sun sets. But when it starts raining, it may rain the whole week. If you want to get sunburnt it's the best place. You can get as sunburnt as the natives.

Anyway choosing a place for your holiday you must con­sider the weather forecast.


БИЛЕТ № 5.


1. Read and translate into Russian the text: A FORGETFUL TOURIST

An English tourist came to Paris. It was his first visit there, the same day he sent a telegram to his wife who was in London. In the telegram he told her the address of the hotel where he was going to stay. He also told her that he was quite.

As he was in Paris for the first time, he wanted to see the ices of interest. After dinner he went for a walk and then decided to go to the theatre to see a new play. It was very late the play was over. It was time to go home. But at that moment he realized that he didn't know how to get to the hotel: he didn't remember either the name of the hotel or the address. The Englishman was at a loss, he didn't know what to do. Suddenly he remembered sending that morning a telegram to his wife. So, late at night his wife got a very strange telegram, "Please, send me my address at once."

БИЛЕТ № 6.

1. Read and translate into Russian the text: TOURISTS IN LONDON.


Hello! Welcome in London, the capital of Great Britain! My name is Jane. I'm going to be your guide and I'll show you around the centre of London. We’ll walk a lot and I’ll tell you something about the history of London. But as you are all for­eign tourists, before we do this, I'll tell you a few words about our traffic rules.

There is a lot of traffic in the streets of London. Most of London buses are the famous red double-deckers[1], that have two platforms for passengers. There are also green

buses, they run from London to the countryside. Brown buses belong to British railways.

Be careful when you cross the street in London, because in Britain the traffic keeps to the left, and not to the right as in European countries. When you want to cross the street, look first to the right and then to the left.



БИЛЕТ № 7.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text: ADVISES FOR TOURISTS.

If you give clients the impression that you enjoy you work - and enjoy dealing with them - it will make it much easier for client to feel comfortable with you. And it will make it easier for you to establish a good relationship with them. If you look bored or uninterested, your client may start feeling the same. If you smile, other people will smile back!

If you give people a favourable first impression of yourself, you`ll find them much easier to deal with. A welcoming smile and a friendly greeting puts people at their ease even if they have a bad journey, or if they are feeling tired, worried or cross.

Remember: You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Just because a person comes from a particular, country, don`t assume they`ll behave like a typical person from that country - whatever you imagine that to be! Treаt each person as an individual.


БИЛЕТ № 8.

1 .Read and translate into Russian the text: THE BEST WAY TO GET THEREI.

Mr. A. There are several possibilities: you could go by train, there's a Eurostar from Brussels at 7.25 which gets to Waterloo at 9.01. You can go by Underground from there to Canary Wharf very easily and quickly. Alternatively you could go by plane and there's a Virgin Express flight at 7.25 to City Airport, arriving at 7.35.If you don't mind being slightly late for your meeting, there's a later flight at 10.45, arriving at 10.50.I don't recommend flying to Heathrow.

Ms B: The best way to go is so fly to Gatwick, which is only half an hour from Brighton/ There' a SN Brussels Airlines flight at 7.45 which gets in at 7.45 British time to Gatwick. You'd probably get to Brighton by 9 o'clock with plenty of time to spare before lunch. There is a later flight, but it doesn't get to Gatwick until 16.50.Alternatively you can get the bmi flight to Heathrow at 9.45, arriving at 10.05, it takes an hour to get to Central London and another hour to get to Brighton. You'll be there by 1 o'clock.


БИЛЕТ № 9.


1. Read and translate into Russian the text: THE BEST WAY TO GET THEREII.

Mr C: There are various ways of getting to Cambridge. You can fly to London Сity at 14.00, then get the shuttle bus to Liverpool Street and then a train to Cambridge. You'd get there by 4 o'clock.Or you can fly to Heathrow and take the Underground to King's Cross-if you get the bmi flight at 15.00 you'll get Cambridge by about 6 o'clock. Or you can take the Eurostar train at 14.56, getting to Waterloo at 16.25, the Underground to King's Cross and a train to Cambridge. You'll probably get there by 7 o'clock.

Ms D: If you're staying at Heathrow the last flight from Brussels is a bmi flight at 21.00 arriving at 21.25. You've just about got time for an early dinner in Brussels before you leave.

БИЛЕТ № 10.

1. Read and translate into Russian the text: AFRAID OF FLYING.

It doesn't need to take over your life a third of us are afraid of flying. For most people flying is a strange mixture of anxiety and excitement. Is this how you feel?

You strap yourself into your sit, take a deep breath and close your eyes. The engines start to roar, the plans races down the runway, going faster and faster until, at the last minute, it climbs slowly into the clouds. Now all you can do is stand for hours on end, squashed in a narrow seat, unable to move, unable to see where you are going. During the flight there may be turbulence, when the plane bounces around in the sky. There’s no chance of escape until the worst moment of all: landing. Eventually the doors open and you step outside and your safe again.

Is it best never to leave the ground, and travel everywhere by land or sea? Or are there ways of training yourself to be less afraid of flying?


БИЛЕТ № 11.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text: FLYING ADVISES

Here are some thoughts which might reassure you:

Flying is much safer then travelling by air. Plenty of people(pilots, flight attendants, engineers) spend their working lives fling day in day our and they retire after a lifetime of flying

If you know what’s going on during a flight (and why) you’ll feel less afraid. Fear is often due to ignorance. Before you fly, find out the answers to these questions:

How does a plane stay in the air?Why does the engine noise change sometimes?

What causes turbulence and how does it happen?

Is it dangerous to fly through a thunderstorm?

How can the drivers see where there going when its cloudy?


БИЛЕТ № 12.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text: STRESS BEFORE FLYING.

Reduce stress before the flight. Try to feel more relax generally. Here are some ideas to reduce stress:Leave plenty of time the day before you travel to pack and get yourself organized

1. Have a good night`s sleep the night after you fly

2. Spend the night before an early flight at the airport hotel

3. Make sure you have your tickets and passport safely packed in your carry-on bag

4. Make sure you have plenty of things to read in case there are delays

5. arrive at the airport a long time before you have to check out

6. Check in early so that you can choose where to sit – you feel turbulence more at the back of the aircraft, so choose a seat near the back

7. Find a quiet comfortable place to sit and relax in the departure lounge

8. Have something to eat. It may be quite a while before you get a meal on the place. But don`t have a big meal

9. Don`t drink alcohol – it will help you relax and it will dehydrate you


БИЛЕТ № 13.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text: ADVISES FOR TOURISTS.


You can make people feel welcome and help them to feel at home by using their names instead of addressing them impersonally as Sir or Madam. Look for clues on credit cards, forms, luggage labels, etc. Make sure they know your name too, and show them that you remember their names when you meet them again. A sincere smile shows people that you want to be friendly. Good eye contact shows that you're interested in them. Try to treat every client in the same way that you'd like to be treated yourself - or even better! If you smile while you're talking on the phone, your listener can 'hear' your smile. But it's best not to try to be funny or make jokes over the phone - your listener may think you're being sarcastic, or may not share your sense of humor.


БИЛЕТ № 14.

1. Read and translate into Russian the text: Tourist’s advises

Everyone finds it hard to understand numbers in a foreign language, and sometimes even in their own language. Bear this in mind when you're using English to say numbers to a client whose first language isn't English. When giving out numbers, say them slowly and clearly. When taking a message, always check with the client that you have noted down the main points correctly - especially the names, dates, times, prices and numbers. Making notes involves choosing the important information to write down. You can't write down every word the client says, so you have to decide what is relevant and what is irrelevant.


БИЛЕТ № 15.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text: TAKING MESSAGES.

Guest: My name's Katherine Woodford-that's KATHERINE WOODFORD: Woodford. And...um...I'd like to book two rooms for February the 14th, and that'll be two nights. That's two double rooms for two nights, both with showers and balconies. Oh, and can you send me a fax to confirm it, that's OK? My fax number is...um...er...893 34 56 25. Or you could phone me before 9pm at this number: 893 89 82 40. Thank you. Bye.

Tourist: Hallo, this is Tim Hughes-that's TIM HUGHES. And I have a booking for February the 12th. I'm going to be arriving very late, probably after midnight, and I want to make sure that you hold the room for me. You may need my Visa card number to guarantee the room-it's 7777 1902 2867 3456. The expiration date is 12/02. Oh, and could you send a copy of your hotel brochure to a colleague of mine, please? Her name and address is: Sonia Blake-SONIA BLAKE-1232 Forest Drive, Fargo-FARGO-ND 28105. Thanks very much. Goodbye.


БИЛЕТ № 16.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text: EXPLAINING DISHES

Leo: Well, in Spain when they make paella they use a special paella pan-but and large frying pan or a wok will do, a wok's quite good as well.

First of all, you stir-fry a chopped onion and a sliced red pepper in some olive oil, and they you add tomatoes, fresh tomatoes and garlic and you go on cooking for a little longer.

Then you add some prawns and some pieces of cooked chicken-or if you like, you can use cooked pork or...er...some Spanish sausage.

And you carry on stir-frying for a few more minutes. Um... you can also put in some peas, or some green beans, or other vegetables, too, if you like.

Then, next thing you do is you put in some saffron, that's very important, some paprika, some parsley, and a little bit of pepper, a little bit of salt and you mix them all in together.


ГБУ СПО Колледж индустрии гостеприимства и менеджмента №23




по профессиональному английскому языку в группе 21 Т




Богодухова Н.А.


Рассмотрено на зеседании ПЦК

От ___ _____________2012г.

Председатель ПЦК__________

Соколова Е.Х.



Москва 2012

БИЛЕТ № 1.

1.Read and translate into Russian the text:TRAVELLING I.

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical


Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.



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