Инфинитив в сложном дополнении (Complex Object) 

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Инфинитив в сложном дополнении (Complex Object)

• Эта конструкция состоит из существительного или местоимения а
объектном падеже и инфинитива.

! know him to be a good painter.

- Я знаю, что он хорошо рисует.

Переводится придаточным предложением, вводимым союзами «что, чтобы, как». Подлежащим этого предложения является существительное или местоимение оборота, а сказуемым - инфинитив.


My friend wants to study business English.

- Моя подруга хочет изучать деловой английский.
My friend wants her son to study business English,

- Моя подруга хочет, чтобы её сын изучал деловой английский.

• Употребляется только после определённых глаголов, то есть фор­
признаком оборота являются так называемые «вводящие»
глаголы, которые следует запомнить:

1) желания и чувства: want [wjshj would like j.hatej preferJ etc.

I want you to help me.


- Я хочу, чтобы ты помог мне.

watch feel

2) восприятия: see

(после которых инфинитив употребляется без «to») I saw him got off the bus. - Я видел, как он вышел из автобуса.

3) предположения или уверенности: know


believe assume suppose
expect intend
consider estimate

ожидать, предполагать

We consider him to be very talented.

- Мы считаем, что он очень талантлив.

I happened to meet a friend of mine at the theatre.

- Случилось так, что в театре я встретил одного своего знакомого.
Не didn't seem to notice me.

- Похоже / кажется, он не заметил меня.

При отсутствии таких вводящих глаголов оборот Complex Object не образуется.

We helped them to repair the engine.

- Мы помогли им отремонтировать двигатель.

We want electricity to warm our homes.

- Мы хотим, чтобы электричество обогревало наши дома.
We use electricity to warm our homes.

- Мы используем электричество для обогрева наижх домов (чтобы
обогревать наш*» дома).

•* При переводе оборота следует обращать взимание на форму как вводящего глагола, так и инфинитива. Indefinite Infinitive передаётся глаголом а настоящем или прошедшем времени (в зависимости от времени вводящего глагола), a Perfect infinitive - только в прошедшем.

После глаголов expect и hopo инфинитив чаще всего пересэдйтся глаголом будущего времени.

We expect this book to appear on sate very soon.

- Мы ожидаем (надеемся), что эта книга очень скоро появится о

Переведите предложения.

a) 1) Every mother wishes her children to be happy. 2) I saw the taxi stop at
the door. 3) The engineer thought these young workers to be right. 4) We believe
them ts follow our advice. 5) Nobody noticed her to leave the room. 6) He wanted
us to come and see his пел tape-recorder. 7) She did not spect me to do it so
quickly. 8) Have you seen him make this experiment? 9}! heard somebody
mention his name at the last meeting. 10)! expect you to hand to our essay
tomorrow. 11) i heard her come in but I didn't see her leave the house.

b) 1; Every businessman would tike fuel and raw materials to be cheap.
2) We expected our equipment to be more expensive. 3) The Parliament wanted
the new law to be adopted at the first reading. 4) They did not want the minister
to take part in the election- 5) The head of the Government invited the ministers
to come, 6) We would like the prices to be reduced by 5% and the taxes to be
cut, 7) The interbank credit market watches the credit activity to be guided by
certain rules. 8) The financial market considers price reduction for state treasury
bills to be temporary. 9} The main banker believed the whole probtem to be one
of the reasons for banking crisis. 10) The bank expected the problem of «long

to be solved by the end of the year.


с) 1) Не wanted his staff not to lower quantitative indicators. 2) The agency considers large advantages must initially be established for individuals. 3) Energy suppliers never expected their initiatives to produce bad results. 4) The government is interested in the enterprises to flourish. 5) We expect the transport formalities to be completed within the next 8-10 weeks. 6) The bank expected $8 million to be paid into the account of that enterprise. 7) The author has undertaken a political-economic analysis of the current recession and shows it to be the historic consequense of the workings of the system.

?) глаголы, упдтребляемью ^страдательном залоге

is known is said is believed is considered is thought is reported is supposed* is expected*

известно говорят

считают, полагают

(как) сообщают

предполагают, предполагается ожидают, ожидается


§ 12. Инфинитив в сложном сказуемом (Complex Subject)

• Эта конструкция состоит из подлежащего и сложного сказуемого -
глагола в личной форме и инфинитива.

a) You seem to know French.

b) The book is said to be very interesting.

Особенность данного оборота заключается в том, что действие, выражаемое инфинитивом, относится к подлежащему а стоящий перед инфинитивом глагол указывает на отношение к этому действию говорящего или вообще неуказанного лица.

На русский язык английское подлежащее переводится подлежащим, инфинитив - сказуемым, а глагол в личной форме - глаголом множест­венного числа, вводимым словом или фразой:

a) Вы, кажется, знаете французский язык.

b) Говорят, что книга очень интересная.

• Этот оборот опознаётся по сказуемому, в качестве которого могут
выступать только определённые глаголы. Их можно разделить на три

seem appear

1) глаголы, употребляемые в действительном залоге кажется, по-видимому

prove* turn out happen

оказывается, как оказалось

" proved to be - оказался (переводить придаточным предложением в этом случае ме обязательно)


- можно переводить глаголом «должен» или глаголом будущего времени.
You are supposed to do this exercise at home.

- Вы должны выполнить это упражнение дома.
Не is expected to come by 2 o'clock.

- Он должен придти к двум часам.

3) сочетания с глаголом «to be»

is likely вероятно, по всей вероятности, может быть

is not likely is unlikely га sure

маловероятно, вряд ли, едва ли

не может быть

конечно, несомненно, безусловно

• При переводе необходимо учитывать время глагола, стоящего перед инфинитивом, а также форму инфинитива.

Не is considered to be... - Считают (считается), что он... Не was considered to be... - Считали (считалось), что он...

Infinitive indefinite и Continuous переводится глаголом настоящего времени, a Infinitive Perfect и Perfect Continuous - прошедшего времени. Не is said to go to London. - Говорят, что он едет в Лондон. Не is said to have gone to London. - Говорят, что он уехал в Лондон.

They are thought to complete the work in time. They are thought to have completed the work in time.

Примечание 1. Оборот Complex Subject аналогичен безличной пассивной конструкции типа «It is known that...».


It is said that they work much at this problem.

They are said to work much at this problem.

- Говорят, что они много работают над этой проблемой.


Примечание2. Сравните употребление и перевод «вводящих» глаголов в конструкциях Complex Object и Complex Subject,

1 Active Voice - Complex Object Passive Voice - Complex 1 Subject

a) We expect them to come tomorrow.

- Мы ожидаем, что они придут завтра.

They are expected to come tomorrow.

- Ожидают, что они придут завтра.

b) I heard them speak about the replacement of old equipment

- They were heard to speak about the replacement of old equipment,

c) We think them to complete the construction of the pipeline next month.

- The construction of the pipeline is thought to be completed next monti

Упражнения 1, Переведите предложения, содержащие оборот Complex Subject.

a) 1) The creation of complex modern machinery is considered to require a
high technical level. 2)This discovery proved to be of special value for this branch
of industry. 3) He proved to be a capable engineer. 4) She seems to be always
in time. 5) He appears to have read a large number of books. 6) Statistics is
considered to be a powerful instrument of state administration. Statistical agencies
are known to provide management bodies with all the data they need. 7) In
modern economy wages are believed to be the price of labour. 8) Production
planning may be said to start with the production plans of the board of directors.

b) 1}This approach seems to ignore the objective conditions. 2) For the
foreigner this monetary system seems to be rather a complicated one. 3) The
first reference to cotton is known to have been made 2500 years ago. The Nile
valley is said to be its native land. 4) This is unlikely to happen over the next two
months. 5) Commercial bank is not supposed to distribute state subsidies.
6} Stock exchanges are required to maintain a fair and orderly market in the
securities assigned to them. 7) All the main slogans of the miners' strike are
rumoured to have been okayed beforehand. 8) Patterns are supposed to point
toward several possibilities.

c) 1)The contract between the two countries was supposed to give a boost
to Russian telecommunications in the regions. 2) The decree can be said to be
a victory for the miners. 3) The joint-stock company seems to be satisfied with
the preliminary document signed. 4) The decree in question (о котором идёт
речь) was expected to be issued last autumn. 5) All developed countries seemed
to take economic and social progress for granted. 6) The introduction of regulation
instruments was supposed to be long time ago. 7) The biggest increase in
consumer prices was reported in the Central economic district. 8) Manager is

supposed to delegate authority and responsibility to others. 9) A crisis is expected to be followed by a depression.

II. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, используя оборот Complex Subject, не изменяя при этом их смысл.

1) Our machine tools are expected to serve longer. 2) This project is expected to be built ahead of schedule. 3} A theory is known to be tested by practice. 4) This machine is said to have been perfected by our workers. 5) This country is known to have substantially reduced its armed forces. 6) The State budget may be said to be the financial plan insuring the development of all branches of economy. 7) They seem to have analysed all the details of the matter. 8) The bulk of all budget revenues is known to come from taxation. 9) Large sums were reported to have been invested in agriculture. 10) The period of uncertainty about exchange rates seems to have some discouraging effect on trade. 11) It seems that all the necessary instruments are there. 12) Accounting is often said to be the language of finance.

til. Определите, в каких предложениях присутствует конструкция Complex Object, а в каких - Complex Subject Предложения переведите.

1) We want our experience and know-how in different economic and social spheres to be of use to Russia. 2) This plan is known to be the sixth draft in which targets reflect the country's actual possibilities. 3) People all over the world know very well that steps must be taken to ensure that what happened in Hirosima never happens again. 4) A crisis is expected to be followed by a depression, the depression by a revival, the revival by prosperity, and prosperity by a new crisis. 5}These incentives seem to be producing the desired result. 6) Academician N.. one of the founders of chemical physics, wanted the small laboratory he himself organized to be one of the most important research centres in the country. 7) The director of our enterprise would like us to fulfil this work ahead of time. 8) One road is supposed to lead to freer trade for all countries. 9) The value of cheques exchanged by each bank is unlikely to balance.

10) Last week's talks were supposed to end the negotiating process that had lasted more than 18 months. 11) The majority of businessmen expected the two banks to come to an agreement. 12) Our manager wants your firm to carry 0|Jt this transaction as soon as possible. 13) We know the Midland Bank to be °ne of the leading banks of Britain. 14) The secretary heard the telephone ring and immediately answered the call. 15) The details of that proposal appear to have been published in the latest issue of the journal. 16) The British people e*pect measures to be taken to improve balance of payments. 17) Britain is believed to be unable to meet its military expenditure and maintain a favourable balance of trade. 18) These workers do not seem to be satisfied with the results they have achieved. 19) Changes in non-food prices were reported almost throughout the whole area.


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