II. Подберите соответствующий перевод из правого столбца к данным английским словам. 

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II. Подберите соответствующий перевод из правого столбца к данным английским словам.

1. centralized water supply 2. running water 3. water supply system 4. fresh water shortage 5. water consumption 6. washing machine 7. living standard 8. pure water 9. globe’s population 10. water dearth problem 11. heat wave 1. стиральная машина 2. проблема нехватки воды 3. потребление воды 4. централизованное водоснабжение 5. население земного шара 6. водопровод 7. чистая вода 8. зд. сильная жара 9. система водоснабжения 10. уровень жизни 11. нехватка пресной воды

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The problem of solving pollution from the technical view-point has turned out to be more difficult than expected.

First of all, it became evident that in certain reservoirs such great qualitative changes had taken place that it was practically very difficult to return them to their former state. Irreversible changes have taken place in the Great Lakes, because the disturbances in the organic environment of the lakes are irremediable.

New types of pollution are being discovered. Not so long ago a stable and dangerous pollutant called PChB (polychlorinated biophenyl) was identified. The danger is doubled because of the fact that PchB accumulates in the bottom sediments and is preserved in rivers for many years after it is no longer dumped into them. The concentration of this pollutant is very great in the Great Lakes, in such rivers as the Hudson, the Connecticut, the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Ohio, the Sacramento, the Rio Grande, and the Yukon.

The difficulties in combating PChB also lie in the fact that so far it has not been accurately established what kind of pollutants bring about its formation in reservoirs. The variety of polluting sources is growing. The expansion of urban territories with asphalt-covered roads, the increase in the production and the complex composition of chemical substances and combinations used in everyday life had led to the increasing role in polluting water resources played by the drainage from the territory of cities, towns and villages. Besides that, the sphere of water pollution is broadening. During the recent years there appeared a new problem – the pollution of ground water. The pollution of ground water is caused by a great variety of reasons: numerous waste dumps scattered all over the area and exposed to the influence of rainwater, polluted surface reservoirs, the disposal of sewage from factories (waste matter as well), and the use of water on oil-fields.

Water supply at the expense of ground water plays an important role in the lives of many towns and cities and in the production of foodstuffs. The water supply of 12-15 million families depends upon individual underground boring wells, which have no purifying facilities. 71 per cent of the public water supply is based upon the ground water. The complexity of the issue is in the fact that the physico-chemical processes of the transformation of ground water are still not fully explored.

Internal economic and political problems are impediments to solving the pollution problem. For several years conflicts have been taking place between private companies, the federal government and the authorities of separate states. The Association of the Chemical Industry for example, has declared that it is unrealistic to expect the modernization of purifying technology, as required by law. Quite often local authorities do not plan building a system of second time purification. Discussions are in the progress, while polluted water runs into reservoirs creating a threat to the health of the people, and complicating the second utilization of sewage.

The arms race and the energy crisis have an impact on the problem of reproduction of water resources. Attempts to overcome the energy crisis have brought about the postponement of many water purification measures.

The problem of providing the country with water resources is still far from being solved.

1. solve 2. turn out 3. expect 4. evident 5. qualitative 6. take place 7. irreversible 8. disturbance 9. discover 10. double 11. bottom 12. sediment 13. preserve 14. dump 15. establish 16. bring about 17. cover 18. lead (led) 19. increase 20. appear 21. besides 22. broaden 23. cause 24. scatter 25. expose 26. at the expense of 27. foodstuffs 28. complexity 29. issue 30. impediment 31. declare 32. require 33. the meantime 34. create 35. threat 36. complicate 37. impact 38. attempt 39. overcome 40. postponement 41. provide Решать оказываться ожидать, полагать очевидный качественный происходить, случаться необратимый нарушение открывать удваиваться, быть вдвое больше дно осадок, отстой сохранять сбрасывать устанавливать приводить покрывать приводить увеличивать появляться кроме того расширяться вызывать, являться причиной разбрасывать подвергать действию, оставлять незащищенным за счет пищевые продукты сложность спорный вопрос, проблема препятствие объявлять требовать тем временем создавать угроза затруднять, усложнять сильное воздействие, влияние попытка преодолеть откладывание, задержка обеспечивать


I. К каждой данной паре слов вспомните русское слово с тем же корнем,

что и английское:

reservoir type stable identify accumulate combat variety accurately formation expansion urban production complex водоем, водохранилище вид устойчивый, стойкий определять накапливать бороться разнообразие точно образование расширение городской производство сложный Composition sphere drainage individual base transformation conflict private authority unrealistic utilization reproduction in progress состав область дрейнажная система канализация личный основываться преобразование столкновение частный власти нереальный использование воспроизводство развиваться, вестись

II. Подберите соответствующий перевод из правого столбца к данным английским словам.

  1. former state
  2. organic environment
  3. dangerous pollutant
  4. polluting sources
  5. chemical substance
  6. everyday life
  7. ground water
  8. a great variety of reasons
  9. waste dumps
  1. disposal of sewage
  2. underground boring well
  3. purifying facility
  4. public water supply
  5. local authorities
  6. second time purification
местные власти удаление сточных вод много причин очистительное сооружение грунтовая вода, подпочвенные воды коммунальная водопроводная система свалка прежнее состояние экологически чистая окружающая среда вторичная очистка выкопанный колодец под землей опасный загрязняющий агент повседневная жизнь источники загрязнения химическое вещество

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The USA is one of the first countries whose developing economy has met with a shortage of pure fresh water. Such conflicting situations have been caused by the exceptionally rapid growth of water consumption and by the constancy of the size of river runoff. The water crisis began to show at the beginning of the 60s. It was then when the gigantic projects were born to transport fresh water from Canada and Alaska to the main territory of the USA. At the end of 60s it became evident that the problem could not be solved by purifying utilized water.

By spending large sums of money on developing gigantic desalination plants it became clear that by channeling the runoff from the neighbouring territories and from the ocean an increase in the volume of polluted water would be brought about, which even at present overfills the rivers and lakes of the country.

It is the runoff which can be used without a full regulation of rivers by hydrotechnical installations. It is possible by recycling the same volume of water, which claims great requirements to the quality of their purification.

The main increase in water consumption takes place in that sphere of national economy, where water is necessary principally for cooling purposes – in industry, especially in heat-power engineering.

How can water losses be replenished? It is necessary to note the evergrowing consumption of ground water. The removal of considerably greater volumes of ground water that are taken at present will not diminish their total storage for a long time. Water supply at the expense of ground water is also convenient to satisfy the every day necessities of the population.


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