By this time, tumbling things in as they came, we had the jolly-boat loaded 

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By this time, tumbling things in as they came, we had the jolly-boat loaded

As much as we dared. Joyce and I got out through the stern-port, and we

Made for shore again, as fast as oars could take us.



This second trip fairly aroused the watchers along shore. 'Lillibullero' was

Dropped again; and just before we lost sight of them behind the little point,

One of them whipped ashore and disappeared. I had half a mind to change my

Plan and destroy their boats, but I feared that Silver and the others might be

Close at hand, and all might very well be lost by trying for too much.



1. We had soon touched land in the same place as before (мы вскоре причалили:

«коснулись земли» в том же месте, что и раньше), and set to provision the

block house (и принялись перетаскивать груз в сруб; to set to — браться за

/работу/; provision — снабжение, приготовление, резерв). All three made the

first journey, heavily laden (все трое /мы/ совершили первый рейс, тяжело

нагруженные), and tossed our stores over the palisade (и перебросили свои

припасы через частокол). Then, leaving Joyce to guard them (затем, оставив

Джойса охранять их) — one man, to be sure, but with half a dozen muskets


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(одного, конечно, но с полудюжиной мушкетов) — Hunter and I returned to the

jolly-boat, and loaded ourselves once more (Хантер и я вернулись к ялику и

загрузили себя = взяли груз снова). So we proceeded without pausing to take

breath (так мы продолжали, не останавливаясь, чтобы перевести дух), till the

whole cargo was bestowed (пока весь груз не был перетащен; to bestow —

давать; размещать; приютить), when the two servants took up their position in

the block house (когда двое слуг заняли позицию = остались в срубе), and I,

with all my power, sculled back to the Hispaniola (я, со всей своей силой =

работая изо всех сил, погреб назад к Испаньоле).



2. That we should have risked a second boat load (/то/, что мы рисковали второй

загрузкой лодки = нагружая лодку во второй раз) seems more daring than it

really was (выглядело более смело, чем было на самом деле = было не так уж

и безрассудно). They had the advantage of numbers, of course (у них было,

конечно, преимущество в количестве), but we had the advantage of arms (но у

нас было преимущество в оружии). Not one of the men ashore had a musket (ни

у одного человека на берегу не было мушкета), and before they could get

within range for pistol shooting (и прежде, чем они смогли бы подойти на

расстояние пистолетного выстрела; range — зона, область, дальнобойность),

we flattered ourselves we should be able to give a good account of a half-dozen at

least (мы тешили себя тем, /что/ сможем застрелить по крайней мере

полдюжины; account — счет).


journey [`Gq:nI] pausing [`pLzIN] bestowed [bI`stqud] range [reInG] account




We had soon touched land in the same place as before, and set to provision

The block house. All three made the first journey, heavily laden, and tossed

Our stores over the palisade. Then, leaving Joyce to guard them — one man,


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To be sure, but with half a dozen muskets — Hunter and I returned to the

Jolly-boat, and loaded ourselves once more. So we proceeded without pausing

To take breath, till the whole cargo was bestowed, when the two servants took

Up their position in the block house, and I, with all my power, sculled back to

the Hispaniola.



That we should have risked a second boat load seems more daring than it

Really was. They had the advantage of numbers, of course, but we had the

Advantage of arms. Not one of the men ashore had a musket, and before they

Could get within range for pistol shooting, we flattered ourselves we should be

Able to give a good account of a half-dozen at least.



1. The squire was waiting for me at the stern window (сквайр ожидал меня у

кормового иллюминатора), all his faintness gone from him (вся его

бледность/слабость ушла от него; faint — обморок; слабый, ослабевший;

вялый). He caught the painter and made it fast (он схватил носовой фалинь и

привязал его / фалинь — трос, канат, которым шлюпка привязывается к

пристани или к кораблю /), and we fell to loading the boat for our very lives (и

мы начали нагружать лодку для /спасения/ наших собственных жизней).

Pork, powder, and biscuit was the cargo (свинина, порох и сухари были грузом),

with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and Redruth and the

captain (лишь только /взяли еще/ по мушкету и по кортику для сквайра, меня,

Редрута и капитана; apiece — поштучно, на каждого). The rest of the arms and

powder we dropped overboard in two fathoms and a half of water (оставшееся

оружие и порох мы бросили за борт, /где глубина была/ две с половиной

/морские/ сажени; fathom — морская сажень /английская единица длины; = 6

футам = 182 см/), so that we could see the bright steel shining far below us in the

sun, on the clean, sandy bottom (так что мы могли видеть, как на глубине ярко

блестит сталь на солнце, на чистом песчаном дне).


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2. By this time the tide was beginning to ebb (к этому времени прилив начал

спадать), and the ship was swinging round to her anchor (и судно повернулось

вокруг якоря). Voices were heard faintly halloaing in the direction of the two gigs

(в направлении = около двух шлюпок были едва слышны перекликающиеся

голоса; to halloa — звать, окликать, здороваться); and though this reassured

us for Joyce and Hunter (и хотя это убедило нас /в том, что/ Джойс и Хантер

/были еще не замечены/), who were well to the eastward (которые находились

намного восточнее; well — сильно, очень), it warned our party to be off (это

заставило нашу компанию /скорее/ отправиться; to warn — предупредить,




3. Redruth retreated from his place in the gallery (Редрут ушел со своего места в

проходе), and dropped into the boat (и прыгнул в лодку), which we then brought

round to the ship's counter, to be handier for Captain Smollett (которую мы затем

подвели к кормовому подзору корабля, чтобы удобнее /взять/ капитана

Смоллетта; to bring round — доставить, приводить, повернуть назад; подзор

— выступающая часть кормы судна для защиты руля).


faintness [`feIntnIs] cargo [`kRgqu] fathom [`fxDqm] reassured [rJq`Suq]



The squire was waiting for me at the stern window, all his faintness gone

From him. He caught the painter and made it fast, and we fell to loading the

Boat for our very lives. Pork, powder, and biscuit was the cargo, with only a

Musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and Redruth and the

Captain. The rest of the arms and powder we dropped overboard in two

Fathoms and a half of water, so that we could see the bright steel shining far

Below us in the sun, on the clean, sandy bottom.



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By this time the tide was beginning to ebb, and the ship was swinging round

To her anchor. Voices were heard faintly halloaing in the direction of the two

Gigs; and though this reassured us for Joyce and Hunter, who were well to the

Eastward, it warned our party to be off.



Redruth retreated from his place in the gallery, and dropped into the boat,

Which we then brought round to the ship's counter, to be handier for Captain




1. 'Now men (итак, ребята),' said he, 'do you hear me (вы меня слышите)?'



2. There was no answer from the forecastle (с бака не было ответа).



3. 'It's to you, Abraham Gray — it's to you, I am speaking (я обращаюсь к тебе,

Абрахам Грей, с тобой говорю).'



4. Still no reply (все равно нет ответа).



5. 'Gray,' resumed Mr. Smollett, a little louder (продолжил мистер Смоллетт,

немного громче), 'I am leaving this ship, and I order you to follow your captain (я

покидаю этот корабль и приказываю тебе следовать за твоим капитаном). I

know you are a good man at bottom (я знаю, что ты хороший человек по сути;

bottom — низ, нижняя часть; днище; дно), and I daresay not one of the lot of

you's as bad as he makes out (и, полагаю, ни один из вас всех не такой плохой,

как он делает вид/ведет себя сейчас). I have my watch here in my hand (у меня

в руке часы); I give you thirty seconds to join me in (я даю тебе тридцать

секунд, чтобы присоединиться ко мне).'



6. There was a pause (наступила пауза).



reply [rI`plaI] resumed [rI`zjHmd] pause [pLz]


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1. 'Now men,' said he, 'do you hear me?'




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