I know precisely,' said Dr. Livesey. 'Three shots were fired on this side. I 

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I know precisely,' said Dr. Livesey. 'Three shots were fired on this side. I

saw the three flashes — two close together — one farther to the west.'



5. 'Three!' repeated the captain. 'And how many on yours, Mr. Trelawney?'


1. But this was not so easily answered (но тут было не так просто ответить).

There had come many from the north — seven, by the squire's computation (с

севера пришло = стреляли много — семь /раз/, по подсчетам сквайра); eight

or nine, according to Gray (восемь или девять, согласно Грею). From the east

and west only a single shot had been fired (с востока и с запада только один

выстрел был сделан). It was plain, therefore, that the attack would be developed

from the north (было ясно, поэтому, что атака будет развернута с севера; to

develop — развивать, развернуться), and that on the other three sides we were

only to be annoyed by a show of hostilities (и что на трех других сторонах нам

могли бы досаждать только видимостью боевых действий = будут стрелять

только для отвлечения нашего внимания; hostility — враждебность; военные


hostile —




неприязненный). But Captain Smollett made no change in his arrangements (но

капитан Смоллетт не сделал никаких перемен в расстановке /сил/). If the

mutineers succeeded in crossing the stockade, he argued (если бунтовщикам


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удастся перелезть через частокол, он рассуждал; to argue — спорить,

приводить доводы, судить), they would take possession of any unprotected

loophole (они завладеют какой-нибудь незащищенной бойницей), and shoot us

down like rats in our own stronghold (и перестреляют нас, как крыс, в нашей

собственной крепости; stronghold — крепость, оплот, твердыня).



2. Nor had we much time left to us for thought (много времени, оставленного

нам на размышления, также не было). Suddenly, with a loud huzza (внезапно, с

громким «ура!»), a little cloud of pirates leaped from the woods on the north side

(небольшое облако = отряд пиратов выскочил из леса на северной стороне),

and ran straight on the stockade (и побежал прямо на частокол). At the same

moment, the fire was once more opened from the woods (в то же мгновение

/пираты/ снова открыли огонь из леса), and a rifle-ball sang through the

doorway (и ружейная пуля просвистела в дверном проеме), and knocked the

doctor's musket into bits (и раздробила мушкет доктора в щепки; bit — кусочек,

крошка, огрызок).



сomputation [kOmpju`teISn] argued [`RgjHd] possession [pq`zeSn] straight

[streIt] huzza [hu`za:]



But this was not so easily answered. There had come many from the north

— seven, by the squire's computation; eight or nine, according to Gray. From

The east and west only a single shot had been fired. It was plain, therefore, that

The attack would be developed from the north, and that on the other three

Sides we were only to be annoyed by a show of hostilities. But Captain

Smollett made no change in his arrangements. If the mutineers succeeded in

Crossing the stockade, he argued, they would take possession of any

Unprotected loophole, and shoot us down like rats in our own stronghold.



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Nor had we much time left to us for thought. Suddenly, with a loud huzza, a

Little cloud of pirates leaped from the woods on the north side, and ran

Straight on the stockade. At the same moment, the fire was once more opened

From the woods, and a rifle-ball sang through the doorway, and knocked the

Doctor's musket into bits.


1. The boarders swarmed over the fence like monkeys (нападающие лезли через

ограду, как обезьяны; boarder — идущий на абордаж). Squire and Gray fired

again and yet again (сквайр и Грей стреляли снова и снова); three men fell, one

forwards into the enclosure, two back on the outside (трое упали, один вперед,

внутрь ограды, двое — назад, наружу). But of these, one was evidently more

frightened than hurt (но из этих /трех/ один был, очевидно, больше напуган,

чем ранен), for he was on his feet again in a crack (так как он снова был на

ногах в два счета; crack — треск, хруст, скрежет; щелчок хлыста; in a crack

— в один момент), and instantly disappeared among the trees (и тотчас исчез

среди деревьев).



2. Two had bit the dust (двое умерли; to bite — кусать; dust — пыль; прах), one

had fled (один убежал; to flee — убегать, спасаться бегством), four had made

good their footing inside our defences (четверо заняли прочную позицию

внутри = легли по эту сторону частокола; footing — основание, прочное

положение, опора; defence — оборона, укрепления); while from the shelter of

the woods seven or eight men (в то время как из укрытия леса = прячась в лесу,

семь или восемь человек), each evidently supplied with several muskets

(каждый, очевидно, снабженный = имеющий несколько мушкетов), kept up a

hot though useless fire on the log-house (продолжали горячую, хотя и

бесплодную, стрельбу по срубу).



3. The four who had boarded made straight before them for the building (четверо,

которые проникли внутрь частокола, устремились к зданию), shouting as they


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ran (крича на бегу), and the men among the trees shouted back to encourage them

(а люди посреди деревьев = засевшие в лесу кричали в ответ, чтобы

подбодрить их). Several shots were fired (несколько выстрелов было сделано);

but, such was the hurry of the marksmen (но такой была спешка стрелков), that

not one appeared to have taken effect (что ни один, кажется, не имел

результата). In a moment, the four pirates had swarmed up the mound and were

upon us (в одно мгновение четверо пиратов вскарабкались на холм и

приблизились к нам; to be upon — близиться, приближаться с целью




swarmed [swLmd] frightened [`fraItnd] encourage [In`kArIG] mound [maund]



The boarders swarmed over the fence like monkeys. Squire and Gray fired

Again and yet again; three men fell, one forwards into the enclosure, two back

On the outside. But of these, one was evidently more frightened than hurt, for

He was on his feet again in a crack, and instantly disappeared among the trees.



Two had bit the dust, one had fled, four had made good their footing inside

Our defences; while from the shelter of the woods seven or eight men, each

Evidently supplied with several muskets, kept up a hot though useless fire on

The log-house.



The four who had boarded made straight before them for the building,

Shouting as they ran, and the men among the trees shouted back to encourage

Them. Several shots were fired; but, such was the hurry of the marksmen, that

Not one appeared to have taken effect. In a moment, the four pirates had

Swarmed up the mound and were upon us.


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1. The head of Job Anderson, the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole

(головка Джоба Эндерсона, боцмана, появилась в средней бойнице).



2. 'At 'em, all hands — all hands (на них = бей их, все — все)!' he roared, in a

voice of thunder (орал он громовым голосом).



3. At the same moment, another pirate grasped Hunter's musket by the muzzle (в

то же мгновение другой пират схватил мушкет Хантера за дуло), wrenched it

from his hands (вырвал его у того из рук), plucked it through the loophole

(просунул его в бойницу; to pluck — выдергивать, выхватить), and, with one

stunning blow (и одним оглушительным ударом), laid the poor fellow senseless

on the floor (уложил бедного парня бесчувственным на пол). Meanwhile a

third, running unharmed all round the house (тем временем третий, обежав

благополучно вокруг дома), appeared suddenly in the doorway (появился

внезапно в дверном проеме), and fell with his cutlass on the doctor (и напал с

кортиком на доктора).



4. Our position was utterly reversed (наше положение было совершенно

перевернутым = мы поменялись местами с нашими врагами). A moment since

we were firing, under cover (минуту до этого мы стреляли, /находясь/ под

прикрытием), at an exposed enemy (в незащищенного врага); now it was we

who lay uncovered (теперь мы были открытыми), and could not return a blow (и

не могли отразить удар).



grasped [grRspt] wrenched [rentSt] unharmed [An`hRmd] firing [`faIqrIN]



The head of Job Anderson, the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.



2. 'At 'em, all hands — all hands!' he roared, in a voice of thunder.



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