Planning of Train Movements. 

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Planning of Train Movements.

Грамматика: Модальные глаголы: can,.may, must. Времена группы Indefi nite (Active and Passive), Participle I, II (Причастие I, II). Герундий '(Gerund').

Пояснения к тексту:

1. train crew —поездная бригада.

2. single-track railroad -одноколейная железная дорога

3. fast train - скорый поезд

4. division - отделение дороги

5. superintendent - начальник

6. trainmaster – начальник службы движения

7. terminal - конечная станция

8. chief dispatcher - главный диспетчер


I. Назовите русские эквиваленты слов, не пользуясь словарем;

central, plan, problem, dispatcher, control, office

II. Переведите слова и по суффиксу определите, какой частью они являются: а)существительное; б) прилагательное:

careful, movement, direction, responsible, officer

III. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты, соответствую­щие английским словам левой колонки:

1. train 1. Железная дорога

2. railroad 2. поезд

3. movement 3. поездная бригада

4. crew 4. движение

5. direction. 5. отделение дороги

6. division 6. управление, руководство

7. order 7. приказ, распоряжение



Trains cannot meet and pass at any place and at any time.

The task of getting trains over a railroad requires the careful planning of train movements and constant direction from a central office. Each crew cannot take its train along as it pleases, but must work under strict rules and under the orders of directing officials.

On a single-track railroad with trains running in "both directions”, it is necessary for opposing trains to have definite meeting points.

There must also be appointed places where fast trains may go ahead of slow ones. Where there are two or three or even four tracks, the problem of operating trains in two directions is somewhat less difficult than on single track lines, but where more than one track is built, it means that the railroad has heavy traffic and a large number of trains.

In order to simplify the problem of running trains, all railroads (except the very short ones) are divided into operating, units, called “divisions".

Eachdivision is operated as a unit, just as if it were a small railroad. Some trains run only between terminals on a single division. A division is operated under the direction of a division superintendent, who is responsible for the movement of the trains.

Each division superintendent of a railroad has several subordinate officers to aid him in his work. The two which help most in directing the movement of trains are the trainmaster and the chief dispatcher. The trainmaster has control of the train crews and sees that they observe the rules and obey the orders under which trains are moved.

The chief dispatcher if responsible for the movement of all trains and, aided by the train dispatchers he issues the orders under which the train crews run their trains over the railroad.


VI. Заполните пропуски, пользуясь словами для справок. Пред­ложения переведите:

1. All railroads are divided into operating …,called… (crew units)

2. The chief dispatcher is responsible for… the of all trains.(movement)

3. Each …must work under strict rules.(division)

V. В каком абзаце говорится о работе главного диспетчера?

VI. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

I.A division is operated … the direction... division superintendent.

2.The chief dispatcher is responsible... the movement …all trains.

3. Each division superintendent … a railroad has several subordinate officers to aid him …his work.

4. The trainmaster has control …the train crews.

VII. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами:

1. Trains... meet and pass at any place and at any time.

2. Each crew … work under strict rules.

3. There …also be appointed places where fast trains... go ahead of slow ones.

(cannot, may, must)

VIII. Укажите правильный вариант перевода предложения:

All railroads are divided into "divisions".

1. Все железные дороги разделены на "отделения".

2. Все железные дороги будут разделены на "отделения".

3. Все железные дороги делятся на отделения.

IX. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значе­нию слову ряда:

1. difficult a)powerful b) easy с) short;

2. simple a) strict; b) chief; c) complicated;

3. to meet a) to run; b) to part (with); c) to build.




Грамматика:Времена группы Continuous (Active and Passive). Усилительная конструкции.

It is (was) … who/that/when

Числительные. Степени сравнения прилагательных.

Пояснения к тексту:

1. carry - перевозить

2. deep-level tubes - тоннели глубокого заложения

3. Leicester Square [ ]- название площади в Лондоне

4. safety - безопасность

5. automatic signalling - автоматическая сигнализация

6. route - маршрут

7. automatic driving суstem - автоматическая система управления

8. to be in charge of - отвечать за..

9. to change trains- делать пересадку

10. long-distance trains - поезда дальнего следования


I. Назовите русские эквиваленты слов, не пользуясь словарем:

1 ) distance; 2) mile; 3) million; 4) locomotive; 5) smog; 6) method; 7) transport; 8) second; 9) automatic; 10) platform.

П. Переведите слова и по суффиксу определите, какой частью рeчи они являются;

1. Существительное; 2. Прилагательное; 3. Наречие.

1) achievement; 2) historic; 3) passenger; 4) porter; 5) escalator; 6) weakness; 7) changeable; 8) difficulty; 9) fully

III. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты, соответствующие английским словам левой колонки;

1. achievement 1. Поддерживать

2. railway 2. испытывать

3. deep 3. катастрофа

4. level 4. безопасность

5. tube 5. скорость

6. traffic 6.движение, транспорт

7. speed 7. труба (метрополитен в Лондоне)

8. safety 8. уровень

9. accident 9. глубокий test 10. железная дорога maintain 11. достижение

IV. B каком абзаце текста говорится о безопасности метрополи­ тена в Лондоне?

V.Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. London transport’s experience... tunnels brought them another record.

2. The "up" escalator runs... full speed when carrying passengers, but when empty it runs … half speed.

3. No accidents can happen... human weakness.

4.... the early days the trains were driven... steam lo­comotives.

VI. Переведите следующие -предложения на русский язык, выбрав oдно из трех слов, подходящее по смыслу:

1. The underground (field, river, railway) in Moscow is called the Metro.

2. It is (difficult, complete, safe) to cross the street here.

3. We can use this (sea, sand, wind) for construction.

4. He can (divide, drive, decide) a car well.



Bands were playing and the gentlemen in hats were preparing to make speeches about their great achievement.

They made the first underground railway travel in the world at distance of almost four miles. It was the year 1363 and on that first historic day, 30.000 Londoners used this new and strange way of travel. Now more than a hundred years later the London Underground carries million passengers every day. Hundred trains carry, a total number of about sever million passengers each year.

In the early days the trains were driven by steam locomotives which burnt coal. It is said that the train staff and porters asked permission to grow beards and moustaches - as an early form of smog mask.

The deep - level tubes came later, in 1890. Tunnelling a tube through miles of clay and sometimes sand and gravel is no easy task, and it was James Henry Greathend who deve­loped the method which was to make most of London's tube tunnels possible.

London transports experience with tunnels brought them another record. The longest continuous railway tunnel in the world is the 17- mile tunnel in the Northern line.

There are numerous escalators which help to keep the traffic moving. The first was installed in 1911. Now they can carry more than 10.000 passengers an hour, at a maximum speed. One of the longest at Leicester Square is over 60 feet in length. On long escalators the speed is changeable. The "up escalator runs at full speed when carrying passengers, but when empty it runs at half speed.

Safety was always one of the main concerns of London transport. In spite of the fact that trains often follow each other within seconds, it is said that the London Underground is the safest means of transport in the world. Automatic signalling is operated by the trains themselves. A programme machine controls routes. No accidents can hap­pen through human weakness.

An entirely automatic driving system is now being tested. The driver will be in charge of starting the trains at sta­tions, but speed and safety signalling will becontrolled by coded electric impulses.

The air in the Underground is changed every quarter of an hour, and the temperature all the year round is main­tained at 69-79 degrees by Fahrenheit.

The system of the Underground is a complicated one, and you may have to change trains. At stations where this is necessary you will see, you are going to one of the main line stations from which long-distance trains run, a notice telling you to follow the green light or red. If you follow the green or red lights you will come to the right platform without difficulty,


VII. Дайте характеристику следующим средствам передвижения, используйте данные ниже слова:


The underground - is the safest means of transport.

the tram, the bus, the trolley-bus, the underground, the car, the bicycle, the train, the airplane, the helicopter

the oldest the most widely used

the fastest the most popular

the most modern the least comfortable

the most comfortable


VIII. Укажите правильный вариант перевода предложения:

An automatic driving system is now being tested by engineers.

1. Автоматическая система управления была испытана инженерами.

2. Автоматическая система управления сейчас испытывается инженерами.

3. Автоматическая система управления будет испытана инженерами.

4. Инженеры испытывают автоматическую систему управления.

IX. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда

1) often a) always;. b) never; с) rarely

2) safety a) danger; b) influence; c) weakness

3) complicated a) strict; b)simple; c) easy



Грамматика:the Present Perfect Tense;

Функции глагола: "to have"; Participle I и Parti ciple II, их функции в предложении.


Пояснения к тексту:

this country -наша страна

to make requirements - предъявлять требования

weather-proof -независящий от погоды

to ensure access -обеспечить доступ

operating division -отделение дороги

facilities- оборудование, приспособление, средства обс­луживания

industrial facilities - промышленные предприятия


I. Назовите исходную(словарную) форму слова. Расположите сло­ва в алфавитном порядке:

relatively, deliveries, lines, incorporating, highly, fac­tories, developed, includes, carrying, cities.

II. Определите, какой частью речи является слово, напишите её обозначение:

specific, territorial, condition, requirement, operation, relatively, development, transportation, regularity, indust­rial, operate, majority, construction, highly, national, division, department, length, responsible.

Ш. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания с существитель­ными в функции определения:

transport system, river (rail, sea, pipeline, motor, air) transport, transportation costs, construction project, production facilities, transport facilities, city subway, department, subway lines, freight turnover.

IV. Переведите интернациональные слова:

specific, territorial, territory, geographic, climatic, condition, passenger, distance, operation, transport, transportation, system, motor, method, regularity, indust­rial, construction, project, national, economy, production, locomotive, ministry, department, total, type.



The specific territorial, geographic and climatic condi­tions of this country, and big volumes of freight and passen­ger traffic over long distances make high requirements to the development and operation of the transport system, which em­braces rail, river, sea, motor, pipeline and air transport.

Railway transport has always been the main method of transportation in this country and distinguished by a high carrying capacity, relatively low transportation costs, high speed and

regularity of deliveries. Besides, it is weather-proof, can be developed throughout the whole territory of the country and ensures access to the majority of industrial facilities and construction projects.

At present, Russian railway transport is one of the major highly developed branches of the national economy, incorporating 32 main lines, 170 operating divisions, over 7000 rail­way stations, a great number of production facilities, inclu­ding locomotive and car-repair factories, and other industri­al railway transport facilities. The Ministry of Railway of Russia includes also a city subway department. Subway lines with a total length of tracks of about 5000 km. now operate in 12 cities.

The total length, of tracks of Russian railways is 146 700 km. They are responsible for 70% of freight turnover and about 40% of passenger traffic of all types off transport of Russia.


V. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужной форме:

1. Railway transport of the USSR (to occupy) an outstanding position as a freight and passenger carrier.

2. Metro lines (to operate) in 12 Soviet cities.

3. The transport system (to consist) of rail, river, sea, motor and air transport.

4. Many people (to like) to travel by train.

5. Railway transport (to be) weather-proof.

VI. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами из слов для справок.

1. You … go to Moscow by train or by plane

2. The tram... come at 11 o'clock.

3. She... start the experiment tomorrow.

4. You... take your exam in advance.

5. We use the latest technical achievements on the railways.

(may, can, will be able to, must)

VII. Переведите предложения, определите функцию глагола "to have".

1. Our institute has no hostel. " :

2. Railways have always been the main method of transportation.

3. Students have to attend lectures and seminars.

4. 12 Russian cities have metro lines at present.

5. Soviet railways have to carry big volumes of freight over long distances.

VIII. Переведите на русский язык, помня о различных функцияхпричастий;

1. Each track consisting of two rails has an average weight of about 188 pounds per yard.

2. We spent the whole day preparing for our exam.

З. Russia has the most developed network of electric railways in the world.

4. Making the expеriment he used all the necessary equipment.

5. As seen from the article these engines are produced in Minsk.

IX. Переведите на русский язык, обратите внимание на много­значность выделенных слов:

1. We sat down on a bench that stood under the branches of a big tree.

2. Our Institute has many branches in different cities.

3. There will be a new railway branch here.

4. Our students get knowledge in different branches of sci­ence and engineering.

5. Railway transport is a very important branch of the nati­onal economy.

6. He was present at the lecture yesterday. -

7. On his birthday he received many presents.

8. At present the speed of Russian freight electric locomo­tives is about 110 kph.

9. We must use the Present Indefinite Tense in this sentence»

X. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. Railway transport plays a predominant role... the economy of our country.

2.... present, metro lines operate... 12 cities... Russia.

3. Railway transport is responsible... 70 per cent … freight turnover.

4. Russian railways transport... (около) 40%... passengers.

XI. Найдите в тексте синонимы к следующим словам и переведите их:

cargo, work, include, industrial enterprises, underground, railroad, large, incorporate, major.

ХII. Сгруппируйте в пары слова антонимы, переведите их:

always, low, small, short, big, never, long, high.

ХШ. Переведите предложения. Укажите грамматическую функцию выделенных слов:

1. The ticket to Moscow costs 120 rubles.

2. The cost of the book is 60 kopecks.

3. He lives in the flat number 35.

4. The population of the city numbers 500,000 people.




Грамматика: глагол: "to be". Независимый причастный оборот.

Пояснения к тексту:

in terms of - с точки зрения

to make use of - использовать

regenerative braking systems - устройства рекуперативного торможения.

brushless and induction motors - вентильные и асинхронные дви­гатели.




I. Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке, переведите их на русский язык:

1. scientific, share, secure, some, scale, supply, Soviet, system; standard;

2. traffic, technical, transport, traction, transfer, type, twelve, transportation;

3. progress, priority, passenger, plan, power;

II. Назовите исходную (словарную) форму слов:

increasing, secures, greater, electrified, unprecedented, amounted, transferred, broader, outfitted, brushless.

Ш. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова:

technical, progress, transport, priority, electrification, electric, transportation, kilometer, passenger, intensive, plan, economical, system, fleet, type, diesel, locomotive, standard, design.

IV. Переведите на русский язык словосочетания:

liquid fuel, world scale, passenger junctions, power supply system, traction vehicles, freight locomotives, design efforts.

V. Прочтите группы слов, определите, какой частью речи явля­ются- слова, переведите их:

1. electric, electricity, electrify, electrified, electrifica­tion;

2. develop, development; developed, developing;

3. mile, mileage;

4. economy, economic, economical.

VI. Найдите прилагательные в степенях сравнения, назовите степень, пере ведите их:

great, considerable, most developed, greater, broad, more economical, intensive, modern, most powerful, broader, largest, various, more intensive.



Scientific and technical progress in railway transport will continue to give priority to the electrification of main lines and to increasing the share of electric traction in trans­portation. This secures greater operational reliability and a considerable annual saving of liquid fuel.

Russia has developed a vast network of electrified railways, some of which being unprecedented on the world scale in terms of mileage and carrying capacity. As of January 1, 1989 there were about 52,000 kilometers of electrified lines in the country, and the share of electric trac­tion amounted to 61%. All major railway junctions with in­tensive passenger traffic have been transferred to electric traction. A plan is to make a broader use of a more economi­cal 2x25 kV power supply system.

Russian fleet of traction vehicles consists of various types of powerful modern electric and diesel locomotives. Russian railways run D.O., A.C. and A.C./D.C. locomotives. Stan­dard on B.C. electrified lines are eight-axle 5200 kV/ ВЛ 10y freight locomotives outfitted with regenerative braking systems.

Considerable scientific and design efforts are being mad to develop new electric locomotives propelled by brushless and induction motors, such as a D.C. 7040 kW electric locomotive, a twelve-axle D.C. 9000 kW locomotive and an A.C. 10000 kW locomotive.


VII. Найдите в тексте слова (термины), эквиваленты которых даны на русском языке.

отдавать приоритет, магистраль, электрическая тяга, экономия, жидкое топливо, электрифицированные железные дороги, беспре­цедентный, километраж, пропускная способность, узловая стан­ция, система энергоснабжения, электровоз, тепловоз, восьмиосный, оснащать, творческие усилия, двенадцатиосный, тяговые средства.

VIII.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность выделенных слов:

1. The students used computers in their calculation work.

2. He used to work in the library in the evening.

3. The use of automatic control changes the nature of man's labour.

4. All the trains now have automatic brakes.

5. During the brake you may go to the canteen.

IX. Укажите временную форму и залог данных ниже глаголов; переведите их:

will continue, secures, has developed, amounted, have been translated, is, consists of, run, are being made.

X. Переведите предложения, учитывая разные функции глагола "to be":

1. They will be specialists in some years.

2. Our students are to go to Leningrad for a conference next week.

3. They are discussing an interesting problem now.

4. Much is to be done.

5. The construction of a new bridge will be completed in time.

XI. Переведите предложения, содержащие независимый причастный оборот:

1. The work of Polzunov remaining unknown for more than a cen­tury, people believed that the inventor of the first steam engine was Games Watt.

2. The magazine contained a number of interesting articles, one of them being about the electrification of railways.

3. The experiment having been made, everybody was interested in the results.

4. The motor being broken, the machine did not work.

5. Russian railways have various diesel and electric locomotives, the latter working on d.c., a.c. and a.c./d.c.

ХП. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги:

l. Many important lines were transferred... electric traction.

2. The car fleet consists :.... different types …railway cars.

3. The laboratories... our Institute are equipped... modern devices.

4. We shall continue to give priority... the electrification... railways.

ХШ. Сгруппируйте в пары слова-синонимы и переведите их:

to continue, traction, to increase, broad, to go on, to outfit, different, to raise, haulage, length, type, to equip;

various, modern, kind, main, wide, up-to-date, major, mileage.

XIV. Найдите в тексте слова, являющиеся антонимами к следующим словам;

decrease, old

XV. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What will scientific and technological progress in railway transport continue to give priority to?

2. What can you say about the mileage and carrying capacity of Russian Railways?

3. What is the share of electric traction?

4. What locomotives are standard on D.C. electrified lines?




Грамматика: функции глаголов: "to be" и "to have. Време­на группы Perfect.

Пояснения к тексту:

to lay requirements - предъявлять требования

heavy-duty - большегрузный

cement carrier - цементовоз

material-handling operations - погрузо-разгрузочные работы

all-metal - цельнометаллический



I. Определите по словарю значение, произношение, принадлежность к части речи следующих слов;

produces, heavy-train, high-speed, flatcar, large-tonnage, cargoes, increasing, steadily, supplied, layout, make up.

П. Переведите словосочетания:

heavy-train making-up, high-speed movement, open-top car, box car, tank car,special-purpose car, large-tonnage con­tainers, all-metal cars; heavy-duty open-top cars.

III. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова:

modern, produce, service, fleet, standard, special, cement, mineral, container, priority, comfort, comfortable, centralized, electric, system, maximum, comfort, rational, design, ventilation, illumination, technological, economy.

IV. Из слов, данных ниже, выберите и прочтите: а) существите­льные,

б) прилагательные, в) глаголы, г) наречия. Переведите слова на русский язык:

traction, movement, special, reliability, mineral, container, considerable, specialize, priority, facilitate, steadily, principal, requirement, strength, technological, centralize, electric, highly, safety.

V. Распределите слова в группы с одним корнем. Определите ча­сть речи и переведете:

require, contain, modernize, reliable, serve, safe, container, mechanize, operation, requirement, modernization, reliability, modern, service, comfortable, safety, operate, comfort, move­ment, mechanization, move.



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