Text 2. VIbrations and waves 

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Text 2. VIbrations and waves

Part II


Grammar: 1. Participle (PI, PII)

2. Absolute Participle Construction

3. Noun as an attribute

Texts: 1. Isaac Newton

2. Work and Energy

Section 1


І. Form Participle I (Indefinite, Active) from these verbs and translate them into Ukrainian:

to develop, to measure, to involve, to build, to grow, to bring, to follow, to move, to obtain, to contain, to produce, to exert, to include, to use, to offer, to happen, to carry, to tell, to make, to radiate, to keep, to divide.

ІІ. Form Participle II from these words and translate them into Ukrainian:

to return, to write, to divide, to measure, to exert, to install, to change, to add, to throw, to consider, to burn, to maintain, to decide, to leave, to achieve, to develop, to equip, to give, to do, to receive, to return, to speak.

ІІІ. Read and translate into Ukrainian these word combinations, paying attention to participles [ a) - PI, b) - PII):

a) the engineer carrying out the research; the young man entering the Institute; the student studying foreign languages; the plan containing many details; the student attending all the lectures; the workers building a new house; the student measuring this quantity; the engineer using a new method; the car developing a great speed; the plant producing machinery; the growing population of the country;

b) using new' methods; constructing new machines; achieving good results; dividing the apple into three parts; discovering new phenomena; using new equipment; refusing to give an explanation; receiving important information; designing new equi pment; graduating from the Institute, exerting a force; acting upon a body;

c) having carried out the experiment; having obtained good results; having graduated from the University; having translated the text; having calculated the distance; having introduced new methods of work; having divided the whole into five parts; having installed a new equipment; having passed all the examinations;

d) the measured distance; the achieved results; the information obtained recently; the boy saved by his dog; the lecture delivered by a well-known professor; the research made in the laboratory; the letter sent to the firm; the force exerted upon a body; the vibrations detected by the ear; the distance travelled by the body; the law predicted by this scientist; the electrons radiated from the atom.

IV. Define the function of the Absolute Participle Construction, paying attention to the position of the complex in the sentence (at the beginning or at the end of the sentence). You must remember, that Participle I (V-ing) may be omitted. Translate these sentences according to the patterns:

Pattern 1. The data being accurate, you may rely on it — Оскільки ці дані точні, ви можете на них покластися.

Pattern 2. Water can be decomposed by means of an electric current, the process being known as electrolysis — Воду можна розкласти за допомогою електричного струму, і (причому) цей процес відомий як електроліз.

1.The experiment having been completed, he could proceed to the theoretical part of his investigation. 2.The data being accurate, you may rely on it. 3. The laboratory being provided with necessary instruments, they could carry out the work successfully. 4. We must find this article, the subject presented in it being closely connected with our work. 5. With automobiles widely used in our everyday life, velocity is a concept obtained in childhood. 6. The Moon having no atmosphere, its surface experiences great extremes of temperature. 7. All other conditions being equal, the velocity is dependent upon temperature. 8. Radioactivity having been discovered, it became evident that the internal heat of the earth may have been increased throughout geological time. 9. Hydrogen consists of discrete particles, called molecules, each one made up of two hydrogen atoms. 10. Electronic computers use binary numerals, 1 being represented by an electric circuit with the switch ON and 0 being represented with the switch OFF. 11. With the temperature changing constantly, we could not make precise measurements. 14. Every measurement can be named in many ways, the most convenient name being chosen in every time. 15. The theorem having been stated, the students could begin solving it.

Section 2


Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642, in the little village of Woolthorpe, not far from the old university town of Cambridge in a farmer’s house.

As a schoolboy, Newton used to make things with his own hands. In particular, he made a primitive wooden clock that was driven by a slow escape of water.

His family wanted him to become a farmer, and he did his best to be of use at the farm, but with no success, as his mind was always busy with observing various phenomena of nature and reflecting upon them.

At the age of 18 he was sent to Cambridge and there he followed the ordinary mathematical courses of his time. Some years later after having taken his degree he was appointed professor to the chair of physics and mathematics at Cambridge. He delivered an exterided course of lectures in optics.

The study of light was Newton’s favourite study. Having made a number of experiments with lenses, he came to the conclusion that white light consisted of rays of different colours and that each particular kind of coloured ray was differently bent when it fell on a glass surface at an angle. His results formed the basis of modern spectrography, greatly enriching the field of optics.

While quite a young man he developed a mathematical method indispensable for all questions involving motio method which is now known under the name of the differential and the integral calculus was developed at the same time by the German scientist and philosopher Leibnitz.)

The theory of gravity was developed by him in its essential features when he was only 24, but some twenty years later he returned to this subject. Having been brought, by the fall of an apple, to the conclusion that the apple and the Earth were pulling one another, be began to think of the same pull of gravity extending far beyond the Earth. The problem of the paths of the planets, one of the greatest problems of those times, was «what laws could account for the ceaseless motion of the planets round the sun?»

Newton deduced and calculated the force of gravity acting between the Sun and the planets, thus establishing the law of gravitation in its most general fojrm. By discovering this law he demonstrated the uniformity of things and found a connecting link between the mechanics of the Earth and the mechanics of the heavens. His great work «Principia», published in 1687, have an insight into the structure and mechanics of the Universe.

He also discovered the three laws of motion which we still consider to be the basis of all calculations concerning the motion.

He died in 1727, at the age of eighty-four. His funeral ceremonies were those of a national hero. It was the first time that national honours of this kind have been accorded in England to a man of science or to any figure in the world of thought, learning or art..

Vocabulary notes

to drive їхати, приводити в рух

to do one’s best робити все можливе

to reflect (upon) розмірковувати

to appoint призначати, назначати

indispensable той, без якого не можна обійтися

involve втягувати, залучати

to account for (smth) пояснювати

to cease припиняти

ceaseless безперервний

heaven,n небо

to give insight into (smth) дозволити проникнути похорон

funeral, n ['fjurnaralj

to accord honours надавати почесті


І. Translate into Ukrainian these word combinations from the text:

escape of water; to do one’s best; with no success; to follow the ordinary course; to take one s degree; to come to the conclusion; to be brought to the conclusion; to deliver a course of lectures; each particular kind of light; differently bent; to fall at an angle; to develop a method; indispensable for all questions involving motion; differential and integral calculus; in essential features; to pull one another; to extend far beyond the Earth; paths of planets; to account for, uniformity. things; connecting lmk; mechanics of the heavens, to give an insight; calculations concerning the motion; funeral ceremonies; a national hero; to accord honours; the world of learning.

ІІ. In groups A and B match the synonyms:

А. schoolboy, observe, reflect upon, ordinary, develop, essential, ceaseless, pull, account for, establish, demonstrate, connect, primitive.

В. very simple, usual, bind, think, watch, formulate, explain, attract, work out, pupil, watch, endless.

ІІІ. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the italicized words.

1. When a child, Newton used to observe closely phenomen of nature. 2. Later on, he used these observations in making his deductions and conclusions. 3. When Newton began his calculations, he did not know that the figure for the distance from the Earth to the Moon was not correct. 4. Taking part in social activities, he was not only a great man of science, but also an outstanding figure of his time. 5. His mind was always busy with reflecting upon the secrets of the universe. 6. Newton’s reflecting telescope, although small in size, gave a general idea of the ceaseless motion of Jupiter’s moons. 7. The mathematical method developed by Newton was the subject particularly numerous discussions at his time. 8. Since then it has become a cuite indispensable subject in schools of higher learning.

IV. Translate these groups of words, paying attentions to nouns in the function of an attribute.

The gravity distribution, the displacement phase angle, the modem physics development, the universal gravitation law, the calculation process, the world science problems, the rest mass energy

V. Answer the questions on the text.

1. When and where was Isaac Newton born? 2. What did his family want him to become? 3. At what age was he sent to Cambridge? 4. Where did he take his degree? 5. What was he appointed after taking his degree? 6. What was his favourite study? 7. What was Newton’s discovery in the field of optics? 8. What laws did Newton discover?


Make a written translation of this text.

Although a genius of science, Newton owed much to his predecessors (попередники). The year of his birth was the year of the death of Galileo. Galileo had founded the science of mechanics, and his application of the astronomical telescope (then recently invented) had been of the greatest help in the study of the heavens. Copernicus, Brahe and Kepler had overthrown the old conceptions of the earth as the centre of the universe.

Newton himself modestly said: «If I have seen farther than most men, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.»

While studying light, Newton invented the reflecting telescope. It was only an inch in diameter, and six inches long, but it magnified forty times and have a good view of the Jupiter’s moons.

He made a larger one. You can see it in the library of the Royal Society in London, and there you can read: «The first reflecting telescope, invented by Sir Isaac Newton, and made with his own hands.»


Section 3


Key terms: work, energy, rest mass energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, joule, kilojoule, megajoule, gigajoule

The term «work» has different meanings for different people. A student doing homework calls it work. The same student probably calls a game of tennis play. However, a physicist would say the student is doing very little work during homework, but a great deal of work playing tennis. The physicist would be using the scientific definition of «work».

These conditions are necessary before the work is done:

· A force must be exerted on an object.

· The object must be displaced by the force.

· At least part of the force must be in the same direction as the displacement. In physics, therefore, the term «work» is restricted to activities involving both a force and a displacement.



c) A rocket blasting off from the launch pad


fig. 2. a) Shows the Work is Being Done.

b) Shows the Work is not Being Done.

In (a), there is the force holding the parcel up, but no displacement. In (b), the force is perpendicular to displacement.

In (c), a space capsule is coasting with its engines off far out in the space where the forces of gravity and friction are negligible. Although there is a displacement, there is no force, and so there is no work.

Work is the product of the applied force and the displacement the object moves in the direction of the force. The larger the applied force and the farther the object moves in the direction of the force, the more work is being done. Since work is the product of applied force and displacement, the SI unit of work is the Newton metre Nxm. The newton metre has been named the joule in honour of the British physicist James Prescott Joule (1818-1889). One joule is the work done when a force of one newton is applied through a displacement of one metre in the direction of the force. Thus 1 J = Nxm.

Energy is the ability to do work. It has several key characteristics.

· Energy is transferred from one object to another whenever work is done.

· Energy comes in many forms that are interchangeable.

· Energy can be stored and used at a later time to do work.

· Energy is always conserved.

Energy can be transferred, changed from one form to another, or stored; but the total energy, including heat, stays the same.

There are three basic forms of energy: rest mass energy, potential energy and kinetic energy.

Rest mass energy is the total energy an object has because of its mass. Einstein’s Relativity Theory indicated that mass is a form of energy. The total energy of a mass at rest is given by the equation E = me2,where c is the speed of light. Einstein predicted that mass can be converted to energy and energy to mass.

Potential energy is the energy that can be stored in an object or system of objects. The four main forms of potential energy are: chemical energy, nuclear energy, gravitational energy and elastic energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. The five main forms of kinetic energy are: bulk kinetic energy, sound energy, thermal energy, radiant energy and electric energy.

Because energy is the ability to do work, it has the same unit as work, the joule (J). The joule is a very small amount of energy, so several larger units are often used. These are the kilojoule, the megajoule and gigajoule.

Vocabulary notes

at least принаймні, щонайменше

restrict, v обмежувати

product, n добуток

store, v зберігати, накопичувати

bulk, n об’єм, основна маса (частина)


Answer the questions.

1. What three conditions are necessary before work is done? 2.What is the definition of the joule? 3. What is energy? 4. What basic kinds of energy do you know? 5. What is potential energy? 6. What are the four forms of potential energy? Give an example of each. 7. What is kinetic energy? Name its five forms and give an example of each. 8. Eight examples of energy are listed below. Define which form(s) of energy each has:

a) a moving hockey puck (шайба); b) electrons flowing along a conductor; c) a bag of peanuts; d) a uranium bundle: e) a flashlight bulb that is turned on; f) a plucked guitar string; g) a stone placed on a post; h) a stationary pebble on the beach.


Each of the following statements is followed by five responses. Choose the correct response in each case.

1. In which of the following cases is work not being done?

· holding a turkey at chest height:

· pushing a bicycle 0.2 km [E];

· walking down a flight of stairs;

· playing a violin solo;

· coasting to a stop on ice skates.

2. If the speed of an object is quadrupled and the mass decreased by a factor of three, by what factor does the kinetic energy change?

a) 4/3; b) 8/3; c) 16/3; d) 12; e) 36.

3. Tom and Jerry have the same mass and are riding on identical bicycles. Tom has a speed of 8 m/s and Jerry a speed of 2 m/s. What is the ratio of Tom’s kinetic energy to Jerry’s kinetic energy?

a) 16:1; b) 2:1; c) 8:1; d) 1:1; e) 4:1;


1. Use units analysis to express the joule in SI base units.

2. Does the Earth do any work on a satellite in a circular object? Explain. (Hint: compare the direction of the applied force with the motion).

3. You have two elastic springs. Spring A is stiffer than spring B Compare the work:

· if both springs are stretched the same amount;

· if both springs are stretched by the same force.

4. Three students of equal mass on the same hike encounter a log across their path. Student A walks around it, student B steps over it, student C steps up on it and down on the other side. Compare the work done by each student.

5. Which of the following factors affect the work done and the power needed to lift a heavy suitcase onto a high bed? Explain each answer.

a) the height of the bed; b) the mass of the suitcase; c) whether the room is on the Earth or on the moon; d) whether the suitcase is lifted straight up or on a diagonal; e) the time taken to lift the suitcase.

6. Uranium is used in a nuclear fission power plant to make steam run a steam turbine that turns an electric generator. You use this electric supply when you run an electric hair dryer. List, in order, all the energy transformations that take place.




Grammar: 1. The Infinitive, its forms and functions

Texts: 1. Great Britain

2. Radiation

Section 1


I. Make up suitable sentences according to the pattern and translate them,

The Subject:

Pattern 1: It was difficult...

It was difficult to explain it.

Було важко пояснити це.

... to believe his words.

... to raise this question.

... to get letters.

... to drive a car in the city.... to look through my work... to give advice.

It’s late...

It’s always easy...

It was hard...

Why is it so important...

It gives him pleasure...

It’s hot...

The Predicative:

Pattern 2: Our task was...

Our task was to get information.

Нашим завданням було отримати інформацію.

... to let her know about it.... to explain how to do it.... to attend the conference.... to learn the whole truth.... to get her on the phone.

My job then was...

His next step was...

All you have to do is...

The only thing I want is

The first thing do is...

An Object:

Pattern 3: I was happy...

I was happy to win this prize.

Я був щасливий, що виграв цей приз.

The students of our group... to do this work in time, agreed...We didn’t know how...... to attract everybody’sattention.

We were lucky not...... to switch off the light.

He went to bed forgetting to miss the train.

He hates...... to take part in the work of an English chib.

The boy promised...... to help me.

An Attribute:

Pattern 4: There was no need...

There was no need to trouble him.

He було потреби його турбувати-

Не had little...... to look after.

I have nothing...... to lose.

He had good news...... to be proud of.

You will need somebody to say.

She had nothing...... to help you with it.

He has a family...... to think over.

An Adverbial Modifier of Purpose,

Pattern 5: I took a taxi...

I took a taxi to catch the train.

Я поїхав на таксі, щоб встигнути на поїзд.

Не will have to work hard (in order) to get the best


The car is waiting...... to catch up with the


I turned off the radio not to disturb him while

he was sleeping.

We stopped...... to take you to the station.

.. follow the instructions... to let them pass.


An Adverbial Modifier of Result:

Pattern 6: He seemed too tired...

He was too tired to speak.

Він був надто втомленим, щоб могти розмовляти (він був таким втомленим, що не міг розмовляти.

The boys were...not to want to go anywhere,

too frightened...

The roads were... to be afraid of me. good enough...

The night was too hot to sleep inside the house.

He knew me too well to speak.

He is too young...... to drive fast.

II. Define functions of the Infinitive in these sentences and translate them.

To understand something of the properties of electrons it is necessary to know a little about the atomic structure of matter. 2. The number of electrons must always equal the number of protons to keep the atom electrically neutral. 3. To help navigation at sea, small radars are used on small commercial ships. 4. Our scientists had to solve many problems to study the mystery of the atom. 5. Years ago, scientists tried to explain how electricity passed through space. 6. Ultrasonics is a very useful instrument to be used in industry, science and medicine. 7. Optical instruments are necessary to study the far off stars. 8. These experiments serve to confirm Gilbert’s conclusion that there are two kinds of electric charge.

Section 2


Geographical Position

Great Britain, which is also known as the United Kingdom, is one of the leading developed countries of the capitalist world. It consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Norhern Ireland. Geographically the British Isles are made up of two large islands off the northwest corner of Europe and a group of small islands.

The British Isles are washed by the North Sea in the North, the English Channel, which separates Great Britain from the continent of Europe, in the south, and the Irish Sea, in the west. The climate of Great Britain is greatly influenced by a stream of warm water, Gulf Stream, from the Atlantic Ocean.

It is neither cold in winter nor hot in summer there. Even in the most northern parts of Scotland snow never lies very long in winter, while in the South of England snow falls only a few times during winter. The rivers there hardly ever freeze.

As a rule there is much rain and fog in Britain in winter with very few sunny days. The fog gets mixed with smoke of London to form smog. On the whole, Britain is a very damp country.

Though there are many rivers in Great Britain, none of them can be compared in size with those of the continent. But the largest, the Thames, on which London.is situated, is deep enough to let sea shi ps reach the London docks. The Severn is thé only river which flows southwest into the Irish sea. Many of the rivers have been joined to one another by means of canals so that it is possible to travel by water from one part of England to the other.

The mountain ranges of Great Britain, mainly in Scotland and Wales, are not very high and the highest peak, Ben Nevis, is 4,296 fèet. The Welsh mountains are very rocky.

Great Britain occupies a total area of 244,000 square kilometres with the population over 55 million. Great Britain being an industrial country, the greater part of the population is occupied in industry. Yet there are people occupied in agriculture, especially in sneep-bre'eclirfg and dairy-farming.

Nowadays the country is not as rich in minerals as it was, but coal, iron ore, chalk and other minerals are still mined. The most important branches of industry in Great Britain are: textile, chemical, aviation, motor-and s’ni p-building. The biggest industrial cities are London, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgo, Edinburgh.


Political Structure

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The Queen or the King of Great Britain is the head of the state. Since 1952 Elizabeth II (the second) has been the Queen of Great Britain.

Yet her powers are not absolute they are limited by Parliay., ment. The Queen’s power is nereditary, not elective.

The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland }ias a Parliament which consists of two Houses:’ the fiouse of Commons having 630 members and the House of Lords with approximately 800 peers.

There are several political parties in the country. The most important of them are: the Conservative, which started as Royalists in the 17th century, the Liberal, which began its activity as anti-Royalists in the 17th century, and the Labour party, which was established at the beginning of the 20th century.

The party whiqli obtains the majority of seats in the Parliament is called the Government, and the others ~ the Opposition.

The Prime Minister is usually th^ leader of the jpajty that has a majority in the House of Commons. All the affairs of the state are conducted in the name of the Queen (or King), but it is the

Prime Minister who is the ruler of the country, presiding over XX the meetings of the cabinet, which are always secret. The Cabinet consists of the Prime Minister and ministers.

Any M.P. may introduce a bill to the Parliament. Every bill has three readings at first in the House of Commons. There is no qebate allowed after the first reading. After the second reading there may be a discussion. After the discussion the voting is done, but not by show hands. TJiere are two corridors — «Division Lobbjes» - at each side of the House. The one on the right is for the Yes». the one on the left is for the «No». When voting is announced, the members go out into the Lobbies, to the right or to the left. As they re-enter the House, they are qbunted at the door, one by one.

After the third reading the bill goes before the House of Lords. If Lords agree to the bill, it will be placed before the Queen for signature. The Queen having signed it, it becomes an Act of Parliament.

Vocabulary notes

it is neither cold nor hot ні холодно, ні гаряче

the rivers hardly ever freeze річки майже не замерзають

as a rule звичайно, як правило

is deep enough to let sea ships настільки глибока, що

пропускає морські кораблі eastwards на схід

hereditary спадковий

in the name від імені, іменем

the voting is done by show проводиться голосування of hands підняттям рук

Division Lobbies Палати (кулуари),

the bill goes before законопроект подають

signature підпис


I. Read and translate these international words:

continent, Europe, English Channel, part, agricultural area, canal, central, occupy, especially, textile, chemical, monarchy, absolute, opposition, lobby, leader, minister, introduce, cabinet, debate, discussion, corridor, act.

II. Add suffix - ness to the following adjectives and translate the derived nouns:

damp, dark, thick, kind, tender, effective, rich.

III. Say whether these statements are true or false. Supply your answers with the phrases:

1. Great Britain is one of the greatest islands in British Isles. It consists of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 2. Great Britain is situated to the north of the continent of Europe, so its climate is rather cold. 3. Great Britain occupies a total area of 244 square kilometres. 4. The most important branches of industry in Great Britain are ship-building, textile and sheep- breeding. 5. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy, and the power of the King or Queen is not limited by the Parliament. 6. The Labour Party was established in the 17th century as an anti-Royalist one. 7. Prime Minister of Great Britain now is Margaret Thatcher. 8. There are about 800 members in the House of Commons and 600 peers in the House of Lords. 9. After the first reading of the bill in the House of Commons there is its debate. 10. The voting in the House of Commons is done by the show of hands. 11. After the third reading the bill is signed by the Queen.

IV. Speak on one of the following topics:

1. Geographical situation of Great Britain. 2. Climate of Great Britain. 3. The most important rivers in Great Britain.4. Industry of Great Britain. 5. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. 6. Political parties of Great Britain. 7. The British Parliament. 8. Three readings of the bill.

V. Learn this poem by Robert Burns (1759-1796) by heart and try to explain what it is about:

My heart’s in the Highlands

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer,

A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe - My heart’s in the highlands wherever I go!

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,

The birth-place of valour, the country of worth!

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow, Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;

Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,

Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods!

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;

My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer; A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,

My heart’s in the highlands wherever I go!

Vocabulary notes

chase, v переслідувати

valour, n доблесть

wander, v ходити скрізь, бродити, блукати

rove, v блукати, тинятися

strath, п гірська долина

valley, п долина

torrent, п потік

flood, n повінь, розлив

Section 3


Key terms: conduction, convection, radiation, transfer, visible light, ultraviolet rays, infrared light, microwaves, radio waves, electromagnetic spectrum, vacuum, wavelength, radiator, absorber, emitter

Suppose you touch the surface of a hot water tank with your hand. Heat travels from the hot water through the metal to your hand by conduction. Conduction can be defined as the movement of heat as a result of collisions between molecules. Hold your hand above the water tank. Heat is now carried to your hand by convection currents of air. Convection is the transfer of heat by movement of the molecules from one place to another. Hold your hand off to thé side of the tank. Most of the heat reaches your hand by a process called radiation.

Radiation is the transfer of energy by means of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves include gamma rays, X- rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared light, microwaves and radiowaves. Figure 3 shows the approximate wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Heat radiation is the infrared portion of this spectrum. Electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at a speed of light and can also travel through gases. This is how the energy from the Sun reaches us.

The surface of any object continually emits radiant energy over a range of wavelengths. The energy emitted by the object depends on the nature of the surface,^nd on its temperature. At room temperature the emission is small, occurring chiefly in the form of long infrared waves. These wavelengths are invisible to the eye. The rate of emission by a hot incandescent filament at a temperature of 3000°C is much larger. Although most of the energy is still in the form of infrared waves, it now also contains much shorter wavelengths that the eye is able to detect.

The best radiators have black surfaces. For this reason, car radiators and heat exchangers, such as cooling coils on the back of refrigerators, are painted black. The best emitter of radiant energy is also the best absorber. That is why the cool absorbing surface of a solar collector, trapping- radiant energy from the sun, is black. Radiant energy absorbed by any surface becomes thermal energy.,

The poorest emitter and absorber о radiant energy is the best reflector. This explains why we we^ 'ite clothing in the summer. It also explains why the inside of i....t.ws bottles are silvered and why the outside of kettles are light coloured.

Every object continually absorbs and emits radiant energy. The greater the temperature difference between a body and its surroundings the faster the transfer of energy. A body cooler than its surroundings absorbs more radiant energy than it emits and, as a result, heats up. Conversely, a body hotter than its surroundings emits more radiant energy than it absorbs, and so cools down. A cup of hot tea loses radiant energy much faster than a cup of warm tea.

Vocabulary notes

water tank посуд (резервуар) для води

this is how ось як

incandescent filament нитка розжарювання

heat exchangers cooling

coils to trap теплообмінювальні прилади охолоджуючі кільця захоплюватиthat is why ось чому

surroundings навколишнє середовище

conversely навпаки

to heat up нагріватися

to cool down охолоджуватися


I. Read these international words and translate them:

collision, conduction, metal, process, molecule, approximate, refrigerator, radiator, absorb, reflector, energy, electromagnetic, thermos, portion, speed, spectrum, solar, collector, bottle.

II. Translate into Ukrainian these word-combinations:

transfer of energy, collisions between molecules, convection currents of air, by means of electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, electromagnetic spectrum, visible light, heat radiator, infrared portion, X-rays, at the speed of light, the surface of an object, to emit radiant energy, at the room temperature, the rate of emission, cool absorbing surface, solar collector, thermal energy, radiant energy, emitter (absorber) of an energy, white clothing, the inside of thermos bottles, the greater the difference.


Define conduction. How does it happen?

What is the difference between conduction and convection?

Define radiation.

What factors affect the radiant energy emitted by an object?

Compare an ideal emitter and an ideal absorber.

Why do we tend to wear dark-coloured clothes in winter and light coloured clothes in summer?

On which side of the house must the solar collector be placed

in Canada; b) in Australia; c) in the Crimea?

Explain, why.




Grammar: 1. The Objective Infinitive Complex

Texts: 1. The USA

2. Vibrations and Waves Earthquakes

Section 1


I. Choose the verbs after which the Objective Infinitive complex is used. Define to what lexico-semantic groups they belong. You may supply answers «yes», «по», «I don’t know»:

to hear, to depend, to notice, to fight, to feel, to find, to think, to break, to assume, to consider, to report, to make, to intend, to write, to do, to have, to cut, to know, to suggest, to break, to expect, to observe, to see, to go, to want, to watch, to come, to mean, to remember, to live.

II. Translate these sentences with the Objective Infinitive Complex. Pay attention to the verbs which introduce this complex into the sentences in groups A (fiction style) and В (scientific style). After you have read and translated these sentences, analyse, the verbs of which of the four groups are characteristic for each of the styles: a) verbs denoting physical perception (фізичне сприйняття)', b) verbs denoting mental perception (розумову діяльність); c) verbs denoting will and emotions (бажання, емоції); d) verbs denoting causation (спонукання до дії) All these sentences are taken from original fiction and scientific texts.

A. 1.1 could feel my eyes fill with sudden tears. 2. The police believe it to be the motive for his taking the life. 3. They invited me to join their clubs and their homes and made me feel right at home. 4. He found the entire studio move in harmony. 5. No one had ever heard him talking so seriously and interestedly like this. 6. All knew this to be true. 7. Why does he make so many people die these days? 8. He didn’t believe in people living beyond seventy. 9. She thought him to be a famous singer. 10. She could not admit him to be worth thinking of again. 11. He said something which made her feel that he was familiar with these authors. 12. This incident caused me to look at Miss Church with quickened interest. 13. I went to the kitchen and explained Mary what I wanted her to do. 14. I want you to take a walk with me.

B. 1. It’s probable that bombardment with slow neutrons will cause fission to take place in Uranium 235. 2. Following Fowler we assume N to be dependent on temperature T and time t after irradiation. 3. I’d like to get my cyclotron experiment finished and some sort of conclusion arrived at in time for the big international conference next autumn. 4. Let us assume the product to be equal 10. 5. We expect a variable or a mathematical expression containing a variable to represent a number. 6. They supposed the reaction to be exothermic. 7. We expect the solution to satisfy the given statement. 8. We know this experiment to be followed in many researches on the subject. 9. We know this value to have been derived from the equation. 10. He considers this problem to be very interesting. 11. Scientists suppose magnets and their properties of attraction to have been known for nearly 5,000 years. 12. I know them to have given up the theme because of the lack of data. 13. People cannot expect a complicated problem of using solar energy to be solved in a year or two.

Section 2

Text 1. THE USA

Geographical Position

The United States of America was founded on July 4th 1776, when the thirteen English colonies decided that they could no longer regard themselves to be subjects of British Crown. We know the United States to win its freedom from England and after six years of fighting to became a new country. George Washington was elected (to be) its first president. Since 1783, when the War of Independence ended in favour of the colonists, the USA has steadily increased its power and the original thirteen states have grown now to fifty.

The United States lies in the central part of the North American continent with the Atlantic Ocean to the East, the Pacific to the West, Canada to the North, and Mexico to the South. It covers a territory of 9.4 square kilometres. The USA is a country of great contrasts. Its climate ranges from the arctic cold of Alaska to tropical heat of Florida; in landscape from the endless plain of the Middle West to the snowy peaks of Rocky Mountains.

The USA is divided into three areas _ Eastern area - a highland, Central area - a plain, and Western area which is mountainous and includes the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, mountains with their snow-capped peaks and clear mountain lakes. The Northern part of the USA embraces the region of the Five Great Lakes — Lake Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. These lakes are thought to be the largest reservoir of the fresh water of the world.

The Mississippi is one of the world’s great continental rivers. Its waters are gathered from two-thirds of the United States. Together with the Missouri River (its chief Western branch), the Mississippi flows some 4,000 miles (6,420 kilometres).

Niagara Falls is known to be the natural wonder of America. It is situated midway between New York and Chicago. Niagara is an Indian word which mean «roaring water», because the roar of the falling water can be heard within a distance of 25 km.

The USA is rich in coal, oil, iron and other minerals. It is the biggest highly developed imperialist power. Heavy industry prevails in the USA, including such branches as the mining, metallurgical, engineering and chemical industries. War industry plays an important role in the US economy.

Political Structure

The United States has a federal system of government. The foundation of the government of the USA is the Constitution, writteh almost two hundred years ago. The head of the executive power is President. The head of the legislative power is the Congress. The president is elected for a four-year period. He may be re-elected and serve eight years, but not longer. His powers are considerable: he appoints the cabinet, signs treaties with other governments and can suggest laws to the government.

Congress, the parliament of the United States, is divided into two houses: the Senate, or upper house and House of Representatives or lower house. Each state sends two senators to Congress. According to the Constitution of the United States, a senator must be at least thirty years old and must be a citizen of the United States for nine years at the time of election. The House of Representatives has 435 members (congressmen), elected for 2 years. Both Houses can introduce new laws, and the Senate must also approve or reject all appointments or treaties suggested by the president.

Each of the 50 states has its own government headed by a governor, whose position is similar to that of the president in the Federal Government.

Vocabulary notes

a subject of the British Crown regard, підданий британської корони вважати

in favour of the colonists на користь колоністів steadily increased its power постійно нарощувала свою


highland, n to embrace the region високогір’я охоплювати область


I. Give extended (розширені) answers to the questions.

1. What will you say if you were asked about the geographical position of the USA? 2. Will you say what oceans the USA is washed by? 3. Suppose you are asked about the areas the USA is divided into. What characteristics can you give to each of them? 4. What can you say about the five Great Lakes of the USA? 5. Suppose you are asked about the climate of the USA, what would you say? 6. What would you say if you were asked about Niagara Falls - the natural wonder of America?

II. Ask your friend the questions, using the following word combinations, and let him answer them:

a)the population of New York; b) the capital of the USA; c) the countries on which the USA borders; d) the length of the Mississippi; e) the number of states in the USA; f) the climate of the USA; g) President of the USA.

III. Read the extract from the poem by the famous American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) and try to explain its main idea:

The Song of Hiawatha

In the vale of Tawasentha,

In the green and silent valley,

By the pleasant water-courses,

Dwelt the singer Nawadaha.

Round about the Indian village Spread the meadows and the corn-fields, And beyond them stood the forest,

Stood the groves of shining pine-trees, Green in Summer, white in Winter,

Ever singing, ever singing.

And the pleasant water-courses,

You could trace them through the valley,

By the rushing in the Spring-time,

By the alders in the Summer,

By the white fog in the Autumn,

By the black line in the Winter;

And beside them dwelt the singer In the vale of Tawasentha,

In the green and silent valley.

There he sang of Hiawatha Sang the Song of Hiawatha,

Sang his wondrous birth and being,

How he preyed and how he fasted,

How he lived, and toiled, and suffered,

That the tribes of men might prosper,

That he might advance his people.



Choose the correct answer to the questions according to the text:

1. In what century was the USA founded?

1) the 17th; 2) the 18th; 3) the 19th

2. How many states were there in America when the War of Independence ended?

1) 49; 2) 13; 3) 50

3. Who was the first President of America?

1) Lincoln; 2) Washington; 3) Roosevelt

4. How many houses does American Congress consist of?

1) four; 2) three; 3) two

5. May President be re-elected for a four-year term?

1) yes; 2) no; 3) not mentioned in the text

I. n what, part of the USA is there a land good for farming?

1) in the northern part; 2) in the West; 3) in the Southern part.



I. Make up short stories (or dialogues, whatever you prefer) in English, using the following situations.

Imagine, that you have read a book about the political structure of the USA. Your friend asks you to tell him about it. What would you tell him?

Imagine, that you have just returned from a business trip to the USA. You are invited to the Geography Society, whose member you are, and asked to tell about your impressions. What would you tell them?

Section 3

Vocabulary notes

far-reaching, adj далекосяжний

the finest clocks найточніші годинники

to provide (smb with smth) забезпечувати (когось чимось)

it is through our

understanding саме через наше розуміння

hawk, n [ho:k] орел, яструб

pendulum, n ['pendjulam] маятник

equilibrium, n [akwi'libriam] стан рівноваги

frequency, n ['fri:kwensi] частота

to occur = to happen траплятися


I. In group В find Ukrainian equivalents to these word combinations from group A.

A. Transfer of vibrations; 'transparency of objects; to probe the universe; sub-atomic particles; at a constant rate, a freely vibrating pendulum; regular intervals; distant galaxies; periodic motion; repeated pattern; transverse (longitudinal) vibrations; maximum distance; horizontal (vertical) displacement; the time required to complete 1 cycle; specific frequency; to compare vibrations; identical amplitude; the same (opposite) phase.

B. Час, необхідний для завершення одного циклу; подібні амплітуди; однакова (протилежна фаза); характерна частота; горизонтальне (вертикальне) зміщення; максимальна відстань; поперечні (поздовжні) коливання; зразок, що повторюється; передача коливань; прозорість об’єктів; регулярні проміжки; з постійною швидкістю; маятник, який вільно коливається; досліджувати всесвіт; частинки, менші за атом; віддалені галактики; періодичний рух; порівнювати коливання.

II. Read and translate the derivatives of these words. Define, to what part of speech they belong.

'frequent - 'frequency - frequently - infrequent

'period - peri'odical - perio'dicity

place - replace - displace - displacement

vib'rate - vibration - vibrational - vibrating

'atom - a'tomic -,sub-a'tomic - 'atomize

de'termine — determi'nation - determined - determining

trans'parent — trans'parency - trans'parently

'regular - regularity - 'regularly - ir'regular

ob'serve - observation - observatory - observing - observable

,indi'cate - indi'cation - in'dicative - indicating - indicated

com'pare - 'comparable - com'parison - un'comparable

III. Match the synonyms in groups A and B.

A. to apply, concept, to provide, to probe, distant, by means of, to observe, type, regular, the maximum, to require, to complete, to occur, generally, to allow, specific, identical.

B. usually, to happen, to finish, to need, the greatest, correct, pattern, to watch, to permit, characteristic, the same, through, far-off, to investigate, to give, idea, to use.


Talk with your groupmates about one of the topics concerning vibrations and waves. Here are suggested some topics for discussion.

The role of vibrations in nature.

How do we obtain our knowledge of galaxies?

Transverse and longitudinal vibrations.

The concept denoted by symbol T.

What properties does the term «phase» describe.

Examples of the same and different phases.


Text review.

a) Describe two examples of transverse vibrations not mentioned in the text.

b) Describe two examples of longitudinal motion not mentioned in the text.

A bird flaps its wings 10 times in 15 seconds. Calculate:

the period of its wing beat.

the frequency of its wing beat.

The electrons in an alternating current vibrate with a frequency of 60 Hz.

What is the period of that vibration?

How many times do these electrons reverse each second?

The word «transverse» comes from the Latin word trans, which means «across». Give three more examples of words that also use «trans» in this way.


Each of the following statements is followed by five responses. Choose the correct response in each case.

1. A vibrating object completes 20 cycles in 80 s. What is its frequency?

a) 0.25 Hz b) 4.0 Hz

c) 60 Hz d) 1.6 x 10 Hz

e) l.OxlO2 Hz

2. If the frequency of a metronome is 0.20 Hz, what is the period?

50 s b) 5.0 s c) 20 s

0.50 s e) 0.20 s


As water waves approaches the beach, their wavelength decreases. If the frequency of the waves does not change, what must be happening to their speed? Explain.

Water waves near the base of a cliff are often of greater amplitude than those farther out from the cliff. Explain.

I. Read text 3 without consulting the dictionary and give its main idea.


Grammar: 1. The Subjective Infinitive complex.

Texts: 1. Ukraine.

2. Constitution of Ukraine

3. Sound as a Longitudinal wave.

4. A.G.Bell


I. Define which of these verbs introduce into the sentence the Nominative + Infinitive construction. Group these verbs into four categories: a) verb-predicate in the Passive voice; b)verb-predicate in the Active voice; c)verb in compound nominal predicate.; d) no correct answer.

to know, to begin, to expect, to take, to seem, to observe, to bring, to report, to cut, to suppose, to believe, to rumour, to elect, to cost, to calculate, to determine, to urge, to assume, to say, to mean, to appear, to be sure, to think, to feel, to turn out, to write, to go, to prove, to understand, to find, to chance, to be certain, to fetch, to define, to allow, to consider, to leave, to happen, to regard, to estimate, to hear, to force, to declare, to require.

II. Define the type of the verb-predicate in the sentences containing the Nominative + Infinitive construction. Analyse these verbs in groups: (A) - literary style, (B) - newspaper style and (C) - scientific style and say, which verbs prevail (переважають) in each of the styles.

A. 1. Dick was seen coming up the village. 2. The Plato Academy was reported to be the intellectual heart of Europe, a university and a world-exploring expedition. 3. He was rumoured to be in New-York. 4. She was believed to be a highly educated woman. 5. Then we went up past the old fort, where the bus was supposed to start from. 6. Several of her colleagues were said to oppose her return. 7. He was supposed to have a man to help him with all his problems. 8. People are known to drown in this place. 9. The weather is likely to change. 10. He’s supposed to be a very brave man, very competent.

B. 1. One person was reported to be dead and several wounded according to the police information 2. Workers at this plant are believed to be strongly opposed to this decision. 3. One of the engine combustion chambers is thought to have caused the accident. 4. One hundred hotels used by the British tour agencies were found to have safety standards far below British standards. 5. Tens of people were reported wounded in the confrontation. 6. The Pentagon is said to be particularly eager to gain access (отримати доступ) to Japanese research into laser production. 7. He is said to have telephoned the police. 8. This visit is expected to be a successful one. 9. Crowds of people are supposed to arrive there for the opening ceremony.

C. 1. The transport properties seem to be strongly dictated by tellurium. 2. Some of these particles seem to be emitted as a result of the direct action of the photons and some seem to be emitted as evaporation fragments from an excited nucleus.3. The di poles were assumed to be positioned at the cores. 4. This investigation proves to be helpful in understanding the process by which the particle emission takes place. 5. The fields are believed to be strong enough to perturb (збурювати, хвилювати) the energy band. 6. This experiment appears to have interesting consequences (наслідки). 7. In principle D may be considered to be almost zero since there is very little probability of a carrier absorbing a succession of optical phonons without losing any energy. 8. High-energy photons are known to eject mesons, nucleons and heavier nuclear fragments from nuclei. 9. This change appears to be partially due to a decrease in the V intensity. 10. This appears to be a general feature of the crystal structure.

III. Define the form of the Infinitive in the complex and translate the sentences. Use the answers: 1. Indefinite Active 2. Indefinite Passive 3. Perfect Active 4. Perfect Passive 5. Continuous Active

1. He seemed to have forgotten all familiar things. 2. They didn’t seem to be talking about the engine at all. 3. They didn’t seem to have progressed at all. 4. Her eyes seemed to be filled with tears. 5. No notice seems to be taken of the performance. 6. Discussions are likely to have concentrated on the Palestinian question. 7. She appeared to have seen this film. 8. They are likely to be swimming in the river now. 9. For the first time he seemed to be paying attention to what was going on.

IV. Translate these sentences into English using the Nominative + Infinitive complex.

1. Вважають, що цей метод має певні переваги. 2. Здається, він вже зробив цю роботу. 3. Відомо, що вони вже провели цей експеримент. 4. Він, напевно, вже опублікував результати свого дослідження.5. Малоймовірно, щоб цю гіпотезу можна було довести. 6. Доведення цієї теореми виявилося досить простим. 7. Здається, він використовує цей пристрій у своїх експериментах. 8. Відомо, що цей експеримент вже проведено в їхній лабораторії. 9. Вважається, що вони проводять дослідження в галузі фізики твердого тіла. 10. З’ясувалося, що цей елемент має дуже високу температуру плавлення.

Section 2


Geographical Position

Ukraine is a sovereign state in the central part of Europe. Scientists once figured out that the geometrically exact geographical centre of Europe is located in the Western part of Ukraine. A monument marking «the centre of the continent» was put up during last century in Rakhiv district, Transcar- pathian region.

The total area of Ukraine is about 604,000 square kilometres. It stretches for almost 900 kilometres from North to South and for over 1,300 km from East to West. Its territory is greater than any of the European countries. Such states as Belgium, Great Britain, Austria, Albania, The Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland taken together could be placed within the borders of Ukraine. It borders on the Russian Federation, Moldova, Byelorussia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania.

95% of its territory is flat, the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains making up the rest 5 % of its territory. It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The major rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug and others. The Dnieper is a shi p-going river. The climate in Ukraine is rather continental. We have cold, frosty winters and sometimes rainy summers.

The population of the country amounts to 51 million people, most of them being Ukrainians (about 32 million). Besides, many people of other nationalities live there: Russians, Byelorussians, Poles, Jews, Bulgarians, Slovaks and others.

Ukraine has many industrial raw materials, it is rich in iron, metals, coal, oil, gas, different ores and other natural resources. It has a modern industry and rather developed agriculture. The leading industries are power engineering, machine building and chemical production. Ukraine produces planes and ocean liners, tractors and combines, excavators and cars, TV sets, computers and many other goods. Warm climate and black earth of Ukraine make it possible to obtain good harvest of wheat, maize, sunflower seeds, sugar beet, our sugar beet yield being the largest in the world.Political Structure

Ukraine was proclaimed independent and sovereign on August 24, 1991. It has higher and local bodies of state power, its own government, national emblem, state flag and anthem and, what is most important, its own Constitution, which was adopted on June 28, 1996. There are 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea within its territory.

The political system of Ukraine is really democratic. The president, who is the head of the state and the government, is elected for a period of 5 years by Ukrainian people. The legislative power belongs to the Parliament. The executive power is exercised by the president and the Cabinet of Ministers, the latter being headed by Prime Minister

Now Ukraine establishes new relations with countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with them signing agreements and treaties. Ukraine is one of the founding members of the United Nations Organization and participates in the work of many international organizations.


I. Give Ukrainian equivalents of these word-combinations:

to cover an area; to place within the borders, to put up a monument, to adopt a declaration, to be rich in smth, sugar beet yield, to exercise, natural resources, leading industries, a sovereign state, power engineering, sunflower seeds, local bodies, legislative power, executive power, to set contacts, founding member.

II. In group B find synonyms to the words in group A.

A. to number; to inhabit; to comprise; to obtain; various; yield; up-to-date; bodies; team; rapidly; border; to increase.

B. quickly; limit; to amount to; group; organizations; to make up; different; harvest; modern; to live; to get; to make greater.

Vocabulary notes


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