Exercise 6: Read and answer the questionnaire. Give your reasons. 

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Exercise 6: Read and answer the questionnaire. Give your reasons.

Discuss in pairs or groups your attitudes and tastes.

1. When you buy food, which is more important?

a) appearance b) price c) quality

2. If you buy apples, which kind do you choose?

a) red b) green c) the cheapest

3. When you have a meal, what do you enjoy it most for?

a) the food b) the company c) the relaxation d) the television

4. If you were on a desert island what food would you miss most?

a) chocolate b) steak c) bread

5. If a waiter suggests water, which do you ask for?

a) sparkling b) still c) tap

6. When you look at the menu in a restaurant, what do you usually choose?

a) a dish you know b) a dish you don’t know

7. If you ‘re having dinner in a restaurant, will you always have a dessert?

a) yes b) no

8. If someone offered the following unusual food, which would you try?

a) cheese ice-cream b) strawberry crisps c)neither

9. If someone suggested a quick meal, what would you choose?

a) fast food b) sandwich c) a picnic d) something more substantial

10. What would you be happiest to leave out of your present diet?

a) meat b) vegetables and fruit c) desserts d) wine

11. If you could put flavour on stamps, what would you choose?

a) chilli b) cheese c) banana d) another e) none

12. If someone said “Never eat anything you can’t pronounce” what would you say?

a) I cannot agree more b) Nonsense!

Add up your scores using the following table. Then look at the profiles below.

1 a)2; b)1; c)3; 7 a)1; b)2;

2 a)2; b)2; c)1; 8 a)3; b)2; c)1;

3 a)3; b)2; c)1; d)0; 9 a)0; b)1; c)2; d)3;

4 a)1; b)2; c)3; 10 a)2; b)3; c)1; d)3;

5 a)2; b)2; c)1; 11 a)1; b)1; c)1; d)0; e)0;

6 a)0; b)2; 12 a)0; b)3;


25 – 30 points

You are a true gourmet. You are adventurous in your eating habits and not afraid to try something new. You appreciate good food and if you opened your own restaurant you would probably be successful.


15 – 25 points

You are quite conservative in your eating habits, but you know what you like and you enjoy your food. If you tried eating a few different things you might be pleasantly surprised.



0 – 15 points

You don’t much mind what you eat as long as there is plenty of it. However, you feel safest with foods you know. Why not try something different for a change? If you try something new, you may find that you like it.


Grammatical Topic

THE PRONOUN (Займенник)

· До заперечних займенників належать: no, nobody, no one, nothing, none. Nobody was there – Там нікого не було. Заперечний займенник і так несе у собі заперечення, тому часточки not вже не потрібно. Заперечний займенник no вживається перед іменником: She has no table.

· Складні заперечні займенники nobody, no one ніхто, нічого та nothing ніщо, нічого, none жоден: No one answered – Ніхто не відповів. Nothing special – нічого особливого. He said my nothing – Він нічого мені не сказав. None of these rooms were ready – Жодна з цих кімнат не буда готова (ні одна з цих кімнат).

· Займенники all всі, весь, вся, все, both обидва, each, every, everybody кожний, everything все, other, another інший є означальними займенниками. All the students were present – Всі студенти були присутні. We worked all day – Ми працювали весь день. All are present – Всі присутні. All was done – все було зроблено. Each has his own room – Кожен має свою власну кімнату. Everybody should know it – Кожен повинен це знати.

· Займенник other має значення інший: The other books are more interesting – Інші книги цікавіші. Займенник another має не лише значення інший, другий але і друге значення: ще один: This pen doesn’t write. Give me another. – Ця ручка не пише. Дай мені іншу (у значенні ще одну).

· До кількісних займенників належать many, much багато, few, little мало, a few, a little кілька, трохи. Всі вони мають ступені порівняння:

many – more – most

much – more – most

few – fewer – fewest

little – less – least

· Займенники many, few вживаються перед злічувальними іменниками в множині: There are many students in the room – В кімнаті є багато студентів. She has few books – Вона має мало книжок.

· Займенники much, little вживаються перед незлічувальними іменниками: There is much snow on the ground – На землі багато снігу. I have very little time – У мене дуже мало часу.

· Наявність артикля перед займенниками few та little змінює їх значення:

We have little sugar – Ми маємо мало цукру.

We have a little sugar – Ми маємо трохи цукру.

They have few chairs – У них є мало крісел

They have a few chairs – У них є кілька крісел


Exercise 1: Translate the sentences:

1. Nobody writes this rule.

2. She has no sense of humor.

3. He said me nothing.

4. There is no sun in the sky.

5. All know this sentence. All was done well.

6. Everything is clear.

7. Pollution is another problem.

8. The other guests were satisfied.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with few, little, a few, a little:

1. I couldn’t buy this coat because I had … money left.

2. Let us buy some ice-cream, I have … money left.

3. … pupils speak English as well as she does.

4. There were very … people in the streets.

5. We can’t play because we have too … time.

6. Give me … apples.

7. They spent … days in the country and then returned to Kyiv.

8. Ask Ann to help you to translate the text, she knows French …

9. Mary works hard at her English. She makes … mistakes in her speech.

10. Can you lend me … money?


Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with much, many:

1. Jane hasn't got … time.

2. Do you know … words in English?

3. He didn't eat … meat.

4. There isn't … butter in the fridge.

5. How … eggs did the hens lay?

6. Samantha has as… money as Bruce.

7. How … lessons do you have on Mondays?

8. There was too … noise in the streets.

9. I cannot see … stars in the sky tonight.

10. Do you have … friends abroad?

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with few, little:

1. Ann is very busy these days. She has … free time.

2. You take … photographs when you were on holidays.

3. I'm not very busy today. But I have got … spare time to do smth..

4. The museum was not very crowded. There were … people.

5. Most of the town is modern. There are … old buildings.

6. The weather has been very dry recently. We've had …rain.

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with much, many:

1. Have you got … books?

2. I don't have … time to do sport.

3. How … people came to the meeting?

4. Are there … students in the class?

5. I didn't see … of the film because I fell asleep.

6. How … coffee did you buy?

7. How … cups of coffee did you buy?

8. Not … students passed the exam.

9. They didn't give me… information.




Особливості кухні мови, яка вивчається (Британія). Числівник


· to prefer – надавати перевагу

· to like \ to dislike – подобатись, любити \ не подобатись

· the first course, the second course – перша страва, друга страва

· the main course – головна страва

· to have breakfast, dinner, supper – поснідати, пообідати, повечеряти

· at breakfast \ at dinner \ at supper – за сніданком, обідом, вечерею

· to have something for breakfast, dinner, supper– з’їсти щось на сніданок, обід. вечерю

· delicious – смачно

· tasty, tasteless – смачний, несмачний

Exercise 1: Read and translate the text:

English Cuisine

English people have a special cuisine. Traditional English dishes include fish and chips, roast beef, steak, pudding and some others. It’s natural that all types of food can be found in English restaurants nowadays. For example, fans of Japanese food will easily find sushi in English cities, fans of Italian food, will easily find all sorts of pasta and pizza in England.

However, many people want to try traditional British cuisine when visiting England. For breakfast English people prefer either oatmeal or cereal with milk, fried eggs with bacon, a glass of orange juice or a cup of fresh coffee. During lunch many people are away at work, or at school, so they carry their lunch with them. It usually consists of a couple of delicious sandwiches with ham, cheese and fresh vegetables, and a small pack of juice. Many Englishmen drink 5 o’clock tea with cookies. For dinner families usually gather around the dining-table to chat and to share some tasty dishes. Among them steaks or fish, steamed vegetables, rice, fresh salad, and a glass of wine or beer, depending on tastes. Children drink either water, or tea. English families often go out for an evening meal, especially on Friday nights.

Traditional English cuisine contains many interesting recipes, but probably the most famous of all is “Fish & Chips”. This dish consists of fried chops from fish and French fries. On special occasions English people often serve roast turkey and traditional pudding.


Exercise 2: Answer the questions:

1. What do traditional English dishes include?

2. Can we find all types of food of different countries in English restaurants? How do you think, is it good or bad?

3. What do the Englishmen eat for breakfast?

4. What do the Englishmen eat for lunch?

5. What do the Englishmen drink?

6. What do the Englishmen eat for supper? Does the whole family gather together to have supper?

7. What do the Englishmen eat on special occasions? What kind of occasion can it be?

8. Do you like English food? What is the main delicious English dish for you?



Exercise 3: Read and discuss the attitude of different people about British food:

John: (25 years old)

Some people criticize English food. They say it's unimaginable, boring and tasteless, they have chips, which are filled with everything and totally overcooked vegetables. The basic ingredients are so full of flavour without natural taste. What can compare with fresh pees or new potatoes just boiled and served with butter? I don’t like such food, and I prefer healthy food.



Peter: (30 years old)

If you ask foreigners to name some typically English dishes, they will probably say "Fish and chips" then stop. It is disappointing, but true that, there is no tradition in England of eating in restaurants, because the food doesn't lend itself to such preparation. English cooking is found at home. So it is difficult to find a good English restaurant with a reasonable prices.In most cities in Britain you'll find Indian, Chinese, French and Italian restaurants. In London you'll also find Indonesian, Mexican, Greek... This is because English have no "cuisine" themselves, but this is not quite the true.


Jim: (16 years old)

I like British cuisine very much. I can not imagine my life without chips and meat with vegetables!!!What about steaks? It is unbelievable and very delicious!!! I can find also food of the other countries, for example, my favourite pizza. I like also tea and pancakes, which I can find in any English restaurant! The most popular is jelly, which is used from gelatin products and it is very tasty gelatin dessert.



1. What do you think about John’s, Peter’s and Jim’s attitude to the English cuisine?

2. Can age influence their opinion?

3. What is your attitude to the English cuisine?

4. What do foreigners say when they criticize English food?

5. Do English people use a lot of sauces?

6. From a foreigner's point of view, what typically English dishes?

7. Do all English eat in restaurants?

8. What kind of restaurants can you find in Britain?

9. Is it the true that English have no cuisine?



Exercise 4: Fill in:


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