Ярмарка професій. Часові форми теперішнього часу 

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Ярмарка професій. Часові форми теперішнього часу


· to be persistent, hardworking, independent – бути наполегливим, працьовитим, незалежним

· to be skilful – бути умілим

· a profession, an occupation – професія

· personal qualities – професійні якості

· to have faith in, to believe in – вірити в

· to have talent, skills and knowledge – мати талант, навички та знання

· to wait for – чекати на

· confident – впевнений

· self-confident – самовпевнений

· patient – терплячий

· a worker, an employee – працівник

· to be absorbed in a work – бути поглинутим в


Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

Worker dead at the desk for five days

From the New York Times: Bosses of one firm think why nobody noticed that one of their employees had been sitting dead at his desk for 5 days before and anyone asked if he was feeling okay. George Turklebaum, 51, whoworked on this firm, had a heart attack in the open-plan office he shared with 23 other workers.

He came on Monday, but nobody noticed until Saturday morning when an office cleaner asked why he was working during the weekend.

His boss, Elliot Wachi, said: “George was always the first guy in each morning and last to leave at night, so no one found it unusual that he was in the same position all that time and didn’t say anything. He was always absorbed in his work and kept much to himself.

A post examination showed that he had been dead for five days. George was doing his job when he died. The moral of the story: Don’t work too hard. Nobody notices anyway!


Exercise 2: Say whether these statement are TRUE or FALSE:

· The man died in his office bathroom.

· He had been five days dead when he was found.

· He was found by his co-workers.

· He passed away on Friday.

· George was a hard-working guy.

· Nobody found it unusual that he was in the same position all the time.

· A post examination revealed that he had been killed.

· The moral of the story is that you still must work hard.


Exercise 3: Express your ideas:

- The worker should work till the night.

- A person should be self-confident, only this quality can give a success.

- To have a success in a job, this job should be interesting for the person.

- The most important personal quality is to be hard-working.

- The most important personal quality is to be patient \ self-confident.

- To get a success person should have …

- Only favourite job can give you both: money and satisfaction.



Exercise 4: Put negative and interrogative statements to the sentences. Give the answer to the questions:

Model: John likes to clean the room. – John doesn’t like to clean the room. – Does John like to clean the room? – Yes, he does (No, he doesn’t). He likes to clean the room.

1.I can write a poem in a minute. 2. You have a success in every task you do. 3. People work in this firm. 4. Ann likes to be the leader. 5. You are a good doctor. 6. All children want to have a lot of sweets. 7. She is my best friend. 8. I have a small family. 9. My favourite hobby is dancing. 10. He knows all news. She works as a waiter in this café.



Заняття 45

Гендерні особливості вибору професії. Часові форми теперішнього часу


· a salary – заробітна плата

· a pension – пенсія

· an interesting job, a boring job цікава робота, (нудна);

· a good job, a difficult job – хороша робота, (тяжка);

· a challenging job – робота за покликанням;

· a well-paid job, a highly paid job – високооплачувана робота;

· a low-paid job – низькооплачувана робота;

· a full-time job, a part-time job – повний робочий день, (частковий робочий день);

· a permanent job, a temporary job – постійна робота, (тимчасова робота);

· unemployed \ jobless – безробітній;

· to look for a job \ to apply for a job – шукати роботу;

· employer – роботодавець,наймач;

· employee – робітник,той хто працює;

· staff – колектив;

· to be on staff – бути у штаті працівників;

· sick leave – лікарняне, відпустка через хворобу

Exercise 1: Match each word in the left-hand column with the best meaning in the right-hand column:


  Pension   The process of raising somebody or of being raised to a higher position or more important job.
  Salary   For only a part of the day or week in which people work.  
  Contract   To make legal agreement with somebody for them to work for.
  Promotion   A job or profession especially one with opportunity for promotion.
  Career   Payment made by the state to unemployed people.  
  Part-time job   A regular payment for professional or office work.  
  Dole   A person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business.
  Colleague   A sum of money paid regularly by a government to people above certain age, widowed or disabled.


Exercise 2: Read and translate the text:


Grammatical Topic

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Теперішній тривалий час).

· Present Continuous – теперішній тривалий час. В англійській мові його використовують у випадку, коли хочуть показати, що дія відбувається в даний момент або почалася і ще не закінчилася.

· Утворення: to be + дієслово (без to) + ing закінчення:

to work – I am working in this garden

She is working in this garden

We are working in this garden

· Стверджувана форма:

I am playing We are playing
You are playing You are playing
He / she / it is playing They are playing


· Питальна форма:

Am I playing? Are we playing?
Are you playing? Are you playing?
Is he / she / it playing? Are they playing?

У коротких відповідях на ці запитання говоримо:

Am I playing? – Yes, I am. (No, I am not)

Is he sitting? – Yes, he is (No, he isn't)

· Заперечна форма:

I am not playing We are not playing
You are not playing You are not playing
He / she / it is not playing They are not playing


Present Continuous вживається, коли дія:

1) відбувається в момент мовлення; (ключове слово now – ЗАРАЗ)

- now, at the moment - зараз, у цей момент;

She is writing a letter now.

- з дієсловами руху go, come, start, leave (про рух людей);

I am leaving you.

2) триває певний період часу; (якщо дія почалась і ще не закінчилась, тобто коли вона охоплює певний період часу)

She is studying at the institute. Are you still working with this task?

3) коли є фраза: be going to - збиратися щось зробити; (коли маємо плани на найближче майбутнє) We are going to India next month.

4) з always, constantly - постійно (в негативному значенні).

You are always crying when you see a soap opera

5) з while (коли, в той час як)

(якщо дія, яка є в процесі, протікає одночасно з дією, яка виражена в Present Simple. Тоді Present Continuous ставиться в додатковому речення після слів when; in case; as long as; while: Try not to chew while yiu are eating.


Правопис дієслів:

· Кінцева -е основи дієслова випадає перед -ing: take — taking, drive — driving.
Проте дві -е залишаються перед закінченням -ing: see — seeing, agree — agreeing.

· Якщо основа дієслова закінчується на -іе, ці голоснізамінюються на -y:
die — dying, lie — lying.
Закінчення -у не змінюється: hurry — hurrying.

· Кінцева приголосна подвоюється на пи­сьмі, коли їй передує короткий наголошений го­­­лосний: win — winning, put — putting.


Exersice 1: Fill the appropriate form:

1.Jane ………………..(not/work)now.

2.It ……………….. (snow) and ……………….. (freeze).

3.We ……………….. (not/watch) TV.

4.Somebody ……………….. (sing).

5.Where ……………….. you ……………….. (go)?

6.The wind ……………….. (not/blow) now.

7.I ……………….. (not/listen) radio!

8.Ann ……………….. (have) a shower.

9.Be quiet, I……………….. (work).

10.What ……………….. the children ……………….. (do) today?

11.Why ……………….. you ……………….. (look at) me?

12.We ……………….. (not/have) dinner, we ……………….. (play) computer games.

13.Jim ……………….. (wait) for a bus at the moment.

14.Good bye, I ……………….. (leave)!

15.The sun ……………….. (shine).

16.Paul ……………….. (sit) in his room.


Exersice 2: Make negative and interrogative form:

1) A woman is speaking to the doctor now.
2) My brother is waiting for an important phone call.
3) The birds are flying high up in the sky.
4) You are speaking too loudly.
5) The students are discussing something in the library.
6) Peter is surfing the Net in his room.
7) Julia and her sister are choosing dresses for the party.
8) I'm looking for my report.
9) It is getting colder.


Exersice 3: Translate:

1)Ви слухаєте новини? — Так.
2) Де Марк? — Він розмовляє з кимось по телефону.
3) Діана зараз у своїй кімнаті? — Так, вона виконує домашнє завдання.
4) Подивись! Маленький Том намагається дістати цукерку!
5) Ваш друг чекае на вас? — Так, ми зараз їдемо на виставку сучас-ного мистецтва.
7) Дівчата зараз прикрашають кімнату? — Hi, вони не прикрашають кімнату. Вони щось готують на кухні.
8) Діти ще дивляться мультфільми? — Hi, вони грають в футбол біля будинку.

9)Дощ ще йде? — Так, і холоднішає.




Заняття 46


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