Проанализируйте следующие сложно-подчиненные предложения, выделите в них бессоюзные придаточные предложения и переведите их. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Проанализируйте следующие сложно-подчиненные предложения, выделите в них бессоюзные придаточные предложения и переведите их.

a) 1) The world picture he presented was beautiful, complete and rational.

2) Economical use of the materials we have at our disposal is our main reserve.

3) This is the main problem you have to solve. 4) The United States imports one-
fifth of all energy it consumes. 5) Our people remember the help Mongolia's
people gave them in the hard years of the Great Patriotic war. 6) Ambitious
students feel hard work is ultimately rewarded. 7) You open the book and find
out the page you are looking for is missing. 8) Few believe the report is accurate.
9) By the time the recovery has reached boom level, unemployment is at 9
comparatively low level.

b) 1) This is the problem they spent much time on. 2) The territory we work
in is comparable in size to France. 3) The college I applied to accepted me. 4)
One of the principles we base trade with these countries on is the establishment
of direct business contacts with producers and consumers. 5) «As for me, the
main lottery ticket I hope for is to have readers in 1935»,-Stendhal said in 1835-

c) 1) The development of this zone will have great influence on the economic relations our country maintains with the Pacific countries. 2) The information you get frorn the accountant is concentrated in the computer's memory bank. 3) The speed of computer calculations was limited because of the relays and other electro-mechanical equipment we used. 4) Credits for developing countries benefit the economy of Western states because the credits they give come back to their markets as orders for equipment, machinery and other goods. 5) We have considerable latent capacities, including those we can tap without additional investments. 6) That company reports its electric cars are virtually trouble-free. 7) That experiment demonstrates people have trouble recalling more than seven digits in sequence

Функций «one»

1. Неопределенно-личное местоимение. Употребляется в качестве формального подлежащего.

Признак - наличие глагола-сказуемого после «one».

Перевод - неопределенно-личным предложением, то есть без под­лежащего («one» в этом случее обычно не переводится, а сказуемое чаще всего выражено глаголом во 2-м лице ед. числа)

If one wants to speak English well...

- Если хочешь хорошо говорить по-английски...

Сочетания «one» + модальный глагол переводятся на русский язык так:

- можно - нужно - следует - нельзя, не надо - не следует

one can / one may

one must

one should

one mustn't / one can't

one snouln't

2. Заместитель ранее употребленного существительного ед. числа («ones» - ми. числа).

Перевод - тем существительным, которое «one» замещает.

Если «one» стоит в конце предложения, при переводе на русский язык °ио может быть опущено.

The energy problem is one of providing energy resources.

- Энергетическая проблема - это проблема обеспечения экономики

This problem is more important than that one.

- Эта проблема важнее, чем та (проблема).

* В роли дополнения «one» можно переводить словом «человек».


Property rights will enable one to mortgage his or her property to secure] a credit.

- Права на собственность позволят (человеку) заложить свою недви­
жимость, чтобы получить кредит.

3. Форма притяжательного падежа «one's» переводится местоимением «свой».

One must know one's duties.

- Нужно знать свои обязанности.

Each country relied on one's own resources.

- Каждая страна рассчитывала на свои собственные ресурсы.


Определите функцию «one» и переведите предложения.

a) 1) One must know at least one foreign language. 2) If one wants to study,
one can always find time for it. 3) One can easily do it. 4) One must work hard at
foreign language if one wants to master it. 5) One shouldn't forget this rule.,]
6) One mustn't be late for classes. 7) One may take magazines from the library.
8) What can one see out of the window of your classroom?

9)Soon people will learn about this little-known phenomenon - one that we must study carefully. 10)The forthcoming weeks and months will be ones of intensive actions. 11} Only specialist can say which word will be introduced into j the dictionary and which ones won't. New words are introduced much faster than old ones die.

b) 1) One must know how to make use of all that information. 2) At present
one should speak of the quality of goods rather than of their number. 3) One can
hardly discuss the prospects seriously if one ignores such instances in East-West
trade. 4) Our political and economic system is one of free enterprise. 5) It is
difficult to make optimum decisions if one lacks the proper information. 6) Modem
computers are replacing the out-dated ones. 7) That country cannot satisfy one's
own requirements in fuel. 8) No one had asked for more credits. 9) One
sometimes wonders whether some manufacturers test their products in real
situations. 10) A bank and a banker should be chosen mainly on the basis of
their experience with transactions similar to the ones you are planning. 11) He
was the only one who provided capital. 12) The first alternative is one adopted at
the system of private enterprise.

c) 1) Jakarta is one of the fastest-growing exchanges in the world. 2) For
the time being the company is dealing with both markets: one with very small
technical orders, and one with iarge traditional orders. 3) If one looks at the
structure of our import, one will see that it consists mainly of machinery and
equipment. 4) It's a risk, but one has to take risk sometimes. 5) No one will be
fired because of the new equipment. 6) In this business, like any other, one

should keep accurate and timely financial records. 7) This approach was the niain one in the reform of the national economy in the 1960s. 8) The new program provided for substantial changes in the capital investment pattern. One of the main ones was the dramatic increase of capital investment in the technical re-equipment of the operating facilities rather than into new construction, 9) This credit serves as a foundation enabling one to get the main credit for purchasing a house or an apartment. 10) i hope to find a job somewhere abroad, in case there is no opportunity to obtain one in this country.

Познакомьтесь с основными значениями слова «once»

1) один р_аз (on one occasion only)

- I've been there only once.
once again I once more - ещедаз
-Read it once again.

more than once - несколько раз, неоднократно

2) некогда, когда-то, однажды

I was once very fond of her.

- Я когда-то очень любил ее.

Once (upon a time) there was / lived a beautiful princess.

- Жила-была прекрасная принцесса.

3) как только_/_с_тоит_только (= as soon as..., when)

Once you understand this rule, you'll have no further difficulty.

- Как только ты поймешь это правило, у тебя не будет больше труд­
ностей (с переводом).

4) at once

a) немедленно (= without delay)
Do it at once, please.

b) одновременно (= at the same time)
Don't all speak at once.

Переведите предложения.

1) He cleans the car once a week. 2) She goes to see her parents in Wales once evsry six months. 3) Did she once show any sympathy? 4) Let's sing It orice more. 5) I don't know the place very well, I've only been there once or ^ice. 6) Shipbuilding has once been a major British industry 7) I'll tell you how to do it once again. 8) He didn't once offer to help. 9) He once lived in Zambia. 1u) You're only young once. 11) Once he arrives we can start. 12) This book was once famous, but nobody reads it today. 13) I can't do two things at once. 4) Come here at once. 15) Once you have made contact with one or several Sl4Ppliers, you witl have to choose the ones with whom you wish to do business.

Функции местоимения«it»


2, Указательное
дополнение его, её

1. Личное - Зл.ед.число


подлежащее он, она, оно

Не переводится

3. в безличной конструкции 4. в усилительной конструкции

притяжательное местоимение Зл. ед.числа его, её

1. Where is the book? - It's on the table. I put it there.

2. What is it? - It is my copy book.

- In the North they built everything that people need for normal life and work. It was an expensive and technically very complicated business. (Здесь «it» не заменяет какое-то одно существительное, а относится ко всему предыдущему предложению.)

3. В качестве формального подлежащего «it» входит в безличные конструк­
ции следующих типов:

a) It takes... (+ toV) - требуется

It seems (that)... - кажется; похоже, что It turns out (that) - оказывается и т.п.

b) It is said that... - Говорят, что

It is known that... - Известно, что

It was planned... - Планировалось...

It has been estimated... - Было подсчитано...

и т.п.

c) it is + adj. + toV / that

It is necessary to remember about the seasonal character of farm work.

- Необходимо помнить о сезонном характере сельхозработ.
It is important that you know this rule.

- Важно, чтобы вы знали это правило.
It is not hard to survive for a while.

- Нетрудно продержаться какое-то время.
It is easy to guess who won.

- Легко догадаться, кто победил.

It is vital to understand how this system works.

- Необходимо понимать, как эта система функционирует.
It is essential that you do this work in time.

- Важно, чтобы вы сделали эту работу вовремя.

• В качестве дополнения «it» может стоять после глаголов find, make, think (+ adj. + to V) и также не переводится на русский язык. I find it difficult to discuss this question with you.

- Мне трудно обсуждать этот вопрос с вами.
We thought it necessary to discuss this problem.

- Мы посчитали необходимым обсудить эту проблему.

Demand analysis makes it possible to determine the needs of prospective customers.

- Анализ спроса позволяет (делает возможным) определить потреб­
ности будущих покупателей.

Запомните некоторые устойчивые сочетания с «it»

It's no use regretting that Christmas does not last the whole year round. - Бесполезно...

It's time to go. - Пора... (Пришло время...) It doesn't matter what colour it is. -He имеет значения... It makes no difference what you will think. - He важно... It's not for nothing that society undertakes such spendings. - He зря... It is common knowledge that... - Общеизвестно (всем известно), что...

4- Сочетание it is...that называется усилительной конструкцией.

Она может выделять любой заключённый между её компонентами член предложения, кроме сказуемого. Сама рамочная конструкция на русский язык не переводится, а перед выделяемой частью предложения °бычно ставится слово «именно» (иногда «лишь», «только», «это», «как раз»).

Mary found the book yesterday.

It was this book that Mary found yesterday. - Именно эту книгу Мэри нашла вчера.





It was Mary who found the book yesterday.

- Это Мэри нашла книгу.

It was yesterday that Mary found the book.

- Как раз вчера Мэри нашла эту книгу.

Mary did find the book yesterday.

- Мэри (всё-таки / действительно) нашла вчера книгу,

• Вместо that могут употребляться местоимения which и who
It was
the dogs which awakened me.

- Это собаки разбудили меня.

It was the children who broke the window.

- Это дети разбили окно.

It was three weeks later that he heard the news,

- Лишь три недели спустя он узнал об этом.
Was it you who put these books on my desk?

- Это ты положил книги на мой стол?

It was not until ten years aft h : ••••.> ution that the prewar (1913) level of industrial production was reached.

- Только через десять лет после революции был достигнут довоенный
уровень промышленного производства.

It's his grades that worry me.

- Меня беспокоят его оценки (а не что-то другое).

• Признак того, что «it» является элементом усилительной конструкции
- это возможность убрать её без искажения смысла предложения.

It was his point that the volume should be increased.

- Он считал, что объём надо увеличить.


I. Составьте из двух предложений одно так, чтобы it было его формальным подлежащим, то есть не переводилось,

Образец: We can't get there in time. It's impossible. - It's impossible to get there in time.

1. Joint ventures are to be governed by Russian law. It's obvious.

2. We should not produce goods which are not in demand, ft is not profitable.
S.You can set up a one-person firm. It is not difficult.

4.One shouldn't be in debt before one starts business. It is unwise. 5.This business has flourished over the years. It is not surprising, 6. We could achieve this target. It is quite realistic.

ц Переведите предложения учитывая особенности перевода усили-flieflbHOU конструкции.

1) It was Napoleon who first suggested that the tunnel be built under the engiish Channel between France and Britain. 2) It's due to such system that the VVestern economy has achieved the results which we admire today. 3) It is thanks to this that the «young dragons» of Asia have performed an unprecedented economic leap. 4) Citibank lost money in the US during the Depression; it was the dividend from the Shanghai branch that kept it going. 5) It was the plunge in the world oil prices during the eighties that accounts for Indonesia's economic health these days. 6) It is for the first time in Russian history that the following fundamentals of economic relations are legally confirmed.

7) It was to break this tradition that the new law was passed. 8) It's not the size of a company that matters. 9) It's because people pay interest that the bank can afford to pay you interest when you deposit your money with it. 10) It's the money deposited in the banks by all their customers, large or small, which they tend out to business, to industry, even to government. Three quarters of all money loaned out by the banks goes to industry, because it's industry that produces goods and services which make up our basic wealth. 11) It's not just the racing that guests enjoy when they come to stay for Ascot. 12) For most of this century, it was common knowledge that success came with size.

111. Определите функцию «it». Предложения переведите.

a) 1) tf the foreign importer is a private company, it may try to contact its supplier directly. 2) Let's say a U.S.company has something to produce. It licences production to a big Japanese company. 3) According to marketing theory you first ascertain customer want or need and then create a product to satisfy it. 4) How do they do it year after year, growing more profitable? 5) The best time to fix (отремонтировать) something is before it is broken.

6) If it is necessary to pay very high prices for the essentials of life, people pay them. 7) It's easy to imagine the situation when you have adequate information. 8} It is not difficult to set up a one-person firm and it's not hard to survive for a while. («To survive» means to cope successfully with difficulties, though it is not so easy,) 9) It would have been impossible to pursue such a Policy without a ramified network of local banks. 10) Without insurance it is difficult to survive. 11) It is better to have a written agreement with the manufacturer. 12) In the United States, the use of consulting firms is a common practice; it is customary to invite qualified specialists to solve complex problems.

13) I find it strange that she does not want to travel. -She finds it boring.-
She finds it boring to stay at home.

14) New technology wilt make it possible to enter new markets effectively.
' 5) If an agent is a stockist, it will make it easier to develop new markets.

16) It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. 17) It became Apparent that this was an illusion. 18) It should be said that in real life the situation



does not occur very often. 19) tt proved to be impossible to change the situation radically.20) It was planned to double national income and the industrial output. 21)(t has been already noted that by 1914 Britain had fallen behind the USA and Germany in electrical engineering. 22) It has been estimated that the total material loss exceeded 3000 million pounds.

23) It takes much time and effort to prepare for such an exam. 24) How long does it take to get there? 25) It will take over a year to (earn how to run a business. 26) Some sceptics think that it would take years to fulfil these plans. 27} It has taken me six months to (earn how to operate the machine.

b) 1) The nation was tired of hearing the government's promises which it
failed to fulfil. 2) Our business was more vulnerable than it looked. 3} Production
within the framework of the given enterprise might be unprofitable but it was
necessary for the national economy as a whole. 4) It will be difficult to say how
reasonable this concept is untill there are concrete mechanisms to define it. 5)
Under such a system it would not be profitable to produce low quality goods. 6)
It was most essential that they had arranged a rational division of labour. 7) Irq
the previous years it was the east that has been responsible for the entire increase
in oil and gas output.

8) It would have been possible to discuss this situation half a year ago, when there was no securities market. 9) Today it is clear that the Central Bank have been able to set up an effective mechanism for attracting capital for the needs of the budget. 10) If you have a bank branch near your home, you may find it convenient to go there to draw your money out. 11) It will take longer than ten years to reach the desired level of European integration. 12) When it was time to repay, bank sent its clients a notification. 13) It was planned to reduce maintenance costs. 14) It has been estimated that the construction of this industrial complex would take 15 years.

c) 1) It's a question of finding the right market for a product. People have to
expect it, want it, even demand it. 2) It is a sad story because it involves an
outflow rather than inflow of capital into the country. 3) Most companies that
deal with products, however, think it wise to select a trade name and try to make
it known. It is wise to pick a short, easy-to-remember name. 4) When a
subcontractor firm accepts the first contract, it gives up its freedom. It is told
what to make, when to put it on line, and how much it will get for it on delivery.
5) It is much more wise to allow cash to circulate, either to invest it or to have it
in the bank where it makes interest. 6) It was IBM who set the standard for the
PC which others later imitated. 7) It is no secret that the gasoline crisis in the
capital was due to a sharp reduction in the supplies of crude oil to the refinery-
8) It has been estimated that the North Sea field will supply over 10 per cent of
the UK's requirements of oil. 9) Emphasis was laid on technical innovations.

It resulted in a stream of new materials and new techniques. 10) It is important to note that there may be no «one best way»of using these facilities. 11) The EC wgs founded in 1957 by six European countries. It took another 29 years for 6 more countries to join the original six. 12) The end of the cofd war, it had been assumed, removed a big cause of international disturbance. 13) When it is said that in America all the cultivated land is privately owned, meant are not farmers but landowners.

§ 4. Функции «that»

что / то, что

(э)то, тот, та

мн.ч. those-rs \

указательное местоимение



заместитель еущ-го ед.ч. (those-мн.ч.)

член усилительной конструкции

it is...that

* Союз связывает два предложения, не являясь при этом членом предложения; относительное местоимение, связывая два предложения, является подлежащим или дополнением придаточного предложения

1. That year was very successful for our farming.

- Тот год был очень успешным для нашего сельского хозяйства.



The ancients knew that the earth rotated around the sun.

- Древние люди знали, что земля вращается вокруг солнца.

1. Словосочетание «the fact that» рекомендуется переводить

ровами «то, что», или «то обстоятельство, что».

~^мечан_ие_£ «That» в начале предложения (если это не указательное 6ст°имение как в первом примере) переводится на русский язык союзом Ито, что».

That people speak different languages is generally known. - To, что люди говорят на разных языках, общеизвестно.



Today the country gets more oil than any time in the past and the prices are lower than those on the world market. - Сегодня страна получает больше нефти, чем когда-либо в прошлом, и цены на нефть ниже, чем (цены) на мировом рынке. They discussed involvement in the sphere of social production of those not taking part in it today. - Они обсуждали вовлечение в сферу общественного производства тех, кто не участвует в нем сегодня. Those arrested included many socialists. One of those arrested presided at the meeting. - Среди тех, кто был арестован, было много социалистов. Один из арестованных председательствовал на митинге. Примечание 4. В функции заместителя существительного «that» часто используется в предложениях, заключающих сравнение и в этом случае обычно не переводится. The length of railways in our country was half that in the USA. - Протяженность железных дорог в нашей стране была в два раза меньше чем в США 6. Член усилительной конструкции «it is... that». He переводится на русский язык. It was ten years ago that this idea was materialized. - Всего 10 лет назад эта идея была реализована на практике.

Запомните, как переводятся следующие словосочетания с that

3. N+ that + V

The idea that was put forward by Professor N. proved to be fruitful.

- Идея, которую выдвинул профессор Н., оказалась очень ценной.

N + that + (S+V)

The idea that the earth rotates around the sun was put forward by the ancients.

- Мысль о том, что земля вращается вокруг солнца, была высказана
ещё древними (людьми).

Примечание 3, Если придаточное предложение с «that» относится к подлежащему главного предложения, а стоит после сказуемого, перевод надо начинать со сказуемого главного предложения.

International relations are discussed that took shape during the last decade.

- Обсуждаются международные отношения, которые сложились за
последнее десятилетие.

4. Союз «that» переводится словом «чтобы» в предложениях, сообщающих
о необходимости, обязательности или желательности какого-либо действия
или факта.

It is necessary that the agreement (should) be adopted.

- Необходимо, чтобы это соглашение было Принято.

В сочетаниях $ee_that и make sure that «that» также переводится словом «чтобы».

Quality controllers see that the finished goods are well made.

- Контролёры следят за тем, чтобы готовая продукция была хорошего

Make sure that a stop is put on the credit granted to bad payers.

- Сделайте так, чтобы неплательщикам больше не выдавали кредит.

Make sure that the TV is off.

- Проверьте, выключен ли телевизор. (Убедитесь в том, что телевизор

Be sure to turn it off.

- He забудь выключить его. (Обязательно выключи его.)

5. Заместитель существительного ед.числа (those - мн.числа).

Заменяет ранее употреблённое существительное и переводится на русский язык тем словом, которое заменяет (иногда опускается).

Признак - стоящий после that предлог of (иногда другие предлоги) или причастие.

The biggest problem for the country was that of liquidity.

- Самой большой проблемой в стране была проблема ликвидности- j

that is (i.e.)

so that

now that

the more so that

so much that

that/ this is why

that /this is how

that /this is what, etc.

the fact / thing /point is that

the main thing is that

the most important thing is that


- то есть

- так, чтобы; с тем, чтобы

- теперь, когда
-тем более, что

- настолько, что

- вот почему

- вот как

- вот что (и т.д.)

-~ дело втом, что... -главноето, что... ~ самое важное это то, что..



I. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на то, в каких
ситуациях слово «that» употребляется в роли заместителя

а) 1) The problem of starting a new enterprise is always much more difficult than that of expanding the existing firms. 2)The price rise for services continued to excell that for consumer goods. 3) We are trying to achieve full coordination between the interests of the economy as a whole and those of industrial enterprises. 4) The amount of the first fund is determined in Й centralized manner. That of the second depends on the results of the enterprise operation. 51 International economic ties, especially those between East and West, play an important political role. 6) At that time, the share of the USA in the world industrial output dropped to 25%, and that of the EEC countries - to about 15 per cent. 7} By 1913 the whole of the British output of electrical equipment was only a third of that of Germany. 8) The yield of this crop is three times as great as that of wheat. 9) Those studying economics must know about the Law of Demand. 10) These are the requirements for those applying for the post. 11) Hundreds of thousands were unemployed, and wages of those working were cut. 12) The meeting was devoted to the situation on the market. Those present were in favour of a radical change in the sales policy. 13) The averatje regional price levels in the Central Region exceeds those reported in the regions with minimum rate of price growth. 14) The course requires 20 to 40 hours of teaching, depending on the background of those taught. 15) Transfer payments are those not given as compensation for current goods or services. Examples are pensions, public assistance and government subsidies.

II. Определите функцию «that» и переведите предложения.

a) That Fred got the best grade on the quiz surprised everyone. That no one ate her special dish upset the hostess. That the Loch Ness monster exists has not been proved. That the building burned down is a terrible shame.

1) By this year, exports to Europe exceeded those to the sterling area. 2) With that information in hand, you can choose different products. 3) After that, things began happening rather fast. 4) That all the passengers survived the crash is miraculous. 5)They should undertake actions in such a way that the company is profitable. 6) It was most essential that they had arranged a rational system of labour division. 7) Customs authorities make sure that imported goods are not sold at lower prices than in the country of origin. 8) Bank also provides a whole range of services for the individual, that is for you and me. 9) That was what worried me most. 10)The point is that the market is very decentralized in America. 11) That is why nowadays it is the countries with the largest flows of


information that we call developed. 12) The manufacturing objectives of the enterprise must be clearly formed so that production planning can be directed toward these ends.

b) 1) This idea was borrowed from the experience of the World Bank, the functions of which differ from those of central banks. 2) After that developments in the investment project took an unusual turn. 3) That system was also a stumbling block on our way to success. - That's not true. 4) If that happened, our product and service quality would improve. 5) Capitalism has learnt to use money in such a way that it would answer its purpose. 6) That man feels that he is better than everyone else. 7) Most presidents agree that the role of directors is largely advisory. 8) It is important that every manager should always feel the influence of the work collective.

9) Please make sure that we get a list of marks stenciled on the container. 10) That it rained so much this year is fortunate for farmers. 11) The first thing that everyone discovered was lack of information. 12) It is for those studying foreign languages that «Moscow News» include reprints from foreign press.

13) Banks keep their money in circulation so that it should bring them profit.

14) Americans keep their money in the bank so that it should breed more money.

15) A bank seeks «to buy» money cheaply and «to sell» it dearly. This is what
the banks are busy doing. That is why they always keep up to date with the
market situation.

Функции «what» и «which»

What do you think about it? What he said confused me.

о то, что

• какой (what + сущ-е) What colour do you prefer?
Do you know wh_at the weather will be like tomorrow?

What are the conditions of work at this plant? - Каковы условия труда на этом заводе?

• элемент усилительной конструкции what + (S) +V... is
What I need is rest.

- Что мне нужно, так это отдых. (Мне нужен отдых.)
What counts is the end result.

- Что действительно важно, так это конечный результат.

what is called = what is known as - так называемый Britain is the centre of what is known as «the sterling area».





What about...? - Как насчет...? What about you? - А вы?

Примечание 1. «How» так же как и «what» может переводиться на русский язык как «то, как».

- The problem today is how to coordinate these factors.
Проблема состоит в том, как координировать эти факторы.
how + прилагательное - «насколько»

The following example gives an idea of how important this project is for the country's economy.

- Следующий пример даёт представление о том, насколько важен
для страны этот проект.

Примечание 2. «Which» может переводиться на русский язык словом «что», если придаточное предложение, которое оно вводит, характеризует или дополняет смысл всего главного предложения в целом. В этом случае перед which всегда стоит запятая.

We envisage turnover growth in foreign trade and, which is of primary importance, the radical structural changes.

- Мы предусматриваем рост внешнеторгового товарооборота и, что
особенно важно, коренные структурные изменения.

• В этом значении характерно употребление «which» в следующих сочетаниях:

which means - что означает

which implies - что подразумевает

which is due to - что обусловлено

which is characteristic of - что характерно для

which is consistent with - что согласуется с

Переведите предложений:

а) 1} What are the entrance requirements to this institute? 2) At what stage is this work at the present moment? 3) What about products that companies must continually redesign? 4) These funds make up what may be called its authorized fund. 5) The realization of what is planned will begin next year and the overall success depends on what the coming years will be like. 6) What is needed is a reasonable compromise. 7) What I can't understand is how they got there. 8) What he doesn't realize is that each objective is but (всего лишь) a link in a very long chain. 9) The industry which affected economic development most of all was the motor vehicle industry. 10) The closing of uneconomic mines and the development of automation produced a steady decline in the labour force which resulted in unemployment. 11) The duration of the transition period will be determined by how quickly we'll be able to switch to the new economic management system.

b) 1) Everyone does what the available conditions and potentialities warrant. 2) What most foreign companies never realize is that they provided the technology grid financed the creation of their rival. 3) A marketer should understand what the needs of customers are. 4) What caused the gravest consequences were the stiff restrictions on the financial autonomy of enterprises. 5) It is obvious that what was in the past regarded as successful does not satisfy us now. 6) What vve are going to examine is the social aspect of economic management.7) The success of this process depends to a great degree on how realistically we assess our achievements and on what conclusions we draw. 8) Since 1945 new techniques of production have been introduced which greatly increased productivity. 9) What interests us is not how it is planned but how it is performed. 10) What made the world a single market was not trade, aid or alliances.

11} What happened was that, with the help of computers and telecommuni­cations, capital because it is a form of information could flow faster and more freely than goods.


Функции глагола «do»

а) смысловой

б) вспомогательный {для образования вопросов и отрицательной формы

What does he do? -1 don't know.

в) заместитель глагола

г) для усиления смыслового глагола

- Why didn't you tell him? -1 did tell him! {Я сказал!)

He does know much.

- Он действительно много знает.
They do know something about it.

- Они всё-таки кое-что знают об этом.

• do - заместитель глагола

Для того, чтобы избежать повторения, смысловой глагол может заменяться глаголом «do» в соответствующем времени, лице и числе. В этом случае перед do могут стоять слова «as», «than», «so».

The weather changes just as the international situation does.

- Погода меняется точно так же, как и международная обстановка.
I know about it no more than you do.

- Я знаю об этом не больше, чем ты.

Now the stock is on the rise and so does the portion of assets due for one share.



- Сейчас акционерный капитал возрастает, и также растёт доля
капитала, которая приходится на одну акцию.

Примечанием^ При переводе заместителя глагола «do» необходимо учи­тывать следующее:

Если время смыслового глагола и глагола-заместителя совпадает, то! последний можно опустить при переводе.

Не stayed there much longer than he usually did.

- Он оставался там значительно дольше, чем обычно.

Если время смыслового глагола и глагола-заместителя не совпадает, то последний надо переводить как смысловой глагол в том времени, в котором он употреблён.

Не stayed there much longer than he usually does.

- Он оставался там дольше, чем остаётся обычно.

Примечаниег2. Во избежание повторения сложной формы глагола обычно' используется лишь первая часть глагола.

Today he is reading better than he was yesterday.

- Сегодня он читает лучше, чем (читал) вчера.

Переведите предложения. Определите функцию глагола «с/о»;

1. Many of these countries produce less food than they did ten years ago.

2. The food prices go up. So do payment dificits of the developing countries.

3. This process does not contradict the interests of the people as it does in
the industrially developed countries.

4. The differences in economic systems must not hamper this process
and they don't where there is goodwill on both sides.

5. Just as Russian and English differ in vocabulary, so do they differ in


Функции глаголов «should» и «would»


2) дспомогательные глаголы для образования сослагательного наклонения 0 главной части условных предложений 2-го и 3-го типов.

I should /would help you if I had time.

- Я бы помог тебе, если бы у меня было время.

They would have done this work if they had had enough time.

- Они сделали бы эту работу, если бы у них было достаточно времени.
П£имечание_._ В современном английском языке «should» практически не
употребляется в этой функции.


- модальный глагол, выражающий необходимость, пожелание, реко­
мендацию /совет выполнить действие в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем

перевод: должен, следует / следовало бы, надо

You should go to the doctor.

- Тебе следует обратиться к врачу.
You shouldn't tell lies.

- He надо обманывать.

• В сочетаний с перфектной формой инфинитива «should» показывает, что рекомендация не была выполнена.

You should have stopped at the red Hghts.

- Надо была остановиться на красный свет.
You shouldn't have told him that.

- He надо было говорить ему это.

• Устойчивые выражения с «should»:


- What's his phone number? - How should I know? - Give me that book. - Why should I?

Какой у него номер телефона? Откуда мне знать?

С какой стати?



«Should» и «would» употребляются как:

1) вспомогательные глаголы для образования будущего в прошедшем, то есть при передаче косвенной речи (обычно в предложениях типа: «Не said that...», «I thought that...» и т.п.)

He said that he would do this work in time.

- Он сказал, что сделает эту работу вовремя.
I thought that I should finish my work in time.

- Я думала, что закончу работу вовремя.

You should have jgen his face when he heard the news. - Видел бы ты его лицо, когда он услышал эту новость.

* Обратите внимание на тип предложений, в которых «should» на Русский язык не переводится^

> It is necessary that he (should) go there at once.

- Необходимо, чтобы он пошел туда немедленно.

> I suggest that the problem (should) be solved today.

- Я предлагаю решить эту проблему сегодня.





I got up early, so that! shouldn't be late for the train.

- Я встал рано, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.

Не had a good breakfast, so that he wouldn't feel hungry before 11 o'clock.

- Он хорошо позавтракал, чтобы не проголодаться до 11 часов.


употребляется, чтобы выразить:

1) (по)желание

I'd like a cup of tea. (Звучит более вежливо, чем «want»)

I would like to know* what you are going to do next.

- Я бы хотел знать, что ты собираешься делать дальше

- В разговорном английском ту же мысль можно выразить фразой
«I wish I knew» (what he is going to do next.)

2) вежливую просьбу / предложение

Would you shut the door, please?

- Закройте, пожалуйста, дверь.

Would you mind opening the window, please?

- Откройте, пожалуйста, окно.

Would you like to eat? / Wouldn't you like to drink?

- He хотели бы вы что-нибудь поесть? / Не хотите ли что-нибудь выпить?

3) регулярные, повторяющиеся действия в прошлом^ used to)

They would wait for us at home.

- Они обычно ждали нас дома.

4) отказ выполнить действие (в отрицательных предложениях)

I wanted to explain everything to her but she wouldn't listen.

- Я хотел ей все объяснить, но она не захотела /не стала слушать.

Примечание^ I'd better = I had better (+ словарная форма)

для выражения в мягкой форме рекомендации сделать что-то в конкретной ситуации (но не в прошедшем времени!)

You'd better go there tomorrow.

- Ты лучше пойди туда завтра.

I think I'd better show this to you now.

- Я, пожалуй, покажу тебе это сейчас.
I'd better not look at this.

- Я лучше не буду на это смотреть.


I. Переведите предложения, определяя функцию «should» и «would».

1. The central authority decided what goods and services would be
produced, and what prices should be charged.

2. Ttie planners haven't decided yet what quantity of consumer good-r, would
be delivered to the region. They are discussing the prices that should be
charged for these commodities,

3. The economists could not agree what plans the governments should adopt
in the new conditions which «would affect the international economic t,«tem
in the next ten years.

4. The building materials industry should occupy an important place in the
plans to industrialize Africa.

§. In the end, the speaker emphasised that cooperation and fruitful exchange between our countries would be continued.

6. He said that these rivers should play an important part in solving alt the
problems of water distribution in the country.

7. Rational standards of consumption should always be analysed.

8. He suggested that this question should be discussed at the general

9. It is necessary that he should complete his experiment this year.


10. The speciality of study should be indicated in the application form.

11. It is desirable that you should return the books to the library next week.

12. The aeveloprnent of heavy industry should not be considered an end in

It. Переведите предложения с «would» в разных функциях:

1. Woutd you show him the price list, please. -1 would never show him the
price list if he were not our old customer.

2. in your place I would put a fu(! page advertisement in the local newspaper.
3.1 thought he would come in time as usual.

4. Sometimes he would bring us samples and catalogues of his firm.

5. They would often discuss the plans and strategy of the company together.

6. He was told that the prices would increase as a result of changes on the

7. He would have produced more new products if he had invested more
money in research and development, but that was impossible at that

8. The economists expected that the prices would fluctuate at the end of the

9. Farmers would bring their goods to the market many miles away from the
place where they lived.


10. The planners supposed that the scheme for a new industrial complex
would take 15 years to complete.

11. Would you explain why the idea of a perfect market is a theoretical concept,
not a practical reality.

12. The company representative would not listen to the demands of the

13.1 wouldn't marry you even if you were the last person on earth.

14. If I were you I would wait before asking the bank manager for a loan.

III. Переведите текст.

Europe posesses a vast economic potential, concentrating within its bounds half of the world's industry and scientific and technological personnel. All-European cooperation would open up new possibilities for improving the structure of East-West economic exchange. It would make it possible to carry out with maximum efficiency all-European programmes in the sphere of science and technology, in power development, transport, communications and health services. This, in turn, would give new impulse to the solution of international economic and social problems. Cooperation would thus not only be in the interests of all European states, it would benefit the peoples of all continents and could make Europe a powerful factor of peace and progress.

IV. Подставьте «should» или «would» вместо точек:

1.1... like to hear that song again.

2. Do you think I... take a holiday? - No, it... be better if you got on with

your work. 3.... you mind doing it for me?

4. The boys... piay more quietly.

5. The fire... have burnt better, if I had had more wood.
6.1... like to know when we will have breakast.


7. If I were you, I... go for a bathe now.

8. My landlady...n't try to make coffee.

9. He worked hard so that he... pass the exam.


10. You... do better work than this.

11. The students... know by now that the teacher won't accept bad work.
V. Скажите по-английски:

1. Вам следует быть очень внимательным, когда вы отвечаете на вопрос преподавателя. 2. Я бы хотел добавить несколько слов на эту тему-3. Хочу попросить вас оказать мне одну услугу. 4. Ты хотела бы пойти куда-нибудь сегодня вечером? - С удовольствием. - Хочешь, пойдем в кино? 5. Вам следовало бы уже научиться пользоваться компьютером. 6. Нельзя забывать это правило. 7. Повторите, пожалуйста, что вы сказали. 8. Хотите чашечку кофе? - С удовольствием.

VL Подставьте «You should» или «You shouldn't» вместо точек:

1.... drive carefully on a busy road, 2.... eat between meals if you want to lose weight. 3.... pay your bills regularly. 4.... clean your teeth at least twice a day. 5.... be selfish, 6.... smoke too heavily. 7.... eat a lot of sugar. 8.... go to the dentist regularly. 9.... be more careful. 10.... lie in bed late every day.

VM. Какой совет вы можете дать в следующих ситуациях?

1. It's raining. - (take an umbrella)

2. It's too far to walk. - (take a taxi)

3. Someone doesn't know which way to go. - (ask a policeman)

4. Someone is going to live overseas. - (learn the language before you go)

5. Someone has to get up early in the morning. - (set your alarmclock)

6. Someone hasn't got any money with them. - (pay by cheque)

7. It's going to be a cold day. - (wear an overcoat)

8. Someone is tired out. - (take a rest)

9. Someone has seen somebody breaking into a shopwindow. - (call the

10. Someone is feeling hot and has a headache. - (see a doctor)

VIII. Используйте «have to/don't have to» или «should» вместо точек:

When you go to America...

a. you... get a visa

b. you... apply fora visa at least one month before you go

c. you... book a hotel room before you go, because there are usually a lot
of vacancies

d. you... get a work permit if you want to work there

e. you... visit San Francisco, because many people think it is the most
beautiful city in America.

f- you... change your money before you go, because there are a lot of

24-hour banks.

9- you... hire a car, because it's the easiest way to travel, h- you... have special injections before you go.

f- Сравните две конструкции и переведите предложения, в *°торых они использованы.

used to + V (for past habits)

There used to be a house here. - Раньше здесь был дом.

I used to live here. - Я когда-то жил здесь.

My father used to say... -Отец, бывало, говорил...

be / get used to + N/Ving I'm used to this kind of work. - Я привыкла (привычна) к такого рода работе.

Переведите предложения,

I) We used to go out a lot. 2) He didn't use to like it. 3} Where did you use
to go? 4) Did you use to have holidays abroad? 5) You must be used to reading
bed-time stories if you've got children. 6) I'm getting used to the climate but I
couldn't get used to eating with chopsticks. 7) We used to go to the same place
for our holiday every year. 8) Before he went bankrupt, they used to live in a
large house. 9) Did he use to gamble a lot? - Yes. He used to have a lot of
money. 10) He's a buifder, so he's used to physical work and he's used to working
in bad weather.

II) I used to stay here in the old days. The facilities they offer now are
good enough, but not nearly as good as they used to be. 12) My grandfather
was such a kind man. He used to know if something was wrong, and he would
always make it better. 13) I'm not used to such climate. - Don't worry. You'll soon
get used to living in a hot climate. 14) At one time, the commercial banks used to
issue their own bank notes. 15) There used to be a lot of these banks scattered
across the country. There is still a few of them, but not nearly as many as there
used to be. 16)The Bank of England is used by other banks as a guide to the
interest they charge.


§8. Условные предложения

Существует три типа предложений, содержащих условие. Когда мы говорим о том, что:

I. вполне может произойти в будущем (1st Conditional)


tfH и V(s), wilt + V

(2nd Conditional)

if + V2, would + V

III. могло бы произойти в прошлом, но не произошло (3rd Conditional)

if + had V3, would have + V3


If my mother gives me some money, VII get the tickets tomorrow.

(ft can happen, may be she will give me the money.)

If my father gave me some money, I 'd get the tickets.

(I don't think it will happen, I won't get the money.)

tf my father had given me the money, I'd nave got the tickets yesterday.

(He didn't give me any money, so I couldn't get the tickets.)

Примечание 1. Если придаточное предложение стоит перед главным, то они всегда отделяются запятой.

If I were you, I'd tell him.

I'd tell him if I were you.


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